The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 603 What the hell?

Chapter 603 What the hell?

After Xu Jie had breakfast in the cafeteria, he returned to the art program center, and was surrounded by people as soon as he entered.

"Director Xu, why didn't you tell me when the wedding will be held?"

"Yeah, I only found out when I was watching the news this morning. You're too out of touch, aren't you?"

"Director Xu..."

Song Huanhuan, Xiao Wei, Liu Hua and others, like Gatlin, took turns to output Xu Jie.

"Stop, listen to me!" Xu Jie couldn't help shouting loudly, and after his colleagues quieted down, he explained: "What's wrong with holding a wedding? Who gets married and doesn't hold a wedding? But the date hasn't been set yet, what are you in a hurry for?" ? Besides, if I deliberately concealed it, why would I say it on the show? Right?"

He might not notify all the colleagues in the department, but how could he not notify all the colleagues in the program group?
When everyone heard it, it seemed that this was the case.

It turned out that everyone misunderstood Director Xu, and thought that Director Xu disliked them for being too low-level and did not intend to invite them to the wedding.

"Director Xu, when you hold a wedding, you must notify us." Song Huanhuan said.

"Don't worry, I'm going to ask you to help me with some work." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "But since you are in such a hurry, why don't you pay the money first, cash or QR code?"

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he stretched out two hands, one of which was holding a mobile phone.

"Ah? By the way, I haven't written my work plan for today, so I have to make it up quickly." Song Huanhuan turned around and ran away.

"I remembered, I didn't write it either!" Liu Hua also ran away.

The crowd dispersed.

Xu Jie smiled when he saw it, and then said, "Run? Where are you going? You can't run away from the temple if you run away. Of course, you don't need to pay for the money for the time being, but you need to do me a little favor."

"What's busy?" Xiao Wei asked.

"My wife's movie will be released tonight. You can watch it on weekends when you have nothing to do. In addition, you are all professional reporters, and you are also entertainment reporters, so after watching it, don't forget to write a review and post it on the Internet. Fans can use it as a reference." Xu Jie said in a low voice.

After hearing this, everyone was taken aback. Does Director Xu want everyone to be a sailor?
Is the member's money used as an employment fee?

An after-view review is worth a share of money, which sounds like a good deal.

Seeing everyone's weird eyes, Xu Jie quickly explained: "I just asked you to write down your most honest thoughts, mainly to prevent some audiences from being confused, understand?"

The crowd nodded.

As the old saying goes: To explain is to cover.

Director Xu's words couldn't be more clear.

"Director Xu, this is our old business, so don't worry."

"How about one article? I want to write three or four articles."

"I watched "In-depth Film and Television Talk" last night. I knew it was a good movie just by reading the introduction. I will definitely help Sister Yun to promote it."

Everyone scrambled to say.

Isn't this kind of film review a piece of cake for professional entertainment journalists like them?
"Don't get me wrong, I really want you to seriously write your impressions!" Xu Jie emphasized.

"We understand!" Everyone said with a smile.

Xu Jie nodded, just understand.

Nowadays, after the movie is released, many people will not go to see the movie immediately, but wait for the reviews on the Internet. If the score is high and there are many positive reviews, they will go to see it. If the score is low and there are many negative reviews, they will not go to see it. .

Xu Jie did this to let more people enter the movie theater and let more people see Su Yun's movie, which is equivalent to advertising.

Who met such a poor crew?
Look at "Mulan", although the National Day is still more than two months away, the publicity has already been overwhelming.

And he can only rely on his own way to promote the movie "Human World".

come back to the office.

Xu Jie himself was not idle, and directly wrote a thousand-character review to analyze the plot of the movie in depth. He believes that as long as he reads his review, he will have a deeper understanding when he goes to the movies. .

"Jingle Bell!"

Near noon, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

Xu Jie looked at the number of the caller, and it was from the office of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu. It seemed that the matter discussed in the morning had already begun.

"Hello, Editor-in-Chief Lu, I'm Xu Jie, what instructions do you have?" Xu Jie picked up the phone and put it to his ear, with the corners of his mouth upturned and a smile on his face.

Although deputy editor-in-chief Lu said that he would seek the opinions of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou would never refute the opinions put forward by deputy editor-in-chief Lu.

Although Deputy Chief Editor Zhou is in charge of many departments, all of these departments serve Beijing Satellite TV. Therefore, Deputy Chief Editor Zhou will not give face to Deputy Chief Editor Lu when it comes to programs.

As for Director Jiang, don't worry, the other party wants him to go quickly.

"Xiao Xu, I've already talked to you, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and Lao Jiang, and you can take someone to Jingshi Culture Company next Monday." Lu Hong said.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu, for your understanding and support." Xu Jie said after hearing that, everything was under his control.

"Then about the new variety show..."

"Before October, it must be completed!" Xu Jie vowed.

Since the other party satisfied his request, he must keep his promise, otherwise the program would be meaningless, and it would be impossible for him to go to JingTV Culture in the future.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news, that's all." Lu Hong hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Xu Jie put down the phone very satisfied, and it was exactly as he thought, for the new variety show, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu would agree to anything.

This is also impossible. Who made the other party yell at the beginning of the year to regain the title of "The Most Influential Provincial Satellite TV of the Year"?
Now not only the people in the station are watching, but also people from other provincial satellite TV stations are watching.

If it can be done, those words are ambitions, if it can't be done, then it is bragging, not only will it leave a bad impression on the stage, but even be ridiculed by the brother stage.

As the old saying goes: There is no turning back when you shoot a bow.

Deputy editor-in-chief Lu is now more anxious than anyone else.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, Xu Jie's cell phone rang, and it was Director Jiang's number.

"Mr. Jiang, did you listen to what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu said? Please take care of me in the days ahead." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Xiao Xu, what the hell are you doing?" Jiang Hai asked suspiciously.

"Director, look at what you said, how can I have evil intentions? Isn't it to gather resources and finish the new variety show quickly?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Don't be sloppy with me. I just called Lao Yu. Although your new variety show is co-produced by the TV station and JingTV Culture, JingTV Culture is only responsible for the preliminary planning. The subsequent shooting and production have always been yours. The TV station conducted it independently, and now that the program has reached the post-production stage, there is no reason to come to JingTV Culture." Jiang Hai said.

When he received the call from Lao Lu, he was also very surprised. If he wanted to cooperate with a new program, that would be fine. But the problem is that Xu Jie's new variety show has already been produced halfway, why did he suddenly go to him to produce it? What?
"Isn't this just to get used to working at Jingshi Culture? In preparation for working there in the future, President Jiang won't welcome you, right?" Xu Jie asked.

"What? Come to me? Old Lu agreed?" Jiang Hai asked in surprise.

Of course he hoped that Xu Jie would come to work with him, otherwise he would not have invited Xu Jie to dinner at home to discuss working together at JingTV Culture.

But isn't this matter messed up by Lao Lu?

"I haven't agreed yet, but I believe he will agree in the future." Xu Jie said confidently.


A series of question marks popped up in Jiang Hai's heart, but since Xu Jie seemed reluctant to speak, he didn't continue to ask, anyway, it was a great thing for him that the other party's visit to Jingshi Culture was a good thing for him.

call ended.

Xu Jie immediately called the members of the "Ordinary" program group into the conference room.

"I'm announcing one thing. From next Monday, all members of our program team will go to JingTV Culture to produce new variety shows." Xu Jie said.

Everyone present was stunned.

Go to Jingshi Culture?
Can't the TV station do it?
"Director Xu, why?" Cui Ying from the satellite TV program center asked puzzled.

The post-production people are all from the TV station, and the equipment needed is no worse than that of JingTV Culture. In her opinion, there is no reason to go to JingTV Culture.

"Good question, I think other people have the same idea?" Xu Jie scanned the meeting room for a week.

The crowd nodded.

After seeing it, Xu Jie said, "Do you have a feeling that since returning to the TV station, our work efficiency has plummeted?"

Everyone was stunned, thinking about the filming of the program in the hotel and the post-production on the TV station, it seemed that it was really the same thing.

During the pre-shooting, the daily work plan can be completed, but since returning to the TV station, the post-production plan has been dragging.

"Have you ever thought about why?" Xu Jie asked.

Convincing these people in front of you must not use the same reason as persuading deputy editor-in-chief Lu, because it will not work, and it will also damage his dignity in the program group.

"Why?" Qin Yan asked, asking for everyone.

"It's very simple, because the TV station has too much interference here, we can't calm down to do the program. Take the program copywriting a few days ago as an example. While writing the copywriting, are you also responsible for other tasks?" Xu Jie asked road.

Everyone nodded, that's really the case.

Colleagues, please do me a favor, can you not be busy?
Going out to a party at night, can you not go to the party?

Invisibly, a lot of copywriting time was wasted, and the train of thought was often interrupted.

"Everyone, we don't have much time left. The deputy editor-in-chief Lu is very anxious and ordered me to complete the production of the new variety show before October. Therefore, we have to go to an unfamiliar environment, and no one will It interferes with our environment, and Beijing TV Culture Company is my choice, when the show will be finished, when will we come back, is there any problem?" Xu Jie asked seriously.

"No!" Everyone replied.

"Okay then, let's see you at Jingshi Culture Company on Monday."



(End of this chapter)

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