The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 600 Put the wedding on the agenda

Chapter 600 Put the wedding on the agenda

In the past, interviews with the crew of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" would be completed in about two hours, but today's interview took a total of three and a half hours and did not end until 5 o'clock in the evening.

The reason why it took such a long time is that Xu Jie has high requirements for the content of the interview, and also temporarily added some new questions based on the answers of the main creators, adding more topics to the program.

This is the first movie that Su Yun starred in, so he didn't dare to be careless, and tried his best to reflect the selling points of the movie "The World" in the interview, so as to attract more people to go to the cinema to watch it.

No way, who made this crew too poor?There is no publicity fee, and "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is also the only publicity for the movie "Human World".

How dare Xu Jie be careless?

"Thank you for your cooperation, everyone has worked hard!" Qin Yan stood up and expressed her gratitude to the crew of "Human World".

"The host has worked hard, and the teachers have worked hard." The crew members also stood up one after another, expressing their gratitude to the program staff.

Xu Jie stepped forward at this time, looked at the crew and said, "The show will be broadcast tomorrow night, everyone remember to watch it, but I have to explain one thing in advance, no matter what content is broadcast, you should not be in a hurry."

"We know, Director Xu, it's all for publicity, it doesn't matter." Assistant Director Li Zhongpeng said.

For him, as long as the movie can sell well, let alone answering a few questions, even if he is asked to dance undressed in public, he is willing.

"Director Xu, you need to worry about it now." Ye Chu said in a trembling voice, looking a little nervous.

Of course, it’s not that Xu Jie was nervous, but after being on this show, he suddenly felt nervous about his own work. Xu Jie, Su Yun and others gathered here from all over the world to participate in this film. Propaganda, if the box office collapses and the reputation is not good, how can he have the nerve to face everyone?In the future, I am afraid that I will have to pay off the debt by building floor tiles.

"Don't worry." Xu Jie patted Ye Chu's shoulder, he could fully understand the other party's current mood.

The movie will be screened nationwide this Friday, which is the night after tomorrow. It is not up to the director or the show, but to the audience across the country.

The old saying is good: it is the mule or the horse that comes out for a walk.

The movie has been postponed for more than half a year, and finally it's time for verification.

In fact, not only Ye Chu was nervous, but even Su Yun became nervous.

This is the first movie she starred in, and it's still a niche literary movie. She doesn't know what will happen in the end.

The most important thing is that the final quality of this movie will directly affect the box office of her other movie "Mulan" which will be released on National Day.

If word of mouth is good, then more people will look forward to her next movie, if word of mouth is not good, then some people will definitely give up her next movie.

As for the box office, she didn't dare to think too much about it. After all, it was a literary movie, and the only place where the whole movie could be promoted was her, a singer who had just entered the film and television industry.

"What, are you starting to worry too?" Xu Jie came to Su Yun, he had already thought about the wedding.

Absolutely, and the sooner the better.

He thought about it seriously just now. Recently, Su Yun has been busy with the movie "Stranger Road", so the best time is to wait for the other party to finish filming this movie, which is the end of the year.

But this is not his business alone, and needs to be discussed with Su Yun and both parents.

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded.

When she sang on stage for the first time, she was not as nervous as she is now.

A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but she has too many worries now, anyway, she doesn't have the confidence she had back then.

"Be confident. Even if you don't believe in yourself, you still have to believe in me. When you were thinking about this script, I passed it for you. If it was a bad movie, would I let you act in it?" Xu Jie said to Su Yun said.

Of course, a good story and a good movie does not mean a good box office and a good reputation. The reason why he said this is largely to comfort the other party.

But he did his best to obey the destiny, he has done everything he can, helping to change the script, helping to find actors, and helping to promote the film, until now, he can only let nature take its course.

"Yes, sister!" Su Lei walked over at this time and said, "Look at the program made by brother-in-law, which one is not the number one, so you have to trust brother-in-law, just like I believe in brother-in-law. If you watch me, I won't worry about it." .”

After Su Yun heard it, she just said to her younger brother, and said bluntly: "You have acted in so many bad movies, of course you don't care about these."

"Who, who acted in a bad movie? The two movies I have released have scores above 5 on professional rating websites." Su Lei said unconvinced.

"Hmph, 5 points isn't bad? Your demands on yourself are as low as ever!" Su Yun said with a sneer.

"You, what do you know? I call it practice, honing your acting skills, understand? Which actor hasn't made a bad movie? I won't tell you." After Su Lei finished speaking, he walked over to Ding Mengni , "Meng Ni, let's meet again, do you have time later? I know a good restaurant, let's..."

Xu Jie frowned, this kid has come to pick up girls in his unit.

He ignored the other party, gently hugged Su Yun in his arms, and comforted him: "Actually, that boy Su Lei is right. People always need a process of growth, and acting skills naturally also need a process of tempering. Although You are the queen of music, but don't forget, you are also a newcomer in the film and television industry, so don't be burdened, and keep a calm mind, by the way, do you have time after filming "Stranger Road"?"

Xu Jie let go of Su Yun.

"The script for the next movie hasn't been finalized yet, so there should be time, what's the matter?" Su Yun asked.

"I wondered, did the two of us find time to organize the wedding?" Xu Jie said.


Su Yun was taken aback.

He was still talking about the movie a moment ago, why is he suddenly talking about the wedding now?Is this turning point too big?

"I think I will hold the wedding this year, and I will give you an explanation." Xu Jie said seriously.

When Su Yun came back to her senses, two red clouds could not help appearing on her face. What girl would not wish for such a thing as a wedding?

"You didn't rush to get married because I mentioned it when I was recording the program just now, did you? I didn't mean to force you." Su Yun said falsely.

Speaking of which, the certificate has been obtained, the marriage proposal has been proposed, and the wedding ring has been bought. It seems that there is only one wedding short between her and the man.

"Look at what you said, does it have anything to do with coercion? Both of us have already obtained the certificate, and it's normal to have a wedding. In fact, I have already had such an idea, but you are too busy, so I haven't mentioned it." Xu Jie said .

Su Yun thought about it, and it was indeed the case.

When other people force marriages, they are all forced to obtain a certificate, and both of them have already obtained their certificates. How can anyone force them to hold a wedding?Isn't it a matter of time?
"Really?" Su Yun asked.

In fact, her parents also mentioned this to her, but she prevaricated by saying that she was too busy with work.

"Of course it's true!" Xu Jie said solemnly.

A happy smile appeared on Su Yun's face. She grabbed Xu Jie's hand and said with a blushing face, "Then I will listen to you. What you say is up to you. I have time anytime."

"Okay, then it's settled. After you finish filming "Stranger Road", we will have a wedding." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"En!" Su Yun nodded.

After confirming the wedding, Xu Jie sent Su Yun out of the unit. The other party only asked for a day off, and she had to return to the film crew to continue filming tonight.

After Su Yun left, Xu Jie returned to the art program center, gathered colleagues from the program team of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", talked about the previous recording work, and then uploaded the material, and will come back tomorrow for post-production.

It's time to get off work.

Xu Jie packed his bag and left the office.

When he passed the public office area, he saw Qin Yan, Miao Zhenzhen and others were still here.

"Why don't you leave?" Xu Jie walked over and asked.

Director Wang has been performing very well recently. He has changed from asking people to get off work overtime to urging people to leave work. Why is Qin Yan not in a hurry anymore?
Who picked up the bag and left after work two days ago?

"Today is already Wednesday. No matter what, I have to finish writing the plan for "Folk Music Festival", right? I don't want to be criticized again next Monday!" Qin Yan replied after hearing this.

"Let's help Sister Yan!" Miao Zhenzhen said.

"Why don't I stay too? Anyway, I'm alone when I go home, so I'm fine," Xu Jie said.

"No need, you are a big director, how dare we bother you? Besides, it's not a big deal." Qin Yan said quickly.

"Director, you don't need to be involved in the programs of the Literature and Art Channel." Zhang Tong on the side said.

"That's right, you can't kill a chicken with a butcher's knife. You should think about the new variety show, and we will leave such trivial matters to us." Zhao Gang said.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

It's not like he has nothing to do when he goes home. It's already July, and according to the timeline, it's already the second half of the year, and the new variety show "Ordinary Courage" has not been finished so far, so we really need to hurry up.

Of course, the post-production time was longer than expected, not because he was procrastinating, but as the first time he was in charge of a large-scale variety show as the chief director, he was extra cautious about every link, so the time became longer.

"let's go!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Everyone said goodbye to Xu Jie one after another, as if wishing that the other party would leave quickly, and they were almost in a hurry.

Xu Jie looked at these people and always felt weird, but he couldn't find anything wrong, so he turned and walked out of the art program center.

Qin Yan and the others stared in the direction of the door, and when Xu Jie disappeared, several people immediately got together.

"Let's go?" Qin Yan asked.

"It seems to be gone!" Miao Zhenzhen said.

"I'll go and have a look!" Zhao Gang said he was courageous, got up and walked out. After a while, he walked back quickly, "Let's go, really go!"

"Go out, drive away!" Zhang Tong who was standing by the window said in a low voice.

"Then let's start too, and give him a surprise tomorrow." Qin Yan said.

"it is good!"


(End of this chapter)

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