Chapter 638
Liu Qing pinched her waist with both hands, and she no longer looked like a lady at this moment. With her light pink gauze dress, her petite figure and loli face, she looked like a savage princess .

"Do you love Sister Yun?" Liu Qing looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"Love!" Xu Jie said firmly.

I thought: Isn’t this nonsense?If you don't love me, what am I doing here?
"Then the second level is to say to Sister Yun inside the door: I love you!" Liu Qing said.

"So simple?" Xu Jie asked.

"But it has to be in six different languages, and the best man is not allowed to help, let alone check his mobile phone!" Liu Qing said with a smile, with a look of "see what you do this time" on his face.


Hearing Liu Qing's question, everyone was stunned.

Is this second level too difficult?
For most people, it is no problem to express I love you in two languages. After all, English is a compulsory course nowadays, and Chinese plus English, there are two kinds.

If you like to watch Korean dramas, then there are three kinds, and if you happen to like to watch Japanese dramas, then maybe four kinds, but six kinds...

Isn't this difficult for the strong?

When everyone looked at Xu Jie, they found Xu Jie's face was calm and unhurried.

"Does dialect count?" Xu Jie asked.

He knew that he must not panic, let alone show a baffled expression, for Lu is tantamount to losing.

"Not counting!" Liu Qing shook his head and said.

Xu Jie thought for a while, then came to the door, reached out and knocked on the door, and asked, "Honey, can you hear me?"

"I can hear you!" Su Yun's voice came from inside the door.

"Director Xu, if you can't speak out, play the emotional card, and want the people inside to open the door, I will look down on you." Liu Qing leaned in front of Xu Jie and said proudly.

Xu Jie glanced at the woman who was jumping up and down, then stretched out his hand to push her aside, and then said to the door: "Wife, listen carefully, I love you, love you, Sarah, Aunt Xi leads the way, Kick it, ah, will it flow to Gubia?"


Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

The first two can be understood, the middle two are somewhat familiar, and the latter two are completely incomprehensible.

"The words I just said are in Chinese, English, Chinese, Japanese, Italian and Russian." Xu Jie said calmly, with a calm expression on his face, as if saying I love you in six languages ​​is a very important task. Everyday things.

In fact, this is really not a difficult task for Xu Jie, let alone six, he is fine with ten.

Who falls in love these days without learning a few foreign love words?
He has known a truth since he was a child, more skills don't overwhelm him.

So Liu Qing's question must have hit his gunpoint.

"Honey, am I good?" Xu Jie asked through the door.

"Excellent!" Su Yun replied.

"Brother-in-law, awesome!" Su Lei on the side shouted loudly, anyway, he would have two.

No matter the people inside or outside the door, everyone was surprised by Xu Jie's performance. No one thought that the other party would answer such a difficult question so easily.

Liu Qing was dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief.

Is the difficulty of the questions I asked too low?


She also knows only three.

Is there someone to inform?

No, the content of these six levels was thought up by her, and only she knows it.

"Open the door!" Xu Jie said to Liu Qing, with a relaxed and happy expression on his face, as if to say: I don't want to show off, you forced me.

When it comes to getting married, the picture is a festive and lively one, so he doesn't mind playing with each other!

"Open the door when you say it is? I want to check if what you said is right!" Liu Qing said, picked up the phone, and began to check what Xu Jie said just now.

I have listened to the "I love you" pronunciation in several countries, not to mention, they are all correct.

"You're right!" Liu Qing knocked on the door and said to the inside: "Okay, open the door."


The door opened from the inside.

Xu Jie walked in, and finally saw Su Yun sitting on the bed, she was really more charming than a flower.

However, when he was about to go forward happily, Zhou Xue suddenly saw a small table with six teacups on it. There were liquids of different colors in the cups, some were transparent, some were black, and some were brown.

No need to ask, it must be the third level.

Xu Jie turned to look at Liu Qing, this girl looks like a ghost, she didn't expect that there are so many tricks.

"What is this for?" Xu Jie asked.

"This is the third level I prepared for you." Liu Qing pointed to the teacup and said to Xu Jie: "These cups contain six different sauces..."

When the others heard it, they were speechless.

This level is not difficult, but it is not very comfortable.

And it looked more like a prank than a test.

Liu Qing continued: "These sauces not only symbolize the meals made by Sister Yun, but also symbolize your future life. As long as you can drink them all, it means that you will be able to share joys and sorrows with Sister Yun in the future. The third level is considered to be a pass. It worked, how about..."

Before Liu Qing finished speaking, Xu Jie picked up the teacup and drank one cup after another.

The first cup is white vinegar, the second cup is mature vinegar, the third cup is balsamic vinegar, the fourth cup is soy sauce, the fifth cup is cooking wine, and the sixth cup is cold sauce.


Xu Jie put the last teacup on the table, looked at Liu Qing lightly and said, "Next level!"

To him, these few cups of sauces are nothing at all. Compared with Su Yun's original cooking, the taste is far worse

At least the flavors of these sauces are pure.

Unlike Su Yun's dishes when we first met, the tastes are very complex.

The people around were dumbfounded.

They could smell the sauce from a long distance away. Teacher Xu just drank it, without blinking his eyes?

Liu Qing also looked dull.

I looked at the man's calm look, and then at the empty teacup. Isn't this man too aggressive?Anyway, a little expression makes her happy!

Isn't vinegar sour?Is the soy sauce not salty?

She poured these sauces herself, and it was impossible to fake them.

Or did you pour too little for the other party?
Now it seems that these teacups are indeed a bit small, only as high as a thumb. If they are replaced with water cups or bowls, the effect should be better.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down and not to be intimidated by the other party. After all, the other party has only passed three levels, and there are three more levels, and the next three levels are more difficult than the previous three levels.

Liu Qing gave Zhou Xue a wink, signaled him to move the table away, and then said to Xu Jie: "The next fourth test is to test whether you understand Sister Yun, and it can also be seen as whether the two of you have a good understanding... ..."

"Don't hold back, just speak directly." Xu Jie urged.

Liu Qing gritted her teeth. This attitude clearly did not take the level she set into consideration.

"Give you and Su Yun a piece of paper each, and write down the time and place of the most memorable event you think happened." After Liu Qing finished speaking, she took out two pieces of paper and a pen, handed them to Su Yun and Xu Jie respectively, and signaled to them The person turned around, not allowed to communicate, even the eyes.

Xu Jie was startled, he didn't expect Liu Qing to ask this question, in fact, there are many embarrassing things between him and Su Yun, of course, if we say the most memorable one, it must be that one...

Xu Jie took the pen and started writing directly on the paper.

Liu Qing looked at Sister Yun, then at the man, did the two start writing so quickly?Don't even think about it?

That's fine too, if the man makes a mistake, just wait for the punishment!
People around are also looking forward to it.

Some people think that the most memorable thing should be obtaining a certificate, some people think that the most memorable thing should be a marriage proposal, and some people think that the most memorable thing should be today, it seems that there can be many.

However, it is precisely because there may be too many unforgettable things that it tests Teacher Xu even more.

Soon, Xu Jie and Su Yun finished writing, they turned around at the same time, looked at each other and smiled.

Liu Qing took the two pieces of paper, and the expression on her face froze instantly.

I saw the words written on Sister Yun's paper: Early morning, park.

And the man's paper also read: Early morning, park.

It's exactly the same!
Does this work too?
"I want to ask." Liu Qing asked curiously, "What happened in the park that morning?"

Not only Liu Qing was curious, but other people were also very curious. What is it that can become the most memorable thing in the hearts of the two of them?

"If I don't tell you, is there another level? If not, I will take my wife away." Xu Jie said.

"Since you are in such a hurry to take your wife away, let's start the fifth level." Liu Qing said after hearing this, she couldn't help the other party, "Get the props!"

Huang Xiaorong stepped forward, holding several red masks in her hand.

Liu Qing said: "Put these masks on and cover your eyes with them, and then some hands will appear in front of you, wanting to take Sister Yun away, it depends on whether you can hold hands, other people don't Prompt, let alone make a sound, otherwise it will be regarded as a loss."

This last sentence is a warning to the groomsmen.

"Ah? Isn't this too difficult?" Su Lei said after hearing this.

The others also nodded.

If you use your eyes to distinguish, you may still have a chance to win, but blindfolded and just touch, the difficulty index is simply five stars.

Although everyone's hands are different, if you want to tell them apart by touch, and they are all young women's hands, you can't just rely on familiarity.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun. Although it was very difficult, he wanted to challenge it.

So I happily put on the mask, which turned into an eye mask.

Liu Qing was worried about the light leaking around, so she picked up a red cloth and covered Xu Jie's head.

Afterwards, she led Xu Jie to the bedside, and the hands of the four bridesmaids, including Su Yun's hand, ten hands in total, stretched out in front of Xu Jie.

"Okay, let's start." Liu Qing said.

Xu Jie stretched out his hand and touched the first hand. The fingers were a bit short, no; the second hand was a bit small, no; the third, fourth, fifth, sixth...

How many people are there?

Just when he was wondering, suddenly a familiar feeling came from between his fingers.

He held the hand tightly, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"Wife, is that you?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's me!" Su Yun replied with a smile.

Xu Jie took off the cloth and the mask with his other hand, and it turned out to be Su Yun.

"You can figure it out? Sister Yun, did you give him a signal?" Liu Qing was a little mad.

"No, haven't you been watching?" Su Yun showed an innocent expression.

"How did you tell the difference?" Liu Qing looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"Ten fingers connected to the heart, the moment I touched her fingers, I knew it was her. This is called a tacit understanding, you don't understand!" Xu Jie said with a smile.


Liu Qing was speechless.

This dog food hurts my heart!

(End of this chapter)

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