Chapter 625
Xu Jie came to the satellite TV program center and knocked on the door of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's office again.


"Come in!"

Hearing Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's voice, Xu Jie opened the door and walked in.

Lu Hong was slightly taken aback when he saw that it was Xu Jie who came. Speaking of which, he always took the initiative to find the other party, but very few times the other party came to him on his own initiative.

"Xiao Xu is back, what's the matter?" Lu Hong asked with a smile.

He understands the other party, and he will definitely go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing.

"Editor-in-Chief Lu, "Ordinary Courage" has been fully produced, a total of 12 issues, all here." Xu Jie took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and put it on the desk in front of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Huh? Really?"

Lu Hong's eyes lit up, and then he stood up excitedly, saying yes repeatedly.

"Okay, great, well done!"

He had been waiting for this moment for half a year.

This feeling is like the girlfriend who has been dating for half a year is finally going to show up. Although I haven't seen what my girlfriend looks like, my heart is full of joy.

While turning on the computer, he said to Xu Jie: "Xiao Xu, do you know that the whole station is looking forward to your program now, how is it, do you have confidence in the program?"

"The audience can decide whether the show is good or bad, and I can only say that I tried my best." Xu Jie replied.

The show wasn't aired, the audience didn't watch it, and the ratings didn't come out. He didn't want to speak wildly, otherwise what would be the difference with Wang Wanjun and Jia Wei?
As loud as the bragging was at the beginning, it is as loud as the slapping in the face now.

And it's not an appropriate question to ask him.

Making a program is to produce content, the purpose is to please the audience, there is no comparison, there is no standard, so it is not appropriate to ask the director whether he has confidence, even if you have to ask, you should ask the audience whether they like it or not.

Lu Hong was not disappointed when he heard it, because he knew that Xiao Xu had always been low-key and pragmatic in program production, and rarely boasted, which was one of the reasons why he liked her.

"Just do your best." Lu Hong said with a smile.

He believes that with the ability of the other party, as long as he does his best, the produced program will definitely not be bad.

What he worries most is that the other party will complete the program in order to complete the program. This attitude of coping with work is difficult to produce a good program, especially a content-type program.

Lu Hong inserted the USB flash drive into the computer and clicked on the first video to play. He suddenly found that Xu Jie was standing all the time, so he pointed to the opposite chair and said, "Xiao Xu, you sit first. There is tea over there. Drink it yourself, don't be shy, I'll take a look first."

Xu Jie ate too fast in the cafeteria just now, and he really choked a little panicked, so he took a disposable cup and got himself a glass of water to drink.

Lu Hong stared at the screen intently, usually fast-forwarding, but not today.

In fact, for an experienced veteran employee like him, he doesn't need to watch too many programs. It only takes a few minutes or ten minutes to see the quality of the program, whether it is coping or paying attention.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a sudden "Dangdang" knock on the door outside, which finally brought Lu Hong, who was immersed in the show, back to his senses.

"Is someone knocking on the door?" Lu Hong looked up at Xu Jie and asked, he was too absorbed just now, not sure if someone was knocking on the door.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

Lu Hong shouted at the door: "Please come in." Then he paused the video on the computer.

But when he saw the playback progress, he was taken aback.

I actually saw it for more than 20 minutes without knowing it?
However, soon, this surprise turned into a surprise, because it was the good-looking program and the attractive content that caused him to forget the time while watching it.

In addition, the copywriting of the program is also very good, the language is relaxed and humorous, without losing depth.

The essence of variety shows is to make the audience relax and feel happy, and this show does exactly that.

"Old Lu!" Zhou Zhengliang walked into the office, was taken aback when he saw Xu Jie, and then said with a smile, "Little Xu is here too."

"Editor Zhou, I'll hand in the homework." Xu Jie stood up and said.

"Hand in the homework?" Zhou Zhengliang looked puzzled.

"Haha, Xiao Xu's new variety show has been completed, and I'm watching it. Lao Zhou, come and watch it together?" Lu Hong was in a good mood, and desperately needed someone to share with him.

"Really? Then I want to take a look." Zhou Zhengliang walked over with great interest.

For Xiao Xu's new variety show, he has always only heard of its name but not its film. It has been half a year, and today he can finally see the true face of Lushan.

Lu Hong starts from the beginning, and a good program deserves to be revisited a second time.

Zhou Zhengliang looked at it for a while, first smiled, then smiled, and suddenly sighed.


"What's wrong?" Lu Hong asked curiously, and pressed pause at the same time.

I thought: Does Lao Zhou think it is not good-looking?
As the old saying goes: each flower sees each eye.

What he thinks looks good can only represent himself, not everyone.

TV programs are not for just one person, but to satisfy the tastes of most people.

No matter how highly rated the program is, or the program with the best ratings, some people don't like to watch it.

As the saying goes: turnips and vegetables have their own preferences.

"After watching Xiao Xu's program, and watching the four new programs recently released by the Art Channel, I feel sad." Zhou Zhengliang sighed and said, "It would be great if they were all like Xiao Xu's program. "

"Old Zhou, aren't you blaming me for letting Xiao Xu do a program for the satellite TV channel?" Lu Hong felt that there was something in the other party's words.

"No, I definitely didn't mean that, but... I have to tell you about Wang Wanjun." Zhou Zhengliang said seriously.

Hearing what Deputy Editor Zhou said, Xu Jie felt that he was not suitable to be here, so he said: "Editor Lu, Editor Zhou, I have nothing to do and I will leave first."

Lu Hong nodded. He was going to watch the 12 episodes from beginning to end. Before that, he had nothing to say to Xiao Xu.

But Zhou Zhengliang said: "Xiao Xu, you go to my office first, I have something to tell you."

"Oh." Xu Jie walked out and closed the door.

Lu Hong retracted his gaze, and asked after the topic just now, "What's wrong with Xiao Wang?"

Intuition told him that Lao Lu had a lot of resentment towards Wang Wanjun, and judging from the serious expression of the other party, it is likely that he came here to complain today.

After Zhou Zhengliang heard it, he looked at Lu Hong seriously and said, "You should know that Wang Wanjun is going to revise the art channel, right?"

"I know." Lu Hong nodded.

"Has he been in the art program center for two or three months? He spent two or three months working on four new programs. As a result, after these new programs were broadcast on the art channel, none of the ratings broke 1, even It might as well be the old program that was replaced by him. During this period, I asked him to rectify it once, but it didn't have any effect. Who did you recommend?" Zhou Zhengliang became more and more angry, and finally even complained.

Lu Hong was taken aback. It seems that after Wang Wanjun went to the art program center, his performance was really bad. Otherwise, Lao Zhou wouldn't even complain about him.

"Really? I'm really not sure about this. Xiao Wang has always performed well in the satellite TV program center. Is there something wrong with your use?" Lu Hong asked.

"Using? Is he a household appliance, and he still needs to read the instruction manual? Besides, you have never interfered with his work. If it weren't for the recent decline in the overall ratings of the Art Channel, I would not let him rectify it." Zhou Zheng Liang said.

Lu Hong frowned slightly. Hearing what Lao Zhou said, Wang Wanjun's performance in the art program center was indeed not very good.

He understands Lao Zhou, like the Art Channel, which only broadcasts to the Beijing area, the ratings were average at first, but now the ratings have dropped as a whole, can the other party not be in a hurry?

If it were him, he would be anxious, after all, ratings are the life of a TV station!

"Old Zhou, don't be angry. I think it may be that Xiao Wang was suddenly transferred from the satellite TV program center to the art program center. He has not yet adapted to the difference in the program content of the two channels. Give him some time." Lu Hong comforted, after all Wang Wanjun was recommended by him.

"Okay, since you've said that, Lao Lu, I'll give him some more time. In addition, Xiao Xu has already finished producing the variety show for the second half of the year. You can't arrange other jobs for him. I have to let him Return to the art program center, otherwise the art channel will be completely over." Zhou Zhengliang said seriously.

"it is good!"

Lu Hong thought about it, and finally agreed

Zhou Zhengliang returned to his office, his eyes lit up immediately after seeing Xu Jie waiting outside the door.

"Xiao Xu, since the new variety show is finished, shouldn't it be time to come back from Beijing Television Culture?" Zhou Zhengliang opened the door and walked into the office while talking.

Xu Jie followed the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou. Although the other party only asked a simple question, he heard other meanings from it.

"There is still some finishing work left, and it may take some time." Xu Jie said lightly.

This kind of answer, advance can attack, retreat can defend, leaving a lot of leeway for myself.

"Really? Then you have to hurry up, the Art Center can't do without you." Zhou Zhengliang sighed.

"Editor Zhou, isn't there Director Wang?"

"He? Hehe!"


Seeing Deputy Editor Zhou's sneer, Xu Jie recalled what Miao Zhenzhen had said to him at breakfast, and instantly understood what Deputy Editor Zhou was thinking.

"Xiao Xu, Director Wang and Zhang Luo have been revising for such a long time, and there is no effect at all. I see the task of revising, and I have to leave it to you." Zhou Zhengliang said.

"Director Wang can't do it, and I can't do it." Xu Jie said quickly.

The reason why he finished the new variety show so quickly was to give enough time to prepare for the wedding, and now let him be in charge of the revision of the art channel?He doesn't want to take over this mess.

"Xiao Xu, don't be humble. Your performance is obvious to all in our station. If you say no, then there will be no one in our station." Zhou Zhengliang patted Xu Jie on the shoulder.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched. It seems that his grades are too good, sometimes it's not a good thing.

"Editor Zhou, the new variety show hasn't aired yet, and I can't calm down, and it will take some time for the new variety show to end completely. You can let me be in charge of the revision, and we can talk about it after the new variety show airs." Xu Jie decides to delay the attack first.

When Zhou Zhengliang heard this, he immediately laughed. Anyway, he had already promised Lao Lu to give Wang Wanjun some time, that would be a month, and after a month, there was no improvement in the art channel, and Xiao Xu could seamlessly connect.

"Okay, listen to you!"


(End of this chapter)

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