The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 635 I want to give her a surprise!

Chapter 635 I want to give her a surprise!
Every National Day is a day when movies are released together, and this year is no exception.

According to statistics, a total of 13 movies of various themes have entered the National Day archives this year, 3 more than last year, and all of them are star-studded, so the competition is very fierce!
There are even a few movies that were originally scheduled for the National Day period, in order not to become cannon fodder, they took the initiative to announce the release of the National Day file.

And the movies that choose to stay, either have confidence in themselves, or have unique themes. Of course, there are also some movies that want to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

The movie "Mulan" is one!
The IP of Hua Mulan is nothing to say, it is definitely a household name in China, even in foreign countries, it has a certain reputation, and the beautiful country has made cartoons and movies of the same name.

But this IP has always been a minefield, because after many movies and TV series about Mulan were released, the response was very mediocre. So far, no actress playing Mulan has been widely recognized by the audience.

Because of this, there are very few movies about Mulan, and few actresses dare to challenge this role.

Therefore, the movie "Mulan" dared to be released in the highly competitive National Day file, not only by courage, but also by gambling.

Plus, there's the film's cast.

There are no streaming stars to join, no actor and actress to star in, no box office guarantee at all, and now there are no movies that dare to be released on the National Day file without these two, and there are only cartoons.

However, when the National Day was halfway through and people began to turn their attention to the movie box office market, they found that this movie, which was prey to food, turned out to be the strongest spoiler.

On the first day of its release, the box office broke 1 million.

On the second day of its release, the total box office exceeded 2 million.

On the second day of its release, the total box office exceeded 3 million.

On the second day of its release, the total box office exceeded 4 million.

The movie grew by 1 million per day and ranked third on the box office list.

Although the distance from No. 1 is getting bigger and bigger, the gap from No. 2 is getting smaller and smaller, and the gap with No. 4 and No. 5 has also widened, becoming a dark horse in the National Day movie market.

The most important point is that the word-of-mouth of this movie is very good.

On a well-known movie website, more than 10 people rated it, and the average score has always been above 7.6, which is better than 73% of costume movies.

Even among all the 13 movies released on National Day, the score is ranked second, which shows that everyone still recognizes this movie very much.

"I went for Su Yun's performance in "Crossover Actor", and it really didn't disappoint me. It was better than the performance on stage, and the scene was even more grand."

"Whether it's the plot of the movie or Su Yun's performance in the movie, it has exceeded my expectations. Old Xu and Su Yun have become the best partners in my heart. They really are a husband and wife with one heart, and their benefits cut through gold."

"Director Zhang Weiqiang's grasp of the plot is simply superb. Not only is the rhythm tight, but also there is no peeing in the whole process. Every frame is the visual sense of a blockbuster."

"This is definitely the most exciting "Mulan" movie I have ever seen, and it is also the one with the image of Mulan closest to my imagination."

"As a fan of Su Yun, just seeing the goddess riding a horse and charging heroically is worth the price of admission."

"Don't be in a hurry. There is an easter egg at the end of the movie. The masked soldier next to Su Yun is Lao Xu!"


Seeing all this, Guo Chuan, the general manager of Forbidden Pictures, is in the best mood, because judging from the current form, there is absolutely no problem with the box office of "Mulan" breaking 7 million. It can be completed during the National Day holiday.

In other words, not only will this movie not lose money, but it will also make a lot of money.

This will greatly improve the company's performance this year.

Sure enough, at the end of the first season of "Crossover Actor", it was a very normal decision to invite the overall champion Su Yun to film "Mulan".

Win the bet yourself!
Just when the movie "Mulan" had a good box office reputation, Xu Jie was busy with the wedding and had no time to care about the movie.

A few days before the holiday, Xu Jie stayed with Su Yun all the time, shopping around for things related to the wedding, such as red quilt and red paper, jujube osmanthus seeds, wedding candies and so on.

It wasn't until the 4th that he separated from Su Yun and went to Jingshi Culture Communication Company alone to arrange matters related to the wedding scene.

In the morning, as soon as he entered the gate, he saw Boss Jiang. Besides the other party, there were many people in the hall, at least twenty or thirty.

If he guessed correctly, these people should be the wedding party that Boss Jiang had summoned.

They are obviously the planners of evening parties and performances, but now they want to organize wedding celebrations. It's really embarrassing for them.

"Xiao Xu, you're really good, the day after tomorrow is your wedding, and you just started to prepare for the arrangement today, you can really hold your breath." Jiang Hai said after seeing Xu Jie.

Anyway, he was in a hurry, and he was afraid of not having enough time and delaying things.

"Don't you want everyone to rest as long as possible?" Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Originally, I was very sorry to make people give up their long vacations and come to work overtime. If they were not allowed to take a few more days off, wouldn't these people curse in their hearts while working?

"Come on, let me introduce you. These people are the professional staff of Jingshi Culture who are responsible for large-scale events. You are familiar with many of them." Jiang Hai pointed to the people around him.

Xu Jie looked over, and Boss Jiang was right. There were indeed many familiar faces among these people, including many staff members of "Crossover Actors".

You must know that the production of "Crossover Actor" was carried out in cooperation between Beijing TV Station and Beijing TV Culture.

"I've troubled you all these days, and I'm here to thank you all." Xu Jie bowed.

When everyone saw Director Xu like this, the complaints in their hearts disappeared immediately.

"Director Xu, you are too polite."

"Yes, we are not outsiders. If you hold a wedding, we will help. Isn't this a normal thing?"

"Don't say thank you, if you say thank you, you will treat us as outsiders."

In fact, everyone knows very well that Director Xu, as the first brother in the production of variety shows at Beijing TV Station, will have to work together in the future. Can he not be busy?

"Xiao Xu, is the wedding planning done?" Jiang Hai asked.

"It's done." Xu Jie took out a few pieces of paper from his pocket and handed it to Boss Jiang, which contained the printed wedding planning content.

From the style of the wedding scene, to the things needed for the layout, and the wedding process of the day, all are written on these few sheets of paper, which can be said to be very detailed, even the varieties and colors of flowers are written clearly .

Jiang Hai glanced briefly, knowing what was in his mind, and then said to Xu Jie: "Go to the wedding scene first, talk about the division of labor, and then prepare for the arrangement."

"it is good!"

A group of people went straight to the hotel mightily.

After trying dishes and various investigations, Xu Jie finally referred to his mother's opinion and arranged the wedding venue at the Wangfu Hotel.

Xu Jie is not a boy from his mother, but his mother's opinion did play a decisive role in choosing a hotel.

After all, he doesn't know much about the hotel industry, unlike his mother, who knows everything well.

Xu Jie called Zhao Zhiyun, the general manager of Wangfu Hotel, on the way. When he arrived at the hotel, the other party was already waiting in the lobby.

"Mr. Zhao, hello, I have caused you trouble." Xu Jie said.

You must know that the National Day is the busiest time for the hotel, and the other party can come out to receive them in person, which is definitely enough for the face.

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. The banquet hall is already vacant. Please come with me." Zhao Zhiyun said with a smile, and then led the way.

Just as he was going to the elevator, Xu Jie saw two wedding posters, on which besides the bride and groom, it was written: Which hall and which floor is the wedding of So-and-so and So-and-so.

"Mr. Zhao, is anyone getting married today?" Xu Jie asked as he walked.

"Well, the two families, the National Day holiday is the time when the most weddings are held every year." Zhao Zhiyun said.

Xu Jie nodded.

In October in the capital, the autumn is crisp, the weather is very good, and it is the National Day, which is the most suitable time of the year for holding a wedding.

Soon, everyone came to the banquet hall.

At this time, the place is empty, not even a table, giving sufficient space for design.

"Mr. Xu, you are busy, so I won't bother you. If you need anything, you can call the waiter outside or call me." Zhao Zhiyun said.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

After Zhao Zhiyun left, Jiang Hai called everyone together and took out the plan that Xu Jie had given him before.

"Let Director Xu read it to you first. If you don't understand something, ask Director Xu. If you don't have anything, go back to the company to get it. If the company doesn't have it, ask Director Xu to buy it. He is not short of money." Jiang Hai said to everyone.

Hearing Mr. Jiang's words, everyone couldn't help laughing. Director Xu is not only not short of money, he might even have more money than the company.

Xu Jie took the proposal, and after saying a few words, he felt that it was too troublesome, so he started to write off the draft.

"I'm going to adopt a Chinese classical style for the banquet hall. I'll arrange the main stage in front of it in different heights, and at the same time match it with a flower wall and mangroves to make it a stage of flowers. It's both romantic and grand..."

"Our job today is to complete the structure of the entire banquet hall, arrange the scene tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow is the early morning of the wedding day, and place the flowers in the designated positions..."

As Xu Jie said, he walked back and forth in the banquet hall, showing his ideas and drawn design drawings in front of everyone, so that the people on the scene could understand his ideas more accurately. After all, it was these people.

"Okay, let's start preparing." Xu Jie said, it took more than an hour.

"Director Xu, can I take a picture of the drawing?" A staff member asked.

In this way, you can avoid forgetting something when preparing materials.

"Okay." Xu Jie put all the blueprints on the ground, and whoever needs that trick can take that trick.

Soon, everyone moved.

"Xiao Xu, I read your planning book just now, and it seems that there is no rehearsal link in it. As far as I know, many celebrities will come to the scene for rehearsal beforehand when they hold weddings." Jiang Hai said.

"There is no rehearsal!" Xu Jie shook his head and said, "The weddings of those celebrities are for others to see, but the wedding I planned is for Su Yun. The nature is different. I want to surprise her on the wedding day." .”

When Jiang Hai heard it, he immediately extended a thumbs up.

As expected of a man who married the goddess of the nation, he has two skills!

(End of this chapter)

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