The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 634 The National Day File Is Coming

Chapter 634 The National Day File Is Coming

The following days are very busy, and the time is basically spent on taking wedding photos.

All over the world, I ran around.

Although the time was tight and the task was heavy, neither of them felt tired, but enjoyed the process very much.

Taking wedding photos is an essential part of a wedding.

The last time I took a fake wedding photo, although it was the two of them in the photo, they didn't feel anything about each other. This time I took a real wedding photo, and the whole process was full of sweetness.

When Xu Jie and Su Yun were taking wedding photos, information about them taking wedding photos also leaked out on the Internet, and some netizens even posted related photos.

"I saw someone taking wedding photos by the sea, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Lao Xu and Su Yun!"

"I have long heard that Lao Xu and Su Yun will hold a wedding on this National Day. It seems to be true."

"The two are very affectionate, and they have no airs at all. Some parents hoped that their children could take a photo with them, and they agreed very happily."

"Old Xu and Su Yun's reputation is not bad."

"bless them!"

"God bless, we must live together to grow old together. Don't be like the couples who divorced recently, otherwise I will never believe in love again."


In addition to netizens, some news websites also reported on this matter. After all, Su Yun's status in the music scene is still very high, and the recent topics and attention are very high.

Even some TV stations reported the upcoming wedding of the two in the entertainment news.

In particular, the "Daily Entertainment Broadcast" of the Art Channel of Beijing TV Station made a 3-minute special report, and finally offered good wishes.

Under the double exposure of the Internet and TV, the two of them were on the hot search without accident.

At the same time, the popularity of the two also indirectly increased the popularity of the movie "Mulan". After all, one is the screenwriter of the film and the other is the heroine of the film.

This also led to the continuous increase in the pre-sale box office of the movie "Mulan" in the last few days of its release, and finally exceeded 2500 million, ranking third in the pre-sale rankings of National Day films.

The top two movies are all big-name movies with the main theme, one is a war movie and the other is a drama movie.

As the producer of the movie "Mulan", Gao Xiaobin, vice president of Forbidden Films, after seeing the rapid growth of the pre-sale box office in the past two days, secretly sighed in his heart: Su Yun and Xu Jie's wedding photos are even better than the crew's publicity The effect is even better...

Before the news of Xu Jie and Su Yun's wedding photos appeared, it took 10 days to accumulate a pre-sale box office of 1200 million. Although this result is not bad, it is still far behind the top two.

However, since the news of the two taking wedding photos was exposed, in just three days, the pre-sale box office reached 1300 million, exceeding the sum of the previous 10 days.

Sure enough, traffic is king.

Time passed quickly, and it was September 9th in a blink of an eye.

Today is not only the Mid-Autumn Festival, but also the day when the movie "Mulan" is released, and the National Day file is officially here.

Xu Jie and Su Yun flew back to the capital after taking their wedding photos. After handing over the task of making wedding photos to Zhou Da and Qi Zhen in the studio, they drove away from the studio.

When the car drove into Nangou Village, it was already past 4 pm.

Just as the car stopped outside the courtyard gate, Su Lei ran out from the gate, and then shouted loudly into the courtyard: "Dad, mom, uncle, aunt, brother-in-law and my sister are back!"

Xu Jie walked into the gate carrying the mooncakes, only to see his parents, and Su Yun's parents were there.

"Dad, Mom!" Seeing Su Changzhi and Zhang Simin, Xu Jie immediately stepped forward to say hello.

In order not to embarrass him and Su Yun, the old couple took the initiative to come to Nangou Village to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. In this way, he and Su Yun would not have to be separated, let alone quarrel over which house to go to for the festival like in TV dramas.

In fact, Su Changzhi is very willing to come to Nangou Village. He grew up in the village, so he likes the environment here very much.

Especially in festivals like the Mid-Autumn Festival, listening to the insects in the field, smelling the aroma of melons and fruits, while sitting on a chair and admiring the moon, this feeling is like returning to my childhood.

When people get old, they are especially willing to think back to their childhood and miss their childhood life.

As for Zhang Simin, he also likes Nangou Village very much, because it has a festive atmosphere.

Although she didn't grow up in the countryside, when she was young, the environment of the city was similar to that of the countryside, and they were all one-story courtyards. Now the city is full of high-rise buildings, which no longer look like when she was a child. On the contrary, here, there are Kind of like a childhood holiday.

Xu Jie walked into the house, and just as he put the mooncakes on the table, he was dragged to the back kitchen by his mother.

"Son, didn't you take a wedding photo with Xiaoyun? Why did you take it again?" Wang Guizhi asked suspiciously.

Because her daughter-in-law is a big star, she likes to check the mobile phone news to see if there are any reports about her daughter-in-law.

In the past few days, it was all news about her son and daughter-in-law taking wedding photos. She looked at the news, and then at the wedding photos hanging on the wall. She felt that she no longer understood the young people nowadays.

In fact, she has heard that some people will take wedding photos after they get married, but they are all commemorative days such as the 10th and 20th wedding anniversary, but they are taken every year, and they have never heard of it.

"Mom, last time I took indoor wedding photos, this time I took outdoor wedding photos, it's different." Xu Jie explained.

He had already thought that his mother would ask, so he had already thought about the answer.

"Oh!" Wang Guizhi suddenly realized, and then asked, "Why didn't you take outdoor wedding photos last time?"

"Didn't you worry about the impact on Su Yun's acting career at the time? The ones I brought back for you were actually filmed by the two of us secretly in her studio, and we didn't dare to go outside." Xu Jie said.

Wang Guizhi nodded.

Well, it makes sense.

"By the way, are the photos finished? Show me quickly!" Wang Guizhi said impatiently.

"Mom, are you too impatient? The photo has just been taken and hasn't been made yet. Don't worry, I will definitely send it back to you when the time comes." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Wang Guizhi smiled, patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Are you hungry? Wash your hands quickly, and dinner will be served in a while. If you can't bear it, go eat a piece of mooncake first."

"Mom, do you need my help?" Su Yun came to the kitchen and rolled up her sleeves.

"No, no, you must be very tired just after flying back. Go to the living room to rest." Wang Guizhi said hastily.

"Brother-in-law, sister, come and see!" Su Lei's voice suddenly came from the living room.

Xu Jie held Su Yun's hand and walked out of the kitchen, only to see Su Lei looking at the phone excitedly. As far as Xu Jie knew, only beautiful women could make Su Lei so excited.

Is it a picture of a beautiful woman?

It seems impossible!

How can a brother-in-law send pictures of beautiful women to his brother-in-law?How many strings must the head be missing?What's more, he called his sister.

"What's the matter? You won the lottery?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"What's the money from winning the lottery!" Su Lei said while passing the phone over, "Look, my sister's movie box office has already exceeded 6000 million. According to this speed, there should be no reason to break 12 million before [-] o'clock tonight." The problem."

Xu Jie took the phone, and what Su Lei was watching was the real-time box office. It showed that the movie "Mulan" had a box office of 6013.56 million today, and this number is still changing.

He remembered watching it once before boarding the plane in the morning, and the box office just passed 1000 million, but he didn't expect it to reach more than 6000 million so soon.

When he looked at the recent box office market again, he instantly felt that 6000 million is nothing, because the box office of the number one war movie has exceeded 1.6 million, and the box office of the second-ranked feature film has reached more than 9000 million. , it is only one step away from breaking through [-] million.

"Great!" Su Yun said excitedly, wrapping her hands around Xu Jie's neck, jumping with joy.

You must know that today is the first day of the movie's release, and this National Day is also known as the longest National Day holiday in history. Including the Mid-Autumn Festival, it will be released for 9 days. If the movie box office can continue to maintain this momentum, then the movie will break 10 billion. very promising.

As her first commercial blockbuster, and it is a major heroine movie, she has high hopes for this movie, and even thinks that this movie will affect her future career as an actor.

If this movie becomes popular, then her career as an actor will not be smooth sailing from now on, but she will definitely not worry about the heroine's big production, because this movie has proved that she has the ability to play the leading role alone.

Conversely, if the film fails, it means that her commercial value in the film industry is not good, she cannot attract audiences, cannot support the film box office, and her acting skills are not so good. It will become more and more difficult for her to become an actor.

Calculated based on the investment of "Mulan" which is less than 3 million yuan, Gao Xiaobin seems to have said that only when the box office reaches 7 million yuan can the capital be guaranteed, and if it exceeds 7 million yuan, can it make money.

She has only one wish now, to pass 7 million first.

As for 10 billion, that is the next wish.

"What makes you so happy?" Su Changzhi asked with a smile. He was also happy to see his daughter happy and so close to her son-in-law, which meant that her daughter had found happiness.

"The box office of the movie starring Su Yun has exceeded 6000 million." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Really? I told your mother-in-law just now that I will go to the cinema to watch it in a few days." Su Changzhi said, how could the daughter and son-in-law's movie not support it?
Zhang Simin nodded.

Seeing how supportive his father-in-law and mother-in-law were, Xu Jie yelled into the kitchen, "Dad, Mom, should you also support me and Su Yun's movie?"

"Support, you must support!" Wang Guizhi came out of the kitchen and said, "I plan to book the venue and organize the employees in my factory to watch it together."

Xu Jie immediately extended a thumbs up to his mother, "Mom is mighty."

After hearing this, Su Yun felt a little embarrassed, "Mom, it's actually not necessary. Don't delay your work in the factory."

"It's okay, I'll let them watch it in turn." Wang Guizhi said with a smile.

"Look, let's see, learn from Hua Mulan's spirit, maybe you can use it in your future work." Xu Jie said indifferently: "Besides, the thousands of dollars my mother paid will not affect the market. What's the impact."

Su Yun thought about it, and it seemed the same thing happened.

Then, should I also ask the staff of the studio to see it?


(End of this chapter)

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