Chapter 636 Wait for me!

Under Xu Jie's personal command, the layout of the banquet hall progressed very quickly.

On the evening of the 5th, not only the stage was ready, but the entire banquet hall was also set up.

The ground, the mid-air, and the top of the banquet hall, as far as the eye can see, have all been carefully arranged. When the flowers arrive tomorrow morning, this last step can be completed.

"I just got in touch with the florist. All the flowers will be delivered to the hotel at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning. This is your room card. I will work hard for you." Xu Jie said to all the staff, and then Give the cards to these people.

In order to let everyone have a good rest, he deliberately booked some rooms in the hotel, so that the time saved can be used for rest instead of wasting on the way home and to the hotel.

"Director Xu, you are too out of touch!"

"Yeah, it cost you again!"


When everyone saw the room card Director Xu took out, they all felt embarrassed.

Although these two days gave up the National Day holiday to work for Director Xu, Director Xu did not treat them badly at all. They were picked up by car when they came and went, and the three meals in the morning, lunch and evening were eaten directly in the hotel. What's more, there are many things, and the banquet has never been so sumptuous. The money Director Xu spent on food, drink, housing and transportation for them is enough to find a wedding company.

"You guys are working, I'm in charge of logistics support, that's what it should be, that's enough, let's all go to eat, and go back to the room to rest after eating." Xu Jie said to everyone.

"Yes, Director Xu!"

"Director Xu, let's go."

More than [-] people left the banquet hall one after another.

Soon, Xu Jie was left alone in the hall.

He came to the stage and walked on the stage according to the process he designed. He and Su Yun didn't need to rehearse, but he needed to rehearse himself.

Just as he was about to leave, his cell phone rang suddenly. He checked the caller ID and connected the call.

"Honey, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked with a smile, and it was Su Yun who called.

"I've already returned to my parents' place." Su Yun said.

According to the wedding customs here, the day before the wedding, the bride and groom cannot meet each other, and the bride has to go back to her natal home, waiting for Sina to pick her up the next day, so Su Yun went back to her parents' home after furnishing the new house.

It is said that it is a new house, but it is actually the villa where she and Xu Jie are currently living. The decoration is too late in time, but the decoration is indispensable.

For example, changing furniture and electrical appliances, as long as they can be replaced, replace them all with new ones.

The bed in the bedroom has also been changed to a bigger one and a red four piece set.

From a visual point of view, the home is indeed completely new.

"Well, remember to rest well and wait for me to pick you up tomorrow." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Although the two have lived together for a long time and are legally husband and wife, Xu Jie does not feel married, probably because they were too casual when they received the certificate.

But now, the wedding will be held tomorrow, Xu Jie finally has a feeling of marrying Su Yun and marrying Su Yun in his heart.

Excitement, joy, excitement, happiness, all gathered together, this is a feeling that has never been felt before.

"Well, you've been too busy these days, remember to rest early." Su Yun said with concern.

"Are you afraid that I won't get up tomorrow? Don't worry, even if I don't sleep tonight, I won't be late." Xu Jie said.

"Hee hee, don't stay awake, I don't want to see a panda pick me up tomorrow." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, stop throwing dog food, sister Yun, how about this bridesmaid outfit? Why do I feel a little smaller? Is it because I have gained weight recently?"

Suddenly a woman's voice came from the microphone to Xu Jie's ears. It wasn't Su Yun's voice, it seemed... It seemed to be Liu Qing's voice.

That girl has always had thoughts about him, thinking that he is not good enough for Su Yun, and this time the other party is serving as Su Yun's bridesmaid, and she doesn't know if something will happen.

It seems that tomorrow we have to carry a few more red envelopes.

"Qingqing is trying on the bridesmaid outfit, okay, let's not talk about it." Su Yun said.


Xu Jie hung up the phone, looked back at the banquet hall, and closed the door.

Back to the villa.

There are red elements everywhere in the house.

Red happy words, red balloons, red roses, red carpet.

Seeing all this, Xu Jie felt that although it was different from before, it reminded him of the first time he lived here. He did not expect that it would be two years so soon.

He simply ate something, and then went back to his little house. Everything in the villa had changed, only this place remained unchanged.

No, it has changed too, there is an extra happy word on the window, which should have been pasted by Su Yun during the day.

He checked the time on his watch, it was just 7 o'clock in the evening.

At this time a few days ago, he and Su Yun were tidying up the house, but today, everything is ready and there is no need for him to do anything else.

Xu Jie was lying on the bed, ready to go to bed, but before going to bed, he set the alarm clock at 4:[-] am.

Get up at 4 o'clock, and then go to the hotel to decorate flowers. After all, the effect of the stage is all set off by those flowers.

It's not that he doesn't trust the staff of JingTV Culture, but that he wants to confirm whether the final stage effect is as romantic and dreamy as he imagined.

Xu Jie lay with his eyes closed for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes again, got up, picked up the mobile phone on the cabinet, and set an alarm on the mobile phone.

It is safer to do so, once the alarm clock's alarm is broken, the phone's alarm will also ring.

The anchors of the morning news on TV usually do this, and some even set three or four alarm clocks.

After setting the second alarm, Xu Jie finally relaxed and closed his eyes.

5 minutes……

10 minutes……

30 minutes……

I don't know if he was excited, or if he had never slept so early before, although Xu Jie was lying on the bed, he couldn't fall asleep anyway.

It doesn't matter whether you sleep on your side, on your back, or on your stomach, it doesn't work.

Sure enough, sleeping with his wife in his arms is the most effective way.


At this time, the WeChat notification sounded suddenly.

Xu Jie picked up his mobile phone and opened WeChat. It was a message from Su Yun.

"Don't forget to go to bed early."

Xu Jie smiled, which was to remind him.

"I'm already asleep, but I can't sleep." Xu Jie replied.

Su Yun: "Why?"

"Maybe there is no magic weapon for falling asleep." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun: "What is an artifact for falling asleep?"

"You!" Xu Jie replied.

Su Yun: "There is my photo in the room, you can hug my photo to sleep."

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched when he heard it, did he think he was a nympho?

Just when Xu Jie was about to reply, Su Yun sent another voice. When he clicked to listen, he found it was a song.

It was a song sung by Su Yun, and it belonged only to him.

"Sleep, sleep, my dear husband..."

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing. He replied to Su Yun with a smiley emoticon, then put the phone aside, and listened to the voice over and over again.

Gradually, I really felt a little sleepy.


"Ring bell bell!"

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The two alarms sounded at the same time, waking Xu Jie up instantly.

Normally, he would have continued to lie on the bed for ten to eight minutes, but today, he immediately sat up from the bed.

There are four ruthless people in today’s society, those who sleep as soon as they say they want to go to bed at night, those who go to the bathroom without a mobile phone, those who can get up as soon as the alarm rings, and those who take the express delivery for several days and don’t open it. He is considered a ruthless person today.

It was not yet light outside.

Xu Jie took a cold shower to wake himself up completely, then put on his clothes and drove to the Wangfu Hotel.

When he walked into the banquet hall, the staff of Jingshi Culture had already started to put flowers.

"Director Xu, why are you here?" When a staff member saw Xu Jie, his eyes were full of surprise.

When the others heard it, they all looked over.

One must know that today is already October 10th, which is the big day for Director Xu to hold his wedding. As the groom's official, he should rest well, recharge his energy, and welcome the wedding. Why did he come to the hotel so early?
"I'm so excited, I can't sleep, come here to help, and watch the stage effect by the way." Xu Jie said with a smile.

When everyone heard this, they immediately burst out laughing.

A married man said: "Mr. Xu, it's normal. When I was having a wedding, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. I counted sheep from 10 o'clock in the evening until 2 o'clock in the morning."

"Kao, how about counting tens of thousands of sheep?"


Xu Jie looked at the flowers temporarily piled on the ground, they were very gorgeous.

The reason why he insists on arranging flowers in the early morning is also because he is worried that the petals will wilt if they are placed too early.

Today, except for some locally cultivated flowers, most of these flowers are airlifted from the place of origin, transported to the capital at 1 or 2 am, and delivered to the hotel at 3 or 4 am.

There are red roses here, which symbolize love. They are indispensable flowers in weddings, and they are also the most popular flowers now; there are roses, which are very similar to roses. It is very pure, white and flawless, without any impurities; there are hydrangeas, which symbolize hope and happiness; of course, there are also lilies, which symbolize a hundred years of harmony...

There are also eustomas, tulips, baby's breath, ranunculus and so on.

These flowers are not simply piled up around the stage, but the way of flower art is used, which can also be understood as flower arrangement, in order to express the beautiful and natural artistic conception of the wedding scene.

Under Xu Jie's command, flowers soon filled the entire stage and banquet hall.

Xu Jie stood on the stage, walked from the stage to the audience, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

"It's so beautiful!" A female employee said enviously, her eyes were full of shining little stars.

The other female employees also looked intoxicated.

When the banquet hall was arranged two days ago, it didn't feel so obvious. Now that the flowers arrive, the atmosphere of the wedding scene is immediately used.

How about such a wedding stage, which woman would not want to stand on it?

Seeing the appearance of these women, Xu Jie was more satisfied with the stage effect.

After saying goodbye to everyone, he went outside.

"Wife, wait for me!"


(End of this chapter)

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