The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 607 Will come sooner or later

Chapter 607 Will come sooner or later
on Monday.

Standing outside the gate of Jingshi Culture Communication Company, Xu Jie looked at the office building in front of him, filled with emotion for a moment.

It's finally here!

Although it is only temporary, and the content of the work has no business relationship with this place, he believes that one day he will come here to flex his muscles.

"Little Xu!" Jiang Hai came out from the company's gate, put one hand in front of his forehead to cover the sun, waved the other in Xu Jie's direction, and shouted loudly: "Why don't you come in quickly? What are you doing standing outside? It's not hot." ?"

According to the weather forecast, the highest temperature today is 34 degrees, which is the hottest day since the beginning of summer this year. Although it is only in the morning, the sun is already very dazzling.

After Xu Jie heard it, he walked towards Jiang Hai and said with a smile: "Boss Jiang, I'm just borrowing the precious land for a while, how dare I bother you to come out to greet him in person?"

"Don't talk about those useless things!" Jiang Hai put his arms around Xu Jie's shoulders, and asked as he walked towards the company: "What did you tell Lao Lu? Why did he let you come here? You are his lucky general what."

He thought about it for a long time, but he didn't understand it.

"Hey, whether you are lucky or not, for the current deputy editor-in-chief Lu, the variety shows in the second half of the year are the most important." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai was startled, and asked in surprise, "Did you use this to threaten him?"

"Boss, you think highly of me too. How dare I threaten the deputy editor-in-chief? I'm just a little deputy director. I just said that you are not used to being in the office. Deputy editor-in-chief Lu asked me to come here." Xu Jie explained road.

"It's that simple?" Jiang Hai asked. In fact, when Lao Lu called before, he basically said the same thing, but he didn't quite believe it.

"It's that simple!" Xu Jie said affirmatively.

Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie, he didn't look like he was lying, it seemed that Lao Lu was really in a hurry!

"It's a pity that you can only stay here for two months, and you still have a job." Jiang Hai sighed lightly. People are looking forward to it, but it's a pity that you don't work for him. The most depressing thing in life is this.

"It will come sooner or later." Xu Jie said seriously.

Jiang Hai smiled wryly when he heard it, and it was not up to the other party to decide this matter.

The two walked into the company, and many people gathered in the hall, all of whom were program staff who followed Xu Jie from the TV station.

"Mr. Jiang, is our office space arranged yet?" Xu Jie started talking about business.

He came here for work, not for reminiscing about the past. There is plenty of time for reminiscing about the past, but the work must be completed before October.

Only when the variety show is finished well can his plan continue, otherwise, deputy editor-in-chief Lu still can't let him go.

"It's been arranged a long time ago, come with me." Jiang Hai said and led the way.

A group of people followed Mr. Jiang mightily, and took the elevator to the fifth floor of Jingshi Culture Company.

After Jiang Hai got out of the elevator, he pointed to the direction on the left and said, "The office area on the left is yours. There are conference rooms, editing rooms, and post-production rooms. The equipment is also the latest. The Art Center is good, if you need anything in the future, just say it, it’s all yours, so don’t be polite.”

"Haha, I'm sure you won't be polite, thank you Mr. Jiang!" Xu Jie turned to look at the program team members behind him, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and thank Mr. Jiang?"

"Thank you Mr. Jiang!" The others said after hearing it.

Xu Jie took the lead into the office area, and said to the people behind him as he walked, "Everyone should familiarize themselves with the environment and equipment here, and then gather in the conference room at 10 o'clock."


The crowd dispersed.

"Boss, your place is better." Qin Yan looked around, and then asked Jiang Hai: "Do you lack a host here? What do you think of me?"

"It's not that I lack a host here, but that I don't need a host at all." Jiang Hai said after hearing this.

"No way? Isn't the main business of Beijing TV Culture large-scale events, programs and evening parties? Don't these all need hosts?" Qin Yan asked suspiciously.

"Most of the activities you mentioned are in cooperation with Beijing Radio and Television Stations, so the hosts are usually seconded from radio stations and TV stations, understand? Besides, aren't you doing well now? Not only in Beijing Satellite TV has a regular program, and Xiao Xu's new variety show is also hosted by you, and becoming the first sister of Beijing Satellite TV's variety show is just around the corner." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"Boss, if you are still in the entertainment center, I will definitely fight for the position of the first lady of the variety show, but now, I am exhausted physically and mentally all day, forget it." Qin Yan sighed and shook her head.

"Why, Wang Wanjun is bothering you?" Jiang Hai frowned and asked.

"That's true, but he has been tossing a lot in theatrical programs." Qin Yan said.

"It's normal. The new official takes office three fires. To tell you the truth, I didn't make a lot of trouble here, but then again, how can I get results if I don't make trouble? It will be fine after a while." Jiang Hai patiently said of persuasion.

"Boss, why are you still speaking for Wang Wanjun? Well, you are all leaders, but I am an employee. Can't you hide from me? Goodbye!" Qin Yan walked to the conference room after finishing speaking.

Jiang Hai looked at Qin Yan's back, shook his head with a wry smile, and then turned to Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, you should be busy. My office is upstairs. If you need anything, you can come to me anytime."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not be polite to you." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai nodded, turned and left.

Xu Jie looked around. Both the conference room and the studio are very spacious, comparable to those of the satellite TV program center. In comparison, the cultural program is like a small workshop.

At 10 o'clock, everyone gathered in the conference room.

"Have you all seen this? What do you think?" Xu Jie looked at the people present and asked.

"Director, it's great here too."

"I took a look at the equipment just now, and it's even better than the one in our satellite TV program center."

"The chairs are all made of leather, and the backrest can be adjusted. It is very comfortable to sit on."

Everyone talked to each other, looking very excited, obviously very satisfied with this new working environment.

"It's good that you like it, but don't forget the purpose of our coming here. Since everyone is satisfied with the hardware conditions, then let's talk about the program."

Xu Jie looked around for a week, put away his smile and said: "The station has decided that "Ordinary Courage" will be broadcast in October, so before that, we must complete the production of the program. You failed to complete the plan before, so it can be done like this." That kind of reason, now here, other irrelevant factors have been completely ruled out, if you can't complete the task on time, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

At the end, Xu Jie's expression became serious.

After everyone heard it, they sat upright unconsciously, and their expressions became serious. At the same time, everyone felt a sense of urgency in their hearts.

After all, if the program is not completed as scheduled, they, as members of the program team, will not have good fruit to eat!
Next, Xu Jie began to arrange work plans...

Facts have proved that this semi-closed management method that brings together all members of the program group to work is very effective.

Without the interference of other people and other things, not only can everyone devote all their energy to program production, but the work efficiency has also been greatly improved.

Compared to being ordered to and fro by others on the TV station, sometimes doing location work for this one, and doing interviews for that one, everyone has completely fallen in love with the current way of working that concentrates on doing one thing.

Soon it will be Wednesday.

After Xu Jie held a morning meeting with the team members and talked about today's work plan, he and Qin Yan left Beijing TV Culture and went to the TV station.

He wants to go back to check the post-production progress of "Delicious History", while Qin Yan has to go back to record "In-depth Film and Television Talk" and write out the interview draft.

Return to the Arts Program Center.

The appearance of the two immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Some people were surprised, some were puzzled, some were excited, and some were proud.

"Director Xu, you are finally back, are you still leaving?" Miao Zhenzhen asked happily, seeing Xu Jie was like seeing a savior.

"I'm leaving in the afternoon, what's the matter? I haven't seen you for two days, and I miss you very much?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Before he got off work, he had to rush back to Jingshi Culture, and called everyone together for a meeting to discuss today's work progress and work difficulties, and prepare for tomorrow's work plan.

"Ah?" The smile on Miao Zhenzhen's face immediately turned into a wry smile, and then she whispered, "Actually, it's nothing, but Director Wang has arranged a lot of work for us during the two days you were away."

"Don't you have a regular program?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"Director Wang said: Channel revision is everyone's responsibility. Even those who originally had programs should contribute to the channel revision." Miao Zhenzhen said.

Xu Jie understood Miao Zhenzhen's meaning in an instant, and asked, "When will you work overtime these two days?"

"9 o'clock in the evening." Miao Zhenzhen replied.

Xu Jie nodded, and then said: "The channel revision, everyone is under a lot of pressure, and I have taken away so many people, there is definitely not enough manpower here, so you hold on for a while, wait for the revision to be completed, and the new program will be broadcast smoothly. Come out, my work over there is over, and you can relax, just treat it as working overtime for me."

To be reasonable, Wang Wanjun is really no wonder for this matter.

His departure directly took away more than a dozen elites in the art program center, not to mention the critical period of the revision, even in normal times, it would have a certain impact on the entire department.

If he went to Wang Wanjun because of this matter, the other party would definitely respond to him with the same reason, and maybe push everyone's overtime responsibility to him, and ask him to send back the dozen or so people he took away. Instead, he was the one who fell into passivity.

"Understood!" Miao Zhenzhen nodded.

If it is to work overtime for Director Wang, I am 1 unwilling, but if it is said to work overtime for Deputy Director Xu, then I am willing.


(End of this chapter)

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