The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 608 It's Just That

Chapter 608
Time has a fixed length, but if you devote yourself to doing one thing seriously, you will feel that the time becomes very short.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Jie had already been in Jingshi Culture for half a month.

In the past half a month, the production progress of the new variety show has surpassed the work of the previous two months. If the current efficiency is followed, it will be completed in less than a month, that is, before September.

But this is not what makes Xu Jie happiest. After all, the program has not been broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV. Whether the national audience will like it or not, no one knows.

However, the movie "Human World", which has been released for more than half a month, has already achieved a box office of more than 2000 million, not only recovering the cost, but also earning money properly.

The most important thing is that the word-of-mouth of the movie is very good, and the rating has been stable at around 7.5 points.

A score of 7.5 in the first weekend of its release is actually nothing, because there were only about 7.5 people who rated it at that time, but now it is 9, and more than [-] people have rated it, which is very telling.

Moreover, the audience fully affirmed Su Yun's acting skills, and the most frequently used word was "surprise", and they were very much looking forward to her next movie.

Undoubtedly, Xu Jie's decision to release "Human World" before "Mulan" was a success. Su Yun received more attention and the film "Mulan" received more attention .

on Monday.

After Xu Jie had a morning meeting at JingTV Culture, he drove to the TV station to attend the morning meeting of the cultural program center.

In fact, he could not have gone, he didn't go last Monday, but Wang Wanjun said that there was something important to announce, and it was related to the channel revision, so he came.

When we arrived at the Art Program Center, Tian Haobo was the only one in the entire office area.

When Tian Haobo saw Xu Jie, he immediately stood up, pointed in the direction of the conference room and said, "Director, you are here. Everyone is in the conference room. Director Wang asked me to wait for you here."

Xu Jie nodded, and asked as he walked, "Do you know what the meeting is about?"

Tian Haobo shook his head, "I don't know."

Xu Jie frowned slightly, very puzzled in his heart.

Because this was the first time Wang Wanjun called him since he left the Art Program Center and went to Jingshi Culture Office.

In fact, he knew very well that Wang Wanjun didn't want him to come back, and wished that he had been working in Jingshi Culture. The two people's ideas were surprisingly consistent on this point.

So he is very curious now, what important things the other party wants to announce after calling him back.


Tian Haobo knocked on the door of the meeting room, and then pushed the door open.

Xu Jie walked in, except for those he took away, everyone else was there.

"Deputy Director Xu, you came back just in time. I was just about to get to the point, so sit down quickly." Wang Wanjun pointed to the chair on the right, with a smile on his face.

Obviously, he had a very comfortable life during this time.

"Director, what's the matter?" Xu Jie sat down and asked.

"Cough cough!"

Wang Wanjun cleared his throat pretentiously, and then said with a smile: "After half a month of hard work by everyone, the first episodes of our new programs in the Art Program Center have been produced one after another. I have watched all of these programs, and the quality is still very high. Yes, and I applied to the above last Friday, and now I have got the program list, and these programs will be broadcast on the Art Channel from today!"

Some of the people present were surprised and some were excited.

Although everyone knew that they had been working on a new program during this period of time, and the first episode of the program had already been completed, they did not expect Director Wang to arrange the program so soon.

Don't you need to play it for everyone and have an internal discussion?
You must know that when a new program was broadcast in the past, Director Jiang would invite people from outside the program group to watch it and listen to everyone's opinions.

And this time, is Director Wang too anxious?
"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

There was a sudden clapping sound in the meeting room.

Everyone looked, it was Jia Wei.

"The broadcast of the new program indicates that the revision of our art channel has been completed. This is really great, everyone agrees?" Jia Wei asked loudly, clapping his hands even louder.

Everyone heard that the channel revision was Director Wang's idea, who would dare to say otherwise?Who dares to say wrong?
So one by one applauded.


Wang Wanjun was complacent and intoxicated in the applause.

After a while, he raised his hands and pressed down to signal everyone to be quiet. After the applause stopped, he continued: "It can be seen that everyone is very happy, and I am also very happy. This is the result of everyone's joint efforts. And the main purpose of today's meeting is to show these programs to everyone for a sneak peek."

Speaking of this, Wang Wanjun deliberately turned his head to look at Xu Jie, "Deputy Director Xu, after reading it later, if you have any thoughts, just tell us, you are the deputy director in charge of content, your thoughts are very important to us .”

Xu Jie hehe in his heart.

very important?
The show is going to air today, is his idea still important?

Even if I think the program is not good, can I cancel it?
"Director Wang, I'm not here these days. You are responsible for the revision. I believe your vision is right." Xu Jie said.

Regardless of whether the program is good or bad, regardless of the merits and punishments of the revision, he is not interested.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that Wang Wanjun called him here, apparently to listen to his ideas, but actually to show off to him.

Look, when you're not here, all the new shows are finished, are you angry?

When everyone heard this, they showed puzzled eyes and thought to themselves: Isn't Deputy Director Xu always against Director Wang? Since when did you start to trust Director Wang?

Wang Wanjun felt very comfortable after hearing this, and his mood was extremely comfortable.

"Jia Wei, start playing."

"Yes, Director!"

Jia Wei went to the front and played his own program "The Story of Art".

Xu Jie turned to face the screen.

As the old saying goes: when it comes, it is safe.

It's all here, let's take a look, the reaction will not lose a piece of meat, at most it will be disgusted.

Xu Jie has seen Jia Wei's plan, so he has a certain understanding of the content of the program.

Under normal circumstances, as a new program, there will inevitably be some highlights in the first issue that attract the audience, and "Story of Art" is no exception.

Jia Wei invited a Peking Opera master to interview him.

This program is a bit like a once popular cultural program on China TV, called "Art Life".

In Xu Jie's opinion, no matter in terms of form or content, there is not much difference between the two, and Jia Wei's program is even more sensational than "Art Life".

It's okay to be sensational, but it's not good to force it.

For this type of program, the host is very important. The success of "Art Life" had a lot to do with the host.

Talk shows are not a simple question and answer, let alone acting according to the script. They need the host to control the rhythm, respond on the spot, and guide and discover the interviewees bit by bit.

Who is the host of "Art Life"?
The first brother who was the host of Huaxia TV station back then!
Who is the host of "The Story of Art"?

A hostess who used to host a joke show.

Can you compare?
It can't be compared!
It can be seen that the hostess has been working very hard to adjust the atmosphere of the scene, but this is an art show, not an entertainment show. Sometimes she wants to make everyone laugh, and sometimes she wants to make everyone cry. Can it be that easy?

The show will be over soon.

Jia Wei was very happy because he had known in advance that his program would be broadcast tonight.

"Deputy Director Xu, what do you think?" Wang Wanjun looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"That's the way it is." Xu Jie said lightly after hearing this.

Hearing his words, Jia Wei's smile froze on his face, and everyone in the program group had a very ugly expression, especially the hostess.

Xu Jie knew that he offended many people by saying this, but the more truthful he was, the more hurtful he was.

What's more, he, the deputy director, doesn't exist to make people happy.

"Deputy Director Xu, what's wrong with the program?" Wang Wanjun asked.

He also felt a little uneasy. After all, he had watched the show and was very satisfied. Why did it become like that when the other party said it?
And he said in public just now that the quality of these programs is good, isn't this a slap in the face?
"There is a problem with the copywriting, there is a problem with the host, there is also a problem with the Q&A..." Xu Jie said a lot.

"Is there any problem?" Jia Wei couldn't help asking.

"Guests are fine." Xu Jie said.


Jia Wei blushed, he didn't expect that his proud work would be criticized by Deputy Director Xu, and he seemed to hear a slap in the face in front of so many people.

"Deputy Director Xu, according to your opinion, this program should be completely changed?" Jia Wei asked unconvinced.

"For those who have high program requirements, they will change it, but for those with low program requirements, there is no need to change it." Xu Jie said.

The corner of Wang Wanjun's mouth twitched, he was so angry that he almost lost his breath.

Doesn't this mean that he has low requirements for the program?

To put it another way, it is to scold him for being low-level, otherwise why would such a program be allowed to be broadcast on the art channel?
Wang Wanjun not only cursed secretly in his heart: What are you pretending to be, isn't there just a few programs on the satellite TV channel?It's like who hasn't done a show on the satellite TV channel!

"It seems that Deputy Director Xu has been away for half a month, and his requirements for the program have become higher and higher." Wang Wanjun said eccentrically, then looked at Jiang Lan, "Next!"

Jiang Lan trembled all over. She was very confident in the program, but after hearing what Deputy Director Xu said, her confidence went to nowhere.

This deputy director Xu, knowledge is a ghost, and ghosts are worried, let alone a human?

But Director Wang looked over directly, and she couldn't help it, so she stood up bravely and put her show on the screen.

Her program is called "The People's Grand Stage". The first episode of the filming is to find some uncles and aunts, and film the content of their morning exercises.

Some are kung fu, some are square dancing, very lively.

"Deputy Director Xu, what do you think of this program?" Wang Wanjun asked after watching it.

"That's it!" Xu Jie said.


Jiang Lan lowered her head, it was exactly what she thought.

Wang Wanjun gritted his teeth angrily, and began to regret in his heart that he shouldn't have found this person!

(End of this chapter)

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