The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 613: Turning Faces Faster Than Turning Books

Chapter 613: Turning Faces Faster Than Turning Books
The sudden appearance of Xu Jie surprised everyone present, but besides the surprise, they also felt a little bit of surprise. As for why they were surprised, no one could explain clearly, it was like seeing a glimmer of light in the endless darkness .

"Why, can't I come back? I seem to be the deputy director of the Arts Program Center now." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing what everyone said.

"Deputy Director Xu, you misunderstood. We didn't mean that. Everyone just didn't understand why you came back suddenly. Did Director Wang call you back?" Zhang Jiao asked curiously.

"It's not Director Wang, it's Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou who asked me to come back to pick up some new photography equipment." Xu Jie explained that he noticed someone walking towards the conference room, so he asked, "Where are you going?"

"Director Wang asked everyone to go to the conference room for a meeting." Tian Haobo replied.

"Everyone? It seems that I came back in time, let's go together." Xu Jie asked doubtfully as he walked, "Isn't today Friday? What meeting?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be related to the new program." Liu Hua said mysteriously: "Deputy Director Xu, you haven't been here recently, so you may not know. The ratings of the four newly launched programs are all below 4. The director's complexion is also getting uglier every day, especially when the ratings table is posted, and today he even coaxed everyone to go to the meeting if he didn't post it."

"Deputy Director Xu, you have to be the one to discuss the show, Director Wang can't do it!" Zhao Jiangpeng said in a low voice.

He has a lot of complaints about the new director. In order to promote the new program, even the ratings of the program "Daily Entertainment Broadcasting" he is in charge of have dropped. If this continues, the program may fall out of the top 10. .

"That's right, Director Wang's vision is really bad, and the current result is his own fault." Liu Hua said gloatingly.

"Don't say that, after all, he has been in the satellite TV program center for so many years, he must have his ability, otherwise the superior would not have transferred him to our art program center as the director." Xu Jie said lightly.

"I asked the people at the satellite TV program center. In terms of management, Director Wang is indeed good, but in terms of business... hehe!"


While speaking, everyone came to the conference room.

As soon as everyone entered the door, they saw Wang Wanjun sitting at the front. You must know that Director Wang was always the last to arrive at the meeting, and would even be a few minutes late on purpose to show his special status as the director. Today, the other party showed up in the meeting room ahead of time, and those who came in by surprise quickly shut up and looked for a seat.

Xu Jie walked into the meeting room, and those who came in first showed surprise expressions when they saw him, and some even rubbed their eyes violently with their hands in disbelief, wondering if they were delusional, even if they were sure After that, he also looked surprised. At the same time, he also smelled a smell of gunpowder, and felt that this meeting was destined not to be peaceful.

Of course, Wang Wanjun was the most surprised.

At first, he wondered if the other party had received some rumors, but today this meeting was held temporarily by him. It took only a few minutes before and after. That's what's in the game.

Is it just a coincidence?He announced the opening of the meeting, and the other party came back?

This is too coincidental, right?

After Wang Wanjun was surprised, only depression remained in his heart.

The main content of today's meeting is about the rectification of the new program, how to improve the quality of the new program and change the status quo of poor ratings. This is also the order of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou.

You must know that at the last meeting before the new program was broadcast, Xu Jie said very directly that these 4 new programs were not good, and he not only did not listen to the other party's opinions, but also ruthlessly voted with a show of hands Humiliated the other party.

What now?
The appearance of the other party is a humiliation to him.

The rectification meeting directly turned into a face-slapping meeting.

Silence is better than sound here!
"Deputy Director Xu, why are you back?" Wang Wanjun asked pretending to be calm.

"Two days ago, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou called me and said that a new batch of photographic equipment had arrived in the stage, and asked me if I needed it. I'm free today, so I came back to take a look." Xu Jie said after sitting down. .

Wang Wanjun was startled for a moment, and then he became jealous.

Regarding the batch of new equipment, the directors of various departments were watching closely, and even asked Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou more than once, but the results were all in vain.

now what?Deputy editor-in-chief Zhou actually took the initiative to ask Xu if he wanted it, and even directly passed him, the director of the cultural program center, didn't he take him seriously?
No wonder Xu dared to fight against him.

Wang Wanjun suppressed his anger, looked at the other party and said, "Really? This is a good thing. You should go quickly. I just came back from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, and he is in the office."

After hearing this, Xu Jie said, "No hurry, didn't Director Wang ask everyone to come to the meeting? I am also a member of the Art Center, and I will go after you finish the meeting."

The corner of Wang Wanjun's mouth twitched involuntarily. He just didn't want the other party to participate in the current meeting, so he asked the other party to leave quickly.

Not urgent?
You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry!
"Actually, today's meeting doesn't have any important content. It's just a brief summary of the new program. Don't you still have a lot of work to do in JingTV Culture? My side is small, and your side is big." Wang Wanjun seriously Said.

If the other party doesn't leave, he can't open the meeting at this time. If the other party opens, it's just to let the other party see a joke.

"It doesn't matter. My side is going very smoothly recently. The program should be completed ahead of schedule and the meeting will not be delayed. I just happen to be listening to the new program. After all, I am also a member of the Arts Program Center." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Wang Wanjun looked constipated, wishing to give himself a big post, what he said just now was a summary of the new program, but now it is doing well, and he can't do without it.

"Director, everyone is here, can we start the meeting?" Deputy Director Liu Qingpeng asked.

Wang Wanjun hesitated for a while, and finally sighed secretly, then sat upright, looked at everyone in the meeting room and said: "Everyone be quiet, the meeting is starting now, I have called everyone here temporarily today, mainly to discuss the new program. Let me sum it up, speaking of the program has been on the air for two weeks, let the four people in charge talk about their current thoughts, and Miao Zhenzhen will speak first."

He originally wanted to talk about the ratings of the show very seriously and let everyone make suggestions for the new show, but Xu Jie's sudden appearance disrupted his plan.

Miao Zhenzhen was taken aback, she hadn't prepared anything, and she was only the temporary person in charge, what should she say?
Wang Wanjun saw that Miao Zhenzhen was hesitant to speak, so he guided and said: "Say what comes to mind, don't be pressured, let's just summarize it, so that the show can become better in the future."

In fact, I thought to myself: Say it quickly, and it will be easy to dismiss after finishing speaking.

Miao Zhenzhen looked puzzled, and said whatever came to her mind?I can't think of anything, what to say?
She racked her brains for a while, and then said: "Through the broadcast of the first two episodes, I saw that the program still has many deficiencies. Next, I will improve it and make the program better. I said It's over."

After speaking, he lowered his head.

Everyone present was speechless.

Just a word?

The idea is too perfunctory, right?Anyway, it's okay to say one, two, three, four.

The ratings of the show are poor, and the attitude is perfunctory. Isn't this waiting to be criticized by Director Wang?
"Well, that's a good point, Cheng Guangxian, you can talk about it later." Wang Wanjun looked at the next one.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard Director Wang's words, wondering if Director Wang had drunk too much?

where is good?

Even Miao Zhenzhen was dumbfounded, what should I say?
Cheng Guangxian stared blankly at Director Wang, then came back to his senses and said: "The main problem with my program is that I can't find out what the audience likes. I'm going to conduct a survey, and then make the content of the program based on the survey results."

Wang Wanjun nodded, "Well, yes, I have an idea, Jia Wei, it's your turn."


Everyone was stunned. Director Wang didn't drink too much, he drank fake wine, and his brain was ruined.

When Jia Wei heard that there was going to be a summary of the show, he was still worried about what to say, but with Miao Zhenzhen and Cheng Guangxian as demonstrations, his worries disappeared immediately.

"I want to continue digging into the stories behind it, especially those touching stories..."

"It makes sense, Jiang Lan."

"Go deep into the people and find better people to participate in the program."

Wang Wanjun said with a smile: "It seems that the four people in charge are seriously thinking about the program. If that's the case, let's go back and take action. The meeting is adjourned."


Everyone has question marks all over their faces, is the meeting adjourned?

Someone looked down at his watch. It took less than 7 minutes from the beginning of the meeting to the end of the meeting. Isn't that too fast?
How about a good summary?
Just drank it with fake wine?
Besides, for such a small matter, do you need to make such a big battle and call everyone?Is it a bit of a fuss?

Everyone looked at Director Wang's back, and no one dared to say anything, but after thinking about it carefully, they thought it was pretty good. If every meeting was held so quickly in the future, it would save everyone a lot of time.

The crowd quickly dispersed.

"It seems that Director Wang's work efficiency has improved during my absence." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then left the conference room.

When Wang Wanjun returned to the office, his face drooped immediately. He was very upset that the meeting was not going well. Thinking of the reason, he came to the window and looked down at the downstairs.

After more than half an hour.

A Land Rover slowly drove out of the gate of the TV station.

Wang Wanjun stared intently until he disappeared into the distance of the road, and then walked out of the office quickly.

"All to the conference room for a meeting!"


The employees who had just started working had puzzled expressions on their faces.

Meeting again?Are these meetings too frequent?

Who would dare to disobey the director's order?
Although he was dissatisfied, he still came to the conference room to gather again.

"Director, what's the matter?" Liu Qingpeng couldn't help asking.

Wang Wanjun looked to his right hand side and saw that the seat there was empty, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but the expression on his face became serious.

"It's still a problem with the new show!" Wang Wanjun suddenly snapped: "What the hell are you doing? Why are the ratings of the new show so bad? Are you serious about making the show? Huh?"


Everyone was astonished.

Which song did Director Wang sing?
You were amiable and amiable just now, why are you suddenly glaring again?The speed of turning faces is faster than turning the pages of books.

and many more!

Everyone saw the vacant seat in front of them and quickly understood.

It turns out that Director Xu is gone!

(End of this chapter)

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