Chapter 629
On Monday, Xu Jie came to Jingshi Culture Communication Company.

The office area was unusually quiet. It was a busy place last week, but today it was empty, and he was the only one.

In fact, the program team announced its disbandment last week, and the staff returned to their original jobs starting this week. After all, the production of variety shows has been completed, and now only the appearance on Beijing Satellite TV to meet the national audience is left. There is no need for the staff Come here again.

Xu Jie came here not because of variety shows, but because of a personal matter.

Make wedding invitations!
He wants to design his own wedding invitation, here is the equipment he needs, and it can be printed out. The most important thing is that it does not cost money.

"Xiao Xu? Why are you still here? I just heard from the people below that you are here again, but I still don't believe it." When Jiang Hai saw Xu Jie in the office area, his eyes were full of surprise and doubt, "Isn't the show already done?" Is it finished?"

Last Friday, he heard that the show group had been disbanded, and two days ago, Lao Lu called him, talking about his impressions of the new variety show, full of praise.

By the way, he has been transferred to Jingshi Culture, and I don't know why Lao Lu still told him, isn't Wang Wanjun, who replaced him as the director of the art program center, not a human being?

"There is still some finishing work, I can do it by myself, so let them go back to the TV station first." Xu Jie explained casually.

He and deputy editor-in-chief Lu and deputy editor-in-chief Zhou also used the same argument, in order to have more time to prepare for the wedding.

Now he is not in the mood to work.

"Oh, then I won't bother you." Jiang Hai turned around and left, but stopped after walking a few steps, turned around and said to Xu Jie, "By the way, how are your wedding preparations going?"

"The wedding time has been set, it will be on October 10th, and the hotel has already been selected. We will post a wedding invitation in a few days. You and your sister-in-law must go there then." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Go, I have to go." Jiang Hai said with a smile: "By the way, have you chosen a wedding company?"

"The hotel said they would be in charge, so I didn't look any further. I'm going to finalize the procedure of the day and the layout of the wedding scene, and then hand it over to them," Xu Jie said.

The competition in the current hotel industry is very fierce. He has been to more than a dozen hotels, and each of them has wedding business. Let's put it this way, as long as the bride and groom arrive.

"The hotel is in charge, so shouldn't it cost money? How about this, leave the wedding to me, and make sure that it will be properly arranged for you, and it will be my wedding gift to you." Jiang Hai said.

"Ah? You're still good at this kind of thing?" Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang differently.

Directing a program, the other party is an expert; directing a party, the other party is also an expert; planning wedding activities... Isn't it a bit overkill for the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala in Beijing to run to someone as a wedding planner?

Could it be that the other party usually goes outside to pick up private work?


With the other party's identity and status, she doesn't even bother to go outside to take on private work, let alone wedding planning.

"Look at what you said, I can manage the Spring Festival Gala neatly. Could it be that your wedding is bigger than the Spring Festival Gala? Besides, don't look at what I am doing now. The main business of JingTV Culture is large-scale weddings. Event contracting and film and television program production, including choreography, planning, recording, and production, if you can't even manage a wedding, then I, the general manager, will be in vain." Jiang Hai said after hearing this.

When Xu Jie heard it, it turned out to be the case.

In fact, the hotel itself does not have a wedding team. They also look for wedding companies from outside, or have regular partners.

But those wedding companies outside, in terms of scale and expertise, can they compare with Jingshi Culture?
No, there is no comparison at all.

One of the two is a regular army and the other is a motley army. How do they compare?
"Okay, then do as you wish, and I will leave the relevant wedding preparations to you." Xu Jie was not polite to the other party either.

Originally, he was a little worried about the failure of the wedding company at the hotel, but now that he had Boss Jiang and the regular army of Jingshi Culture, he had nothing to worry about.

"Just put 1 hearts at ease. On the day of the wedding, from beginning to end, I guarantee that it will be done properly for you. You don't know that there will definitely be many people who want to send hair and mix in to video and take pictures at this kind of celebrity wedding. , especially those unscrupulous media and some self-media, who go around for popularity, don’t even want to face for traffic, and even broadcast live on the spot, so it is very necessary to have a professional team.” Jiang Hai said seriously.

For Ai Jiang's wedding, he must give enough in terms of planning.

Xu Jie was taken aback. In fact, the manager of the hotel told him about these things during the weekend food tasting, but he didn't pay much attention to it. But after hearing what Boss Jiang said, he couldn't help but feel rejoicing. Fortunately, Boss Jiang Come to Jingshi Culture, otherwise, the wedding day may really become a large-scale online celebrity live broadcast.

Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and said, "Tell me after you have thought about the process and site layout, so I can prepare things too. By the way, you'd better go to the site when it's set up. I'm afraid of your kid's thoughts." Incomprehensible."


After Jiang Hai left, Xu Jie continued to design wedding invitations.

A wedding invitation is actually an invitation letter. Its function is to notify the invitee to attend the wedding of the new couple. It is mostly used between relatives, friends and colleagues, and it can be regarded as a traditional etiquette.

Of course, with the advanced communication nowadays, it is enough to make a phone call, send a text message, or make an electronic wedding invitation to notify the invitee to attend the wedding, but when it comes to his and Su Yun's wedding, it really cannot be so simple.

In order to avoid the unscrupulous people, that is, the unscrupulous media that Boss Jiang said mixed into the wedding scene, there must be a token that can prove that the visitor is invited by the newcomer to the wedding, and the wedding invitation is the best proof.

There are many types of wedding invitations, but Xu Jie finally decided to use the traditional red color as the main color, with bronzing patterns on the top and bottom, which is both beautiful and festive.

Since the invitation list has not yet been drawn up, it is not known how many people will be invited, so Xu Jie printed a thousand copies directly.

Of course, there will not be so many people who need to be invited, and the extra printing part is just to prevent typos when filling in the names of the invitees, so as not to be insufficient.

In the evening, Xu Jie drove away from Jingshi Culture with a box of wedding invitations.

He first went to his father-in-law's house and left [-] wedding invitations, then returned to Nangou Village, left [-] wedding invitations for his parents, and finally rushed home in the middle of the night to determine who he needed to invite , and left two hundred for Su Yun, and planned to mail it to the other party tomorrow.

The days of preparing for the wedding passed quickly, and Xu Jie didn't feel that he had done anything, and finally came to the end of the month.

25 number.

Xu Jie drove to the unit.

Today is Monday, and it is also the most complete day for everyone in the unit. It is just right for posting wedding invitations. After all, next week is the National Day.

He walked into the cultural program center with his bag. The public office area was as dull as ever. Everyone looked listless and exhausted, as if their bodies had been hollowed out.

"Hi, Director Xu."

"Good morning Director Xu..."

Not even able to say hello.

"You are so happy, did you pick up the money while walking?" Qin Yan asked.

In fact, at the beginning of the month, she was very happy, even excited, because the production of "Ordinary Courage" was completed, it took half a year, and it was finally going to be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV, and she will also be the host of a star variety show It's the first time I made my debut, I'm happy when I think about it, and I can wake up with a smile when I sleep.

However, in the past 20 days when I returned to the Art Program Center, Director Wang held meetings every day for the new program of the Art Channel, and she worked overtime every day. Not only did she have to watch Director Wang's face, but she was often criticized. The excitement at the beginning of the month has long since disappeared. No trace, replaced by deep tiredness.

Working under Director Wang is really tiring.

This kind of tiredness is not the same as when I was working at Jingshi Culture some time ago.

Although I also work and overtime at Jingshi Culture, but I am only physically tired, but my spirit is very full, and I can completely recover after a night of sleep.

But here, not only is the body tired, but also the heart is even more tired. Not to mention one sleep, even ten sleeps are useless, and the more you sleep, the more tired you will be.

"It's nothing to pick up money, I have something happier than this." Xu Jie looked around the office area, and then said loudly: "Members of the "Delicious" crew, come to my office for a meeting." After speaking, he walked to the office.

Qin Yan was even more depressed when she heard it. It turned out that it was a good thing for the crew of "Delicious History" and had nothing to do with her.

Members of the "Delicious" program group got up and walked to Deputy Director Xu's office, and everyone around them showed envious and jealous eyes.

Although Deputy Director Xu hasn't come for many days, everyone knows one thing very well. It must be a good thing for Deputy Director Xu to have a meeting. As for Director Wang's meeting, it must be a bad thing.

"Director, what's the matter?" Song Huanhuan asked curiously. Didn't the location part of October finish filming ahead of time?What kind of meeting is there?

Xu Jie took out a stack of red wedding invitations from his bag and put them on the table.

Everyone was taken aback when they saw it, and then they understood something, and all of them showed joyful expressions.

Everyone in Taiwan already knew that Deputy Director Xu was going to hold a wedding on the National Day. Seeing that the National Day was getting closer, they, as colleagues who had worked with Deputy Director Xu for nearly two years, had never received an invitation. Inevitably there will be some disappointment.

But now, as soon as the wedding invitation was lit, the loss in his heart disappeared without a trace, and he even forgot all the torture he suffered from Director Wang during this period.

"The wedding date has been fixed. It will be on the 6th of next month. This is a wedding invitation. Don't lose it, otherwise you won't be able to get in."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he began to open the name inside, and handed it to the corresponding person while reading.

"Liu Jinbao, this is yours, Song Huanhuan, yours..."


(End of this chapter)

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