The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 609 Who wins and who loses

Chapter 609 Who wins and who loses
The meeting room was dull, and there was bursts of applause just now, but now it was completely silent.

In fact, I can see it personally. Director Wang wants to show everyone the results of the revision at the meeting. After all, he has been in office for so long, and there is no fire. Now he has finally achieved some results. Can you be like a peacock Show off like opening the screen?
It's just that Director Wang didn't expect that he had already shown his favor to Deputy Director Xu before, but the other party still didn't give face as before, turning the exhibition meeting into a face-slapping meeting.

on purpose.

Yes, it must be on purpose.

Wang Wanjun thought to himself.

"Next, Cheng Guangxian!" Wang Wanjun said loudly, he will expose the other party's ugly face through the next two programs, so that everyone present can recognize this person clearly.

high level?

strong ability?
Nor is it!
This person is doing self-serving public affairs and retaliating!
Cheng Guangxian came to the front to play his own program. His "Quyi Awards" can be regarded as a combination of Jia Wei's program and Jiang Lan's program.

Jia Wei interviewed famous artists, Jiang Lan invited ordinary people, and he invited professional folk artists to perform.

The content of the program is also very simple, neither sensational nor lively, it simply asks folk artists to sing three plays, and then explains the play, including the content of the play, the story behind it, singing skills, and singing skills. places that need attention.

The whole program looked unpretentious, there was nothing wrong with it, but there was nothing good about it either. It belonged to the kind of program that had no bright spots but no shortcomings either.

After the show ended, Wang Wanjun looked at Xu Jie again and asked, "Deputy Director Xu, how is this show?"

At the same time, I laughed secretly in my heart, because as long as the other party said good and good things, it would confirm the other party's retaliation.

"So-so." Xu Jie said after hearing that, with the same indifferent expression on his face.

Cheng Guangxian breathed a sigh of relief.

Generally good!
It's not bad!

Surviving in the cracks between Deputy Director Xu and Director Wang, being able to protect yourself is a blessing in misfortune.

He doesn't have much ambition, as long as he can be a quiet air man.

However, Wang Wanjun frowned slightly. This answer was not what he wanted, but after thinking about it carefully, Cheng Guangxian is just an ordinary, hard-working laborer. It's easy to understand.

It seems that we can only bet on the last show!

"Miao Zhenzhen, it's your turn!" Wang Wanjun said.


Miao Zhenzhen responded, then walked to the front and played the movie.

Because Qin Yan went to Beijing Television Culture, Miao Zhenzhen was in charge of her new program "Folk Music Festival", and she only came back to watch occasionally.

The content of "Folk Music Festival" is similar to Jia Wei's program and Cheng Guangxian's program. It tells stories and plays folk music, but there is nothing else.

Soon, the show is over.

"Deputy Director Xu, let's talk about it. Everyone is waiting for your opinion." Wang Wanjun said with a smile, waiting for the other party to fall into the big pit he designed.

This is Qin Yan's program, who in the art program center doesn't know that these two have a good relationship?

Although Qin Yan only occasionally came back to participate because of going to Jingshi Culture, the temporary person in charge Miao Zhenzhen was also from the other party.

Therefore, as long as the other party dares to say a "good" word, he dares to question the other party on the spot to make the other party unable to step down.

In this way, the people in the whole art program center also know what kind of person the other party is.


"A virtue!" Xu Jie said.

Wang Wanjun was startled, both surprised and disappointed.

Surprised because the other party even complained about his own people, frustrated because the plan fell through.

what's the situation?
The other party was not like this before.

Could it be that work has not been going well recently, the progress of the new variety show is slow, and I am in a bad mood?

Thinking about it carefully, this reason still makes sense, otherwise why did the other party bite after watching the show?I must have seen the rapid progress of the work here, so I was upset.

Wang Wanjun was secretly proud, Deputy Director Xu, Deputy Director Xu, I didn't expect you to have today.

"Deputy Director Xu, you said this is not good, and that is not good. According to your opinion, these programs can't be broadcast anymore?" Wang Wanjun asked.

He deliberately sowed discord and pushed the other party to the opposite of the four program groups.

"Did I say that it can't be broadcast?" Xu Jie asked back.

"But you clearly mean that." Wang Wanjun said.

"I didn't mean that. If you said I did, then you must have misunderstood. I have always felt that the quality of a program and whether it can be broadcast are two different things. Many programs are very bad, aren't they still on the air? As long as they don't Just think the ratings are ugly." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Deputy Director Xu, do you mean that the ratings of these programs will be ugly?" Wang Wanjun caught the loophole in the other party's words.

"Hehe!" Xu Jie laughed twice and didn't say anything, but his expression said everything.

Wang Wanjun also laughed, this time the other party completely offended everyone.

"Deputy Director Xu, I don't agree with your idea." Wang Wanjun said seriously, binding himself firmly to the people, and then continued, "I think these programs are very good, and each program has its own characteristics. Some are touching, some are hilarious, some are professional, and some are distracting. Compared with the previous programs, there is a very obvious improvement, and the audience will definitely like it very much."

Xu Jie sat firmly on the chair, still did not speak.

In his opinion, these four programs are very ordinary and have no special features. He really can't think of a reason to attract viewers to watch.

Moreover, these four programs will be broadcast on the art channel. There are not many viewers watching the art channel. If there is no special feature, who will waste time on these programs?

Today's TV channels range from dozens to hundreds. If it is Internet TV, there will be more choices. These are the competition objects of programs, even mobile phones.

Audiences will like it?
How can these programs use to kill other programs?

His words are ugly?
In fact, he was already very polite, otherwise he could have criticized these programs completely.

Seeing that Xu Jie still looked disdainful, Wang Wanjun felt that he must let the other party recognize the reality.

"It seems that Deputy Director Xu still insists on his opinion, so let's do a survey now, if anyone here agrees with his statement, please raise your hand!" Wang Wanjun said loudly.

The meeting room was quiet, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and no one raised their hands.

As the old saying goes: shoot the bird that stands out.

No one raised their hands, so why should I be this early bird?

What's more, Deputy Director Xu will leave after the meeting, and I don't know how long he will stay in Jingshi Culture. If he raises his hand at this time, there will be no one to cover him in the future, and Director Wang will definitely wear small shoes.

Miao Zhenzhen wanted to raise her hand, but Zhang Tong was also hesitating. However, when they looked at Deputy Director Xu, they were stared back fiercely.

Xu Jie knows his own situation, he doesn't want everyone to be affected by him, not to mention that he is not in the center of cultural and art programs these days, so it is beyond his reach.

Wang Wanjun felt happy when he saw that no one raised his hands, especially when Xu Jie's hardcore team members did not raise their hands, just like eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year 30 years ago.

"Deputy Director Xu, do you see it? This is public opinion." Wang Wanjun said, with a triumphant smile on his face.

"Director Wang, is there anything else? If not, I'll leave first." Xu Jie didn't care, he just expressed his opinion, good is good, bad is bad, not because of Don't say it for fear of offending people, he is the deputy director, doesn't he even have the right to criticize the show?

He's here to work, not to make people happy.

"No, Deputy Director Xu can leave." Wang Wanjun said with a smile: "By the way, don't forget to watch the show tonight."


Xu Jie got up and left the conference room, Wang Wanjun's voice sounded behind him.

"Everyone, don't forget to read it, and remember to promote it on Weibo, Moments, and chat groups."


Xu Jie returned to Jingshi Culture, and as soon as he sat down, Qin Yan walked over.

"I heard that you are not satisfied with the four programs? Are you still isolated by everyone?" Qin Yan asked with a smile, she didn't seem to be anxious for the other party, but gloating.

"You have to know one thing: the truth is often in the hands of a few people." Xu Jie said after hearing it: "Wang Wanjun is obsessed with being able to update the literature and art channel faster, and those who are selected by him are also eager Hurry up and perform in front of Wang Wanjun to prove your talent, as for others, they succumb to Wang Wanjun's pressure and dare not speak out, the current art program center is already sick."

After speaking, he sighed.

"Why are you so sure that the new show won't work?" Qin Yan asked curiously. She didn't know if the art show center was sick or not, but it was indeed different from before, which was true.

"In fact, since I became the deputy director, I have been studying the programs of our art program center. Do you think my programs are broadcast very well on the satellite TV channel, so you don't want to increase the ratings of the art channel? I also want to let the art channel To become better, but it is not easy to make a good program on a local channel. At the very least, the content must make the audience feel novel. If this cannot be achieved, it is better not to change the program, at least the original program There is still a group of audience." Xu Jie said.

Qin Yan looked at the man in front of her in surprise, she didn't expect him to do so many things silently, no wonder he had so many good ideas, it turned out it was the result of hard work behind him.

The so-called inspiration comes from hard work. If you don't accumulate it, even if you see it or hear it, you won't think of it in your head.

"Jia Wei's program "The Story of Art" will be aired tonight, what do you think the ratings will be?" Qin Yan asked, she wanted to test the man's intuition.

"The ratings? The ratings of "Art Story" are definitely not as high as the program he replaced, "People's Culture", so wait and see if you don't believe me!" Xu Jie said.

Qin Yan was taken aback, so sure?I really hope tomorrow comes sooner.


(End of this chapter)

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