Chapter 640 Honeymoon
coastal road.

An RV driving from north to south.

The window of the driver's seat is open, and the melodious music accompanied by the gentle sea breeze makes people feel comfortable.

"Hmmmm...mmmm..." Xu Jie hummed a song while driving the car. The wind was a bit chilly, but it couldn't stop his enthusiasm in the slightest.

It's been a week since the wedding.

On the second day of the wedding, he and Su Yun packed their luggage and started a self-driving honeymoon trip belonging to the world of the two.

According to the plan, the two will go south along the coast, then pick an inland route, and return to the capital after a long circle. It is expected to take about 20 days.

Su Yun came to the co-pilot from behind wearing a dress and sat down. While eating a homemade sandwich, she said, "Husband, breakfast is ready, let's find a place to stop and eat."

It's breakfast, but it's almost 10 o'clock.

It can't be her fault either.

I slept very late last night, and woke up late this morning. In addition to cooking, breakfast time directly became morning tea time.

"Yes." Xu Jie glanced at the navigation, and then said: "There is an Ocean Park not far ahead, we can stop there and replenish supplies by the way."

"Okay, husband." Su Yun ate a few mouthfuls, then stuffed the last piece into Xu Jie's mouth, then got up and left from the co-pilot, and went back to the back of the car to change clothes.

The reason why the two chose to travel by car, apart from avoiding reporters and fans, a large part of the reason is that it is more casual and there is no need to worry about getting lost.

And you can also enjoy more beautiful scenery along the way, walk and stop as you want, for honeymoon, this kind of relaxed and casual feeling is the best.

Xu Jie glanced at the rearview mirror, Su Yun was wearing his white shirt, his slender legs were very charming, and he couldn't help but start to move again.

He wanted to stop the car now, but when he saw the no-parking sign on the road, he thought about it.

In fact, similar situations have happened many times along the way, which is one of the reasons why he likes self-driving tours. He can write poems whenever he wants, and sing geese whenever he wants. He can do whatever he wants freely. This is something that other modes of travel cannot do.

Not long after the car drove, the surrounding houses gradually increased, and there was a huge signboard on the side of the road, with a line written on it: Welcome to Pearl Ocean Park.

Xu Jie drove the car into a parking lot on the side of the road, and then opened the car window, watching the sea view by the window, while eating the breakfast made by Su Yun.

Su Yun has already changed her clothes. She is wearing a floral dress inside, a denim jacket outside, and a sun hat on her head, which is a proper casual holiday style.

Xu Jie ate the bread and eggs in two bites, then put on sunglasses and got out of the car.

There are many tasks today, mainly to replenish water and food.

Xu Jie took Su Yun's hand and walked towards a nearby convenience store. Not long after he walked, the phone in his pocket rang.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID, and then connected the call.

"Good morning, Editor-in-Chief Zhou!" Xu Jie said, and the caller was Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou Zhengliang.

"How about Xiao Xu, how was your honeymoon?" Zhou Zhengliang asked with a smile.

"Okay, of course it's good. I usually work at the unit every day, but this time I came out and realized that the outside world is so exciting. I really should come out earlier to visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland." Xu Jie said with emotion after hearing this.

He and deputy editor-in-chief Zhou can only talk about the scenery, otherwise what else?
Parking and sitting in love Fenglin late?
Not suitable!
"Well, you're right, the world is so big, you should go and see it, by the way, when do you plan to come back?" Zhou Zhengliang asked.

"At the end of the month." While Xu Jie answered, he also sensed some meaning behind the words.


Xu Jie thought to himself.

Deputy editor-in-chief Zhou would never call him if he had nothing to do.

No matter how much the leader cares about his subordinates, how can he care about his subordinates' honeymoon?

Xu Jie didn't take the initiative to ask. After all, he asked for 20 days of leave before, and the other party agreed.

In fact, he has 20 days of paid vacation every year, and he used these 20 days for his honeymoon this time.

"Xiao Xu, Director Wang's new program has been aired, but the ratings are still in a mess. Do you know about this?" Zhou Zhengliang asked.

Xu Jie understood that the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou was in a hurry to let him go back to take over the mess of the new show.

No answer, no answer even if killed.

"I don't know. I've been outside these days and haven't had any contact with my colleagues. Besides, I'm on my honeymoon. How can I use one mind for two purposes?" Xu Jie said.

Implicit: I'm on my honeymoon, so don't bother me about work!

When Zhou Zhengliang heard it, he was choked and his throat got stuck.

He originally hoped that the other party would come back sooner, but now that he heard what the other party said, how could he open his mouth?
This kid definitely guessed it!

Zhou Zhengliang thought for a while, and then said: "You are right, you have to work hard when you are doing your job, and you have to concentrate on your honeymoon when you are on your honeymoon. You can play outside well, and then you can devote yourself to your work when you come back. Now The programs on the Literature and Art Channel can all be counted on you."

"Editor Zhou, you must not say that. I'm just a deputy director. I'm not as powerful as you think. The work of the Art Channel depends on Director Wang." Xu Jie said quickly.

In the work unit, the most important thing is to position oneself rightly. No matter how important the leader is, he should not have any pride, let alone be self-righteous and go to the kang through the pot.

You can't believe everything the leaders say. Sometimes it may be polite, and sometimes it may be digging holes.

The letter is finished!
Believe in the former, and you may get self-indulgent, but believe in the latter, it is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap.

If Xu Jie followed the words of deputy editor-in-chief Lu just now, it would be tantamount to taking over the mess of the Literature and Art Channel. He is not a junk collector.

"Him? Huh!" Zhou Zhengliang snorted coldly. The thing he regretted the most this year was agreeing to the person recommended by Lao Lu to be the director of the art program center.

Xu Jie could hear Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's dissatisfaction with Wang Wanjun, but he didn't say anything. After all, whether Wang Wanjun did a good job was selected by the leaders above, and he couldn't question the leader's selection.

Zhou Zhengliang was a little disappointed when he saw Xu Jie not answering, so he could only change the subject: "By the way, Xiao Xu, tonight is the day when your new program "Ordinary Courage" will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV. Are you nervous? "

"Ah? Really?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and then looked at his watch. Today is October 10th, Saturday, let alone the day when the new program premieres, "Editor Zhou, don't tell me, I I forgot about this, now that you say that, I'm really a little nervous."

Last Saturday coincided with the National Day holiday, so the premiere was pushed to the Saturday of the second week in October.

Zhou Zhengliang was speechless.

Didn't you have a lot of fun on your honeymoon?How could you forget such a big thing?You must know that the entire Beijing Satellite TV, as well as other brother satellite TVs, are paying attention to this program.

Of course, he is no exception.

"Okay, don't delay your honeymoon, have fun." Zhou Zhengliang said.

"I know Editor-in-Chief Zhou, and I will have fun." Xu Jie said after hearing this.


Zhou Zhengliang shook his head after hanging up the phone. The call failed.

Xu Jie put down his mobile phone and checked out with several buckets of mineral water.

"Have a job?" Su Yun asked curiously, holding two boxes of mousse cheese in her hand, with her photo on it.

"It's nothing, I'm just talking about the new program, which starts tonight." Xu Jie said.

"Really? Then I want to take a look. I heard that those celebrities were severely beaten by you." Su Yun said with a smile.

"How could I be the one who beat him up? It was obviously the society who beat him up." Xu Jie said after hearing this, he didn't take the blame for it, it made him look like a devil director.

The two returned to the car with supplies, then took the water pipe, borrowed the faucet from the convenience store owner, and filled the water tank. The water used for bathing, washing clothes, and flushing the toilet was all dependent on it.

After making all the preparations, Xu Jie and Su Yun closed the car door and walked to Ocean Park ahead.

This was planned by the two of them.

Drive in the morning, play wherever you go, return to the car to rest at night, and continue on the road the next morning.

It's such a casual life.


Xu Jie and Su Yun walked back to the parking lot after dinner.

Said to eat, in fact, is to taste the local food.

Food is also a kind of culture.

Going to a place and not tasting the local cuisine is basically tantamount to failure.

"Hurry up, the show is about to start. Today is the premiere. I found out why you, the chief director, are not in a hurry?" Su Yun urged Xu Jie while pulling her.

"What is there to worry about? Will the ratings go up if I watch it alone?" Xu Jie said, mainly because he ate too much just now. To be precise, he has consumed too much these days and needs to make up for it. repair.

"Don't you want to see the broadcast effect?" Su Yun asked.

"Then don't worry about going back, you can still watch it with your mobile phone."


Xu Jie was dragged back to the car by Su Yun, and turned on the TV.

"After the advertisement, it will be even more exciting!"

Accompanied by these words, the title of the next show appeared on the screen, which was clearly "Ordinary Courage". "

After the program preview, there is a 120-second commercial.

Su Yun immediately came to the bed with snacks, and left a place for Xu Jie by her side.

Xu Jie lay on the bed with his arms around Su Yun, his gaze fell on the TV.

Don't look at his unhurried look just now, in fact, he is still a little nervous. You must know that he is the chief director of this show, or the chief planner of the show. Whether the content of the show will be accepted and recognized by the audience will directly affect the audience. His future development on the road of variety shows.

"The next big documentary reality show "Ordinary Courage" will be aired."

A burst of music sounded, and after the dazzling title, the show finally started.


(End of this chapter)

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