The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 621 People who support

Chapter 621 People who support

After the celebration banquet, people started to leave.

But it was not Ye Chu, the protagonist of the banquet, and his movie that left a deep impression on everyone, but two other people, Xu Jie and Zheng Guoliang.

The dating between the two has become a hot topic of discussion. One is a TV program director and the other is a film director, and both of them have achieved impressive results in their respective fields, which also makes this gamble more interesting. So much to look forward to.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, Zheng Guoliang has a very high chance of winning, and may even think that Xu Jie is simply overreaching, but the crew of "Human World" don't think so.

On the one hand, Director Xu’s excellent performance in TV programs shows that he not only has excellent leadership skills, but also understands the market and audience very well. How, it's hard to say until the end.

"Mengni, do you have time later? How about we go to the movies together? I heard that "Happy Friends" is very interesting." Su Lei asked Ding Mengni who was on the side.

Xu Jie was about to leave, when he heard what his brother-in-law said, he rolled his eyes at the other party, he really can't change his shit, just now he kept saying sorry to him with a face full of guilt, and in a blink of an eye, he started picking up girls.

"Sorry, I still have to film tomorrow, I have to go back and recite the lines later, you can do it yourself." Ding Mengni said lightly after hearing this.

"Recite the lines? Do you need me to help you with the scene? My line skills are not ordinary, but very strong." Su Lei said attentively.

Xu Jie couldn't stand it anymore, and dared to claim that he has a strong line skills after only a few steps in the movie?I don't see much improvement in my acting skills, but my bragging skills are getting stronger and stronger.

He stood up directly and said, "You talk, I'll go first."

Ding Mengni also stood up right now, and said, "Mr. Xu, I happen to be leaving too, let's go out together."

Su Lei didn't dare to lag behind, he stood up and said, "I'm leaving too, Meng Ni, how did you get here, do you want to take my car?"

Ding Mengni shook her head lightly, and said, "Thank you, but there's no need, I came here by car, and you were drunk just now, so you can't drive."

Su Lei was stunned, and looked down at the wine glass. Although this little wine was nothing to him, not even enough to grit his teeth, but once he was caught by the traffic police uncle, how would he be able to hang out in the entertainment industry in the future?
He doesn't want to be famous that way.

"How about I take your car?" Su Lei asked.

Ding Mengni tilted her head: "?"

Regarding Su Lei's intentions, Ding Mengni is clear in her heart, but, is there anyone who pursues a girl like this?Isn't it a bit sloppy?
Xu Jie left the dinner table, he really couldn't afford to lose this person.

At this time, Ye Chu was standing outside the private room, bidding farewell to every guest.

Xu Jie walked over and greeted Ye Chu, "Director Ye, thank you for today's invitation, let's meet again some other day."

Ye Chu held Xu Jie's hand tightly, glanced into the private room, then pulled Xu Jie outside and said, "Director Xu, I'm so sorry today, I didn't invite Brother Zheng at all, let alone I didn't expect him to come, so I'll tell him later, forget about the bet."

Now he just wants to make big things small and small things small.

In his opinion, even though Director Xu said before that he doesn't feel ashamed if he loses, the 1000 million-plus lottery is a huge sum of money, enough for him to make two or three movies. The cost is only 300 million.

Although this matter was a bet between Director Xu and Senior Brother Zheng, it was caused by him, so he had to settle the matter, otherwise how could he be worthy of Director Xu and Sister Yun?
"Lao Ye, you must not go. There are so many witnesses today. If you go here, those who don't know will think I'm cowardly." Xu Jie put his arm around Ye Chu's shoulder and comforted him: "Besides, this is me. The matter with Zheng Guoliang has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to say sorry, let alone blame yourself, understand?"


"Nothing but."

Ye Chu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xu Jie.

"Maybe you think it's a battle of emotions and face, but it's not. I want him to know that even if he is a professional, he may not be very good. Even if he is a professional, he has no right to criticize others. I have no right to insult others!"

Ye Chu was taken aback, he didn't expect Director Xu to have such an idea, it seemed that he was superficial.

"Director Xu, if you need any help, just tell me. I know my ability is limited, but as long as I can do it, I will do my best." Ye Chu said seriously.

"Well, I understand." Xu Jie walked out of the hotel and said to Ye Chu: "Okay, you can go back quickly, there are still many people waiting for you."

"Director Xu, goodbye!"


Xu Jie turned around and walked towards the car, suddenly remembered that he had drunk two glasses of wine, so he took out his mobile phone and called a substitute driver.

Su Lei sent Ding Mengni to the car, and returned to Xu Jie's side until the car drove away, and asked, "Brother-in-law, do you want me to call someone for you?"

"No, I called a substitute driver." Xu Jie said.

"Teacher Xu!" At this moment, a crew member came over, raised his arms and raised his fist, "Come on, I support you!"

"Yes, Director Xu, get rid of that Zheng Guoliang!" Another crew member said.

"Mr. Xu, next year's National Day, I will definitely go to the cinema to support your film!"

"When you make a movie, you must remember to call me!"


For the crew of "Human World", they must choose to support Teacher Xu, not only because Teacher Xu has worked with them for a period of time, but also because Teacher Xu will improve the food for everyone every time he goes to the crew.

There is an old saying: the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring.

While speaking, Zheng Guoliang also walked out of the hotel.

"Yo, Director Xu hasn't left yet, are you waiting for me?" Zheng Guoliang said as he walked over.

Because of drinking a few more glasses, his face was flushed, and his body smelled of alcohol.

Zheng Guoliang came to stop in front of Xu Jie, and said with a smile: "Director Xu doesn't want to admit defeat in advance, does he? All right, set up a banquet and admit my mistake in front of these people today, and I will forgive you , I don’t want the lottery anymore.”

"Stop dreaming, we won't admit defeat, my brother-in-law is waiting for the driver." Su Lei said angrily.

"Substitute driver? Doesn't Director Xu even have anyone who can order him around, and he still needs to call a substitute driver? Filmmaking has a systematic workflow that requires a lot of people. I really don't know where your confidence comes from, how dare you Compared with me at the movie box office, it is not easy for Su Yun to make money, and how many songs she has to sing to make it back when you lose!" Zheng Guoliang said sarcastically.

The crew members who passed by frowned when they heard it.

Isn't what I said here scolding Director Xu for being a prodigal?
Doesn't Zheng Guoliang know that Director Xu is a rich second generation?Or, is the other party trying to disgust Director Xu?
Xu Jie was not angry, but smiled and said: "It's okay, my wife likes to make money for me to spend. My biggest worry every day is how to spend money. Director Zheng will definitely not experience this kind of happiness in his life."

Zheng Guoliang was a little confused, but he didn't expect that the other party was not ashamed, but proud.

"What do you know, my brother-in-law's family is rich!" Su Lei said.

"Xiao Lei!" Xu Jie frowned, and said in a teaching tone: "Why do you talk about money like Director Zheng, how vulgar is it? Remember, we are literary and art workers, and we can't take advantage of money. Understand?"

"Brother-in-law taught me a lesson, I understand!" Su Lei was full of guilt, and stretched out his hand to slap himself.

Zheng Guoliang gritted his teeth angrily, doesn't that mean he is vulgar?

Movies are a kind of art form, and what he hates most about making romance movies like him is being called vulgar.

"Hmph, there will be times in the future when you will be speechless." Zheng Guoliang said with his eyes widened.

"How did Director Zheng know that I can't speak when I'm happy? It seems that Director Zheng also thinks that I can win, so let's borrow the auspicious words from Director Zheng." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Zheng Guoliang couldn't say no, so he could only "hum" in the end, and walked to the car that picked him up.

Not long after, the valet driver called by Xu Jie arrived. He bid farewell to his brother-in-law, then got in the car and left the hotel.

Half an hour later.

Xu Jie came home and was preparing to make a work plan for next week when the mobile phone that was placed aside suddenly rang.

He grabbed his phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Su Yun calling, but the problem was that it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and the other party should be filming at this time.

Is there something urgent?

Thinking of this, he quickly connected to the phone.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

"Husband, I heard that you are going to have an appointment with Zheng Guoliang for next year's National Day match? Is this true?" Su Yun's questioning voice came from the microphone, which sounded a little surprised and a little unbelievable.

"Well, yes." Xu Jie said.

"What's going on?" Su Yun asked curiously. She knew that Xu Jie was not a person who would take the initiative to provoke people, but she still wanted to know the cause of the matter.

Xu Jie didn't expect that the matter would reach Su Yun so quickly. You must know that Su Yun is still in Hengdian, this speed is simply faster than an airplane.

There are no secrets in the entertainment industry!
So he told everything about himself and Zheng Guoliang, and finally said: "The old saying is good, if you don't steam the steamed buns to fight for your breath, as long as I have a short temper, I can tolerate him talking about you with a gun and a stick." Is my brother with you? So I compared with him."

"I see." Su Yun nodded, and then said firmly: "My husband, I support you. Is there anything I can do?"

"Just wait to be my bride." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun was stunned, what she meant was, if you want someone to send someone, you need money to pay money, people and money are ready, how can you become a bride?
But this also shows that the other party is very confident.


Xu Jie's cell phone rang again, this time it was Jiang Hai calling, and he hurriedly said to Su Yun: "My wife, I won't tell you anymore, Mr. Jiang is calling."


Xu Jie hung up Su Yun's phone and connected Jiang Hai's phone, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"I heard that you are going to make a movie, and who do you want to compete with Zheng Guoliang in the box office?" Jiang Hai's loud voice reached Xu Jie's ears.

"You know it too? But I have to correct one thing, it's not that I want to make a movie, but I have to compare with Zheng Guoliang, it's that I want to make a movie with Zheng Guoliang." Xu Jie said.

"Isn't it the same? Are you crazy? Did you drink too much?" Jiang Hai was startled, and thought it was fake news when he heard it just now.

"Boss, if someone calls your brother-in-law and your wife, will you do anything to him?" Xu Jie asked bluntly.

"Do it, of course!" Jiang Hai said loudly.

"That's my reason!" Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai was taken aback for a moment, as if he understood something.

"Just do it, people here can use it!" Jiang Hai said happily, as if he forgot who said "crazy" and "drinking too much" just now.


(End of this chapter)

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