Chapter 627 Low-key
Xu Jie drove away from the TV station. Instead of going to Jingshi Culture, he went all the way north to Nangou Village to discuss the wedding with his parents.

In fact, he was not surprised by Wang Wanjun's refusal. Ever since the other party came to the art program center, he had been trying to light up three fires to prove his prestige.

However, three months later, the other party not only failed to burn the fire well, but also burned himself with bruises all over his body, his face was disgraced, and his prestige was seriously hit. How could he accept his help at this time?
What would you think if someone else found out?The director of Tangtang Cultural Program Center can't even do a show well, and still needs the help of the deputy director. Isn't that a sign of incompetence?
This is not just a matter of face.

If it were him, he would not accept help from outsiders.

After driving for about two hours, Xu Jie rushed home at noon.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Xu Jie shouted after entering the door.

Wang Guizhi walked out of the kitchen with a face full of joy, wearing an apron and holding a frying spoon in his hand. When he saw that his son was alone, his smile retracted for a moment, and he stretched his head to look outside the door, and then Looking at his son, he asked suspiciously, "Where's your wife?"

"I was filming in Hengdian, but I didn't come back." Xu Jie said.

Wang Guizhi's face immediately revealed a disappointed expression, and then he turned his head and shouted in the direction of the kitchen: "Dad, my son, stop cooking so many dishes, only my son is alone."

Xu Baozhong quickly came out of the kitchen to have a look, then walked into the kitchen again, and said, "Got it, let's make two for lunch, and put the rest in the refrigerator."

Xu Jie was speechless when he heard what his mother and father said.

Who is their child?
This treatment, the difference is too big, right?Doesn't he deserve to eat a few more dishes?
"Before you said you had something important to do on the phone, and you asked me and your dad to come back, what exactly is it?" Wang Guizhi took off his apron while talking, obviously not planning to continue cooking.

Xu Jie came to the restaurant and sat down. On the table was only a shredded cucumber mixed with cold skin. It was very shabby, but the sesame sauce on it smelled quite delicious.

"I'm planning to hold a wedding during the National Day." Xu Jie picked up a chopstick and put it in his mouth. It was refreshing and delicious.

"What?" Wang Guizhi was startled at first, then quickly came to his son, and asked excitedly, "Son, is what you said true?"

"Mom, can you joke about this kind of thing?" Xu Jie looked at his mother and asked, "Is there any food? I'm a little hungry."

"Yes, there are many more!" Wang Guizhi immediately returned to the kitchen, and quickly brought out two plates of meat, one plate of fried meatballs, and one plate of braised pork ribs. Then he pulled a chair and sat beside his son, and asked cheerfully: "Decided to hold a wedding on National Day? Have you discussed it with your wife?"

"Well, she and I are very busy at the front end, and we have time during the National Day, so I want to take the time to hold the wedding. After all, we have received the certificate for almost two years." Xu Jie said, no matter how refreshing cucumber is, it is not as good as meatballs good to eat.

"That's right, in fact, you two should have organized the wedding a long time ago. Your dad and I have always thought so, but seeing that you two are so busy, we don't have the nerve to rush you." Wang Guizhi smiled from ear to ear, "Does your father-in-law know? What do they mean?"

"They are as happy about the wedding as you are, so I am going to find a time to get you all together to discuss the wedding, and then you can go back and inform your relatives and friends at home. After all, only Next month." Xu Jie said while eating.

Although it was his and Su Yun's wedding, the union of the two involved two families, so asking the opinions of both parents was an essential link.

Of course, how the wedding will be held depends on what he and Su Yun think, but opinions are still to be listened to, everyone is happy.

"Okay, what do you think about tomorrow? The day after tomorrow is also fine, it happens to be the weekend." Wang Guizhi said impatiently, she wished her son would organize the wedding tomorrow.

"Then let's make an appointment tomorrow at the restaurant where we ate for the first time." Xu Jie said after hearing that, this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later. The sooner it is confirmed, the more time he will have to prepare.

"By the way, have you found a hotel for the wedding? I heard that it takes half a year or even a year in advance to book a hotel." Wang Guizhi asked with concern.

"Not yet." Xu Jie shook his head.

a year ago?half year ago?

He hadn't thought of having a wedding then.

"You, you are too negligent. How can you not think about such an important matter? But it doesn't matter. I know half of the five-star hotel managers in the capital. They will still give it to them according to the face of a wedding banquet. When the time comes, I will give it to you." You write a list, and you can pick whatever you want," Wang Guizhi said proudly.

"Thank you mom." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Eat more, I've been sick these days." Wang Guizhi picked up chopsticks and put meat into his son's bowl.

Xu Jie came to the yard after lunch, picked up the phone and made a video call with Su Yun.

"Honey, have you eaten yet?" Su Yun's image appeared on the screen.

"Just finished eating." Xu Jie pointed the camera at the house behind him, "Look where I am?"

"Nangou Village? Are you home? Isn't today Friday?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"I'm a free person now, so I don't have to go to work. By the way, I've already told my parents about the wedding. I'm going to ask your parents out tomorrow to see what they think about the wedding. Can you Are you coming back?" Xu Jie asked.

"For such a big event, of course I have to go back. How about this? I'll ask Director Xu for a day off and let her shoot other people's scenes first. Anyway, my film will be finished soon." Su Yun thought for a while and said.

Wedding is a very important event in a woman's life, and she is no exception.

"Well, the time is set at 11 noon tomorrow, and it's still Zhou's food."


Xu Jie then called his father-in-law and his mother-in-law respectively, and talked about the meeting tomorrow. The two agreed happily without any hesitation.

The next day, it was sunny.

Xu Jie brought his parents to Zhou's Cuisine, but Su Yun and her parents had already arrived early. The two families got together again, and after a simple greeting, they immediately entered the theme.

"Family, we have no opinion on the wedding, we can do whatever we want." Zhang Simin expressed her true thoughts, and her thoughts also represented the thoughts of the Su family.

The daughter's ability to hold the wedding ceremony can be regarded as the fulfillment of one of her wishes. She has no opinions or requests, and all arrangements are made by the man's family.

She knew that Xiao Xu and his in-laws would never treat their daughter badly.

"Actually, we don't have any opinions, as long as the two children are happy together." Wang Guizhi turned to look at Su Yun and asked, "Xiao Yun, what do you think about the wedding? We respect your decision, after all Is it your wedding, or it should be based on your ideas."

She knew that her daughter-in-law was in the entertainment industry, and the wedding would definitely be very grand, so she really couldn't make up her mind on this matter.

"Mom, I listened to Xu Jie." Su Yun said after hearing it.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect the question to turn around and come back to him, and everyone was looking at him, as if waiting for him to speak.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then asked, "Are you really out of ideas, or are you embarrassed to say so?"

He wants to confirm everyone's true thoughts.

"Xiao Xu, just say it, we will all listen to you." Zhang Simin said with a smile.

"In that case, then I will say it." Xu Jie looked at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on the face of Su Yun beside him, and said seriously: "I don't think weddings need to be too extravagant, and there is no need for any big scenes, let alone Spreading wedding invitations widely in the entertainment industry, it looks like a celebrity walking the red carpet. After all, the wedding is for yourself, not for outsiders. It is enough to invite relatives, friends and colleagues, and everyone to gather together. Lively and lively, you say Woolen cloth?"

He thought about this for a long time.

In fact, given Su Yun's status and fame in the entertainment industry, the wedding should be a special event, with wedding invitations widely distributed in the circle. Anyone who knows each other, regardless of their relationship or whether they are acquainted or not, is invited to have a wedding of the century.

But he always felt that if he did that, the element of entertainment would outweigh the significance of the wedding, and he didn't want to turn his wedding into a celebrity gathering and red carpet ceremony in the entertainment industry.

The most important thing about a wedding is grand, warm and romantic.

Could it be that the larger the scale and the more people present, the happier it will be?

not necessarily!
Numerous facts have proved that the relationship between these is not great.

How many celebrities got married with a big scene, but ended in divorce?
Of course, this is just his personal idea, not the final decision. The wedding needs to be negotiated by both parties. Otherwise, what are you doing here today?
"Well, I agree, I actually think so too." Su Yun said with a smile after hearing this.

"Really?" Xu Jie was stunned. Don't women like the bigger the wedding?
Wang Guizhi was also stunned.

It was completely different from what she had imagined.

Will this wrong my daughter-in-law?
Do you really think so?Or compromise?

"Of course it's true. I've seen many reports about celebrity marriages, and I feel that the bigger the business, the more degrading the character. So I think it's good to invite relatives, friends and colleagues to get together as you said. "Su Yun said.

Xu Jie smiled, held each other's hands under the table, then looked at both parents and asked, "Mom and Dad, do you think this is okay?"


"Well, it's good to be low-key."

"Just do it."

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun beside him, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"You can go back to Hengdian to film with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me." Xu Jie said.

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded.

Seeing how loving their children are, the four parents all had smiles on their faces.


(End of this chapter)

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