The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 639 Wedding Ceremony

Chapter 639 Wedding Ceremony
"Can I take people away now?" Xu Jie asked Liu Qing while pulling Su Yun.

Today, he always answers every question and breaks every card, in order to completely convince the other party.

"Impossible!" Liu Qing pulled away the people who were pulling them together, blocked Su Yun behind, looked at Xu Jie and said, "How can it be so easy to marry Sister Yun? There is still the sixth level." !"

"Sister Qing, don't bother, you can't stop my brother-in-law." Su Lei said triumphantly, looking happier than the winner.

"Who are you with?" Liu Qing glared fiercely.

Isn't this calling her a scheming whore?
"When lovers get married, of course I'm with my sister and my brother-in-law." Su Lei said with a smile.

After hearing this, Liu Qing became even more unhappy.

This is said as if she is a bad person who specializes in breaking up lovers.

"Didn't you just say that you were with me? You traitor, you are a fool!" Liu Qing said angrily.

"Sorry, I'm an undercover agent!" Su Lei said solemnly.

In fact, he was the one who gave the key to open the door.

Liu Qing glanced at Su Lei, and knew that the other party was not a person of integrity. Fortunately, she had the foresight and did not tell the other party the content of the six-level test, or the other party would not have leaked it all?
However, while she was rejoicing, she began to feel depressed again. After all, the checkpoints she set did not play a blocking role, let alone make the target look ugly.

No, the difficulty must be increased!
Liu Qing looked at the target, and then said: "The sixth level is to test your physical strength to see if you have the strength to take care of Sister Yun. As for the content, it is actually very simple. You lie on the ground and do push-ups, and let Sister Yun Sit on your back, just do 20 of them."

Her original plan was to let the other party do 20 push-ups, because in her imagination, after passing the first five levels, the other party suffered a lot and suffered a lot. Physical punishment can not only show her kindness, but also make the target grateful.

But the plans didn't change quickly.

She never thought that the first five levels that she had worked so hard to think about would be easily resolved by the other party, so she could only pin all her hopes on the last level, turning the original push-ups into weight-bearing push-ups.

After Liu Qing finished speaking, she looked at the target proudly, waiting to see how the other party was crushed on the ground.

When the people around heard this, they couldn't help but sweat for Mr. Xu.

20 push-ups is no problem, but if you want to carry a person who weighs about [-] catties on your back, the difficulty of push-ups becomes very high.

It may not be intuitive to directly say one hundred catties. Take rice as an example. A large bag of rice is 50 catties, and two bags of rice are 100 catties.

This is equivalent to putting two bags of rice on Mr. Xu when he is doing push-ups.

It's harder than doing barbell squats.

"20 is too many, I think 5 is about the same." Liu Jinbao said in a low voice.

He felt that as the best man, he should bargain for the groom, even if he was the female star Liu Qing.

Anyway, if it were him, he wouldn't be able to do any of them.

"What, are you scared? You can beg for mercy, beg a few times, and reduce the amount." Liu Qing looked at Xu Jie with a smile and asked, with an appearance of "I'm sure of you".

"Hehe, that's it?" Xu Jie chuckled twice, then lay on the ground, propped up his hands, turned his head and said to Su Yun beside him, "Honey, come here."

Seeing that the other party dared to be so arrogant, Liu Qing burst out laughing, she was really a well-cooked duck, and her mouth was stubborn even when she was dying.

"I think it's better to forget it." Su Yun said reluctantly, worried that Xu Jie would not be able to hold on.

"Sister Yun, don't you have confidence in him? You think he's not good either?" Liu Qing asked loudly on purpose.

"Of course I have confidence in him, but I don't think it's necessary." Su Yun said after hearing this.

Otherwise how to say?
No confidence?
It's okay to say this from someone else's mouth, but it's very hurtful to say it from her wife.

"Since you think he can do it, let him try it. It won't take long anyway, right Director Xu?" Liu Qing knelt down and looked at Xu Jie who was lying on the ground.

"That's right, wife, you can come here at ease." Xu Jie said.

"Look, how confident Director Xu is, you can come, Sister Yun." Liu Qing took Su Yun's arm and pushed him onto the man's back.

Su Yun opened her eyes wide and stared at Liu Qing, cursed in her heart as a dead girl, and then sat gently on Xu Jie's back under the eyes of everyone, but her feet were still on the ground.

"Sister Yun, put your feet up too, can you cross your legs?" Liu Qing reminded.

"That's fine, I can't sit cross-legged," Su Yun said.

"It's okay, I'll help you." Liu Qing was in charge of Su Yun's arm.


Su Yun was speechless, and finally raised her feet to avoid taking too long.

"Okay, let's start." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie took a deep breath, held it back, and then began to bend his arms.


Push-ups are easy to go down, but difficult to support up.

When everyone saw Mr. Xu, they couldn't help cheering for each other.

"Teacher Xu, come on!"

"Get up, work harder!"

Amid the encouragement of the crowd, Xu Jie's bent arm slowly straightened, and then bent down again.


Let's count for Mr. Xu together.



Xu Jie performed one after another, his movements were not only standard, but also coherent.

Although his face was flushed red and he seemed to be struggling, he did not hesitate in his movements.

The people around were all stunned. Everyone knew that Teacher Xu's work was mental work, but no one thought that Teacher Xu's physical strength was so good, not weaker than those who were in the gym.

Gradually, everyone changed from worry at the beginning to excitement and excitement, and even the voice of counting became louder and louder, in this way to cheer up Teacher Xu.

"16, 17, 18, 19..."

"There is one last!"

"Teacher Xu, come on!"


Under the gaze of everyone, Xu Jie's body slowly supported himself.



Su Yun immediately stood up, supported the man with both hands, looked at him, and asked concerned: "Are you okay?"

Xu Jie took a few deep breaths, and then said with a smile: "It's okay, this amount of exercise is nothing, and it's okay to do it for another hour."

That's right, he said one hour, not how many.

For him, such ups and downs are always calculated according to time, and a few of them can't reflect his true strength at all.

Su Yun understood what the man meant in an instant, her face blushed involuntarily, and she quickly let go of him.

At this moment, several groomsmen gathered around, pinching shoulders and beating arms, massage and relax for Xu Jie.

"Teacher Xu is mighty!"

"Absolutely a real man!"

"If I were a woman, I would also marry Teacher Xu!"


Liu Qing looked at the man in surprise, she didn't expect to be able to complete this level, she was simply inhuman.

"Sister Qing, can my brother-in-law pick up my sister now?" Su Lei asked.

"What's the matter with you? I still have it here." Liu Qing said after hearing it.

"What, what else? Sister Qing, didn't you say that there are six levels in total? Could it be that you are a liar?" Su Lei asked suspiciously.

"Who, who is a liar?" Liu Qing regretted telling Su Lei about preparing for the sixth level, and now it was too late to regret it, so she turned to look at the target, "Okay, you passed all of them."

"Don't count it, if you pass it, you pass it, if you don't pass it, you don't pass it, what's the matter if you pass it?" Su Lei asked.

He knows that brother-in-law is not suitable for stalking people today, so the work of slapping people is left to him. Whoever slaps brother-in-law, he will gossip. Whoever prevents brother-in-law from marrying his sister is his enemy. Anyway, he has identified this brother-in-law.

Liu Qing gritted her teeth, "Pass, pass, okay?"

Su Lei was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Brother-in-law, hurry up and put shoes on for my sister."

The look of can't wait, I can't wait to marry my sister!

After Su Yun heard it, she sat down on the bed cooperatively.

Xu Jie picked up the red shoes and put them on for the other party. The only obstacle in front of him has been cleared away, and now no one can stop him from taking Su Yun away.

The rest is relatively simple.

Served tea to father-in-law and mother-in-law, and took a family portrait, then left here and went to the next stop, the new house.

The two of them walked out of the unit door, immediately attracting a burst of photos from around.

Some of them held professional digital cameras, and they looked like media reporters.

"Teacher Xu, Sister Yun, congratulations!"

"I wish the two of you have an early son and grow old together."


While saying thank you, Xu Jie got into the wedding car with Su Yun and left the Nongda family building very quickly.

At the same time, the news of Xu Jie and Su Yun's wedding today was also published on major websites, as well as some photos.

Soon, the news of Xu Jie and Su Yun's wedding today became a trending topic.

Xu Jie and Su Yun came to the new house, that is, the villa. Xu Baozhong and Wang Guizhi had already arrived here one step ahead of time. They served tea, called people, and took pictures. After a series of links were completed, they took the wedding car to the Wangfu Hotel.

At the wedding scene, all the invited guests have arrived.

With a blast of music, the banquet hall suddenly went dark, and a row of lights shone on the stage in front of it.

Everyone fell silent, and then, Xia Yong, the host of Beijing TV Station and the first brother of Beijing TV host, walked up to the stage, held a microphone in his hand, and said in his resonant voice: "Everyone, friends, family members, everyone! Well, today we are gathered here happily to participate in the wedding ceremony of a couple..."

In the venue, music sounded.

The wedding officially begins!
"People often say that falling in love is happiness, love is happiness, happiness and happiness are the pursuit of everyone's life, so love has become the eternal theme of human beings..."

The host Xia Yong was affectionate, accompanied by soothing music, as if reading a love letter aloud, filling the scene with a romantic atmosphere.

"From acquaintance, to acquaintance, to falling in love, the two have gone through the ups and downs of life and the test of love. Today, they finally join hands and enter the next stage of life..."

"If love is the flower of spring, then marriage is the fruit of autumn. Let us bless the couple together in such a wonderful season. Next, let us give the warmest applause to invite the two couples to step in. This holy wedding hall!"

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was applause at the scene.

Music echoed through the wedding scene.

At this time, all the lights were shining on the flower hall in the center, where Xu Jie and Su Yun stood arm in arm.

At this moment, they have already changed into another set of wedding clothes. Xu Jie is wearing a handsome suit, and Su Yun is wearing a beautiful wedding dress. Following the rhythm of the music, the two of them walked on the stage composed of flowers. The ground was covered with petals. Under the illumination of the lights, the two are like a prince and princess in a fairy tale, which makes people feel envious.

Su Yun looked at the flowers on the stage, no matter how they were arranged or matched, they were not only unique, but also full of intentions, which moved her heart very much, because she knew that all of these were designed by men .

She held the man's arm tightly, with a flower-like smile on her face.

Xu Jie seemed to feel Su Yun's heart, and turned to look at the woman beside him. The two looked at each other and smiled, full of sweetness.

How I wish I could keep going like this!

The two stood on the main stage.

"Before taking the oath, the groom has a gift for the bride, let's watch the big screen together..." The host pointed behind him.

Su Yun was slightly startled, and looked at Xu Jie next to her suspiciously. She only knew that today's wedding ceremony was planned by a man, and she didn't know anything about the links.


what gift?
Why have you never heard the other party mention it?

Xu Jie smiled and turned to look at the big screen behind him. Su Yun was puzzled and could only follow along.

At this time, the scene sounded music.

Many people were taken aback, because this is a song by the bride Su Yun, the name is: Diary.

The general idea of ​​the lyrics is that a man and a woman who are in love will write a diary every day to record every bit of their life...

Su Yun's singing sounded, and a sentence appeared on the big screen: When I was most lost, I was lucky to meet you...

Then, a photo appeared on the big screen.

It was a photo of Su Yun standing in the snow.

Su Yun was taken aback when she saw it. If she remembered correctly, the time when this photo took place should be when the two of them had a snowball fight in Nangou Village during Chinese New Year.

When did the other party take the picture?
A question mark popped up in her heart.

In the photo, she is standing in the snow under the street lamp, holding a snowball in her hand, with a happy smile on her face.

She still remembered that it was very cold that night, and she didn't want to go out at first, but Xu Jie insisted on pulling her out, saying to see the snow scene, but after watching it, she recalled the scene when the two met for the first time in the park, and then she said He picked up the snowball and threw it at the man...

A few seconds later, the photos began to change, and there was another picture of her cooking in the kitchen, wearing an apron, holding a pot cover in one hand, a spatula in the other, wearing a helmet on her head, far away from the stove ...

When Su Yun saw this photo, her face turned red. She turned her head and stared at Xu Jie, as if asking again, when did you take this photo?
As far as I remember, the two didn't seem to have a relationship yet.

There were bursts of laughter in the venue, and Su Yun felt embarrassed, pinched Xu Jie's arm secretly, but couldn't help but look up.

In the third photo, she is standing next to the chopping board, her face is covered in flour...

In the fourth photo, she holds the baked cake in her hands, and draws two people on it with cream...

The fifth photo, two people filming together...

The sixth photo...

Seventh photo...

Su Yun looked at the photos one by one, she didn't feel it at all at the time, but now looking back, her heart is full of sweetness.

Compared with normal people who fall in love first and then get the certificate, it is obviously abnormal for two people to get the certificate directly on the day they meet.

In fact, in her heart, there has always been a knot in her heart, that is, the two of them are together. Although they are very happy now, they always feel that the process of falling in love is missing. This is also a fly in the ointment.

But seeing these photos now, isn't this scene the process of falling in love?It's just that when I was in it, I didn't feel it at all at the time.

Without these, can the two still stand here?

Certainly not!

At this moment, Su Yun's heart knot was opened.

After the photo was over, a line of words appeared on the screen again: Thank you for appearing, giving light to my vitality...

The clip ends.

The wedding scene was quiet for a moment, and suddenly there was warm applause.

The film is only a few minutes long. Although it is just some photos in life, these bits and pieces constitute a picture of happiness.

From the photos, people can not only feel the relationship between the two, but also witness the process of their love.

In fact, at the beginning, many people outside thought that the two were not a good match, and some even thought that Xu Jie must have done something despicable and shameless to Su Yun, forcing Su Yun to marry him.

Seeing these photos now, all speculations and doubts were shattered.

Su Yun turned her head slowly. At this moment, her eyes were already red.

She did not expect that Xu Jie would give her a gift at the wedding, let alone such a gift full of sweet memories.

Speaking of it, when the two were together, it seemed that they seldom took photos. Later, due to busy work, the two places were separated for a long time, and taking photos became a luxury.

So this gift brought her not only a surprise, but also a sense of happiness, which is very precious!

In addition, from these photos, she can feel that the man cherishes every moment with her, even a small detail in life.

The details are often the most touching.

"When did you take the picture? Why didn't I know?" Su Yun asked in a low voice, her voice even a little choked up.

"I'm a reporter, can you find out about sneak shots?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"I hate it, I'm making a fool of myself!" Su Yun said with a blushing face, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

"Is it the second one? Don't worry, they won't recognize you wearing a helmet!" Xu Jie said.


"I'm so envious. Seeing those photos just now, I began to believe in love again. I think this kind of love is what everyone yearns for!" The host said excitedly: "Then now is the moment to witness this love Now, bridegroom, from this moment on, regardless of poverty or wealth, health or disease, you will care about her, care for her, cherish her, respect her, take care of her, accompany her, for the rest of your life, forever, will you?"

"I am willing!" Xu Jie held Su Yun's hand tightly and said loudly.

"Then bride, from this moment on, regardless of poverty or wealth, health or disease, you will care about, care for him, cherish him, respect him, take care of him, accompany him for the rest of your life, forever, will you?" host asked the man.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie affectionately, "I am willing!"

"One vow promises a lifetime, now exchange wedding rings!"

Xu Jie put the wedding ring on Su Yun's ring finger, and Su Yun also put the wedding ring on Xu Jie's ring finger.

At this moment, you belong to me and I belong to you!

 Next, the story will enter a new stage
(End of this chapter)

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