Chapter 624 All panicked
It took Xu Jie four days to finish filming the exterior part of the program "Delicious History", and then he returned to JingTV Culture, and once again became the shopkeeper, leaving all the post-production work to Liu Hua and others.

As for the new program of the Art Channel, he didn't care about it at all, and he didn't have time to care about it. After all, he still had many things that were more important than the revision of the Art Channel.

For example, the variety show "Ordinary Courage".

Although deputy editor-in-chief Lu didn't urge him any more, he set a goal for himself, which was to complete it before September came.

Because only after finishing the show, he would have time to prepare for his wedding with Su Yun.

The sooner you do it, the more time you have to prepare.

Days pass by.

For Xu Jie, every day is almost the same, he is engaged in a job, and every day is different, because every day is one step closer to the completion of the program.

Because going home is also because of one person, so Xu Jie simply lived in Beijing Television Culture, even if other people in the program group got off work, he would continue to work overtime.

Fast, but on the one hand, while being fast, the quality of the program must also be guaranteed. There is only speed but no quality. How is it different from those shoddy programs produced by Jia Wei and Jiang Lan?

And this is the first star variety show he directed, so naturally he didn't want to receive bad reviews after it aired.

Although deputy editor-in-chief Lu is very concerned about this program, he will always be the one who cares most about this program.

The sweltering August has finally come to an end, and a refreshing September is ushering in.

1 number.

It happened to be Friday, and Xu Jie came to the TV station early in the morning.

As for the rest of the program group, he directly gave everyone a vacation, because everyone knew that he was going to prepare for the wedding, so during this period everyone gave up their rest time, worked overtime with him, and even gave up weekends, sacrificing a lot.

Xu Jie first came to the office of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, but he hadn't arrived yet, so he went to the cafeteria again, took a large plate of things and sat down to eat.

"Director Xu? Why are you here?" Miao Zhenzhen looked surprised when she saw Deputy Director Xu, then hurried over and sat opposite.

Compared with Xu Jie's four steamed buns, two fried eggs, two sausages, and a few side dishes, Miao Zhenzhen's dinner plate only had a glass of milk and an egg, which was pitifully small.

"Why, can't I come?" Xu Jie asked while eating. After half a month's breakfast of milk and bread, he had already vomited.

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean, what's the matter with you when you come back today?" Miao Zhenzhen asked curiously. She hadn't seen Deputy Director Xu for a month. It was inevitable that she suddenly saw him at work. You will be a little surprised, and unconsciously start to imagine if something big is going to happen.

"Yes, and it's very important." Xu Jie said.

Is it important that "Ordinary Courage" is finished? ?
It is very important to him, to deputy editor-in-chief Lu, and even to the entire Beijing Satellite TV.

When Jiang Lan, who was passing by, heard Deputy Director Xu's words, she couldn't help shaking her hands in shock, and the boiled eggs in the dinner plate almost rolled to the ground.

Deputy Director Xu has something very important to do when he comes back today?
Couldn't it be that the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou stopped four new programs on the literary channel and deliberately came back to challenge Director Wang?

Well, it is possible!
Thinking of this, Jiang Lan handed the dinner plate to a colleague, and left the cafeteria in a hurry.

"Director Xu, what's so important?" Miao Zhenzhen inquired in a low voice, embodying the gossip attribute of an entertainment reporter in every place.

"It has nothing to do with you, let's eat your food." Xu Jie said to Miao Zhenzhen.

"If you don't talk about it, don't talk about it." Miao Zhenzhen said while peeling the eggs: "By the way, you know that the four new programs of our variety show channel were suspended due to poor ratings, and the original four old programs were ordered to resume. ?"

"I don't know." Xu Jie said after hearing this, without showing any expression on his face, because in his opinion, it was only a matter of time.

As a new program, it has no creativity and no highlights, so how can it attract viewers?It is not as good as those old programs. Although the ratings are not high, after all, they have been broadcast for three to four years, five or six years, and there are still some old viewers.

Miao Zhenzhen looked at Deputy Director Xu strangely, and asked, "Why are you so calm? Aren't you surprised?"

Xu Jie swallowed the contents of his mouth, and said lightly, "Why are you surprised? Didn't the show have been rectified once because of the poor ratings? Now that the ratings haven't improved, isn't it normal to stop it?"

Miao Zhenzhen was startled, what she said seemed to make sense, she thought for a while and said: "Sister Yan's new show has also stopped, you have been working with Sister Yan recently, do you think she will be angry? "

Sister Yan handed over the show to her, but she stopped the show, which completely failed Sister Yan's trust in her. Although Sister Yan reassured her that she was fine, she still felt very sorry.

Seeing Miao Zhenzhen's worried expression, Xu Jie couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Didn't she come back on Wednesday? Didn't you see her?"

"I see it, but I don't know if she is angry behind her back." Miao Zhenzhen said.

"Don't worry, she's not angry. In fact, it's good that the show is stopped. She may not have time to do that show in the future. Now it's a little burden for her." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Seeing that it was almost time, he speeded up his meal, and then walked to Deputy Editor Lu's office.

Jiang Lan returned to the art program center, reached out and knocked on the door of the director's office.



I knocked several times, but still no one opened the door.

She returned to her work station and waited anxiously, feeling as if the sky was about to collapse.

Director Wang had just been criticized by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, and it was said that he even patted the table, and even people outside the office heard it. If Deputy Director Xu came back to make trouble at this time, Director Wang might have no face to stay in the art program center in the future.

"Sister Lan, what's the matter, your complexion doesn't look good." The colleague next to her asked with concern.

"No, nothing." Jiang Lan shook her head.

Not far away, Jia Wei saw this scene and came over to comfort him, "Are you in a bad mood because the show was cancelled? It's okay, if one is bad, let's do another one. Isn't this a normal thing?"

Jiang Lan didn't speak after hearing it. Although the cancellation of the show made her depressed for a while, it was nothing compared to Deputy Director Xu's return.

Seeing that Jiang Lan didn't speak, Jia Wei asked in a low voice, "Could it be that Director Wang scolded you?"

Jiang Lan turned her head and glanced at Jia Wei, as if she didn't scold you.

Of course, this kind of embarrassment must not be admitted.

"No scolding, but when I went to the cafeteria just now, I saw Deputy Director Xu. He told Miao Zhenzhen that he came back because of something very important. I think it might have something to do with the cancellation of the new program." Jiang Lan said anxiously .


When Jia Wei heard this, he panicked.

Deputy Director Xu hasn't been back to the station for a long time. The new program was just canceled by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou yesterday, but someone else appeared on the station today. It's hard to believe that it wasn't related to this incident.

Usually when Deputy Director Xu came back, he was very nervous, but now that he came back at this juncture, he seemed to smell the smell of blood.

So terrifying!

Is this going to be staged for The Return of the King?

Jia Wei looked around cautiously, and then asked in a low voice, "Did you hear what is very important?"

"No, when I heard Deputy Director Xu said something very important, I panicked. I just wanted to come back and report to Director Wang..."

Just as Jiang Lan was talking, she suddenly saw Director Wang walking in from the outside. She hurried over, looked at Director Wang with a serious expression, and said, "Director, I have something very important to report to you."

Wang Wanjun frowned, looked at Jiang Lan who was nervous, and thought: If you have something very important, it must be a fuss!

However, as a director, he definitely couldn't refuse his subordinates to report to work, so he said coldly, "Come with me." After speaking, he walked towards the office.

Looking at Director Wang and Jiang Lan who left, Jia Wei also began to feel uneasy.

"Brother Jia, are you feeling unwell?" Chen Jinchang asked beside him.

"It's nothing." Jia Wei shook his head, turned around and was about to go back to the office, when the chair lifted his feet, his body staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Chen Jinchang took a look, is this nothing?He pretended to support the other party, and asked, "Brother Jia, just tell me if you need anything, we are all on our own."

Jia Wei stood up straight, looked at Chen Jinchang, then bit his lip and said, "Deputy Director Xu is back."


Wang Wanjun returned to his office, sat down and said angrily: "What is very important? You won't tell me, do you have a plan for a new program? If it is this matter, then it goes without saying. "

He still hasn't recovered from the anger of the failure of the literary channel's revision. It's really unlucky to meet such a group of trash.

"No!" Jiang Lan shook her head, and then said, "I just saw Deputy Director Xu in the cafeteria."

Wang Wanjun was stunned, and sat up straight involuntarily, looking at Jiang Lan in front of him, then relaxed, pretending to be calm and said: "If you see it, you will see it, what's the matter, he is an employee of TV Sky, it is not normal to see it." something?"

"But he said that he has something very important to come back this time!" Jiang Lan said worriedly.

"A very important matter?" Wang Wanjun immediately understood Jiang Lan's meaning when he heard it, "What did he say that he didn't say?"

Jiang Lan shook her head.

Wang Wanjun frowned.

It's okay to come back normally, but it's too coincidental to come back at this time, right?
Wang Wanjun fell into deep thought.

Although the man hasn't come back for a long time, he has never let down his vigilance, and has always regarded him as his greatest threat.

Now that the other party came back suddenly without making a sound, and there are very important things, it is difficult for him to associate with good things.

Could it be that he deliberately came back to laugh at him?
Or, do you want to take advantage of the failure of the revision to challenge him?
In any case, it was not a good thing for him.

How to do it?

Wang Wanjun also panicked in his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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