Chapter 616

in the afternoon.

The staff of JingTV Culture came to the meeting room one after another. Before entering the door, they all put their mobile phones on the table outside. They didn't know what they were doing here, but they received an order from the general manager to come here to watch a film. As for What kind of film it is, what content, the general manager didn't say, and they don't know either.

Seeing that everyone was there, Xu Jie turned on the video and played the program clips on the big screen.

He also didn't say anything, just to see the real reaction of the 20 viewers.

The first round of auditions will begin.

All the people present had puzzled expressions on their faces. They didn't turn their attention to the big screen until they saw movement on the big screen. Although they didn't know what made them come here, it should be related to the content played on the big screen. Otherwise, it wouldn't be shown to them.

It seems to be a study session.

Yes, it must be a study session, and let Deputy Director Xu teach them. Who doesn't know that Deputy Director Xu is good at variety shows and evening parties?
Everyone began to watch seriously. Who knows if they will be asked to write their impressions after the study session is over?

1 minutes……

2 minutes……

Everyone watched for a while, and gradually realized that something was wrong. The content shown on the big screen was not learning content at all, but it was clearly a variety show, because there were stars appearing in it.

"What kind of variety show is this? Why have I never watched it?" A girl asked a colleague beside her suspiciously. She likes celebrity variety shows very much. She watches celebrity variety shows on various TV stations. But he is very unfamiliar with the variety shows shown on the big screen.

"I haven't watched it either. Looking at the location, it's clearly in Beijing, but it seems that the Beijing TV station has never broadcast such a program." Another female colleague said.

"Why did Mr. Jiang let us watch this?"

"I don't know, maybe we want us to learn from this show and create a star variety show of the same type."

"Then you have to look carefully."


The main business of JingTV Culture is the planning of film and television programs, including the production of large-scale variety shows, so it is very common for them to produce a brand new variety show with reference to other variety shows.

With this in mind, everyone began to look at it seriously.

However, once people get involved, they are very easily attracted by the content of the program, so various voices keep ringing in the conference room.

"I'll go, there are more than ten floors of stairs, Hu Xuan's takeaway is going to break his leg."

"Haha, Wang Zihao's courier car almost flipped over."

"Haixin is so beautiful. Why didn't anyone choose her for cleaning? I will definitely choose her. It doesn't matter if it's dry or not, the key is to be pleasing to the eye!"

"I didn't expect these big stars who are usually glamorous on stage to stumble in these ordinary jobs."

"Hee hee, I just like watching these celebrities being abused."

"It's called beating, haha!"

"What kind of program is it? It doesn't even have a name. I really want to watch the whole episode."

"Director Xu, what program is this?" Someone couldn't help asking Xu Jie who was standing aside.

"Don't ask, just focus on watching." Xu Jie pointed to the big screen.

"Just tell us." A girl said in a coquettish tone.

"You'll find out later," Xu Jie said.

Everyone didn't say anything when they saw Director Xu, they could only continue watching the show.

I don't know how long it took, but just when everyone was getting excited, the program on the big screen suddenly stopped.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"The show is over?"

"So fast?"

"Director Xu, is there any more? Play another episode."

Xu Jie walked to the front and looked at the 20 spectators in the meeting room. He saw all the reactions of these people just now, and he heard all of what these people said.

Overall, he is very satisfied.

Satisfied with the audience's response and satisfied with the effect of the program.

Talking and laughing while watching it, and I can't get enough of it after watching it. This is what a qualified variety show should bring to the audience.

He felt that his program should be regarded as qualified, and it was just a test product that he put together some clips temporarily. The real product was more exciting than the one just broadcast.

"I asked Mr. Jiang to bring you here. The variety show segment you saw just now is actually my new show. It is still in the post-production stage. If there is no accident, it will officially meet with the audience in October. Today I will try it out. The purpose of the meeting is to hear your views on this program, and I hope that everyone can express their truest thoughts, which can be regarded as a help to me, and I am here to thank everyone." Xu Jie said seriously.

At this moment, everyone showed a look of sudden realization.

It turned out to be a trial meeting, but why is it so mysterious?

But then again, Director Xu's new variety show has always been classified as a confidential content by Beijing TV, and he even regards his new variety show as a trump card for the second half of the year on Beijing Satellite TV. They can be the audience of the first trial meeting , It is also an honor.

"Director Xu, I think this variety show is very novel in content. It allows stars to experience the lives of ordinary people. Not only is it full of jokes, but it also seems to be very enjoyable." A viewer said.

"That's right, and the link design is also very ingenious, as if it is real, and there is no trace of the script at all. The performances of these actors are really great." Another audience member said.

"The clips played just now happened in real life, and there is no script." Xu Jie explained after hearing it.


When everyone heard this, they were stunned.

No script?

How can it be?

As an insider, who doesn't know that variety shows are scripted?

Regardless of whether it is competitive, funny, or even life documentary, the rhythm and direction of the program are all controlled through the script, and some content that the audience likes to watch is played.

This is true of the variety shows they participated in producing before.

"It's no wonder that celebrities are so embarrassed when they are embarrassed. It turns out that it is a true reflection. I thought why their acting skills are so high."

"Director Xu, I have a question. How did you convince those stars? When we were doing variety shows, the stars were very difficult to deal with."

"Yes, some don't cooperate, and some act indiscriminately."

Xu Jie smiled, and then said: "It's actually very simple, in front of their managers, tell them to leave if they don't act!"

Everyone opened their eyes wide, looking at Director Xu in disbelief.

Isn't it too arrogant to say this?Can you still treat a big star like this?Aren't you afraid of scolding big stars away?

"I'm not joking with you. In fact, when I was filming, I wished that some of them could quit midway. In this way, I could get three times their compensation according to the content written in the contract. This is why I abused them." Their motivation." Xu Jie said solemnly, but it was a pity that the last one didn't run away.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Forcing celebrities to take compensation?

Can you still do that?
Sure enough, Director Xu is awesome!
If it were them, they would never dare to do so.

"Okay, let's talk about the shortcomings of the program. What's your opinion?" Xu Jie looked at the crowd and asked. His purpose of holding this trial meeting was not to hear good things.

Although he is very satisfied with everyone's response, he hopes to hear opinions that are helpful to the program.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't think of any shortcomings for a while.

Speaking of which, they also do variety shows, but after working for so many years, they have never produced such a wonderful show. Even if they have such an idea, they still can't make the content of the show so attractive.

Forget it.

Let them come to study more or less.

"Don't worry, everyone think about it slowly, say what you think, just think it's chatter, I have prepared melon seeds here." Xu Jie took out a few bags of melon seeds from under the table and threw them to everyone, and then pulled a chair Sit down, open a bag and start smoking.

Everyone was speechless after seeing it.

Are the melon seeds ready?Now it's only a kang head.

It seems that it is really impossible not to put forward some opinions today.

"Director Xu..." A girl raised her hand, "I have an idea."

"Say it!" Xu Jie sat up straight.

"The program that was broadcast just now should be a reality show of life documentary, right? I think this kind of program should not only watch the scenes of celebrities experiencing embarrassment in life, but also have more life insights and truths, what do you think?" The female audience was timid. Said, in front of variety show masters, I really dare not be presumptuous.

"Well, that's a good point. Adding some chicken soup will make the show more flavorful, and the realm will also go up." Xu Jie nodded in agreement.

In fact, during the filming and post-production of the show, chicken soup was added, and even the center of the whole show is to reflect a love for life and work through the changes of stars, to encourage everyone.

This point may not be reflected in the film just now. After all, it is too short, and it was put together improvised. I didn't pay much attention to it, and it was not obvious.

As for why he praised the girls for their good words, it was mainly to encourage everyone.

If the audience makes an opinion, he says he has thought of it, and he makes another opinion, and he says he thought of it again, will anyone raise it again in the end?Even if there is an opinion, it will not be mentioned.

Hearing Xu Jie's words, the girl immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face.

When the others saw that someone had been praised by Director Xu, they immediately regained their energy, and began to seriously recall what they saw just now, comparing it with all the variety shows they had seen before.

"Director Xu, I think it's good to be real, but the rhythm may be chaotic. It's better to add some scripts to guide the artists. What do you think?" A male employee said.

"Yes, the show should guide the artists, not the artists to control the show." Xu Jie nodded.

"Some plots can be deliberately arranged to increase the difficulty of the artist's experience..."

"It can be matched with the scene where the artist is embarrassing, and some special effects can be added in the later stage."

"I think……"

Everyone began to speak enthusiastically.


(End of this chapter)

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