Chapter 620
When the people in the private room heard Zheng Guoliang's words, they were all stunned for a moment.

Speaking of making a movie, how can it turn into a competition?

Besides, isn't it embarrassing for you to let a director of a TV program compare the box office with a famous film director like you?

Everyone looked at Xu Jie, then at Zheng Guoliang. Just now they thought that Zheng Guoliang was making trouble, but now hearing what the other party said, they immediately confirmed that the other party was making trouble.

Real hammer!
No wonder just now I felt that Director Xu could do it, and I believed in Director Xu. Isn't this going to put Director Xu on the fire?
"Senior Brother Zheng..."

As soon as Ye Chu spoke, Zheng Guoliang interrupted him.

"Mr. Xu, I have a movie that will be released next year. It took me half a year to make this movie. How about it? I'll give you a year. Let's release it together on National Day next year to see whose movie has the highest box office. There are so many insiders here today, let them be a witness, how about it, Director Xu?"

Zheng Guoliang deliberately called out "Director Xu" at the end, and shouted very loudly, and at the same time showed provocative eyes, as if waiting for the target to fight.

"Senior brother Zheng, you drank too much." Ye Chu said in a deep voice, with the word "displeased" clearly written on his face, if it wasn't for his senior brother, he would have kicked the speaker out of the private room long ago.

"Junior brother, I didn't drink too much, I only drank one cup, don't you know my drinking capacity?" Zheng Guoliang looked at Ye Chu and said, "Don't you all believe that Director Xu's movie box office can surpass mine?" Right? Don’t you guys look down on Director Xu and hurt his self-confidence? They don’t take my movies seriously.”

The people around couldn't stop seeing Zheng Guoliang, they couldn't help looking at Xu Jie aside, thinking how Director Xu had offended Zheng Guoliang, and even embarrassed him in front of so many people, and he was still reluctant.

"Director Zheng, your joke is not funny at all, let's keep eating and drinking!" Someone stepped forward to smooth things over.

"Yeah, besides, you've been making movies for decades, and you're on your own team. Director Xu is the director of variety shows at Beijing TV Station. Your competition is so unfair!"

"Today's food is quite tough, let's eat food, don't just drink."

"That's what Director Xu said. To be honest, I saw that director Zheng's movie sold so well, and I was also moved. Who wouldn't be moved?"

Zheng Guoliang glanced at Xu Jie, looked at the people around him and said: "That's something you don't know. Director Xu and I had a discussion about making a movie before. He said he wanted to make a movie. If you don't believe me, ask Director Xu My brother-in-law." He said and looked at Su Lei.


Su Lei hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

Saying "I have said it" is equivalent to setting up my brother-in-law and saying "I have not said it". Doesn't this mean taking the initiative to admit cowardice?The people at the same table just now heard it.

He clenched his fists involuntarily, and looked at Zheng Guoliang bitterly.

It's all because of this person.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Su Lei's appearance.

No wonder it's true?

Director Xu really plans to make a movie?

No need to ask, there must have been a quarrel when we were talking about the movie just now. Director Zheng is famous in the circle for his small stomach and chicken intestines, and he must revenge.

Seeing Su Lei's deflated look, Zheng Guoliang showed a smug look on his face, then he turned his eyes to Xu Jie and said, "Director Xu, did you say something? Where's the self-confidence just now? Otherwise, Your movie box office can reach half of mine, even if you win, how about it? This is not bullying you, right? "

"Senior brother Zheng, today is the celebration party for my movie, it's best not to talk about other things, if you have to talk about it, then please go out and talk about it!" Ye Chuqing reminded with a straight face.

How could anyone be so aggressive?Is this too much?
"I know, wouldn't it be more meaningful to have an appointment on such a meaningful day?" Zheng Guoliang looked at Ye Chu and said, "Junior brother, you don't mean to drive me away, do you? Is it because you came to me with the script?" Investment, I didn’t agree, so I’m still angry with my brother? In fact, it’s a test for you, and today I invite you to join my studio with sincerity.”

"No!" Ye Chu refused decisively.

To disrespect his benefactor is to disrespect him.

"Director Zheng!" Xu Jie, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his mouth, and said slowly: "You have been talking here for a long time, only talking about comparisons, but not mentioning the prize at all. I am almost dying of anxiety. Could it be that your movie also talks like you? Same, no point?"

As soon as the words came out, the people present looked over in amazement,


Director Xu didn't speak because he was waiting for a lottery?

This, isn't this the same as agreeing to Zheng Guoliang's appointment?

Director Xu, is this crazy?

You do a good food show, everyone admits that you do a good variety show, everyone knows that you want to make a movie, and everyone supports you to have fun, but you want to compete with Zheng Guoliang at the box office. Did he jump into the hole Zheng Guoliang dug with a shovel and bury himself?

"Director Xu..." Ye Chu anxiously winked at Xu Jie.

"it is good!"

After Zheng Guoliang was stunned for a moment, he immediately called out hello.

"Director Xu is right. I was negligent. I don't know what kind of prize Xu thinks is good?" Zheng Guoliang asked excitedly. In a word, I couldn't stand it immediately.

"Director Zheng, it's better for you to say it. If I say that you won't be able to finish it by then, those who don't know will think I'm deliberately making it difficult for you." Xu Jie said with a smile, looking calm and composed, and it's true.

"Okay, let me say!" Zheng Guoliang thought for a while, and then said: "Since it is a box office competition, let's use the box office share as the lottery. If I win, you give me [-]% of my movie box office. If you If you win, I'll give you [-]% of your movie box office, how about it?"

After everyone listened, they all showed surprised expressions.

[-]% of the box office?
If the box office of director Zheng Guoliang's Valentine's Day movie this year is used to calculate, the box office of 3000% is more than [-] million.

This is a gamble!

And the jackpot doesn't sound fair.

Because Zheng Guoliang said just now, director Xu only needs to reach half of his box office to win.

Still based on the calculation of the movie directed by Zheng Guoliang, if Director Zheng wins, Director Xu will have to spend more than 3000 million, and if Director Xu wins, Director Zheng only needs to spend 600 million, which is bad. More than 1000 million.

"Okay, just listen to Director Zheng." Xu Jie nodded.

Everyone was shocked, Director Xu agreed now?
Zheng Guoliang was also taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the other party to agree so happily, but then he thought about it, the other party's wife is Su Yun, tens of millions seems nothing to the other party.

"It's hard to chase after a gentleman's words!" Zheng Guoliang said quickly, afraid that the other party would go back on his word, he had already started thinking about how to spend the tens of millions, whether to buy a villa, a luxury car, or find a beautiful actress to go abroad lap.

"Let's see you on National Day next year!" Xu Jie said.

"Come on, have a drink!" Zheng Guoliang turned around and returned to his seat, picked up the glass and started drinking, as if he had a winning chance, and started to celebrate ahead of time.

"Director Xu..." Ye Chu looked at Xu Jie, full of self-blame.

Xu Jie patted Ye Chu's shoulder and said in a low voice, "Relax, I will definitely not lose!"

Ye Chu stared blankly at Xu Jie beside him, thinking that Director Xu is too confident, right?

When it comes to variety shows, he definitely believes Director Xu can win, but when it comes to making movies, he doesn't believe it at all.

He is very aware of Senior Brother Zheng's strength. The other party has been engaged in film work for more than ten years. From being unknown at the beginning to now being an expert in romance films, the other party's name has even become a symbol of romance films.

Looking at the other party's film achievements in recent years, this year's [-] million, last year's [-] million, and the year before last's [-] million... the total is more than one billion, and it is very stable. Among all the directors, this kind of achievement is considered to be the highest ranking. at the forefront.

Although Director Xu is an expert in variety shows, he is a newcomer in the film industry. How could he win against Senior Brother Zheng?
and many more!

Director Xu has a way to win over Senior Brother Zheng, that is to find a big director as an assistant director, and let this big director assist, Director Xu still has some chances of winning.

However, if this matter gets out, it will definitely damage Director Xu's reputation a lot. After all, strictly speaking, this kind of behavior is considered cheating.

You must know that there are many people from the film and television industry present today, and I believe that the news of the appointment will soon spread throughout the film and television industry. One is a famous film director in the film industry, and the other is a famous variety show director in the TV industry. I find it interesting, and it is estimated that many people will consciously become supervisors, responsible for supervising the situation of the two of them.

"Brother-in-law, I'm sorry!" Su Lei said with an apologetic face. If he hadn't just talked nonsense and ran away, brother-in-law and that Zheng Guoliang wouldn't have an appointment.

"It's okay, we are a family!" Xu Jie patted Su Lei's dog's head again.

Su Lei was so moved that he almost shed tears.

To have such a brother-in-law is simply luck!

"Mr. Xu, why are you so confident?" Ding Mengni asked curiously.

In her opinion, Teacher Xu's behavior was simply giving money to Zheng Guoliang.

Could it be that Teacher Xu doesn't know about Zheng Guoliang's situation?
She took out her mobile phone, opened Zheng Guoliang's resume, and handed it to Teacher Xu.

Between Teacher Xu and Zheng Guoliang, she must be on Teacher Xu's side. First, Teacher Xu helped her a lot. In addition to introducing jobs, she also taught her to perform; second, Teacher Xu and her family The relationship is also very good.

Xu Jie took a look, smiled and waved at the other party, "Thank you, I know his situation."

"Then you still..." Ding Mengni was even more puzzled.

She knew that Mr. Xu was a rich second generation, and his family had money, but she couldn't give money to others like this, right?Isn't this a prodigal?
"Director Xu, why did you say you can't lose?" Ye Chu couldn't help asking.

It's not that he has no confidence in Director Xu. I believe that everyone present today will not think that Director Xu can win!
"It's very simple, because I'm a layman!" Xu Jie said with a smile.


Ye Chu, Su Lei, and Ding Mengni had question marks all over their faces. Is this the truth?
Seeing that the three of them didn't understand, Xu Jie further explained: "Because I'm a layman, I won. He lost not only money, but also his reputation. If I lose, it's just a little money. Isn’t it normal to lose to those who make movies? Do you think money or fame is more important to Zheng Guoliang?”

When the three of them heard it, they understood a little bit.

"So no matter what the result is, I'm not ashamed, so why should I be afraid of him? Besides, if there is such a chance to win against him, of course I will try. After all, this person is too damn worthy of a beating!"


(End of this chapter)

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