Chapter 604 Fake News?
The temporary meeting ended and everyone left one after another.

Several members of the program team of the satellite TV program center walked and talked about the content of the meeting just now.

"Do you know where Jingshi Culture Company is?"

"I know, it's just a few streets away from our TV station, so it's easy to find."

"It's good to go there. You can concentrate on post-production. Otherwise, as Director Xu said, there will be too much interference, and you won't be able to calm down and work."

"That's right, I'm busy with new variety shows and old shows here, and I'm almost exhausted."

"Let's go, hurry back and hand over the work."


Jia Wei raised his head and looked at the few people who passed by just now, full of doubts in his heart.

Go to Jingshi Culture?
Director Xu?
what's the situation?
He saw a colleague returning to his work station from the conference room, so he leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Hu, I heard that you are going to Jingshi Culture?"

Hu Yang looked over in surprise and said, "Director Jia, you are well-informed. You knew about our meeting just after the meeting? Did you eavesdrop outside the door?"

Jia Wei quickly waved his hands and said, "No, how could I do such a thing? It was said by the people from the satellite TV program center, what is going on?"

Hu Yang had already heard about the other party when he saw the other party, and it was not a secret. He had to hand over the work later, so he said: "Next Monday, Director Xu will take us to Jingshi Culture Company to carry out the post-production work of the new variety show. .”

"Why?" Jia Wei asked curiously.

"Of course it is to gather everyone together to concentrate on making the show. It seems to be the intention of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, who is worried that we will not be able to complete it as scheduled." Hu Yang said.

"Really? How long are you going to go?" Jia Wei continued to ask.

"I don't know when I will finish the show and when I will come back, but judging from the current progress of the show, it can be as little as a month, as much as... Anyway, it must be completed before the National Day." Hu Yang said while sorting out the information.

"Oh!" Jia Wei rolled his eyes and finally returned to his station.

But not long after sitting at the desk, he stood up with a document and walked towards the director's office.


"Please come in!"

Jia Wei pushed the door and walked into the director's office, then closed the door gently, and looked out cautiously before closing it, as if afraid of being seen.

"What's the matter?" Wang Wanjun looked at Jia Wei strangely. Why is he still sneaking around in broad daylight?
Jia Wei walked quickly to the opposite of the director, and said with a smile: "Director, do you know? Deputy director Xu is going to work at Jingshi Culture next week."

"What?" Wang Wanjun was taken aback for a moment, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face.

In the art program center, Xu Jie was the only one who opposed him. If the other party left, wouldn't the art program center be his world?
However, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was unlikely. During the mid-year meeting a few days ago, deputy editor-in-chief Lu asked him to take care of Xu Jie. Even if Xu Jie wanted to go, deputy editor-in-chief Lu would not agree.

Fake news must be fake news!
"Who did you listen to?" Wang Wanjun looked at Jia Wei.

He is the director of the Arts and Programs Center. Deputy editor-in-chief Zhou should have informed him of such a major personnel change, but he has not received any notification from deputy editor-in-chief Zhou so far.

"Deputy Director Xu just finished the meeting, and it was said by the people at the meeting." Jia Wei knew that Director Wang must have misunderstood him, so he explained in detail what he had just heard and what he had inquired about. out.

Wang Wanjun's eyes became brighter and brighter. Although Deputy Xu was not transferred to Beijing TV Culture, but went to work there temporarily for a period of time for the new variety show, it was great news for him.

In about two months, if it is faster, the revision of the Art Channel can be completed, and it will not be all due to him by then?Most importantly, no one will fight against him.

"Okay, okay!" Wang Wanjun nodded again and again, not hiding the joy and excitement in his heart, feeling that the whole road of life has become smooth.


At this time, there was another knock on the door.

Wang Wanjun smiled and shouted after hearing this: "Come in."


The door opened, and Xu Jie walked in from the outside.

Wang Wanjun wanted to stop smiling, but it was too late.

"Director Wang, why are you so happy? Telling me makes me happy too?" Xu Jie asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just watched Jia Wei's plan for the new program, and it's done well." Wang Wanjun made an excuse casually, and then asked, "Deputy Director Xu, what's the matter?"

"Yes." Xu Jie said.

Jia Wei who was on the side immediately said: "Director Wang, Deputy Director Xu, you guys talk, I'll go out first." After speaking, he left the director's office quickly.

After Jia Wei closed the door, Wang Wanjun pointed to the chair opposite and said enthusiastically, "Deputy Director Xu, sit down."

Xu Jie sat down and said: "Director Wang, it's like this. The time for the new variety show to be broadcast in the second half of the year is getting closer and closer, and the show has not yet been completed. In order to finish it before the National Day, I am going to bring All the members of the previous program team will go to JingTV Culture to focus on the post-production of the new variety show, and deputy editor-in-chief Lu and deputy editor-in-chief Zhou have also agreed."

"Oh? Really?" Wang Wanjun pretended to be surprised, and then said seriously: "Deputy Director Xu, your new variety show is very important, everyone on stage is waiting, you must not disappoint everyone's expectations of you, as for the department, Leave it to me, you can go at ease."

He suppressed the ecstasy in his heart. When he got married, he was never as excited as he is now.

"Then I will trouble Director Wang." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he stood up and was about to leave.

"No trouble, no trouble." Wang Wanjun also stood up, walked out from behind the desk and said, "Go over there and do the show well. If you need anything, just tell me. If you want someone to give, you want equipment to give equipment."

Xu Jie knew that Wang Wanjun must be very happy at this moment, and no one would trouble him in the next month or even two months.

If it were him, he would be happy too.

Xu Jie returned to the office, called in the members of the two programs "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk", and explained the work for the next period of time, focusing on "Delicious History".

Because there is also Qin Yan in "In-depth Film and Television Talk". Although Qin Yan is the host of the new variety show, but now the show is mainly in post-production, so the other party's work is not much, and it is completely possible to take care of both ends.

In contrast, "Delicious History" without him and without Song Huanhuan, who has become an assistant director, is a very severe test for others.

After a busy afternoon, it was finally time to get off work.

Because tomorrow will be a holiday, so everyone is very happy.

Xu Jie hurried out of the office and drove away from the TV station.

Tonight, he has already made an appointment with Su Lei and his father-in-law to watch the movie "The World" together.

Su Yun was busy and couldn't come back, so the task of accompanying his father-in-law and mother-in-law was left to him.

When I came to the family building of the Nongda University, I stood outside my father-in-law's house and rang the doorbell, and the door opened soon.

"Brother-in-law, you're here. The food is ready and I'm waiting for you." Su Lei said while taking the fruit from Xu Jie's hand.

Xu Jie walked in and greeted his father-in-law and mother-in-law immediately: "Dad, Mom, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"No, the food is just right. You must be hungry. Sit down and eat." Zhang Simin said kindly, and Su Changzhi hurriedly took a bowl to fill the rice.

Xu Jie went to wash his hands, then sat down.

He found that his father-in-law and mother-in-law seemed very happy today, with smiles on their faces all the time, especially the mother-in-law, who was very kind to him before, but not as enthusiastic as today.

"Brother-in-law, I heard that you and my sister have decided to hold a wedding?" Su Lei asked while eating.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and immediately understood why his father-in-law and mother-in-law were so happy, and he knew about it.

He put down his chopsticks, looked at his father-in-law and said to his mother-in-law: "Dad, Mom, I planned to wait for Su Yun to come back. We both told you together. Since Xiaolei mentioned this matter, I will report it to you two first." report?"

"Okay, let's talk first!" Su Changzhi said impatiently, Zhang Simin's eyes lit up, and they both looked expectantly at the son-in-law opposite.

Xu Jie thought for a while and said, "It's been so long for Su Yun and I to get the certificate, so it's time for the wedding..."

"That's right!" Su Changzhi nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Simin on the side kicked her husband hard under the table, blaming him for interrupting her son-in-law. After Su Changzhi felt it, he immediately shut up obediently.

"You continue!" Zhang Simin looked at his son-in-law and said.

Xu Jie couldn't hold back his smile, and then continued: "I didn't hold a wedding before because I was worried that Su Yun's fans would react too much. You should have heard about how much her fans objected when Su Yun and I were officially announced to receive the certificate. , and this incident has also had a great impact on Su Yun's career..."

Zhang Simin nodded lightly. Not to mention her daughter's fans objected, even she objected. After all, everything happened so suddenly.

"But it's all right now. Su Yun's career has recovered, and her fans have accepted me, so we plan to hold the wedding after we've been busy for a while. The time is probably around the National Day. The time has not yet been set, and I am going to discuss with you, and you will make up our minds for us." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, okay, by the way, what do your parents think?" Zhang Simin asked.

Weddings are generally the responsibility of the man's family.

"I haven't told them yet, I'm thinking about waiting for Su Yun to come back." Xu Jie explained.

"Well, we can do whatever we want, it's up to the in-laws to decide." Zhang Simin said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll call my parents tomorrow, and then when Su Yun comes back, let's get together and discuss it, what do you think?" Xu Jie asked.

A wedding is not only a matter of two people, but also a matter of two families, so asking parents is a must. "

"Okay, I will do as you said." Zhang Simin said happily.

"Hurry up and eat the food, let's watch a movie together after eating the food." Su Changzhi kept picking up food for his son-in-law, and he used two words to describe his son-in-law's thoughts: safe!

(End of this chapter)

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