The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 626 The dog bites Lu Dongbin, I don't know the good heart

Chapter 626 The dog bites Lu Dongbin, I don't know the good heart

Xu Jie left the office of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, depressed and angry.

What is depressing is that he was caught by deputy editor-in-chief Zhou when he came back today and asked him to accept the mess left by Wang Wanjun.

Besides, even if there is no new variety show, his work is still very busy.

In addition to the two programs in hand, he also has to review all the programs of the Art Channel. If he is asked to be responsible for the channel revision, the workload is so heavy that he is not regarded as a human being.

"Oh, it would be great if Wang Wanjun could cheer up a bit!" Xu Jie thought to himself.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about the new program revised by the Art Channel.

Do you want to help Wang Wanjun?
There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests, after all, this moment, that moment.

If it could reduce his workload and not take over this mess, it would be nothing to help Wang Wanjun.

Thinking of this, Xu Jie didn't go to Beijing Television Culture, but stopped on the floor where the art program center was located, and got out of the elevator.


Xu Jie pushed the door and walked into the public office area. The moment he opened the door, he immediately felt that everyone was looking at him, and among these gazes, most of them were nervous and even a little uneasy.

what's the situation?
Xu Jie was startled, he is not a monster, let alone cannibal, why do you look at him like that?

Suddenly there was a scream in the office area, and then everyone was in a panic. A colleague who was carrying the box shook his hand, and all the documents inside were spilled on the floor. There was also a hostess who was touching up her makeup and ended up with lipstick. Draw directly to the root of the ear...

Everyone looked in the direction of the exclamation, and saw a female colleague blowing on the back of her red hand, and there was a water glass on the ground.

It seems that I accidentally scalded my hand when receiving hot water.

What's wrong with this?
Xu Jie's eyes were full of doubts, even if he hadn't seen him for more than half a month, he wouldn't be so frightened, right?

"What happened?" Xu Jie came to Tian Haobo and asked.

This kid is different from other people. To be precise, the people in the two program groups "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk" are different from other people. Instead of being nervous, there is a hint of excitement on his face.

"Director Xu, I support you!" Tian Haobo said in a low voice while clenching his fists tightly.

Xu Jie looked at the other party suspiciously and asked, "You support me no matter what I do?"

Even if he wanted to help Wang Wanjun, it was his inner thoughts, and he never told outsiders, unless these people were all roundworms in his stomach.

"Director Xu, we all know, aren't you going to stage the return of the king and fight against Director Wang?" Tian Haobo was so excited when he spoke, he almost waved his flag and shouted.

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, the return of the king?War Director Wang?When did he say such a thing?
"Who told you?" Xu Jie asked.

"Jia Wei." Tian Haobo said.

Xu Jie frowned, and immediately looked up for Jia Wei.

I saw the other party staying at the workstation, bent over, lowered his head, and the whole person was lying on the desk, as if he was deliberately avoiding someone, and he wanted to find a hole in the ground.

"Jia Wei!" Xu Jie asked loudly with a straight face, "Who told you that I was going to fight Director Wang?"


Jia Wei raised his head, his eyes were full of haste, and he stammered, "I, I..."

I have been talking for a long time, but there is no next word.

Xu Jie said coldly: "You can be regarded as an old reporter. You should know that you must seek truth from facts. How can you talk nonsense and talk nonsense? This is a TV station, not those small newspapers on the street. You have to be responsible for what you said! "

Jia Wei lowered his head deeply, but kept looking in Jiang Lan's direction.

Jiang Lan turned her back quickly, pretending not to see, thinking: Don't look at me, don't look at me!

If the new show was successful, she might still dare to stand up, but the new show failed and was suspended. Isn't she waiting to be scolded for standing up at this time?
"I can't do whatever I want to do. I'm the No.1 picker. If I have time to spread rumors, why don't I think about how to make the show better and how to increase the ratings of the show? Hmph!" Xu Jie snorted coldly.

Although he had worked as the deputy director for more than half a year, he had never yelled at any employee in public, at most he criticized a few words in meetings, and today was the first time.

Seeing Deputy Director Xu's stern look, everyone was frightened. It was the first time that everyone saw Deputy Director Xu angry. Everyone dared not speak, even dared not breathe, and the room was terribly quiet.

Jia Wei thought to himself: Why did I pick things up?You clearly want to make use of it.


At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door. From the direction, it should be Director Wang's office.

At this moment, everyone tensed up involuntarily, listening quietly to the sound of footsteps getting closer, feeling that a war was about to break out.

Wang Wanjun walked through the corridor, and when he came to the public office area, he saw Xu Jie standing in the corridor, his heart tightened, and he immediately turned and walked back.

The reason why he came out was because he was fidgeting in the office. He wanted to come out to see the work of the employees and relieve the anxiety in his heart, but he hit the gun directly!

Didn't see me!Didn't see me!
"Director!" A voice came from behind.

Wang Wanjun stopped walking, thinking: It's over!
He took a deep breath, calmed himself down, then turned around and said with a smile, "Deputy Director Xu, when did you come back? You haven't been back for a long time."

After hearing this, Xu Jie said: "Originally, I came back to report to the deputy editor-in-chief Lu, but I heard that all the new programs were suspended, so I came back to see what was going on and if I could help. After all, I am also a literary artist. Part of the program center."

Wang Wanjun's heart skipped a beat, and he thought: What should come is still here.

Although what the other party said is true, isn't this just rubbing salt in his wound?

The show was suspended yesterday, and I will come back today to say hello. Is it caring, or is it a weasel greeting a chicken?
"Maybe it's because the viewers who watch art channels have different preferences from those who watch satellite TV channels, but it doesn't matter. I'm already preparing to re-produce a new program. I don't believe that there are so many people in the Art Program Center who can't even do a single program well, and Deputy Director Xu is still busy with variety shows on the satellite TV channel, so I won't bother you." Wang Wanjun said
He also wants to save face, even if the other party is kind, but there are so many people in the public office area, how can he accept the other party's help?
Those who didn't know thought he was not capable enough to make good shows.

As a new director, this has a great impact on his prestige.

If you can't convince the public at work, how can you continue to work here in the future?
Everyone looked at Director Wang. Why did what he said sound so uncomfortable?

You can't come up with a good show and attribute the responsibility to us?

Blame us?

"Director Wang, I think that since a new program is going to be released, it should adopt a brand new format instead of putting old wine in new bottles..." Xu Jie expressed his thoughts, which can be regarded as a small suggestion.

Although there are four programs launched before, they have great similarities in form. He mentioned this problem at the program discussion meeting. If these four programs can be turned into one program, we can concentrate on running It's a big deal, maybe the ratings will be better.

Wang Wanjun couldn't hold back his face a bit, and taught him how to make a show in public. Isn't this an insult to him?
What would the employees present think?
"Deputy Director Xu!" Wang Wanjun raised his voice and interrupted the other party, "I know what you said. When I was doing a program on the TV station, you were still busy with exams at school, so I don't bother you to teach me. How are you going to do the show?"

Xu Jie stopped and looked at Wang Wanjun with squinted eyes. Hearing the tone of his speech, it was clear that a dog biting Lu Dongbin didn't know a good heart!
I know you can do shows, but you do!

Do you think I'm willing to talk nonsense with you here?

Isn't it because after the wedding, I have time to go out with my wife for a honeymoon?

As if who wants to take over this mess.

Since you don't know good from bad, don't blame me!
"Director Wang, I don't know if the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou has told you." Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun and said, "If the Art Channel has no new programs and the ratings cannot be improved, then after the National Day, the revision work will be done by me. Take charge!"

He said this not to anger the other party, but to motivate the other party.

After all, the revision was proposed by the other party.

As a new director who has just arrived and is eager for work achievements, how can he watch his plan handed over to others?
"What?" Wang Wanjun was shocked, and his face immediately became gloomy.

Hand over your work to the other party?
Doesn't this mean directly denying his ability to work?
For him, it is simply a great shame and humiliation!
The staff of the art program center present were also stunned. It wasn't a matter of whether the new official took office or not, it was a matter of being poured with cold water!
And it wasn't Deputy Director Xu who poured the cold water, but Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou who was on a higher level.

What does this mean?
This shows that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou is about to lose patience with Director Wang, otherwise he wouldn't have issued an ultimatum.

Things seem to be more serious than everyone imagined.

The deputy director took over the unfinished work of the director?To put it bluntly, this is not far from the deputy director taking over the position of director.

Everyone looked at Director Wang one after another, seeing the ugly face of the other party, everyone knew that before the National Day holiday, it is estimated that there will be no good days.

"Director Wang, if you don't believe me, you can ask Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou now," Xu Jie said.

Wang Wanjun didn't believe it, on the contrary, he believed it very much, because the other party would never dare to spread the words of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou.

ask?Isn't this tantamount to asking for trouble?
"Director Wang, do you need my help?" Xu Jie asked again.

"I can do it myself, so I don't need Deputy Director Xu to bother!" Wang Wanjun gritted his teeth and said.

"Really, then I wish Director Wang every success this time!" Xu Jie said from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, I thought to myself: Director Wang, Director Wang, please fight for me, please!


(End of this chapter)

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