Chapter 619

"Brother-in-law, are you really planning to make a movie?" Su Lei approached his brother-in-law and asked in a low voice.

He knew that his brother-in-law had worked as a film screenwriter, but he didn't expect to be a film director, which is really surprising, which is too... okay?

If the brother-in-law really wants to make a movie, he, as the brother-in-law, must be the best choice for the male number one. The near water will win the moon first, and the explosion is just around the corner. At that time, there will be more people surrounding him than Ye Chu. I think Just want to be happy.

The people at the same table also looked at Director Xu in surprise, the director of the variety show is going to make a movie?
Are you kidding me?

"Why, don't you believe me?" Xu Jie looked at his brother-in-law and asked.

"I believe, brother-in-law, I will believe everything you say." Su Lei said seriously, "To show my support for you, I will give you the leading role for free."

"Okay." Xu Jie patted his brother-in-law's dog's head in relief.

Although he can't make movies now, it doesn't mean that he won't be able to make movies in the future, especially after he joins Beijing Television Culture in the future. One of the main businesses of Beijing Television Culture is the production of film and television dramas. Maybe he really has the opportunity to make movies .

"Brother-in-law, when the time comes, let's make a movie with a box office of hundreds of millions for some people to see, so that they can know how powerful you are." Su Lei said eloquently, looking at Zheng Guoliang at the next table, full of demonstrations and disdain .

Xu Jie glanced at his brother-in-law indifferently, and it’s fine to agree with me, and you don’t need to brag for me, just open your mouth for hundreds of millions and shut your mouth for hundreds of millions, do you regard the box office as the seed of life?
When the people around heard that Director Xu really planned to make a movie, they were all stunned for a moment.

play for real?
As the old saying goes: every line is like a mountain.

The director of a variety show is going to make a movie. This line of work is really a bit big. He deserves to be the chief planner and screenwriter of "Crossover Actors". This is obviously an addiction to playing crossover.

However, director Xu is good at directing TV programs, and now he is directing a movie, which is really exciting.

"Everyone please be quiet!"

Ye Chu's voice suddenly sounded in the private room, and everyone fell silent, turning their heads to look in the direction of the voice.

Ye Chu looked at the crowd and said gratefully: "Thank you for coming to the celebration banquet of the movie "The World" in your busy schedule. It is said to be a celebration banquet, but it is actually a thank you banquet. Thank you for your support during the filming process. With my support and help, without you, there would be no film, let alone the success of this film..."

The more Ye Chu said, the more excited he was. How difficult it was when he made the movie, how much emotion he has now.

Among the people here, most of them are the staff of the film crew. Everyone has accompanied Ye Chu all the way, so they can understand Ye Chu's mood at this moment very well. Many lesbians even have red eyes. "The days of this movie are really full of ups and downs, just like Tang Seng went to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

"The days of filming with you are very happy. I hope we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future. By the way, I remember that we didn't have a good meal during the filming days. Today, everyone is open to eat. Don't miss it. Don't be polite to me." Ye Chu said loudly.

I have made money by making movies, and I have enough confidence to speak.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

"it is good!"

There were applause and applause in the private room.

"That's a good point. You can tell that Director Ye is an open-minded person." A deputy general manager of a film company said.

"All geniuses are like this." A well-known manager next to him also followed suit.

Although everyone is their own master, the purpose of coming here today is the same, that is to sign Ye Chu.

Ye Chu smiled faintly. He knew what these people thought. He recalled the scene when he took the script and looked for investment everywhere, but was often rejected by others. It was really realistic.

Speaking of which, among the uninvited people today, there are some people who once turned him away.

It is easy to add icing on the cake, but difficult to deliver charcoal in the snow.You know the pines and cypresses in the cold, and you can see the truth in adversity.

"Director Ye, what are your plans next? Have you ever thought about signing with a company? You must know that in the film and television industry, you can't do it alone. Do you want to consider Jiahua Entertainment?"

"Forget it, isn't the focus of Jiahua Entertainment's TV series? Director Ye is engaged in movies, so it's more suitable to come to our Qiyi Film and Television Culture, which can provide Director Ye with the opportunity to show his talents."

"We, Jiahua, are preparing to enter the film industry. Young talents like Ye Dao are exactly what we need most, and they are also the ones we focus on training."

"Director Ye, don't listen to them. We, Huachen Film and Television, and Forbidden Films recently launched a support program for young directors. I think Director Ye is very suitable. I wonder if you are interested?"

As soon as the celebration banquet started, people from all film and television companies began to fight.

Although the box office of the film "The World" is not high, and its popularity is limited to the field of literary films, it shows the talent and potential of the director, which is the most important point.

As a rookie director, it is not possible for everyone to achieve a box office of more than 300 million with an investment of less than 3000 million.

Even a famous director may not be able to do this.

What does this mean?
It shows that this young director has a lot of room for development, and the upper limit is also very large.

It is not a big deal to make a box office of hundreds of millions with an investment of several hundred million, but it is a skill to make a box office of tens of millions with an investment of several million.

"Everyone, today is a celebration banquet, so let's not talk about these things." Ye Chu said as he picked up his wine glass, "Thank you all bosses for your love, I will do it first as a respect, and we will talk about other things later."

When the directors of the film company heard this, they felt embarrassed to continue talking, not to mention that there are too many people here today, and the conditions cannot be discussed, so they stopped talking.

Ye Chu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then toasted one by one with the wine glasses. Just as he was about to go to Director Xu's table, he suddenly turned around to face him.

"Junior brother, congratulations," Zheng Guoliang said with a smile, and then picked up the wine glass.

"Brother Zheng, eat well and drink well." Ye Chu said politely after hearing this, gestured with the wine glass in his hand, then passed by Zheng Guoliang, and came behind Xu Jie, "Director Xu..."

The smile on Zheng Guoliang's face froze for an instant, and the words got stuck on his lips.

Just passed by him?
Could it be that because of his nickname, he started to drift away, and he didn't take him seriously?

This is too crazy, right?

In fact, it's nothing. Who doesn't have good grades?But what made him angry was that the reason why his junior brother ignored him was because of the guy surnamed Xu.

In the eyes of the younger brother, he, the big director with a box office of more than one billion yuan, is not as good as a program director of a TV station?
"Director Xu, I would like to offer you a toast. Without you, I would not be where I am today." Ye Chu said gratefully. He is not a person who holds grudges, but he also has clear grievances and grievances.

"Director Ye, don't be so polite between us." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this. He had heard these words countless times from the other party.

"That's what I have to say, Director Xu, I've done it, you can do whatever you want." Ye Chu drank it down in one gulp.

"Is Junior Brother familiar with Mr. Xu?" At this moment, a sour voice sounded from behind.

Ye Chu turned his head, and after seeing Zheng Guoliang, he nodded and said, "Yes, Senior Brother Zheng, in my heart, Director Xu has always been my benefactor."

"Benefactor?" Zheng Guoliang was puzzled.

"Yes, Director Xu helped me a lot during the filming of "The World", including changing the script and finding actors. Everyone knows that Director Xu is good at TV programs. In fact, he wrote the script. The ability is even more powerful." Ye Chu showed a very convinced look.

"Oh? Really? It turns out that Mr. Xu is so powerful, no wonder he dares to make movies." Zheng Guoliang said loudly on purpose.

The people in the private room had been paying attention to Ye Chu all the time. Hearing Zheng Guoliang's words now immediately aroused the curiosity of many people, especially those from the film company.

"Director Xu, do you want to make a movie?"

"Really? What type of movie? Who is the lead actor?"

"Director Xu, can you show me the script first, maybe we can cooperate."

Zheng Guoliang said at this time: "Don't ask, you can't ask anything, because Mr. Xu's movie is still in the stage of imagination."

Everyone was stunned, imagining it out of thin air?What does it mean?
"Director Xu..." Ye Chu was puzzled, hearing what Brother Zheng said, why did he feel something was wrong?It seemed to be mocking Director Xu.

"I just discussed with Director Zheng about making movies." Xu Jie explained: "I was also moved when I heard that Director Zheng's movies can sell hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office."

Only then did the people from the film and television companies understand what was going on, and they couldn't help laughing.

In recent years, the movie box office has exploded. Movies with a box office of 30 billion and 50 billion have appeared frequently, making many people aim at the big cake of the film industry. Everyone wants to make movies, and everyone wants to be a director and actor. I want to be a director, singers want to be directors, writers want to be directors, and now even TV show directors want to be movie directors.

It may seem to outsiders that movies are very profitable, but only insiders know that less than [-]% of movies can actually make money, and most movies lose money.

"Director Xu, you can play for fun. In fact, the threshold for making a movie is not high. Look at Dao Ye, it was made for less than 300 million yuan." The boss of Jiahua Company said.

"President Song, didn't you hear what Mr. Xu said just now? They want to make a movie that can sell hundreds of millions." Zheng Guoliang said with a smile.

Several people from the film and television company couldn't help shaking their heads when they heard it. If it's just for fun, it's okay. It's really hard to sell a few hundred million. There are so many movies released every year, and it's really possible to exceed a few hundred million. How many?
Everyone only saw meat-eating people, but not those who died of starvation.

"Why, don't you believe it? That's too much contempt for Mr. Xu, right? Didn't people always look relaxed when they mentioned my movie? I think Mr. Xu can do it." Zheng Guoliang said seriously.

Everyone looked at Zheng Guoliang, why did it sound like he was provoking trouble?
"Mr. Xu, you see that they don't believe in your strength. I don't think it's better than this. You can show them a movie, but you can't do it alone. You need a comparison to see whether you are good or bad. Since you just mentioned My movie, then I'm overestimated, you can compare with me, how about it?"



(End of this chapter)

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