The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 605 Be a good actor!

Chapter 605 Be a Good Actor!

After dinner, Xu Jie drove Su Yun's parents and younger brother to the nearby movie city.

Before getting out of the car, Xu Jie deliberately put on a baseball cap and lowered the brim of the hat to cover his eyes and avoid being recognized by others.

Su Lei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at it, immediately reached out to touch his pocket, and then asked, "Brother-in-law, do you still have a hat? Give me one too."

"What are you doing?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"Dai, what if I get recognized later? By then, people won't be frantically asking me for my autograph? Do we have to go home?" Su Lei said happily, completely unable to see that he wanted to keep a low profile.

"You're worrying too much. Let's not say that your current image is very different from the one in the movie. Even if you are recognized, your current reputation will not cause such a big sensation." Xu Jie was very reserved. Said.

If it wasn't for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he would have scolded the other party for not wanting Bilian. After playing a few tricks, he really regarded himself as a big star?Doesn't this feel good about yourself?

"Oh brother-in-law, you don't know, the fans are so crazy now, you better get me a hat, so be prepared." Su Lei insisted.

Xu Jie glanced at his brother-in-law. If he didn't know how crazy the fans are, he wouldn't be wearing this hat. However, since the other party has already proposed it, he has to give it. Of course, he is not worried about the other party being recognized, but It is to make the other party realize the reality.

"The hat is gone, but the mask is there, do you want it?" Xu Jie asked.

"Mask? That's fine too." Su Lei said.

Xu Jie took out a mask from the co-pilot's storage box and threw it to his brother-in-law. The wrist is not big, but there are a lot of farts.

The four got out of the car, took the elevator to the movie city, Su Lei went to get the tickets, Xu Jie waited with his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and soon, Su Lei came back with the movie tickets, but his brows were frowning.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"The opening time is coming soon, but there are still many vacancies for this round, brother-in-law, what do you think is going on?" Su Lei asked suspiciously, his voice no longer as confident as before.

You must know that tonight is the first day of the movie "The World", and he bought tickets for the first movie tonight. It stands to reason that by this time, the movie tickets should be almost sold out, but he just bought When picking up the tickets, he took a look at the ticket sales and found that there were still some movie tickets that hadn't been sold. This was undoubtedly a blow to him.

The movie is not popular, not many people watch it!

Su Changzhi and Zhang Simin on the side also became worried after hearing what their son said.

On the way here, the son had already told them the importance of this movie to his daughter. Now that the movie seems to be unpopular, one can imagine how he feels.

"How many are still unsold?" Xu Jie asked after hearing this.

"I didn't count carefully, so there is only a small half, maybe a quarter." Su Lei thought for a while and said.

"Don't make a fuss, it's normal." Xu Jie said lightly, not surprised by this situation.

"Really normal?" Su Changzhi asked with concern.

"Dad, Su Yun's movie itself is a very small literary movie. It will definitely not be as popular as a commercial movie. It is normal that the tickets are not sold. You can see the movie screening information on the big screen. There are a total of 8 movies here." In the hall, there are only three shows of this movie in the whole night, which is less than cartoons, the environment of domestic literary films is like this, even the literary films made by big directors and stars are the same." Xu Jie explained.

It seems that unpopular movies are unpopular movies, even if they are promoted in "In-depth Film and Television Talk", it will not be of much use to the cinema side.

If you think about it, the whole movie only has a non-professional singer as the leading actor. There is neither a big director nor a big movie star. Even if this singer is famous, the movie market will not give him recognition.

"Oh!" Su Changzhi nodded half-understood.

"We are going to watch a movie tonight, so we have to put our minds right and focus more on the story of the movie itself. I think if the people who watched it in the first round think it is good, then as word of mouth gradually ferments, maybe it will enter the movie theater in the future. More and more people will watch it," Xu Jie said.

"Well, Xiao Xu is right. As long as the movie is good, no one will watch it." Zhang Simin said with a smile.

At this time, a broadcast sounded, and Su Lei said after hearing it: "It's the beginning, let's go in." Then he led the way.

Four people lined up to enter the theater.

Xu Jie sat down and looked around. Most of the people who came to see the movie were young people in their 30s and [-]s, and just like what my brother-in-law said, there were still some vacancies in the theater, but most of them were concentrated in the first hall. In the row and on both sides, if you ignore these bad locations, there are actually quite a lot of people.

"Dad, Mom, this is the first movie I made, and there are a lot of scenes, you must watch it carefully." Su Yun instructed in a low voice.

"Got it!" Su Changzhi said.

"Xiao Xu, is this movie the role you said is suitable for Xiao Lei?" Zhang Simin looked at his son-in-law and asked.

She still remembers the last time when everyone watched a movie together, her daughter said that Xiao Lei's acting was not good, he had no sense of presence, and was not suitable for the acting circle, but her son-in-law supported Xiao Lei, thinking that it was a problem with the role, Xiao Lei just didn't choose good script.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

This is the role he recommended for his brother-in-law.

"Oh? I don't know what kind of role it is?" Zhang Simin asked, his face was full of anticipation, wondering what kind of role his son would be suitable for.


Just as Xu Jie was about to speak, he was interrupted by Su Lei.

"Brother-in-law, don't spoil the spoiler." Su Yun looked at her mother with a smile and said, "Mom, look for yourself, I can guarantee that it will definitely surprise you."

Zhang Simin saw that his son was so confident, so he turned his eyes to the big screen in front of him.

Soon, the movie begins.

At the same time, the literary film "The World" starring Su Yun was simultaneously screened nationwide.

Although Xu Jie participated in the filming and even watched the feature film in advance, he still watched it very seriously and focused. After all, watching it on a big screen is completely different from watching it on a computer.

The people in the theater are very quiet, which is also a major feature of literary films.

In the eyes of outsiders, this kind of atmosphere seems a bit dull, but it also just shows that the audience has been immersed in the plot of the film.

Quietness is sometimes a good thing, it reflects a state of mind of the audience.

Comedies make people laugh, tragedies make people cry, inspirational films make people excited, and literary films make people think deeply. If the theater is noisy and the audience whispers and shouts loudly, it will be a failure.

The 97 minutes passed quickly, and as the movie ended, the lights in the theater were turned on.

The audience stood up one after another, discussing as they walked out.

"How about it?"

"Yes, it's better than expected. Although the story is simple, it also has thought-provoking aspects. It's not like some films that are obscure and difficult to understand. Moreover, the actors are well selected. The acting skills are all online and there are no scenes."

"Yes, especially Su Yun. I didn't expect that her first starring role would be a literary film, let alone her performance in the film is quite good, even better than some professional actresses."

"The actress who plays the younger sister is also good. Do you think this actress looks familiar?"

"Of course she looks familiar. She is an assistant in "Crossover Actor". I remember her name is Ding Mengni."

"That's right, it's her, don't tell me, this person really looks a bit like Su Yun."

"30 yuan is not in vain."


Xu Jie walked among the crowd and listened carefully to the audience's comments. The comments on the Internet are very watery, and only in the cinema can he hear the most authentic feedback.

And he also found out that someone's eyes were red, presumably because he was moved while watching a movie.

A good movie can manipulate the audience's thoughts and emotions. Maybe the movie "Human World" is not perfect, but it can be regarded as done. So from this point of view, this movie is successful.

After leaving the theater, Su Lei asked excitedly: "Dad, Mom, how is my performance? Is it very good?"

"Well, it's much better than the movie I watched last time, but you can't be proud." Su Changzhi said with a smile.

Zhang Simin didn't say anything after hearing it, and looked at his son, feeling a little complicated.

Before the movie was played, she specifically asked Xiao Xu if the role in this movie was suitable for Xiao Lei, and the other party also gave a positive answer.

However, after watching the movie now, she found that her son played an idle youth in society. Although her son was indeed such an image before, as a mother, she always felt weird.

"Mom, why don't you talk? Could it be that I'm not acting well?" Su Lei looked at his mother and asked.

"No, it's not." Zhang Simin shook his head lightly.

"Then you want to give an evaluation?" Su Lei said.

"It's okay." Zhang Simin couldn't bear to discourage his son's enthusiasm.

"Haha, I said it last time. It's not that I'm not good at acting, but that the script is not good. My sister didn't believe it at the time, but she should believe it now, right?" Su Lei began to startle again.

Xu Jie noticed the mood change of his mother-in-law's depression, and roughly guessed what the other party was thinking, so he asked: "Mom, do you find that the role I said is suitable for Xiaolei is a socially idle youth, and I feel a little uncomfortable ?”

Zhang Simin was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect her son-in-law to see it, she quickly shook her head and denied, "No, no."

Xu Jie thought to himself: Mother-in-law is really bad at lying!

He thought for a while, and then said: "You and Dad should be very clear about what kind of person Xiaolei was before. In fact, these are not important. The important thing is what kind of person he is now and in the future. If he can because of I think this is a very inspirational story for such a character to change his mind and turn over a new leaf, as the saying goes: A prodigal son returns without money, right?"

"Mom, do you know why I admire my brother-in-law?" Su Lei said, "Before I remember, you always said that I was idle and not doing business. Only brother-in-law can see the bright spots in me, so I am very happy. Besides, actor It’s two different things from roles, my brother-in-law once told me: there are no wastes in the world, only people who don’t know how to take advantage of them, and it doesn’t matter if the role is bad, as long as you are a good actor.”

Zhang Simin was stunned after hearing this.

Yeah, it's okay to be a bad character, just be a good actor.

After thinking about it, a smile appeared on her face, she looked at her son and said, "Remember what your brother-in-law said, be a good actor!"



(End of this chapter)

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