The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 606 Counterattack!

Chapter 606 Counterattack!

Xu Jie sent his mother-in-law, mother-in-law and brother-in-law back to the Nongda family building, and then drove home.

The first thing he did after entering the door was to post the impressions he wrote during the day on the Internet, of course, using a trumpet.

People are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can there be no trumpet?
Anyway, he is also a reporter, and using the trumpet to bring rhythm is his strong point.

At this moment, the first screening of the movie "The World" has ended nationwide, and the second screening is drawing to a close. When Xu Jie posted a post on a famous domestic movie website, someone had already posted a comment on it, Among them are some hundreds of words of viewing experience.

"I just finished watching the movie "Human World". Whether it is the plot content or the performance of the actors, it has exceeded my expectations. Although the director is a newcomer, he has a very strong control over the rhythm. Overall, it is a very good movie. The literary film is worth watching..."

"I went to the cinema to watch this movie after watching the interview of "In-depth Film and Television Talk". Although Lao Xu and Su Yun showed a look of dog food, I also guessed that Lao Xu had a lot of selfishness in this episode. But Su Yun's performance did not disappoint me, especially in the interpretation of emotional changes, which is absolutely not inferior to the wonderful performance in "Crossover Actor"..."

"The story is very simple, but the filming is very exciting, and it won't make people feel bored watching it. Although the director is a newcomer, he is very experienced, and the actors performed very well."

"Su Yun's performance can definitely be described as a surprise. I watched her for her performance in "Crossover Actor". Compared with her performance on stage for more than ten, twenty or ten minutes, nine or ten minutes made me, a fan, overwhelmed." Enough of the addiction..."

"After watching this movie, I can only say...God is so unfair, not only gave Su Yun a wonderful voice, but also superb acting skills, definitely has the potential of a queen, I am looking forward to her "" "Mulan"..."


In addition to the good reviews of four stars and five stars, there are also negative reviews of one star and two stars.

"The story as a whole is too plain, without a climax..."

"It can be seen that the actors are working hard, but the story is not interesting. There are too many movies about sisters' conflicts. You can also guess from the happy ending. There is nothing special about it..."

"Two stars, one star for Su Yun, one star for the episode that Su Yun sang, no more..."


Xu Jie looked at them one by one, and although there were some good and some bad ones, they were generally well received.

It may also be that too few people have watched it, and the ratings have not been displayed. Today is the first day of release, so I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Xu Jie then logged on to a movie box office website, which displayed the box office data of the released movies, including the box office of the day, the overall box office, the proportion of the box office, and the number of screenings.

The above now shows that the comprehensive box office of the movie "The World" is only ranked sixth, with a box office of 6, accounting for 58.15% of the box office
These statistics do not look impressive. If it were a commercial film, the box office would hit the street. However, this is a literary film. Calculated at 30 yuan per ticket, more than 1 people have watched it. , and this is only the first night of the show, the results are not bad.

At least for now, it seems that paying back the cost should not be a big problem. After all, the production cost is less than 300 million. Even among literary films, it can be regarded as a small production among small productions.

Of course, for Xu Jie, the main thing is the word-of-mouth of the film, especially the comments on Su Yun's acting skills. After all, in his plan, this film is actually a warm-up for Su Yun's next film "Mulan". Yes, it doesn't matter if the box office is good or not, the key is whether the audience approves of Su Yun's performance.

But then again, it would be even better if the box office is higher. After all, the higher the box office, the more people watch it. You can see not only the quality of the film, but also the popularity of the actors, which can be directly reflected The commercial value of actors.

In fact, tonight is still second, the most important thing is the performance in the next two days.

Although the release time of a movie is one month, for most movies, its release life cycle is only ten days.

The current form is still relatively severe for "Human World". After all, it can be seen from the number of films scheduled in theaters that the film market is not optimistic about this literary film.

Moreover, the number of literary and artistic films scheduled by theaters is already small. If the box office in the first weekend is not good, then there will be fewer and fewer films after that, and finally disappear in theaters. Even if word of mouth is good, it is useless. Line is not a non-profit organization.

There is another way to stay, and that is the box office!
the next day.

Xu Jie woke up early.

Although it was Saturday, I could sleep until noon or even night, but because I was thinking about the movie all the time, I couldn't sleep at all.

The first thing he did after waking up was to log on to the movie website.

The ratings are out.


The above also shows that it is better than 65% of the feature films.

Seeing this, a smile finally appeared on Xu Jie's nervous face.

In his opinion, although the film is not as high as 8 points and 9 points, it can reach 7.1 points, which is considered a very good score.

You must know that this is a literary film, not only the investment is low, but also the director is a newcomer, all the actors are newcomers to the film industry, and there are even young children who are acting in a movie for the first time, so the performance is good enough.

What more could you ask for from a film that nearly stopped production several times?

Look at the comments below, there are more than last night, and there are a few more long-form film reviews.

Xu Jie saw a few familiar accounts among these film reviews. Although the names were strange, he knew who was behind these accounts.

Song Huanhuan, Xiao Wei, Tian Haobo, etc., and even Qin Yan, the most important thing is that there are hundreds or even thousands of "useful" comments behind these comments.

Awesome, my sailors!

The water army is not scary, what is scary is that there is mineral water with rich content and depth, which is rich in various trace elements, and it is also good for health after drinking.

Just for these movie reviews, tea and eggs must be added to breakfast on Monday.

Weekends are the peak time for watching movies. As more and more people walk into the cinema, more and more people watch the movie "Human World", and more and more people rate it on the website.

It stands to reason that the more people who watch it, the lower the rating should be. After all, it is difficult to adjust.

However, the score of "Human World" did not drop but rose, from 7.1 to 7.2, and on Sunday, it rose directly to 7.5, and even the number of films scheduled in theaters began to increase.

"I don't have it locally. I deliberately drove more than 100 kilometers to the next city to watch it. The movie didn't disappoint me, and Su Yun didn't disappoint me."

"I heard that it is about sisterhood. My sister and I watched it together. I saw some shadows of my sister and me in the film. I was very moved."

"I have played it twice, and each time I have a new understanding."

To Xu Jie's surprise, a professional film critic even promoted the movie "The World" on Weibo.

"Today I saw a good movie called: "The World", the leading role is Su Yun, the singer's queen, her performance is beyond my expectation, the most important thing is the movie itself, although it tells the story between sisters , but it can be applied to other family relationships, such as mother and daughter, father and son, it is very suitable for rebellious children and parents to watch together, I think after watching it, maybe they can understand each other.”

Closes at 12pm on Sunday.

The movie "Human World" ranked fourth in the comprehensive box office of the day, with a box office of 4 million and a total box office of 187 million...

Almost paid back!

(End of this chapter)

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