The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 632 No one is as popular as you!

Chapter 632 No one is as popular as you!
If it was normal, Xu Jie would definitely take this opportunity to piss off Wang Wanjun, and it would not be enough to make the other party blush.

But who made him feel good today?
So I didn't bother with the other party, and left with my bag, to send wedding invitations to others, leaving Wang Wanjun alone to reflect on it.

Spend more time on the show and less on suppressing others.

Xu Jie first went to the life program center and sent a wedding invitation to senior sister Wang Jingmin.

Although he has left the "Serving the People's Livelihood" column team, he usually works in a building, and he doesn't see each other all day long, so it's inappropriate not to give wedding invitations.

What's more, when he first came to work at Beijing TV Station, the other party helped him in every way and took care of him. Even when the director of the life program center Li Donglai hid him, the senior sister was still protecting him and speaking for him.

So just for this point, the senior sister must be invited.

There are also deputy editor-in-chief Lu and deputy editor-in-chief Zhou. These two are his direct leaders, and wedding invitations must also be sent. As for whether people will go or not, that is their business.

Going is to save face; if not going, there is nothing to say.

Apart from these three, there is no one who must be invited.

There are also some people who know each other, but the relationship is average, so there is no need to invite them.

If you know someone you want to invite, then everyone in Taiwan must send wedding invitations. After all, he is a celebrity in Taiwan, and everyone knows him.

Then there are people outside the unit.

Celebrities who have worked with him don't need to be invited, but Hu Zhen, the general manager of the brokerage company, must be invited. It is unreasonable not to invite a partner who has been a partner for more than a year.

There is also Zhang Maoting from the Lima film and television base, who made a lot of convenience for the filming of "Delicious History", and every time he went to the film and television base, he could meet and invite him.

Feng Dekun, the general manager of New Era Media, and Qian Cheng and Gu Yan, the planners who worked in Jingshi Culture and have cooperated many times, even Zhang Weiqiang, the director of the movie "Mulan", Gao Xiaobin, the vice president of Forbidden Pictures, and " "The World" director Ye Chu and so on.

Although he works in a TV station, the people he has made friends with have spread all over the entertainment industry.

These are all his contacts.


Xu Jie came to the airport and stood at the exit wearing a hat.

The reason why he is happy today is that apart from sending wedding invitations, there is one more thing, that is, Su Yun is coming back.

Director Xu Shenghua's film "Strange Road" has completed all the filming parts, and will enter the post-production stage starting today, that is to say, the filming of Su Yun's part is also finished, at least there is no need to separate in a short time.

Xu Jie waited for a short time, and suddenly there were more people at the exit, and he found Su Yun in the crowd from a distance. Although the other party was wearing a hat and sunglasses, he still couldn't escape his eyes.

This test is not only about eyesight, but also a kind of feeling, even in the vast crowd, one can recognize it at a glance.


Su Yun handed the luggage to Huang Xiaorong who was behind her, then quickly ran towards Xu Jie, and the two hugged each other.

"Su Yun, it's Su Yun!"

Someone in the crowd yelled, and people immediately surrounded them. However, compared to the fans in the past, reporters accounted for the majority tonight. These people had professional microphones and recording equipment in their hands. There is a logo of a video network and a news website.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, where did these people come from?Why didn't you see Su Yun when you were waiting just now?Could it be that these reporters will be invisible?
I remember that Su Yun came back several times before, but it didn't cause any sensation.

It seems that this time, it has a lot to do with the popularity of the movie "The World".

In addition, the movie "Mulan" will be released this Friday, that is, on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the publicity has been overwhelming, so it was targeted by reporters.

"Sister Yun, what are your expectations for the upcoming movie "Mulan"?" a reporter asked.

"As long as the audience likes it." Su Yun said with a smile as she walked.

While hugging Su Yun, Xu Jie stretched out his hand to block the people around him, not only acting as a flower protector, but also a pioneer.

"Ms. Xu, you are the screenwriter of the movie "Mulan". Do you think there is any difference this time compared with the previous versions?" Another reporter asked.

Xu Jie didn't expect him to be involved, so he replied: "There are many differences. The most important point is that the previous versions have nothing to do with me."

The reporter who asked the question was stunned, and the answer to this question was the same as if there was no answer.

"Mr. Xu, Sister Yun, this is the first time that you and your husband will collaborate in a movie. What do you think?" another reporter asked.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, and Su Yun motioned for you to come, so Xu Jie said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

"Ah?" The reporter was stunned. What kind of answer is this?
"Ms. Xu, do you think Su Yun's Mulan in the movie is better, or the Mulan in "Crossover Actor"?"

"all good!"


The reporter was speechless.

I thought to myself: This old Xu has used nonsense literature to the extreme.

While every question was answered, none seemed to be answered.

"Ms. Xu, Sister Yun, I heard that you will hold a wedding on this National Day. Sister Yun, are you here to prepare for the wedding?" a reporter asked.

Hearing this question, all the reporters became restless.

"Sister Yun, is the wedding photo taken yet? Will it be announced on Weibo?"

"Mr. Xu, where is the wedding held, can you tell me?"

"Who are the best man and bridesmaid?"

"How many people have you invited? Will there be a live broadcast?"


There were more and more people around, and it became more difficult for Xu Jie to walk.

He suddenly thought of a trick, so he pointed to the back and shouted: "Chen Kaijie is behind."

The reporter didn't move, just stared at him blankly.

"Zhang Zixuan is behind." Xu Jie shouted again.


Seeing that the reporters were indifferent, Xu Jie couldn't help asking, "Why don't you interview them?"

Reporter: "Mr. Xu, no one is as hot as you and sister Yun right now."

Xu Jie froze for a moment, this time it was his turn to be speechless.

Because there were still many things to do tonight, Xu Jie didn't care too much, and rushed out, and finally pulled Su Yun into the car with difficulty, and left the airport with a kick of the accelerator.


Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief. He touched his forehead with his hand, and he was already sweating.

When I was the first in the [-] meters, I didn't sweat.

Dealing with these reporters is much more difficult than dealing with those athletes.

Aren't you a reporter yourself?

"Hee hee, your husband has worked hard." Su Yun said with a smile, and then took off her hat and sunglasses.

"You should consider hiring two bodyguards. I'm afraid that after "Mulan" is released, you will be crushed by reporters and fans." Xu Jie said seriously.

This is no joke.

This scene today has never happened before. With more and more movies released by Su Yun in the future, the popularity will definitely increase. A scene like today may become a norm.

When he returns to the capital, he can take the opportunity to be a flower protector, but what about after leaving the capital?What about landing on the other side?
"It's not as serious as you imagined. In fact, the rehearsal for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala will be held tomorrow. All stars will arrive in the capital to gather tonight. That's why there are so many reporters here at the airport. It's just a coincidence." Su Yun explained after hearing this. road.

"Really?" Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

He also wondered why there were not so many reporters usually, but why so many reporters suddenly appeared tonight.

"I'm not one of those little fresh meat, how can there be so many reporters and fans? And my fans are quite rational." Su Yun said.

"That's good, by the way, aren't we going to try on wedding dresses tonight? Where is the location?" Xu Jie asked. Now that his wife has returned, preparations for the wedding have to be accelerated.

Su Yun took out her mobile phone from her bag, found a location map and handed it to Xu Jie. Xu Jie entered the location into the car navigation, and then drove according to the provided route.

After more than 40 minutes.

The car slowly drove into the parking lot of a commercial building.

Xu Jie and Su Yun waited in the car for a while, and soon saw Lao Zhou's nanny car following.

Lao Zhou stayed in the car, Huang Xiaorong and Chen Guo followed Xu Jie and Su Yun into the clothing store on the first floor.

As soon as the four of them entered the gate, a woman in her early forties immediately stepped forward. The other party was wearing a pair of red high heels, a white women's suit, and a ruby ​​brooch pinned to her chest. She looked elegant and capable.

"Su Yun, congratulations." The woman opened her arms and hugged Su Yun directly.

After the hug, Su Yun pulled Xu Jie and introduced: "Husband, this is what I mentioned to you, Guan Wei, the most famous dress designer in China, sister Wei, this is my husband Xu Jie."

"I know, Lao Xu, I'm still his fan." Guan Wei stretched out her hand generously, "Hello!"

"Hello, Su Yun has told me many times that Sister Wei is the best wedding dress designer in China. To be honest, I can't wait to see my wife wear the wedding dress you designed." Xu Jie said with a smile, from the words and deeds of the other party, it can be seen that he is a straightforward person.

He likes to deal with such people.

"Really? But I didn't design this alone. Su Yun also gave a lot of good suggestions, so to be precise, it was designed by the two of us." Guan Wei said.

"Really? She never mentioned it to me, and I look forward to it even more now." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"There are many people here, follow me upstairs." Guan Wei said in a low voice, and then led the way.

Xu Jie looked around as he followed. The clothing store was huge, with hundreds of square meters on the first floor alone, and there were a wide variety of dresses. You can find clothes for any occasion here.

A few people came to the second floor, which was much larger than the first floor, but the clothes were much less, but each piece was more exquisite.

The most important point is that there are only a few of them on the second floor.

"Xiao Zhao, take this Mr. Xu to try on the clothes that came to the store yesterday." Guan Wei said to a clerk, then looked at Xu Jie, "I will take Su Yun to try on the wedding dress, see you later."

"Okay." Xu Jie said.

Now that you have arrived at the other party's territory, listen to the other party's arrangements.

Although he really wanted to see Su Yun in a wedding dress.

(End of this chapter)

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