The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 631 The Heart of the Villain

Chapter 631 The Heart of the Villain
Wang Wanjun walked out of the office with a serious face, and two words were squeezed out of the wrinkles on his forehead: unhappy.

Today is the last weekend before the National Day. If there are still no exciting programs to increase the ratings of the Art Channel, then the channel revision plan he initiated will be handed over to others. This is absolutely unacceptable to him of.

After all, this is the first fire of his new office. Whether it can be ignited will be related to his prestige in theatrical programs in the future, and most importantly, he cannot accept the person who will succeed him.

So today, we must come up with the final plan for the new program. If we can't come up with it, no one will leave.

Wang Wanjun came to the public office area, and just as he was about to let everyone go to the conference room for a meeting, he found that the atmosphere here was a bit strange.

Under his strict management, the cultural and art program center has long lost the laziness of the past, and only has a tense and serious working atmosphere.

But today, everyone seemed to be out of shape, some were whispering, some were whispering, and some were sitting at their workstations laughing, completely ignoring his usual lectures.

The most important thing is that it's past working hours, but there are still many people who haven't come. Doesn't this mean that he, the director, is too underestimated?

"Where are the people? Where have they all gone?" Wang Wanjun asked loudly, not only with a straight face, but also full of anger in his voice.

Knowing that he was in a bad mood recently, he dared to hit the muzzle of the gun. Isn't this courting death?
Is it because the National Day is coming soon, so the mind is relaxed?
Or did he know that after the National Day, the channel revision work would be handed over to others, so he didn't take him seriously as the director?


"Director, those people were called by Deputy Director Xu to the office for a meeting." Jiang Lan replied softly after hearing that,


Wang Wanjun frowned, his eyes were a little more surprised, and then he turned his head to look in the direction of the deputy director's office.

Didn't you say that you will take over his job after the National Day?Why did you come back today?Could it be that he came back early to see his jokes?
It's just too deceiving!

Even if the task of channel revision is replaced in the future, isn't he still the director of the art program center?

"What meeting is he coming back for?" Wang Wanjun asked.

Could it be that someone was called to the office to inquire about the progress of the new program?
"I heard that it is to make people work overtime during the National Day." Jiang Lan said.

Wang Wanjun was shocked, looked at Jiang Lan and asked, "Where did you hear that?"

"Liu Hua and Qin Yan said that the people from the two program groups "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk" just came out of Deputy Director Xu's office, and now the people from the "Ordinary Courage" program group are having a meeting." Jiang Lan said truthfully.

Wang Wanjun's heart skipped a beat. At this time, looking at those people who were sitting on the workstations and giggling, aren't they all Xu Jie's hardcore subordinates?

The other party must know that the new program has not been released for a long time, so they called a meeting of their staff and asked everyone to work overtime during the National Day and release the new program after the National Day.

Yes, it must be so!

At this moment, people came out of Xu Jie's office one after another, and all of them had smiles on their faces.

After Wang Wanjun saw it, his face immediately turned livid.

Because in his opinion, these smiles are a welcome to Xu Jie.

"Hey, good morning Director Wang." Xu Jie greeted Wang Wanjun enthusiastically after seeing him.

As the wedding day got closer, his mood got better and better. Even Wang Wanjun's stinky face became cute.

"Deputy Director Xu, I have something to tell you!" Wang Wanjun said.

"Now? Can't it be later?" Xu Jie asked, he still had some wedding invitations to send out.

"No, it has to be now." Wang Wanjun said seriously.

"Oh, then tell me, I'll listen." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Wang Wanjun wanted to go back to the office, but then he thought, if he went to the office to talk, who would know that the other party came back early to tear down his desk?

Only by exposing the other party's sinister intentions can he let other employees in the department know that it is not his fault that the new program is not doing well, but someone is secretly playing tricks.

Thinking of this, Wang Wanjun said, "Deputy Director Xu, why did you tear down my desk?"

Everyone in the office area was stunned, and no one thought that Director Wang would suddenly attack Deputy Director Xu.

It's just that in addition to being surprised, my heart is full of doubts.

How did Deputy Director Xu dismantle Director Wang's platform?
Hasn't Deputy Director Xu not been back for a long time?
Could it be remote control?

Xu Jie, like everyone else, had question marks all over his face, and asked in puzzlement: "Director Wang, where did you start with this? Yes, we did have disagreements on the content of the program before, but that's already gone. Is it over? Ever since the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou asked you to rectify, I have always supported you. At the beginning of the month, I asked you if you needed help. You can’t make the show, so you can blame me .”

He has already escaped from the TV station, why are you still throwing the blame on him?

The people around nodded secretly, Director Wang's level of blame is indeed a little bit worse.

People are there, you dump, people are not, what are you dumping?
After hearing this, Wang Wanjun shook his head and said, "I'm not talking about the past, but today."

"Today? What happened today?" Xu Jie was even more confused. Today was the first time he saw the other party.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know the content of the meeting you called people into the office. Isn't it just to prepare for the redesign of the channel after the National Day? What about working overtime on the National Day? Isn't it because you want to make new programs during the National Day? , and then play it directly after the National Day, so as to show your work ability in front of the leaders? But Deputy Director Xu, are you too impatient? The National Day is not here yet, and they will actively cooperate with you once this small meeting is held. Is it my job? Are you tearing down my desk and what are you doing?"

Wang Wanjun said eloquently, with the look of "I have seen through everything".

Those who were not called to the meeting by Xu Jie immediately showed expressions of enlightenment after listening to Director Wang's words, that's why.

If this is the case, then Deputy Director Xu is indeed dismantling Director Wang's platform, and Director Wang has not wronged Deputy Director Xu.

Xu Jie stared blankly at Wang Wanjun in front of him. After a while, he suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"Director Wang, who did you listen to?" Xu Jie asked.

"Who do you need to listen to? Think about it and you'll understand. Also, don't try to cover up the panic in your heart with a smile, it's useless." Wang Wanjun said coldly.

"Haha, Director Wang, Director Wang, your imagination is really rich. If you ask me, you should lead people to produce a few new programs yourself, instead of entrusting everyone with the task of producing new programs. This is not for nothing. Has it caught your imagination?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

Qin Yan, Song Huanhuan, Miao Zhenzhen, and the three program crews all laughed too.

He even wondered if Director Wang was suffering from persecution delusions. When he saw Deputy Director Xu, he felt that the other party wanted to kill him.

"Director Wang, to tell you the truth, I don't have any interest in the work of channel revision, and only you who initiated this work regard it as a treasure." Xu Jie said truthfully.

"Don't pretend to be aloof in front of me, I knew you would strongly deny it, but why did you ask your three program crews to work overtime during the National Day? What kind of overtime is it? "Wang Wanjun questioned.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun and asked.

"Why, don't you dare to say it? Or are you taking the opportunity to find an excuse?" Wang Wanjun said with a sneer.


Xu Jie sighed softly.

This Wang Wanjun is really sensitive, like a powder keg, anyone can explode.

It seems that you have to pour cold water on the other party and turn off the fire.

He turned his head to look at the people in the office area, then looked at Wang Wanjun in front of him, and said helplessly: "At first I didn't want to say anything, but since Director Wang insisted on telling me, I'll share my story with you." happy event."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he took out a stack of wedding invitations from his bag, and continued: "October 10 is my wedding day. I came to Taiwan today mainly to send wedding invitations to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and the others. As for the wedding invitations I just found Those people firstly asked Wang Jinbao and the others to be my best men, and secondly, they hoped that they could help me with the busy work on the wedding day, which is why I called them to work overtime on the National Day. Secondly, everyone knows that they will definitely want to follow suit, and I don't want everyone to spend money..."

Wang Wanjun looked astonished, and the other people around him were also stunned.

Especially when Qin Yan and others took out the red wedding invitations from their pockets one after another, there were all the witnesses and physical evidence, and it was impossible not to believe Deputy Director Xu's words.

It turned out that it was for the wedding, and had nothing to do with the new program or the teardown.

Everyone looked at Wang Wanjun, feeling embarrassed.

Now that it is known that Deputy Director Xu is going to hold a wedding, shouldn't the money be given as well?
The key is, how much is appropriate?

If you don't give enough, you can't take it out. After all, it is the leader who will hold the wedding.

But it’s too much, and I don’t know how much is too much. After all, Deputy Director Xu’s family has a factory, and his wife is a big star. In the eyes of others, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands are not called money, and they are not enough to buy a diamond ring. .

Everyone couldn't help complaining about Director Wang in their hearts.

If you don't make a good show, what are you thinking about all day long?
Deputy Director Xu wanted to keep a low profile and didn't want to take money from everyone, but it turned out to be a bad thing for you, and you insisted on forcing people to speak out. ·

At this time, Wang Wanjun was embarrassed and his mother opened the door for him, and he was so embarrassed.

It never occurred to him that the so-called overtime work on National Day was actually asking someone to help at the wedding scene.

Now, instead of exposing the other party's sinister face, it seems that he treats the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Today's embarrassment is completely embarrassing.

He looked at the young man in front of him, should he make a red envelope?

(End of this chapter)

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