Chapter 601 Popular

The sunrise wakes up the morning, and the night quietly leaves.

Human beings are like countless seeds, starting to embark on the path of pursuing the meaning of life.

Xu Jie left home early in the morning, ate something in the unit cafeteria, and then came to the cultural program center.

There is a lot of work today, because the recording of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" yesterday delayed a whole day, so today I have to go to the film and television base to shoot "Delicious History" and also guide the post-production of "In-depth Film and Television Talk".

"Everyone is here?" Xu Jie took out a USB flash drive from his bag, handed it to Qin Yan while looking at the others, and said, "I'm going to go out to shoot a show later, so the post-production task of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" is I leave it to you. This is the interview material I sorted out last night. You can edit it according to the content. Of course, if you think there is better content, you can also add it. What I give you is the latest Basic program framework."

"Got it." Qin Yan took the flash drive.

"Director Xu, don't worry, we promise to do a good job in this issue." Miao Zhenzhen said.

"Yes, to your satisfaction."

Xu Jie nodded, then greeted Song Huanhuan, Liu Jinbao and others who were waiting, and left the unit in a hurry.

Qin Yan inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, clicked on the video material inside, and the people around immediately gathered around, staring at the screen one by one.

The materials were played quickly one after another, and more than 20 short videos were quickly watched.

"Sister Yan, you guessed it, and there really isn't that part." Miao Zhenzhen looked at Qin Yan and said.

"He must have cut that part of the interview as a tidbit, but I'm serious." Qin Yan said with a smile.

"Director Xu won't be angry?" Lu Cheng asked worriedly.

"Why are you angry? Didn't he say it just now? As long as it's something we think is good, we can add it to it. Also, don't forget, it was he who asked us to ask the interviewees to attract the audience. .” Qin Yan showed an innocent look.

"Hee hee, is Director Xu shooting himself in the foot?" Zhang Tong asked.

"This is the consequence of him always being the shopkeeper!"



Xu Jie rushed back to work before leaving get off work.

"Quick, show me the finished film." Xu Jie hurriedly walked in front of Qin Yan.

The reason why he was in such a hurry and left Liu Jinbao and the others behind, and didn't even wait for anyone when he took the elevator, was that he wanted to quickly see how the work assigned to Qin Yan and the others this morning was going. It's going to air tonight.

He didn't dare to be careless about Su Yun's popularity and the movie's box office.

"Here!" Qin Yan returned the USB drive from the morning to Xu Jie.

After taking it, Xu Jie went back to the office, turned on the computer and inserted the USB flash drive into it. Compared with the one that was handed over to Qin Yan in the morning, there was an extra video in it called "Deep Talk on Film and Television", so he double-clicked to open it.

The familiar opening music played, and then Qin Yan appeared in the video.

"Hello, friends who like movies..."

The show officially begins.

Xu Jie fast-forwarded while watching, the format of the program was the same as usual, without any changes.

In fact, this program itself is very popular among fans of film and television dramas, and its ratings are also very stable. There is no need to change it for the first episode.

Too much change can backfire.

Xu Jie watched it for a while, and soon found that Qin Yan and others did not use the video materials he made, but there was no big difference in the choice of content, and they were generally carried out according to his ideas and ideas. .

How can I say that this show was also created by him, and the format of the show was gradually formed by him after several episodes of exploration, so it is normal for Qin Yan and others to have the same ideas as him.

But looking at it, Xu Jie suddenly felt something was wrong.

"I don't know when the wedding will be held..."

"I have to listen to your Director Xu on this matter..."

Immediately afterwards, his shot appeared in the video screen.

Xu Jie was stunned.

Isn't this time for Qin Yan's personal gossip? How could it be edited into the feature film?
While continuing to watch, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Qin Yan's number. After connecting, he asked suspiciously, "Are you sure the video on the USB is the main part of the show?"

"Sure, what's wrong?" Qin Yan's voice came from the microphone.

"Are you sure?" Xu Jie asked again.

"What is there to be sure about, am I the kind of careless person?" Qin Yan asked back.

Xu Jie looked at his watch and saw that there were only ten minutes left before he got off work, so he said into the microphone: "You wait for me." After speaking, he hung up the phone, unplugged the USB drive and left the office.

Common office area.

Xu Jie found Qin Yan and handed the USB flash drive to her, "Look for yourself, starting from 7 minutes and 56 seconds."

Qin Yan inserted the USB flash drive, found the time Xu Jie said in the video, and played it.

"I don't know when the wedding will be held..."

"I have to listen to your Director Xu on this matter..."

Next is Xu Jie's shot.

The video was still going on, Qin Yan watched quietly, without any expression on his face, let alone any strangeness, until the end of this period, there was still no reaction.

Xu Jie pressed the pause button at this moment.

"What happened to that part just now?" Xu Jie asked.

"What's going on? Isn't this the interview clip from yesterday?" Qin Yan turned her head and looked at Xu Jie puzzled.

"I asked why I appeared in the feature film." Xu Jie said.

"No one told me that you can't appear in the feature film." Qin Yan replied after hearing it.

"I'm the director!" Xu Jie said.

"I know, but you are still a family member of the interviewee, so I think the effect will be better." Qin Yan said with a smile.

"Director, I also think this is very good." Miao Zhenzhen came over and said, "To be honest, apart from Sister Yun, the movie "The World" doesn't even have a star who can be named. Adding it in, if there are no stars, no famous directors, who will pay attention to this movie?"

"That's right, this episode is supported by Sister Yun alone, and the topic on Sister Yun, except "Crossover Actor" is you. If you don't show your face, the championship of "Crossover Actor" is an old topic last year , tell yourself, after this episode is broadcast, what will leave an impression on the audience?" Zhang Tong said.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and felt that what these people said was not unreasonable.

In the past, there were at least three or four stars when interviewing the crew, like a man, a man, two women, and a woman and two.

However, the movie "Human World" tells a story between sisters. There is no male protagonist, and the topic is directly reduced by half. Among the two actresses, the second female is a newcomer, the topic is further reduced. The remaining female number one is Su Yun.

If some topics cannot be created on Su Yun, then after the broadcast of this episode of the program, I am afraid that it will only sink into the sea, and there will be no big splashes.

"Everyone thinks that adding this paragraph will have a better effect, so you agree. Besides, the show will be handed in soon, and it's too late to redo it now." Qin Yan said, with a sly look in her eyes.

Xu Jie nodded, for the effect of the program, for the box office of the movie, he can only sell himself.

Seeing that Xu Jie agreed, the others were relieved and also smiled on their faces.

I thought: the overtime work last night was not in vain.


"Deep Talk on Film and Television" was broadcast on time.

Although the show has been broadcast for less than a year, with the entertainment spirit of gossip stars and in-depth analysis of film and television dramas, it has gained a large number of loyal audiences, and has even become a must-see talk show for film and television drama lovers.

Many viewers switched the TV channel to Beijing Satellite TV to see which stars would be blushing when asked by the host tonight, and by the way, to see what wonderful film and television dramas are worth watching recently.

"Tonight we are inviting the crew of the movie "The World", and its heroine is Su Yun who won the championship of the first season of "Crossover Actors"..."

The beautiful host made a simple opening remark, directly pointing out the movie to be promoted today and the main interviewees.

"Su Yun?"

As soon as they heard this name, many people were full of interest in today's program.

As the overall champion of the first season of "Crossover Actor", everyone has been looking forward to Su Yun's work for too long. However, most people only know that the movie "Mulan" starring Su Yun will be released during the National Day, but they don't know that it will be released soon. There are other movies that will be released in July, which is undoubtedly good news for Su Yun fans and audiences who are looking forward to Su Yun's performance.

Everyone watched carefully, but was quickly attracted by another information revealed in the program.

Xu Jie and Su Yun are going to have a wedding?

Counting it, it has been almost two years since the two of them received their certificates, and they have never heard of a wedding between them.

What kind of wedding will the two have?

The two of them, one is a well-known program director of Beijing Satellite TV, and the other is a singer queen in the entertainment industry. I think the wedding of these two people is definitely not ordinary, it must be very grand.

"The movie "The World" will be released simultaneously nationwide this Friday, that is, tomorrow night. Audiences who like literary and artistic movies must not miss it. This episode of the show is over here. Thanks to the crew of "The World" for coming. Let us next Thursday See you at the same time..."

The show is over.

At the same time, the topic of Xu Jie and Su Yun's upcoming wedding quickly became popular, and netizens commented on it one after another.


"When will it be held? Where will it be?"

"Looking forward to what the goddess will look like in her wedding dress."

"I don't know who the goddess Su Yun will invite to be a bridesmaid?"

"I want to be a best man, but I just want to be a best man, not to chase stars. Of course, if they insist that I have a good interaction with celebrity bridesmaids, I will not refuse, haha!"

"Old Xu is my favorite show director, and Su Yun is my favorite singer. I must go to the cinema tomorrow to support her, and I will treat it as a freelancer!"

"I am coming too!"


(End of this chapter)

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