Chapter 617 Master?

Saturday noon.

Xu Jie came to a hotel near Houhai Park according to the location map, and saw Ye Chu standing outside the gate chatting with people from a distance.

Compared with when he went to the TV station to participate in the program more than a month ago, the other party looked much more energetic today, and his beard was shaved, his hair was smoothed out, and even his skin turned white.

Xu Jie got out of the car and walked towards the hotel gate. Ye Chu, who was chatting with someone, suddenly showed joy, and immediately went up to meet him quickly.

"Director Xu, you are here, welcome." Ye Chu held Xu Jie's hand tightly, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

"People are refreshed on happy occasions, Director Ye looks particularly refreshed today." Xu Jie joked.

"Director Xu was joking. In front of you, I am still me. I have never changed." Ye Chu said humbly, keeping his posture very low, for fear of being mistaken for being overwhelmed. Dare to show off.

"How can it stay the same? People have to change, and they have to change for the better. This time Director Ye has proved himself through the movie "Human World". I wish Director Ye more success in his future career. It's getting better and better." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Thank you Director Xu, I'll show you the way." Ye Chu let go of his hand and pointed to the door of the hotel.

"No, I'll just go in by myself. You can stay with your friend." Xu Jie looked at the person who chatted with Ye Chu before. Saw it on set.

"The vice president of a film company came here uninvited." Ye Chu said in a low voice, and then dragged Xu Jie to the hotel.

"Really? This means that you have been recognized by the film industry. Isn't this a good thing?" Xu Jie said as he walked. In his opinion, that person not only gave Ye Chu a job, but also gave Ye Chu money. of.

You must know that in the current film industry, many directors are sponsors to make films by themselves, especially in the literary film industry, even a famous film director like Xu Shenghua will worry about funding. If you sign a contract with a film company, it will be different. I got a backer.

"Director Xu, I actually thought the same way at the beginning, but he wanted to sign me for five years, and he wanted me to make three films. The most important thing is that he must bring a certain amount of profit to the company every year, or else he would have to sign me Make it up, if it were you, would you sign?" Ye Chu said with a wry smile.

"Isn't that just a bet?" Xu Jie asked after hearing it. This kind of agreement may even capsize a big director and a big star, let alone a small director and a small star.

Ye Chu and his movie "The World" has indeed become popular recently, but it is only limited to the circle of literary and artistic films. You must know that most of the literary and artistic films lose money, so such an agreement is definitely a must for Ye Chu. A challenge, no, a pit.

"That's right." Ye Chu nodded and said, "Although the movie "Human World" is a success, it doesn't mean that the next movie will be a success. Maybe the promise of three movies is a temptation for many directors, but for me It is a kind of burden, the creation itself needs a long process, and the five-year time limit is like a shackle, making it impossible for people to calm down and engage in creation.”

"Well, it's very good that you can see this clearly. The more successful you are, the more you have to keep calm. The water in the film and television industry is very deep, and it's easy to lose control. What are your plans for the future?" Xu Jie asked road.

Ye Chu thought for a while and said: "Recently, apart from receiving invitations from some film companies to join, I have also received a lot of movie scripts. I want to read the scripts first. If there are suitable ones, I will shoot them and then exercise myself. Director Xu Do you have any suggestions?"

"Suggestion? I'm in TV programs, not movies. There's an old saying: What advice can I give you if there's no interlacing?" Xu Jie waved his hands repeatedly.

"Director Xu, there is another saying that is: Everything is inseparable from it. If you can make a good TV show, it means that you understand the audience's preferences. Besides, besides your main job as a TV show director, don't you also have a film screenwriter? Is it a side job? Not an outsider." Ye Chu said sincerely, determined to listen to Xu Jie's thoughts.

The reason why he is like this is from last year.

I remember that when filming the movie "The World", the other party gave him a lot of suggestions on the set, and most of these suggestions were adopted by him, and this is how the current version of "The World" came about.

In addition, the other party spared no effort to help him, finding actors, helping with publicity, and even recommending jobs for him, so he trusted the other party's vision and character very much.

"If you say that..." Xu Jie looked at Ye Chu, "Then I will give you a suggestion."

"Please tell me!" Ye Chu listened carefully. It is said that the popular variety show "Crossover Actors" in the past two years was the other party's suggestion.

"Since you want to exercise yourself, you should be thorough and make a commercial film for your next film. After all, in today's film market, commercial films are the mainstream, or you can find a good balance between the two. The commercial market also has artistic value." Xu Jie expressed his suggestion.

Ye Chu was slightly taken aback, and then fell into serious thinking.

Although the movie "Human World" is considered a success, from investment to filming, he knows how difficult it is.

If we continue to follow the path of literary films, who can guarantee that we will meet noble people like Director Xu and Sister Yun in the next film?
Moreover, a literary film must first have a good script, but a good script is often encountered but not sought after.

Take the script of the movie "The World" as an example. He prepared for several years, but he couldn't wait for another few years, because after a few years, no one will remember him, let alone invest in him.

"One more thing." Xu Jie said in a low voice: "Commercial films make money, and only with money can you realize your ideals, right?"

Ye Chu froze for a moment, what he said was true.

In the film industry, ideals alone are not enough. No one will pay for your ideals. You can only make enough money to realize your ideals.

"Director Xu, I understand." Ye Chu nodded.

He decided that the next step is to make commercial films.

The two came to a large private room on the second floor, where there were six tables. Many people had already arrived at the scene, and everyone stood up to say hello when they saw Xu Jie.

"Hello Director Xu!"

"Director Xu, you are here, please sit down."

"Brother-in-law, sit here, the seat is reserved for you." Su Lei pointed to the chair next to him.

After greeting the others, Xu Jie came to Su Lei's side, looked at him and asked, "Why are you here? Are you not busy recently?"

While pouring tea, Su Lei said, "Busy. Since the movies I participated in have been released one after another, work has become more and more busy, but there is still time to go out for a meal." After finishing speaking, he put the teacup in front of Xu Jie, He said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, you drink tea."

Xu Jie took a sip, and suddenly saw Ding Mengni who was sitting next to Su Lei, and couldn't help looking back and forth between the two of them. He remembered that Su Lei invited Ding Mengni to dinner when he finished recording "Deep Talk on Film and Television" last time. , I don't know if it will be successful in the end, but now my brother-in-law is sitting with Ding Mengni again, it's not for dinner, it's obviously for beautiful women.

"Hello, Teacher Xu." Ding Mengni said politely.

Xu Jie put down the teacup, looked at the other party and asked, "How are you doing recently, is the filming going well?"

Ding Mengni smiled and said, "Successful, and thanks to you, more and more people are looking for me to film."

"Really? It's a good idea. If there is a big director, take advantage of this opportunity to get on the boat of a big director, and the exposure rate will be great." Xu Jie said.

Ding Mengni smiled wryly, the big director's boat is so easy to get on?

Besides, she only received some attention because of her performance in the movie "The World", and this attention is very limited. How could she be favored by a big director so easily?
"Brother-in-law, just now I told Meng Ni to let her sign with our Bright Star Brokerage Company. There will definitely be endless roles to play, but she won't listen. Please help me persuade me. Among the current stars, there is no brokerage company behind them." ? A brokerage company has resources, right?" Su Lei looked at his brother-in-law and said.

After hearing this, Xu Jie rolled his eyes at his brother-in-law. Do you think I don't know what your plan is?
"Mr. Xu, I want to hear your opinion." Ding Mengni said.

Xu Jie wondered what happened today?Either I want to listen to his advice, or I just want to listen to his opinion. Does this mean that he is regarded as a master?

Su Lei's eyes lit up, and while pretending to drink tea, he stretched out his foot under the table and kicked in the direction of his brother-in-law, hoping that his brother-in-law could understand what he meant, since it was a matter of his life after all.

Xu Jie frowned, these are the shoes Su Yun bought for him.

He glanced at his brother-in-law who was kicking more and more vigorously, and kicked back directly.

Su Lei's whole body trembled, and all the tea in the cup spilled on his body.

"Are you okay?" Ding Mengni asked.

"No, it's okay, the tea is too hot." Su Lei replied awkwardly, then stood up and wiped his clothes with a paper towel.

Xu Jie ignored his brother-in-law and said to Ding Mengni: "Although Liangxing Brokerage is one of the largest brokerage companies in the industry, and there are countless celebrity artists signed, I don't recommend you to go."

The corner of Su Lei's mouth twitched, and he immediately showed a bitter face, feeling that his brother-in-law is the Queen Mother, isn't this intentional to separate Cowherd and Weaver Girl?
"Oh? Why?" Ding Mengni asked curiously, shouldn't it be to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade?

"Although the big companies have big cakes, they also have a lot of people. First-tier stars have a big piece, and second-tier stars have a small piece. When it's the turn of third-, fourth-, and fifth-tier artists, there are not many left. You, a newcomer, can snatch them. Is it?" Xu Jie said.

Ding Mengni was thoughtful when she heard it.

"Brother-in-law, although the small agency has fewer people, the cake is also small." Su Lei said hastily, blinking wildly at the same time.

"Did I tell you to let Mengni go to a small agency?" Xu Jie asked, looking at his brother-in-law.

"You don't recommend going to a big company, and you can't go to a small company. Isn't that the same as not saying anything?" Su Lei said.

"You know what a fart!" Xu Jie stretched out his foot, Su Lei immediately hid away, Xu Jie put his foot down, and continued to say to Ding Mengni: "In your current situation, if you have the conditions, it is best to choose It’s better to sign with the studios of some big stars or big directors, you can borrow their resources to guide you, after all, the quality of their works is still guaranteed, it’s better than acting in some bad movies.”

Su Lei is depressed, is this talking about him?He's turned around now, okay?

"Ms. Xu, I understand. You are right. I will pay attention to it." Ding Mengni nodded seriously.


(End of this chapter)

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