Chapter 614 Scapegoat

Facing Director Wang's sudden angry reprimand, everyone lowered their heads, looked at their noses and noses, and thought about their mother's criticism in their hearts!
When Deputy Director Xu was here, you chatted with us calmly about the show's ideas. Now that Deputy Director Xu is gone, you are here to get angry and talk about the ratings of the program?

Since you know that you are ashamed and you are afraid of shame, why do you want to reprimand us here?

"There are 4 programs, and there is not even a rating of 1. May I ask how you did it? You need resources for resources, and you need publicity for publicity. What is the result? Is this the answer you gave me?"

"With so many people, you can't even do a decent show. What are your brains for? Don't they only engage in secret filming and gossip?"

"I have worked in TV for more than ten years, and I have never met people as bad as you. Can't you use your brains when you do things? Don't you feel ashamed?"

"It's no wonder the ratings of the programs on the Literature and Art Channel are poor. With people like you, it should be good."


Wang Wanjun chattered on and on, and the more he said, the more unpleasant it sounded, as if the words he had held back in his stomach were mixed with his papa and then released again.

The people present listened quietly, some frowned in dissatisfaction, and curled their lips in disdain.

In their view, although the other party is the department director, they look down on him very much, and even despise him from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially when he saw the other party's angry and flustered appearance, he couldn't help but think of a sentence in his heart: There is no tiger or monkey in the mountains to call himself a king.

In the matter of making programs, Deputy Director Xu is very good, he is a tiger, while Director Wang is a monkey who can only jump up and down.

If the other party could listen to Deputy Director Xu's words back then, they wouldn't be in such a mess as they are now.

At this moment, not only those who did not participate in the production of the new program, but even the members of the four program groups were full of dissatisfaction and complaints.

Scold us?
Why scold us?

Who agreed to the program plan in the first place?And who applauded loudly after watching the first episode?

You are the director of the art program center, without your consent, can our program be on the art channel?

Are we to blame for the poor ratings now?
Are you surprised?
Seeing that no one spoke, Wang Wanjun became even angrier.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Don't you usually talk a lot? Why are they all dumb now? Jia Wei, first tell me why the ratings are so low. What did you just say to dig deeper into the story behind it? Didn't you dig deeper before?" ?” Wang Wanjun questioned angrily.


Jia Wei trembled all over, feeling that he was more wronged than Dou E.

Everyone is perfunctory, and he is not the only one. Can he be blamed?

Besides, the exaggeration just now made sense, so why did you turn your back on him?

"Ah what? Tell me?" Wang Wanjun stared at the other party fiercely. It was the other party's idea to increase the publicity. As a result, the number of people watching the art channel decreased.

"Director, I think the reason for the low ratings may be that the stories in the first two episodes were not exciting enough. This time I found a number of artists, and selected one who was the best at telling stories, and wrote two story scripts. I think the ratings of the third episode will definitely go up." Jia Wei assured.

"Are you sure?" Wang Wanjun asked, frowning.

This matter has already attracted the attention of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, so there are not many opportunities left for him.

Jia Wei hesitated for a moment, but in the end he said firmly, "Sure!"

Do you want to say that you are not sure?
With Director Wang's current mood, why don't you just give him a big post?
Wang Wanjun turned to look at Miao Zhenzhen, "What about you? What improvements have you made in your program?"

Miao Zhenzhen said: I didn't even see the ratings of the second episode last night, how can I improve?

She thought for a while and said, ""The Grand Ceremony of Folk Music" just ended last night, and the production of the third episode hasn't started yet, so I don't have any ideas for the time being. We need to discuss it with the program team before we can get an answer. Otherwise, Director Wang, you'll have to wait." How many days?"

"What? No idea yet? How did you do it? After the second episode of the program is finished, shouldn't you be producing the third episode non-stop? The work efficiency of your program group is too low. The current art program center is no longer The previous art program center was not a place for you to catch fish and retire." Wang Wanjun said angrily, and even slapped the table hard with his hands.

With a "bang", everyone trembled in fright.

Miao Zhenzhen lowered her head again.

She is very clear that Deputy Director Xu is not here now, and Director Wang is angry, so no matter what she says, the other party will not have good things to say. It is better to be a quiet and beautiful woman, and the other party can say whatever he likes.

"I can't give you a few days. I'll give you one day. When will the program plan be finished today and when will it be handed over to me? Do you hear me?" Wang Wanjun said.

"Yeah." Miao Zhenzhen reluctantly agreed, and no surprises, she has to work overtime again today.

Wang Wanjun snorted coldly, then looked at Cheng Guangxian.

Cheng Guangxian heard Jia Wei and Miao Zhenzhen being scolded just now, so before Wang Wanjun could speak, he hurriedly said: "Director, I have already contacted a famous folk artist, and he also agreed to come to my show, but the appearance fee is a bit high. Do you see if you can subsidize some?"

"How much is the appearance fee?" Wang Wanjun frowned involuntarily, which was also the unified action of all the leaders after hearing their subordinates asking for money.

They all want to get grades, but they don't want to pay money. They clearly know that a smart woman can't live without rice, but they always think about the good things that fall from the sky.

"20." Cheng Guangxian stretched out two fingers.

"What? 20? You don't even have a sponsor for your show now, how dare you ask for 20? Do you think I'm worth 20? Just give me to him!" Wang Wanjun said angrily.

20 is not worth mentioning for a program on the satellite TV channel, and it can be earned from a few ten-second advertisements. However, this amount of money is a huge sum of money for a program on the art channel, let alone sponsoring a program. Two and three periods are fine.

"Quyijia doesn't want you, but money." Cheng Guangxian said in a low voice.

"You can't make a show without money? You have to start with the content of the show, don't always think about inviting famous people, change the plan, and give it to me before get off work!" Wang Wanjun finished speaking and looked at Jiang Lan.

Perhaps because of the hot weather recently, Jiang Lan wore a dress with a very low collar today, so low that she could see the beautiful scenery of the rolling mountains.

There is an old saying: Everyone has the love of beauty.

Looking at beautiful women can make people feel good.

The anger in Wang Wanjun's heart suddenly dissipated, and his volume dropped a little. He asked, "Jiang Lan, what about you?"

Jiang Lan raised her chest and said confidently: "Director, I have adjusted the program. From the beginning, it simply showed people's singing and dancing works, and changed it to a talent show mode, which has increased competition and fun. I think the audience will like it very much. of."

Wang Wanjun nodded, and finally heard a pretty good idea.

"You can't think about it, as long as the audience is willing to watch it."

Wang Wanjun said something briefly, then shifted his gaze from Jiang Lan to the people present, and said: "The four program directors have already mentioned their rectification methods for the program, but I think these are not enough. How powerful you are, you all talk about it and give suggestions for the program, these 4 programs are not only their programs, but also the programs of our art program center, all of you have the responsibility to make the program better."

When everyone heard it, they called out the trap in their hearts.

Programs are organized by program group, how can there be comments across program groups?
Besides, if the opinion is adopted, the ratings of the program will increase, but what if the ratings of the program drop?Who is responsible for this?
In fact, this is nothing, the key is that just now the person in charge swears that the show will be liked by the audience. If the ratings are released next week, these shows are ranked at the bottom again, what should others do?
Can't say it, absolutely can't say it, if you say it, you are a scapegoat, and whoever does it is a blame man!

Based on the principle that one thing more is worse than one thing less, the people here once again chose that silence is golden.

Seeing that no one spoke, Wang Wanjun patted the table angrily.


"Why are you dumb again? Tell me? Zhao Jiangpeng, start from you, and talk one by one according to the seat!" Wang Wanjun pointed to the nearest Zhao Jiangpeng.


Zhao Jiangpeng was stunned, he was really sitting down there, and the pot came from the sky.

He works on entertainment news programs, such as Jia Wei and Jiang Lan's cultural and artistic talk shows, which are completely incompatible with his major and work. What can he say?
"Director, the ratings of "Daily Entertainment Broadcasting" are also declining recently. I am thinking about it. You should stop asking me to give opinions to other programs. I can't even take care of my own programs now. How can I think about it?" Other programs?" Zhao Jiangpeng said.

He said so with confidence.

After all, the ratings of "Daily Entertainment Broadcasting" is the number one on the Art Channel, and it is also the only program on the entire Art Channel that has reached the top ten TV ratings.

What he just said is very clear: If you ask me to give ideas to other programs, then my program ratings will drop, don't blame me!

Wang Wanjun was stunned, he didn't expect that Zhao Jiangpeng would turn against the army, but think about it carefully, if the ratings of "Daily Literature and Art Broadcast" also dropped, then the rectification would not be for new programs, but for the entire art channel. At that time, could he, the cultural program center, still sit here safely?
"Well, it's good that you know how to reflect." Wang Wanjun pointed to the next person, "Wang Chang, tell me."

Wang Chang was taken aback. Is this playing drumming and passing the pot?Throwing it to him so soon?

"Director, actually, I'm also thinking about it!" Wang Chang said seriously.

"You think about it? You are the one who is in charge of the TV series, what are you thinking about? Do you play the role in the TV series?" Wang Wanjun glared.

"Director, I have to think about which TV series is good-looking, cheap and popular with audiences in the capital area." Wang Chang said in a low voice.

When Wang Wanjun heard this, don't you need to continue asking?Ask again, other people will use the show as an excuse to get past it, how the hell are they soliciting opinions?

"Everyone took out their pens and papers and wrote their opinions for the four programs. Whoever writes them can leave, and those who don't write them will stay here forever, no need to write their names!"

After everyone heard it, they were suddenly happy.

This is a good way.

Say it earlier.

Everyone looked at each other, as if they had made an agreement, and immediately took out pens and paper.

There may not be serious ideas, but there are many unserious ideas.


(End of this chapter)

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