Chapter 623 Decoration?

Soon, Xu Jie and his colleagues brought back the remaining equipment.

Although there are not many of them, but they are new and advanced, just for these two points, it is enough to make people greedy, especially those cameramen, all of them are equipment control, seeing new equipment is like seeing a new daughter-in-law , Hold it in your mouth for fear of melting, and hold it in your hand for fear of falling.

"Well, Director Xu, can we use these devices?" A videographer asked expectantly, and at the same time asked the voices of many people.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou has already announced the standard for this replacement, so everyone knows that only program groups with good grades will get new equipment.

In the entire cultural program center, only three programs are eligible for new equipment, namely "Delicious History", "In-depth Talk on Film and Television" and "Crossover Actors".

The person in charge of the first two programs is Deputy Director Xu, and the chief director of the latter program, Director Jiang, has already left, and the new director has nothing to do with "Crossover Actor". The deputy director Xu who planned it also became a matter of course.

Therefore, in such a large cultural program center, only Deputy Director Xu has new equipment, not even Director Wang.
"Hey, hello, these devices are rewards for our program group from above, okay?" Liu Jinbao said after hearing this, and he himself held a new device and couldn't let it go.

"Old Liu, are you too stingy? So much new equipment, can't you borrow us to use it? Can you still use it every day?"

"Even if I don't need it, I'm happy to hold it in my arms. Besides, what will you do if you wear it out?" Liu Jinbao said with pouted lips.

"Director Xu, say something!" People from other program teams looked at Deputy Director Xu.

"As long as "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk" are not used, other people can use it." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Now he is not only the person in charge of these two programs, but also the deputy director of the art program center, so naturally he has to take care of all aspects.

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up immediately, and everyone was extremely happy.

"That's great!"

"Director Xu, our art program center, I won't accept anyone, but you!"

"I knew that Director Xu would definitely not leave us behind."

"With Director Xu here, there will be bread, milk, and everything."

When everyone was scrambling to open the box and test the new equipment, Wang Wanjun came to the office area. He was slightly taken aback when he saw Xu Jie, thinking why this person came again, but when he saw the new equipment in everyone's hands , The expression on his face gradually became unhappy.

"Why are you arguing, don't you know it's working time now? Have you finished your work?" Wang Wanjun said with a straight face, as if someone owed him money.

People who were looking at the new equipment immediately put down the equipment in their hands when they heard Director Wang's words, quickly fled back to their workstations, lowered their heads and pretended to be working.

Although everyone acted quickly, their hearts were full of complaints, thinking: You can't get new equipment yourself, why don't you let us see the new equipment brought back by Director Xu?

Wang Wanjun glanced coldly at the public office area, and said angrily, "Isn't it just a few cameras, are they so good-looking? It's as if you can shoot good shows with new equipment. If you say you can , I will buy it for you at my own expense, and each of you will have one, can you guarantee it?"

Everyone was speechless, thinking: Isn't this arguing?You are still the director, and I haven't seen any good programs from you.

Of course, after thinking about it, no one dared to say these words.

"Deputy Director Xu, you're back." Wang Wanjun said lightly, suppressing the unhappiness in his heart.

Thinking of the scene where the employees surrounded each other, it seemed that the other party was the director, and he was just a decoration. Thinking back to my various actions to conquer people's hearts during this period, it was actually not as good as these broken equipment on the ground.

"Well, come back to get new equipment." Xu Jie pointed to the equipment around him, and said, "Director Wang, please use it if you need it in the future. Don't be polite."

Wang Wanjun thought to himself: Who is being polite to you?This is Taiwan's equipment, do you really think it's your own?

"When will Deputy Director Xu leave?" Wang Wanjun asked. Today is Monday, and there is a weekly meeting, and the main content of the meeting is how the new program is being reformed. He doesn't want the other party to participate.

"Leave after registering the new equipment, what's up with Director Wang?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's okay, I'll find a few people to help you register, so it's faster." Wang Wanjun wished that the other party would leave immediately, he looked at the office area, and then said: "Then, Liu Jinbao, Lu Zhanpeng, you go and register for Deputy Director Xu equipment."

"Okay!" Liu Jinbao and Lu Zhanpeng stood up, and hurriedly came to Deputy Director Xu to help carry the equipment. This was a good opportunity to catch fish.

Xu Jie came to the equipment room and handed over the equipment to the administrator. When he was about to leave after registering, he was stopped by Liu Jinbao.

"Director Xu, don't worry, it's not too late to go." Liu Jinbao said, he really liked it.

"That's right, director, let's get acquainted. Don't you want to go out and shoot the location after a while?" Lu Zhanpeng echoed.

Xu Jie nodded when he heard it. This week, he will be filming the location of "Delicious History". If the cameraman doesn't even know his own "weapons", how can he shoot?
When Liu Jinbao and Lu Zhanpeng saw that Director Xu agreed, they immediately began to play with it unscrupulously, just like a child getting a beloved toy.

Xu Jie waited at the side, and saw the two of them touch this and that, more carefully than they knew about beauties. He is not an equipment control, so he doesn't understand these equipment control at all.

Half an hour passed.

Xu Jie got impatient with the wait, it was just a few pieces of equipment. As for touching it for such a long time?
"Are you familiarizing yourself with the equipment, or are you disk equipment? Is it over? You two are about to find out the patina. Hurry up. If you don't leave today's shooting task, you won't be able to complete it." Xu Jie said.

Hearing Deputy Director Xu's words, Liu Jinbao and Lu Zhanpeng reluctantly handed over the equipment to the administrator, and then walked outside and said, "Brother Zhang, don't put away the equipment, we will come to pick it up later. .”

"Understood." The administrator said.

Xu Jie walked out of the equipment room, because he was going to shoot the exterior scene later, so he said: "I'm going to lie in the bathroom, you go back and get ready first."

"Yes, Director!" Liu Jinbao and Lu Zhanpeng left.

Xu Jie came to the bathroom and was about to leave after urinating when his cell phone rang again. He checked the incoming call and it was Gao Xiaobin, vice president of Forbidden Film and Television.

Although he hasn't answered yet, he has already guessed the content of the other party's call with a high probability.

"Morning, Mr. Gao!" Xu Jie answered the phone.

"Morning Director Xu, I heard that you are going to compete with Zheng Guoliang at the movie box office?" Gao Xiaobin asked.

"That's right." Xu Jie smiled. As expected, as long as someone calls him now, 90.00% of the time they will talk about a fight with Zheng Guoliang.

"Director Xu, it's just a few words of quarrel. As for it? I'm fairly familiar with Zheng Guoliang. If you want me to come forward as a peacemaker, I'll let me see about the fight." Gao Xiaobin said with a smile.

"Thank you Mr. Gao for your kindness. There is no need for a peacemaker. When the time comes, you can go to the movie theater and buy a ticket, which is the greatest support for me." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Okay, since Director Xu has already made a decision, then I can't say anything more. Just say what you need. Our Forbidden Pictures will definitely support you." Gao Xiaobin didn't expect the other party to refuse so simply. In fact, he and Zheng Guoliang is not only acquainted, but has also cooperated, so he really doesn't want to see these two people dating.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao."

After Xu Jie made the phone call, he returned to the art program center, only to find that there was no one in the entire office area.

What about people?

By the way, today is Monday.

He walked quickly to the meeting room, and he could see through the glass on the door that it was full of people, and the projector behind Director Wang seemed to be playing some program, and everyone was watching.


Xu Jie knocked on the door and walked in.

For a moment, everyone in the room looked over.

Deputy Director Xu?Did you not leave?

When Wang Wanjun saw Xu Jie walking in from the door, he was stunned.

Shouldn't you leave after registering the device?Why did you kill the carbine again?Could it be intentional?
In order not to disturb the continuation of the meeting, Xu Jie walked quickly to his seat and sat down, looked at Wang Wanjun and said, "Sorry, Director, I'm late."

Wang Wanjun came to his senses when he heard it, it wasn't a question of whether it was too late, okay?
"You, you didn't leave?" Wang Wanjun asked curiously.

"Where are you going?" Xu Jie blinked.

"JingTV culture!" Wang Wanjun said.

"Today we are going to shoot the exterior part of "Delicious History", so there is no need to go there." Xu Jie said.

Wang Wanjun was dumbfounded.

If I had known that the other party was going to shoot on location, I would have waited for the other party to leave before holding this meeting.

"Director, what are you watching?" Xu Jie pointed to the program that was being played, which seemed to be Jia Wei's program "Story of Art".

"Oh, everyone has put forward some opinions on the new program, and each program group has also adjusted the program. Now let's see how the effect is after the modification." Wang Wanjun said simply.

These words have just been said to everyone present, so it is impossible to prevaricate them.

"Oh!" Xu Jie nodded, and then said nothing more.

Wang Wanjun turned his head and continued to watch the show. Although his eyes were fixed on the screen, his heart was not on it at all, because the more Xu Jie remained silent, the more uncertain he would be.

Soon, the show is over.

Wang Wanjun glanced at the right side, then looked at the other people in the meeting room and asked, "The show is over, let's all share our opinions."

After the people present heard it, no one spoke, but they all looked at Deputy Director Xu in unanimous agreement. In terms of their views on the program, all of them together are not as good as Deputy Director Xu.

At this time, Jia Wei was uneasy, and felt like an ant on a hot pot in his heart.

Seeing this scene, Wang Wanjun felt even more depressed.

what happened?You all think Deputy Director Xu's words are useful, don't you?
Wang Wanjun learned his lesson from last time, so he didn't dare to express his opinion first this time, otherwise he would be slapped in the face again.

Xu Jie knew what everyone was thinking when he saw the situation in the conference room, but he didn't want to have anything to do with the new program as before, so he stood up directly and said: "I forgot something, go out for a while, you guys continue. "After speaking, he walked out of the meeting room.

He didn't want to waste time here.

Is this called an improvement?
Everyone in the room was stunned, commenting on the quality of the program, isn't this the part that Deputy Director Xu is best at, why did he leave?

Wang Wanjun was taken aback for a moment, but then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

It doesn't matter whether something is true or not, as long as the other party goes out.

If the other party goes out, he is the director. If he doesn't go out, the other party seems to be the director, and he becomes a decoration!

(End of this chapter)

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