Chapter 610
on Tuesday.

Jia Wei came to the art program center early. Although he knew that the ratings of yesterday's program would not come out so soon, he still couldn't hold back his inner excitement and anticipation. He even woke up before dawn, tossing and turning. can't sleep.

For this program, he has been busy for more than a month, and he has also put in countless overtime classes. Today, he can finally see the fruits of his labor.

In the past, the programs he directed were scheduled after 10:[-] p.m. At that time, even the provincial satellite TV audience was decreasing, let alone the local TV station, the Art Channel.

And now the new program he directed is scheduled to be aired at the prime time of 7:[-]. He believes that the ratings of the program will definitely increase significantly, and it may be ranked in the top three yesterday, even surpassing "Daily Entertainment" Broadcast", won the first place.

When the time comes, let's see who dares to underestimate him.

Especially that Deputy Director Xu.

During the meeting yesterday, he not only underestimated his show, but also said that his show was just like that, and today he will slap the other party in the face with the facts!

"Brother Jia, did you come so early?" Director Chen Jinchang greeted Jia Wei after he arrived.

"Well, I can't sleep, did you watch my show last night?" Jia Wei asked.

"I watched it. Not only did I watch it, I also asked my parents to watch it. They all said it was very good." Chen Jinchang said with a smile.

The fact is, however, that he wasn't looking.

He was dating his girlfriend last night, and he was having dinner at that time, but it’s not good to say he didn’t watch it, after all, tonight is his and Jiang Lan’s show, so he can only open his eyes and talk nonsense, anyway, no one in the unit knows .

"Really? Haha, thank you for your support." Jia Wei said happily.

In fact, last night he also started a mobilization of the whole family. Before the broadcast, he called his parents and mother-in-law to tell them to pay attention to watching. He also listened to the opinions after the show was broadcast. The feedback he got was very good. .

Now hearing Chen Jinchang say the same thing, I feel more confident in my heart.

"Brother Jia, don't worry, the ratings will definitely be stable." Chen Jinchang praised.

There are more and more people in the office, Jia Wei will ask everyone, and the answer is good or good, the more he listens, the happier he is, and he feels that he is not far from the peak of his life.

When it was time to work, Jia Wei didn't have the heart to do the second episode of the show at all, and kept flipping through the local forums, hoping that someone would mention his show.

At the same time, his eyes were still looking in the direction of the director's office from time to time, hoping that the director would announce the ratings of the program soon.


Wang Wanjun opened the door and walked out of the office. It was time to pick up yesterday's ratings list.

He came to the office of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, and the directors of several other program centers came. After taking the form, everyone looked at it and walked out.

Wang Wanjun looked at the rating form in his hand expectantly. The No. 1 "Daily Entertainment Broadcasting" had a rating of 3.22, which was as stable as ever.

The second place "Golden Theater", with a rating of 2, is about the same as usual, and there is not much change.

No. 3 "Colorful Community", ratings 1.31...

No. 4 "Happiness to Thousands of Families", ratings 1.16...

No. 5 "Story of Art", ratings 0.83...


Wang Wanjun was stunned after reading it, even stopping his steps.

Jia Wei's new show actually ranks fifth?Didn't even pass 1?
You must know that the ratings of the replaced old program "People's Culture" have always been above 1, and sometimes it can reach No.3.

It won't be printed wrong, right?
He turned around and came to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's side, shook the ratings list in his hand and asked, "Editor Zhou, is this ratings list correct?"

"Misprinting? Can't it?" Zhou Zhengliang took it, and asked while watching it: "Why, the program on this is not from your art channel?"

"Yes, all of them,'s nothing." Wang Wanjun said halfway, but finally he didn't have the nerve to ask.

How to ask?
Is the program serialized when printing?
The writing may be blurred, or there may be ghosting, but such a thing as serial seems to have never happened.

Besides, if he mentioned to Deputy Editor Zhou that "The Story of Art" was a new program produced with his support, wouldn't Deputy Editor Zhou give him a blank stare just because of the ratings?

never mind!

He returned to the cultural program center with the form, and everyone immediately surrounded him.

"Director, how is my ratings ranking?" Jia Wei rushed to the front.

The second is Zeng Xiaoke, the hostess of "The Story of Art". For her, although she can't appear on Beijing Satellite TV like Qin Yan, she is very satisfied to be able to appear on the art channel for a long time in the prime time.

Behind them are the other members of the program group, all of them are also very anxious. They are very eager to know the ratings of the program. After all, this is directly linked to their column benefit salary.

Wang Wanjun's face was sullen, and seeing the excited smiling faces, he felt even more depressed.

He came to the bulletin board, posted the viewing form on it, and left without saying anything.

Everyone immediately flocked to the bulletin board, staring at the rankings and ratings on the ratings form with wide eyes.

Jia Wei first set his sights on the top.

No. 1, no.

Jia Wei's heart hasn't changed much. After all, "Daily Entertainment Broadcasting" has occupied the No. 1 spot for many years, and it's hard to be shaken by other programs.

No. 2, neither.

Jia Wei was a little disappointed, but he could accept it. "Golden Theater" was a family ethics drama that was once very popular, and the second one was normal.

No. 3, even not?
Jia Wei frowned.

He quickly looked down until he was in the 5th position and finally found his own program.

Ratings 0.83?

His mentality directly collapsed.

The programs on the Literature and Art Channel, not to mention the reruns, there are not many programs in total, and his new program is actually ranked 5th. As a new program, a new program with a heavy burden of revision, this result is true Very crotch.

It's okay to be ranked 5th, and the ratings didn't even exceed 1. Now he finally understands why Director Wang's face is so ugly.

At this time, other people also read the ratings form and started talking about it.

"Story of Art No. 5? No way?"

"Not even 1? I thought it would be so popular."

"My show died so badly. The ratings of "People's Culture" have never dropped below 1 at least."

"Deputy Director Xu is really right, but Deputy Director Xu's eyes are vicious!"

"Shh, be careful not to be overheard, you are not afraid of someone suing Director Wang!"


Unrelated people left after watching it.

Even Jiang Lan and Cheng Guangxian became nervous and worried, and returned to their workstations with a heavy heart.

Although the program "Story of Art" has nothing to do with them, their programs will be broadcast on the Art Channel one after another, and Jia Wei's failure to make a good lead has also made them feel very uneasy and unconfident.

Especially when I thought of the words that Deputy Director Xu said at the meeting yesterday, one of them has already been fulfilled, and it seems that they are not far from being fulfilled.

At this moment, they couldn't help but doubt Director Wang's level.

You must know that everyone's new programs are approved by Director Wang, but why are the predicted results inaccurate?At any rate, he was transferred from the satellite TV program center, so how could he not be as good as the deputy director of the art program center?

Change the show now?It seems that it is too late.

It seems that we can only resign ourselves to fate.

Jia Weiqing walked back with a sullen face. Everything that everyone said just now felt like a slap in the face.

It hurts, it hurts, and it hurts and it hurts!

He never dreamed that his new program would be so bad.

what happened?

What went wrong?

Jia Wei was very puzzled.

Back at the work station, the colleagues from the program group gathered together, all of them looked unhappy.

"Director Jia, how come the ratings of our show are so poor?" a team member asked.

Such a low audience rating exceeded everyone's expectations.

This is not one person's doubts, but everyone's doubts.

Jia Wei didn't answer. If he knew the reason, there would be no such result.

"Are you still doing the second phase?" A team member asked.

This is a very real problem.

The ratings are so low, it's not even as good as replacing the old show, and it doesn't achieve the effect of the revision at all, so there is no need to change it.

"Do it, of course!" Jia Wei raised his head, gritted his teeth and said, "This is a new show, and it's the first time we're showing in front of the audience. It will take some time for word of mouth to spread, so we must do a good job in the second episode, so that we can see the true ratings of the show."

Everyone thought about it, and it seemed to be the case.

"Over there, Director. I think Director Wang seems very angry." A team member said.

"I'll tell you!"

After Jia Wei finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the director's office.


"Come in!"

After Jia Wei heard Director Wang's voice, he opened the door cautiously, only to see Director Wang sitting behind the desk with his brows furrowed, completely lost the joy he had yesterday.

When Wang Wanjun saw Jia Wei, he didn't say anything. He was very depressed now and didn't want to talk.

"Director..." Jia Wei said in a low voice: "I don't think the ratings of the first episode can explain anything. After all, we are a new show, and we didn't mention it in a hurry, and we didn't make any announcements or promotions. The time and process for the audience to get to know the new show? I think that with word of mouth, the ratings of the show will definitely get better and better in the future.”

Jia Wei clenched his fists tightly. These words were not only to calm Director Wang, but also to cheer him up.

For him, the second period is an opportunity. If he doesn't say so, then he won't even have a chance to prove himself.

After Wang Wanjun heard it, his eyebrows gradually relaxed, which made some sense.

"Hurry up and go back to do the second episode. We must strictly control the quality, and then make a publicity notice and broadcast it at another time!" Wang Wanjun said seriously.

"Yes, Director!"


(End of this chapter)

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