The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 630 Overtime Makes People Happy!

Chapter 630 Overtime Makes People Happy!

The wedding invitations in Xu Jie's hand were sent out soon.

Everyone looked at their names in the column of invitees on the wedding invitation, and their faces were full of joy. They saw that the handwriting on it was written by Deputy Director Xu himself, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

"Thank you, Director!" Song Huanhuan said happily.

It is definitely an honor for her to be able to attend the wedding of Deputy Director Xu and Su Yun, because she knows very well that the wedding will be of a very high standard. After all, Su Yun's status in the music world is there. There will definitely be a lot of celebrities at the time.

"Thank you, you can go, I should be the one who is happy, tell you, no one is allowed to go." Xu Jie pointed to these people in front of him.

"Don't worry, Director, I will be there on time!"

"Me too!"

Everyone said one after another that those who don't go are fools.

"Okay, stop laughing, quickly put away the wedding invitations, and don't be seen when you go out, not everyone in our department has it." Xu Jie reminded.

Although he is the deputy director of the Art Program Center, he doesn't intend to invite everyone. After all, this is his wedding, and it's not for departmental team building, so it's enough to invite those who are usually close.

"Understood!" Everyone immediately prepared the wedding invitation.

"Director, have you found your best man?" Lu Zhanpeng asked, his eyes full of expectation.

He made an appointment before, and I don't know if Deputy Director Xu has forgotten it. Of course, it doesn't matter if he doesn't look for him. After all, with the reputation of Deputy Director Xu and Sister Yun in the entertainment industry, there must be many celebrities who are willing to be best man and bridesmaid. He That is, to ask casually.

"Not yet." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Director, then look at me..." Lu Zhanpeng pointed at himself, then raised his chest and stood upright, showing his handsome side.

"Forget it, the director's best man should be a male star." Xiao Wei said with a smile, thinking that the other party not only didn't become handsome, but looked funny instead.

Xu Jie looked at Lu Zhanpeng, then at several other men, one, two, three, four, exactly four.

"How many of you? Are you willing to be the best man?" Xu Jie asked.

The task of coming to the TV station today is to post wedding invitations. If we can solve the matter of the best man by the way, it will save him another trip.

When the other three men heard this, their eyes lit up immediately.

"I am willing!" Zhang Jiao said.

"I am willing too!" Tian Haobo followed up and raised his hand.

"If you think my image is good, I'm fine." Liu Jinbao patted his big belly.

"Okay, then the four of you will be my best man." Xu Jie said with a smile.

The four men were happy.

"Director, let me ask one more question, is the bridesmaid on sister-in-law's side a female celebrity?" Lu Zhanpeng asked.

"Yes!" Xu Jie said.

"Yeah!" Lu Zhanpeng cheered happily.

"Why are you happy? You are going to be the best man, not to grab the bridesmaid." Song Huanhuan gave Lu Zhanpeng a white look, and then said to Deputy Director Xu: "Director, I'm out to work."

"En!" Xu Jie nodded.

Song Huanhuan turned around and walked out.

Xiao Wei also rolled her eyes at Lu Zhanpeng, and said angrily: "Look at your unpromising appearance, as if you have never seen a female star, embarrassing the director, embarrassing our program team."

Liu Hua: "Nympho, hum!"

All three girls are gone.

Lu Zhanpeng scratched his head in embarrassment, and also felt that his reaction just now was a bit embarrassing.

Speaking of which, "Delicious History" has been filmed for so many episodes, and I have seen dozens of female stars, not hundreds, and they are all first- and second-tier female stars, so I should have gotten used to it long ago. If at a wedding, If it's like this, then it's really embarrassing for the director.

"Director, I'm going back to work too." Lu Zhanpeng said, and then quickly slipped out, for fear that Deputy Director Xu would regret it.

A few people returned to their workstations with smiles on their faces, touching the wedding invitation in their pockets, the more they thought about it, the happier they became. It felt like they were not touching a wedding invitation, but a winning lottery ticket.

All the people around were confused.

What are you laughing at?
Did you win the lottery?
A female employee from another program group couldn't help but came to Liu Hua and asked in a low voice, "Hey, what's so happy? Is there a big sponsor?"

The more sponsorship fees, the more benefit wages.

Apart from an increase in salary, she really couldn't think of anything that would make the entire program group so happy.

"Nothing." Liu Hua replied with a smile and shook his head.

"Nothing? Look in the mirror and see how you are smiling. It's nothing? Who are you lying to? Just tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone else." more curious.

"It's really nothing, but Director Xu asked us to work overtime on National Day." Liu Hua explained.

"Working overtime?" The female employee was stunned.

Are you so happy to work overtime on National Day?

When the people around heard it, they all looked puzzled, mentally ill?
At this time, Xu Jie came out of the office and said loudly: "People from the program team of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" came to my office for a meeting."

Qin Yan immediately showed a sad face when she heard it, and what about her?
But, she doesn't want to work overtime during the National Day!
Working overtime doesn't make her happy either!

"Sister Yan, let's go." Miao Zhenzhen stood up and said.

Qin Yan didn't want to go, so she lingered on her desk and didn't move for a long time.

Song Huanhuan, who was not far away, saw it and urged, "Sister Yan, hurry up, overtime makes people happy."

Qin Yan was speechless, was she brainwashed by Xu Jie?

How can working overtime make people happy?

She sighed secretly, seeing that everyone else had gone, she could only walk towards Xu Jie's office.

Xu Jie sat down, looked at the open door, and said, "Go and close the door."

Zhao Gang walked over and closed the door.

When everyone saw it, they thought, isn't it just working overtime on National Day?As for doing it so secretly?
"We all know." Qin Yan said directly.

"You know?" Xu Jie was surprised. He clearly told Song Huanhuan and others to keep it a secret, so why did it spread so quickly?Is the mouth too loose?

"I said Director Xu..." Qin Yan sat down, and then said with resentment: "You haven't been here these days, and you don't even know what Director Wang has done to us. We are suffering physically and mentally. We have suffered serious devastation, and urgently need a long vacation for us to relax, so don’t take up our National Day holiday, okay? What’s the difference between your behavior and Director Wang’s?”

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and then said dissatisfied: "If you don't want to go to my wedding, just say so. As for comparing me with Wang Wanjun? Then am I still human?"

The reason why he arranged the wedding on October 10th instead of the previous 6 was because he didn't want to spoil everyone's National Day holiday.

In fact, he knows very well that many people want to take advantage of the National Day holiday to travel and relax.

This year's National Day holiday is quite special, because the Mid-Autumn Festival is relatively early, on September 9th, so this National Day holiday is longer than before.

If he held the wedding on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, it would be equivalent to cutting the long vacation in the middle. Those who have the idea of ​​traveling to a farther place will be interrupted by his wedding plan.

However, he never thought that even if he arranged this way, someone would be dissatisfied, and it was Qin Yan.

You must know that at the beginning of the month, the other party also told him that she must be invited to the wedding. It has only been a few days, and you have regretted it?

Women are so fickle.


Qin Yan was stunned

Miao Zhenzhen, Zhao Gang, Lu Cheng, and Zhang Tong were also stunned.

"That's not right." Qin Yan stood up abruptly, leaning on the table with both hands, and asked doubtfully, "Didn't you work overtime on the National Day? Why did it turn into attending your wedding?"

"What about working overtime on National Day? Who told you to work overtime on National Day?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"Liu Hua said, if not, you can ask them." Qin Yan pointed to Miao Zhenzhen and others beside her.

Miao Zhenzhen nodded and said, "Director Xu, someone asked Liu Hua what you wanted from them, and she said that she would work overtime during the National Day."

Xu Jie was startled, but soon understood Liu Hua's answer.

I must not know how to explain it, and others kept asking questions, so I interpreted attending a wedding on National Day as working overtime on National Day.

Speaking of it, he, as the leader, did take up half a day of the staff's time, and it's not wrong to say that he worked overtime.

After thinking it over, Xu Jie took out a stack of wedding invitations from his bag, distributed them according to the names on them, and explained while returning them: "Liu Hua is right, I really want to take up half a day of your wedding invitations on October 10th. Time, it's no wonder Liu Hua, I asked them to keep it secret, after all, there are so many people in our department, I can't invite all of them."

Everyone took a look at the red wedding invitation, and with Deputy Director Xu's explanation, the truth finally came to light.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding!" Qin Yan's frowning face relaxed and turned into a smiling face, "Of course I'm going to your wedding. By the way, just tell me if you need help. Don't be polite to me."

"And us!" Miao Zhenzhen said.

The others nodded.

"You don't need to do anything, Boss Jiang has already arranged for the wedding. You remember that during the wedding, just give me and my wife more applause." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"no problem!"

"Okay, keep the wedding invitation well, don't let other people see it, remember to bring it on the wedding day, or you won't be able to get in."


Qin Yan and others walked out of Xu Jie's office, sweeping away the haze of these days on their faces, all of them were full of joyful smiles.

The people in the office area were surrounded again.

How do you go in and laugh at one group, and laugh at one group after going in?

"Sister Yan, why are you so happy?" Someone asked Qin Yan.

"It's nothing, work overtime on National Day." Qin Yan replied with a smile.


Everyone was speechless.

Overtime again?

What kind of ecstasy soup have you been fed by Deputy Director Xu, and you are so happy to work overtime on National Day?Is there medicine in the soup?

At this time, only the people in the "Delicious History" program group could understand Qin Yan's meaning.

Just when everyone felt that Deputy Director Xu was getting better at cooking chicken soup, they saw the other party come out of the office again.

"People from the crew of "Ordinary" came to my office for a meeting, and those who came here just now don't come."


Everyone: Still coming?

(End of this chapter)

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