The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 622 I am the victim!

Chapter 622 I am the victim!
On Monday morning, Xu Jie drove to the TV station. Today the station will release new equipment, and the equipment he wants has been approved by the deputy editor-in-chief of Zhou.

In fact, the meaning of the station is to replace some new equipment for various departments, but when it comes to deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, it becomes that the program group that performed well last year will send more to that program group, and it is not a bias, but an encouragement .

Last year was a bumper year for Xu Jie, and all the programs achieved impressive results, so Xu Jie naturally became the focus of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's attention.


When the road encountered a red light, Xu Jie yawned.

Although I just finished the weekend, I didn't get a good night's sleep.

I wrote the program copywriting for "Delicious History" on Friday night. At that time, I thought that there would be Saturdays and Sundays anyway, so I didn't go to bed until after 3 o'clock in the middle of the night.

On Saturday and Sunday, to be precise, at noon on Saturday, after he finished his appointment with Zheng Guoliang, the phone continued intermittently. People kept calling him, familiar, unfamiliar, and some even dropped off. He still called at 2 o'clock in the middle of the night. After he explained clearly, he became sober.

Take this morning as an example, he set the alarm clock at 7:30, but someone called at 6:[-], it's no wonder he was able to sleep well.

When he arrived at the TV station, Xu Jie came to the office of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou after breakfast. Although they were all new equipment, he had to pick and choose to feel comfortable.

It's like going to the supermarket to buy things. They are all new and the same, but you still have to compare them, even if you don't see anything, even if you don't understand it at all.

"Ring bell bell!"

Before Xu Jie could wait for Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, his cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Editor Lu, good morning." Xu Jie answered the phone.

I thought to myself, isn't it still for the new variety show?Didn't the other party ask Boss Jiang to ask last week?I said that it will be completed ahead of schedule, so why are you still rushing?
"Xiao Xu, where are you now?" Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu spoke quickly in the microphone, as if there was something urgent.

"I'm on the stage." Xu Jie said after hearing it, and at the same time felt strange in his heart. Hearing the voice of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, it seemed that he was not asking about the progress of the new variety show.

"Come to my office immediately." Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu said seriously.


Seeing that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou hadn't come yet, Xu Jie took the elevator to the office of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu upstairs.


As soon as Xu Jie knocked on the door, the door opened from the inside. It was the door opened by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou himself.

"Editor Lu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

Lu Hong closed the door and didn't even sit down. He looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Xiao Xu, how did I hear that you are going to compare movies with Zheng Guoliang? Is there such a thing?"

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded. Everyone in the film and television industry knew about it, and it was not surprising that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu knew about it. He even felt that the other party's news was too slow, and Boss Jiang knew about it two hours after the incident happened.

"What? It turned out to be true? You are a TV show director, why would you want to compare with Zheng Guoliang to make a movie? Also, how do you make a movie? What do you use to make a movie? You went to make a movie, and you are in the station What about work? Don't forget, you are from our TV station in Beijing, and your behavior violates the rules of the station." Lu Hong frowned and said, his face was full of displeasure.

"Editor Lu, I'm not to blame for this. You should know me. Am I the kind of person looking for trouble? I don't know if there is such a rule in the station? If it is not forced, who would risk losing their job? The risk of agreeing to such a thing? Alas!" Xu Jie sighed deeply after speaking, and played the bitterness card directly, posing as a victim.

In Tai Chi, this is called using softness to overcome rigidity!

He knew that the trick he used on Boss Jiang would not work on Deputy Editor Lu, so he changed his strategy directly, and only the bitterness card could extinguish Deputy Editor Lu's displeasure.

Lu Hong was taken aback when he heard it, especially after seeing Xu Jie's helpless expression, half of his anger disappeared immediately, and when he remembered that this person in front of him was his lucky general, the other half of his anger also disappeared.

Although he still doesn't know the cause of the incident, he thinks he knows Xu Jie better.

Is the other party a hedgehog?no.

Up to deputy director Liu Zhou, deputy editor-in-chief, down to the staff of the program group, and even Feng Dekun and Yu Kuan, who have cooperated with him outside, who is not full of praise for Xu Jie?

Said that this person took the initiative to provoke trouble, even if he was killed, he would not believe it.

It seems to be really wronged!

Thinking of this, Lu Hong couldn't help becoming angry again, but not with the young man in front of him, but with Zheng Guoliang.

The other party knew that Xu Jie was from Beijing TV Station, but he still took the initiative to provoke trouble. This clearly did not take Beijing TV Station seriously.

The same is true for me. I was angry with Xiao Xu before I asked what was going on. Didn't this hurt Fu Jiang's heart?

"Xiao Xu, it's okay, I'll help you settle this matter." Lu Hong said.

As a leader, if you can't stand up when your subordinates are being bullied, what will your subordinates think?How will you lead the team in the future?Are people's hearts still in turmoil?

"Editor Lu, please don't help me. Now everyone in the film and television industry knows about the bet between me and Zheng Guoliang. If you come forward, what will everyone think? Those who don't know think I regret it, So I'll settle this matter myself." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"You solve it yourself? How do you solve it? Do you really plan to make a movie?" Lu Hong frowned again.

"Yes, since I agreed to Zheng Guoliang's appointment, I naturally have to fight him to the end. You can't embarrass our station, can you? When it comes to filming star variety shows, those stars are all arrogant. No matter what request they make, Our employees dare not go against it. If I don’t want to challenge this time, when we film variety shows in the future, those stars will not treat our station’s people as maidservants? I have to let them know that our TV station’s people are not easy to bully " Xu Jie said seriously.

Others make big things small and trivial, but he makes small things big, the bigger the better, because the bigger the other party, the more likely they will agree.

"Yes, there is indeed nothing wrong with what you said, but the problem is that filming is a private matter, and you violate the regulations of the station. Do you want us as leaders to turn a blind eye to such a big matter? How is it possible? !” Lu Hong thought for a while and said.

Regulations are for everyone, not for some.

Although some people in the station did take jobs in private, they were all done secretly. Like Xu Jie, who went to make movies with such a big fanfare, such behaviors that blatantly violated the regulations must be punished. .

"Can I shoot in my spare time, that is, on Saturdays and Sundays? And I still have annual leave." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"That won't work either!" Lu Hong shook his head.

Picking up private work is done in spare time, who would do private work during working hours, if found out, why not just pack up and leave?

In fact, everyone is very aware of this point, and they are also very conscious. After all, once they leave Beijing TV Station and lose this aperture, the number of people looking for them will decrease.

"Editor Lu, anyway, I'm definitely going to make this movie. I don't want to make steamed buns to fight for my breath. If a man makes a promise, it's hard to follow. A promise is guaranteed, a promise is worth a thousand dollars, and a..."

"All right, all right!" Lu Hong interrupted Xu Jie, he didn't want to hear the other party say idioms.

Making a movie is not something that can be done overnight, and it is not something that can be solved by a few people. It is a huge project, not to mention that it has to be compared with Zheng Guoliang's professional team.

"You go out first, let me think about it again!" Lu Hong said to Xu Jie, his mind is very messed up now, he can't make it up, and he can't ask the other party to make a movie, he really doesn't know what to do now.

"Oh, then I'll go back first." Xu Jie said after hearing this, he turned and walked out, when he opened the door, he stopped suddenly, turned around and said: "Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, if I violate the regulations of the station , I can deal with it as I like, I won’t make things difficult for the station, by the way, I won’t make movies until the new variety show is finished, don’t worry.” After speaking, he walked out.

Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie's back in a daze, and couldn't help being moved in his heart. He said these last words to the other party, and he must help the other party.

How can I help?

Xu Jie left the satellite TV program center and breathed a sigh of relief after entering the elevator.

I don't know how I acted just now, whether it looks like a victim, a tragic warrior.

In fact, letting deputy editor-in-chief Lu calm down is only part of his acting, and part of it is to hope that deputy editor-in-chief Lu can take the initiative to transfer him to Jingshi Culture, so that he can make movies in a fair and honest manner.

Wasn't what you did just now a bit inappropriate?Shouldn't we give each other a little more inspiration?
Forget it, let's talk about it later, anyway, deputy editor-in-chief Lu will definitely look for him again, and we will perform again next time.

Xu Jie came to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's office. At this moment, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou had arrived, and the office was already full of people. In addition to the directors of various program centers, there were also the person in charge of the ace program.

It's over, it's late!

All Lai Lu Deputy Editor-in-Chief.

Since it was late and there was nothing to argue about, he stood at the outermost side with peace of mind.

"Don't crowd, stand in a good row, can you have some quality, a little leadership?" Deputy Editor Zhou said loudly: "I will give each of you a note now, and you can go to the next room to get it."

When everyone heard this, they immediately stood in line.

Xu Jie naturally stood at the last one, and when he took the note to the office next door, although all the equipment was there, there were not many of them, but seeing the way others went out satisfied, there was always a feeling that others picked the rest .

Although the equipment is not much, but these things are very expensive, one is worth tens of thousands, because it has already picked up the rest, so he first returned to the cultural program center with a box.

"Director Xu, you are here, what are you holding in your hand?" Tian Haobo who was closest to the door asked.

"Camera, the new equipment sent to me by the station, and a few more, come and get it with me!" Xu Jie put the box in his hand next to Liu Hua's desk carefully, for fear of bumping into it.

"What? New equipment?" The eyes of the people in the office area lit up when they heard it, especially the cameramen, who immediately jumped up from their chairs, "Director Xu, I'll go with you!"

Xu Jie asked Liu Hua to look at the equipment, and then left with someone.

The people in the public office area immediately gathered around and looked at the box carefully, their eyes were shining brightly, and some even wiped the corners of their mouths with their hands.

"I know it, this is the latest one released this year!"

"We can finally use the new equipment!"

"It's still Director Xu Niu, who can get so many good things as soon as he shows up."

"That's right, unlike Director Wang, who has been here for such a long time, Mao didn't even want to come. He said before that he was renovating the studio, but now there is no movement."



(End of this chapter)

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