The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 618 Enter the film and television industry?

Chapter 618 Enter the film and television industry?
There were more and more people in the private room, and soon there were no empty seats, but people kept coming in. Ye Chu, who was chatting and laughing before, was also sweating at this moment. There were more people than he expected. The key is Many were not invited, in other words uninvited.

For example, a famous agent, the vice president of a film company, the head of a director's studio... and the purpose of these people is very simple, hoping to sign him.

A director who can make money, who wouldn't want to have it?What's more, he is an all-rounder who can direct and edit. Which company does not lack such people?

"It's strange, why is director Ye more popular than me? I'm the number one male in this movie!" Su Lei said sourly, especially when he saw Ye Chu surrounded by people and surrounded by stars, isn't that exactly what he dreamed of? screen?
"In the film and television industry, there are many good actors, but not many good directors. With an investment of less than 300 million and a box office of more than 3000 million, of course he will be more popular than you." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Brother-in-law, I want to be a director!" Su Lei suddenly said seriously.

"Ye Chu is also a graduate of the director department, how about you? You are a computer student, but you are so-so as an actor, and you want to be a director, hmph!" Xu Jie snorted coldly.

Su Lei's back, which had been straight just now, immediately bent down. Although he was ambitious, he also knew that what his brother-in-law said made sense.

"Director Xu's words are correct. Now it's because cats and dogs want to be directors, so the film and television industry is in a mess, full of smog, and good and bad."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind, which sounded strange.

Xu Jie turned his head, and the person talking was a man at the next table. He was in his early forties, wearing a shirt, trousers and leather shoes. Very arrogant.

"Who are you, I'm talking to my brother-in-law, why are you interrupting?" Su Lei said dissatisfied, obviously thinking that the cat and dog in the other party's mouth were talking about him.

Ding Mengni next to him saw this man startled slightly, then touched Su Lei lightly with her hand, and said in a low voice, "That's Director Zheng Guoliang."

Su Lei was taken aback, then turned to look at the middle-aged man, "Zheng Guoliang? I don't know him!"

Ding Mengni was speechless, she didn't even know Zheng Guoliang, she was an actor, it was a waste of time.

"It turned out to be Director Zheng, nice to meet you." Xu Jie looked at the other party and said.

He has heard of this name. He is a well-known film director in China. He is especially good at romance films. Almost every Valentine's Day, the other party's films are released on Valentine's Day, and the box office is also very high. Two to three hundred million is commonplace.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I didn't expect to meet Director Xu here today." Zheng Guoliang asked with a smile.

"Join the fun, where's Director Zheng?" Xu Jie asked.

"I am Ye Chu's senior brother. I came to this celebration banquet today, mainly to invite Ye Chu to join my studio. I just heard the conversation between Director Xu and this young actor, and I couldn't help but express my feelings. I didn't disturb you guys." Right?" Zheng Guoliang asked.

"No." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Under Ding Mengni's explanation, Su Lei finally knew who Zheng Guoliang was. After learning that Zheng Guoliang was a director of a famous romance film, his eyes immediately began to shine.

Isn't this just right for him?

"Director Zheng, what have you been up to lately? I don't know if you need a young and handsome actor, what do you think of me?" Su Lei sat down on the chair and began to recommend himself, just like applying for a job.

"You? Haha!" Zheng Guoliang laughed twice, and said: "Your image is good, but your temperament is not good enough. It is not suitable for the male lead in my film. I think the villain role is more suitable for you, such as gangsters. some type of."

"I don't want the male number one, but the male number two is fine too. I promise I can play a role like the male number one competing for the female number one." Su Lei patted his chest and said.

Xu Jie glanced at his brother-in-law, and frowned involuntarily. How could this kid not understand what he said?
If it is suitable to play a villain, it is said that it is suitable to play a villain, and the sentence "gangster" is added after it. Isn't this a curse?

"Haha, the little brother's words are really funny. If you dare to compete for the role of the female number one, you have to have strength. You are still far behind." Zheng Guoliang said with a smile, with a hint of disdain on his face.


Su Lei wanted to say something else.

Taking the opportunity of moving the chair, Xu Jie bumped into his brother-in-law lightly, and at the same time gave him a hard look.

are you a pig?

People say that you have no strength, you are an idiot, and you still stick to their cold ass with a hot face?
Xu Jie turned around and ignored Zheng Guoliang. Although Su Lei was indeed an idiot, he was also his brother-in-law. If he said his brother-in-law in front of him, wouldn't that be disrespecting him and Su Yun?
For this little brother-in-law, he can beat and scold him, but it is impossible for others to beat and scold him.

Su Lei didn't know why, but he also knew that there must be a reason for his brother-in-law to stare at him and tell him to shut up, so he sat obediently and stopped talking.

"By the way, little brother, just now I heard from your brother-in-law that you study computer?" Zheng Guoliang asked Su Lei again.

"Yes." Su Lei nodded, thinking: Does the other party need an actor with computer skills?The role definitely suits him.

Zheng Guoliang shook his head, pouted his lips and said, "I didn't expect that the threshold of the actor industry has become so low. Any kind of person can be an actor. No wonder there are fewer and fewer good actors now. Little brother, what do you think you are?" It's better to go back to the old profession, the career of an actor is not suitable for you, professionals do professional things, right Director Xu?"

Su Lei was stunned, this time he understood, the other party was telling him no.

What is the most taboo thing for men?
Just being told no.

What's more, in front of the woman he likes, isn't that a slap in the face?
"Have you seen the movie "The World"? I'm the number one male." Su Lei said unconvinced.

"Male number one? Haha, a fringe role, but you call him number one? It seems that you are really a layman." Zheng Guoliang said: "If you have time, learn more from your brother-in-law."


Su Lei was so angry that he immediately wanted to stand up, but was held down by Xu Jie.

Today is the celebration banquet for the movie "The World", if Su Lei makes a scene, wouldn't it be a joke?
"Director Zheng, you just said that professionals do professional things. If that's the case, my brother-in-law really can't learn from me, because I'm neither a graduate of the acting department nor a graduate of the directing department. According to Director Zheng, I'm also not doing my job right now." Xu Jie said lightly.

Zheng Guoliang was taken aback, and asked with some surprise: "Didn't Director Xu graduate from the director department?"

Xu Jie shook his head and said: "I graduated from the Journalism Department of Communication University, and I am a serious reporter. The programs I am doing now, whether it is food programs or movie programs, including variety shows and evening parties, are not my old profession. "

Zheng Guoliang swallowed unconsciously. He has watched "Delicious History", "In-depth Film and Television Talk", and even "Crossover Actor", but he can't tell that it was done by an outsider.

"It's strange to say..." Xu Jie continued: "My layman's programs have good ratings and are very popular with the audience. On the contrary, the ratings of those programs by professionals are average. Maybe I'm lucky. Yes. Director Zheng?"

Zheng Guoliang's expression froze, and his complexion suddenly became ugly.

What he said was clearly a refutation of what he said earlier, "Professionals do professional things".

In fact, Xu Jie just wanted to tell the other party that the saying that professionals do professional things is not suitable for all industries, like some high-tech industries, professionals must do it, and the work of rocket propulsion cannot be done by a boiler burner , but does the performing arts industry really need professionals to do it?

According to what the other party said, all the hundreds of thousands of group performers in Hengdian would have to be laid off, and martial arts practitioners could not become actors, nor could actors become directors.

The "Crossover Actor" and "Crossover Singer" are all unprofessional and unnecessary to exist.

Xu Jie refuted Zheng Guoliang not only for his brother-in-law, but also for Su Yun. He used himself as an example to tell the other party with the facts, don't think that you are a director, and don't underestimate anyone.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xu to be so slippery across borders. No wonder he was able to make a show like "Crossover Actor"." Zheng Guoliang said, this time he even changed his name. Just now he was called Director Xu, but now he is directly called Mr. Xu , he turned his head to look around the private room, and then said: "Today is the celebration party of the movie "The World". Mr. Xu is here, it seems that he has plans to enter the film and television industry?"

The implication: What are you, an unrelated person, doing here today?Why join in the fun?
When Xu Jie heard the other party's sarcasm, instead of being angry, he laughed, "Director Zheng, you are amazing, yes, I really have plans to enter the film and television industry, especially when I see that anyone can be a director. After I can make money, this makes me greedy, it doesn't cost much to make a TV show, by the way, can Director Zheng share your experience with me?"

The corner of Zheng Guoliang's mouth twitched. Doesn't this mean that he's not a good director or a good filmmaker?


"Mr. Xu is so good at cross-border, do you still need me to share experience? Besides, I am a professional, and you may not be able to understand what I say." Zheng Guoliang said with a sneer. His meaning was very clear.

"Director Xu can understand it, and I'm sure I can understand it too." Xu Jie said.

"Movies and TV shows are two different things. Don't think that if you can make TV shows, you can make movies. Not everyone can make movies." Zheng Guoliang said arrogantly.

"It's okay, if you can't make a good movie, can't you make a bad movie? Anyway, the box office of bad movies is also very high now, right Director Zheng?" Xu Jie stared at the other party.

Zheng Guoliang clenched his fists tightly, speaking as if all the movies he made were bad movies.

"Okay, then I'm looking forward to Mr. Xu's movie. You must call me when it's released, so I can go and cheer you on." Zheng Guoliang said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, it's not far away." Xu Jie said.

Zheng Guoliang turned around with a blue face and stopped talking.

Xu Jie turned back with a smile, those who bully me, no!


(End of this chapter)

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