The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 641 "Ordinary Courage" premieres!

Chapter 641 "Ordinary Courage" premieres!

The variety show "Ordinary Courage" was finally broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV.

For this program, it is definitely not an exaggeration to describe it as "highly anticipated".

Because as early as a month ago, Beijing Satellite TV began to promote vigorously, and the promotion was not limited to satellite TV channels, as well as Beijing Satellite TV's official Weibo, short videos, and websites. As long as it was available, all publicity methods were used.

Another point is that Xu Jiegang, the chief director of the show, and the big star Su Yun just finished their wedding.

Although the vast majority of people did not go to the wedding scene, but a video about the wedding scene circulating on the Internet is something that people will never forget for a long time.

It was a short video that was only a few minutes long, and the content was the daily photos of Xu Jie and Su Yun. Although there was no pledge of eternal love, and there was no life-and-death struggle, the content was full of sweetness, touched countless people, and warmed countless people. Let countless people believe in love again.

This is what love should be like.

In addition, all the shows that Xu Jie participated in are high-quality products, and the reputation of his works has always been very good, so watching Lao Xu's latest variety show has become a reason for countless people to go home this Saturday night.


Qin Yan sat at home, staring at the TV screen intently, feeling both expectant and nervous.

The anticipation is because the large-scale variety show I hosted finally met with audiences across the country, and I finally stepped into the ranks of female hosts of variety shows on Beijing Satellite TV.

Although she is still a rookie in this team, it has brought her infinite hope.

And nervous, it is better to understand.

If the ratings of the program are low and the content is not recognized by everyone, then her ambition will also be overwhelmed by bad reviews.

Especially now that Jiang Touer left and Wang Wanjun became the director of the cultural program center, maybe she will never have another chance in the future.

Qin Yan tightly held her hands, silently expecting in her heart: Bless the God of Variety, it must be popular!

As for who the god of variety shows is, she herself doesn't know.


at the same time.

In a high-end residential area in Beijing.

As soon as Wang Wanjun came out of the bathroom, he saw Beijing Satellite TV's variety show "Ordinary Courage" playing on the TV in the living room.

"Husband, come and watch it together!" On the sofa in front of the TV, a young girl in her early twenties waved to him, with a bit of excitement on her face.

"What's so interesting about this show." Wang Wanjun frowned and said, then went to get the remote control to turn off the TV, determined not to increase the ratings for that Xu.

However, before his hand touched the remote control, the young girl snatched it away.

"This is the program directed by old Xu. I heard it is very exciting. Do you know old Xu? Xu Jie is the director of your Beijing TV station." The girl said, looking very familiar.

"I know!" Wang Wanjun gritted his teeth and said, thinking: I know even turning into ashes.

"Really? My classmates and I like his programs very much, like "Delicious History", "In-depth Film and Television Talk", by the way, and "Crossover Actors", those short plays he is in charge of writing are all very exciting .” The girl said with a smile.

The corner of Wang Wanjun's mouth twitched, he held his breath in his chest and almost didn't come up.

It never occurred to him that his little girlfriend was still a fan of that man, so frankly annoying.

"I'm done taking a shower, but you want to watch TV? If you don't want to watch it, turn it off quickly!" Wang Wanjun said angrily, isn't this affecting your mood?
"It's okay, you do yours, I'll see mine." The girl said, her eyes fixed on the screen all the time.

Wang Wanjun was taken aback, what is this called?

Could it be that his attractiveness is not as good as a variety show?

During these days, with the repeated failure of the new program, the employees of the art program center had more and more opinions on him, and even privately said that he was not as good as Deputy Director Xu.

And not just ordinary employees, even deputy editor-in-chief Zhou also meant this.

Is he really inferior?

The more Wang Wanjun thought about it, the more angry he became. He decided to use the facts to prove tonight that he was more attractive than this show.

He came to sit next to his little girlfriend, stretched out his arms to hug her, and just kissed her when he heard a "hee hee" laugh from his little girlfriend's mouth.

Wang Wanjun's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself who said he was not attractive?
At this time, I heard my little girlfriend continue to say: "Old Xu is so bad, take a look at the occupations on the blackboard, how many of them can be done by those stars? Even the undertaker has appeared, thanks to him thinking Come out, I think he did it on purpose, hee hee!"


Wang Wanjun's expression froze, and the pride on his face instantly disappeared without a trace.

Can you still have a good time playing?

Wang Wanjun took a deep breath, and told himself secretly: It doesn't matter, it hasn't started yet, you can do it!
He put his arms around his little girlfriend's shoulders and hugged her in his arms. As a result, the little girlfriend's head fell back, and the back of her head hit his nose directly.

That feeling is more sour than the old altar sauerkraut!
It was like the big black-footed man's feet didn't step on the sauerkraut, but kicked on his face, almost letting him pass.

"Husband, look, the star is up for grabs!" The girl shouted while shaking Wang Wanjun's arm.

Wang Wanjun covered his nose with his hands, just watching a variety show, why was he so surprised?
He followed the eyes of his little girlfriend to look at the TV.

Is it really that good-looking?

Wang Wanjun sat upright, since he couldn't do anything, let's see what's so exciting about this show.

The main reason is that I don't want to die before I finish my mission!


Yujingyuan is a famous luxury villa complex in Beijing, where many celebrities live, and Hu Xuan is one of them.

He was sitting in front of the TV, surrounded by a few of his friends. The purpose of calling everyone here tonight was to let everyone watch it together and listen to your opinions on this program by the way.

You must know that for the filming, he suffered a lot in this show. He got up earlier than a chicken, slept later than a dog, and worked more than a cow. After the filming of the show, he lost a total of 10 catties.

If the effect of the show is not good, he must blacklist that devil director, and never participate in the other's show again, even if Sister Hua can't speak well.

"Old Hu, I heard that filming a variety show is very easy, and there are scripts in it, is it true?" A female friend asked.

"I used to think so too, but since I participated in Director Xu's program, I don't think so anymore." Hu Xuan said with a sigh.

"What do you mean?"

"This person is serious!" Hu Xuan said.

"Ah? No way?" The people around were surprised. After all, it's no secret that variety shows have scripts in the industry, even among the audience.

"You may not believe it. When I was filming this show, I was so sleepy that I almost ran into a car on the side of the road a few times!" Hu Xuan said, and every time I think about it, I feel bitter tears.

"Huh?" Everyone looked in disbelief.

Big star!
Shouldn't it be the stars holding the moon?Shouldn't it be to serve people comfortably?
"Not only did he not sleep well, but he also didn't eat well. The key is that he can't get enough to eat every day. Don't you know that Director Xu is simply not human!" Hu Xuan said through gritted teeth.

"Haha, old Xu is really that cruel?"

"Anyway, those of us were played badly by him!" Hu Xuan said.

"Really? Then I have to take a good look!" Everyone laughed and said.

Hu Xuan also looked at the TV, because he didn't know what happened after the program was cut. Director Xu never showed it to him, saying that he was worried about leaking the secret.

I hope I am not starving in vain!


Beijing TV.

Lu Hong stood in the studio.

He drove here after dinner at home, in order to be able to see the ratings of "Ordinary Courage" in the first place.

At this moment, he was even more nervous than he was in the finals of the second season of "Crossover Actor" a few months ago.

"Crossover Actor" has an audience and reputation, so there is no need to worry about the ratings of the finals, but "Ordinary Courage" is different.

This is a new program, and it will premiere tonight. The ratings will not only affect the next 11 episodes of the program, but will also affect whether Beijing Satellite TV can regain the title of the most influential provincial satellite TV of the year. .

In other words, it is now mid-October, the end of the year is coming soon, and various selections are about to start.

Lu Hong stared at the screen intently, and soon fluctuations appeared on it.

"Editor Lu, 1.875 is out!" the director said loudly.

When the people in the studio heard it, their eyes widened and they couldn't believe it.

As a new program, the audience rating was as high as 1.875 when it first aired. One can imagine how many people are looking forward to this program.

For a normal variety show, it is already very good if it can break 1 in the first broadcast. Even if it is an old program with accumulated word of mouth, the ratings of the first broadcast are not so high.

This is clearly the rhythm to explode!
Lu Hong clenched his fist tightly.

He was very excited, and his eyes were full of surprises, but he still resisted the urge to applaud.

It is not high when it starts broadcasting, but it is really high when it is always high.

"Ordinary Courage" has been promoted for so long, and many people are looking forward to it. This is also normal. The key depends on whether this program can retain people.

If the ratings are stable, it means that everyone still likes the show very much. If the ratings continue to drop, it can only mean that everyone is very disappointed after watching the show.

On the screen, the ratings curve keeps climbing up. Although there are occasional downward fluctuations, the overall trend has always been upward.

"It broke 2, it broke 2, wow!" the director shouted excitedly, stood up and raised his arms and shouted like a gorilla.

When the others heard it, they also high-fived each other!

"Don't make noise, everything is quiet!" Lu Hong said in a trembling voice: "The program of more than 90 minutes has only been broadcast for 3 minutes now, what is there to be happy about?"

For a new program, it is normal for the ratings to rise at the beginning of the broadcast. After all, it is impossible for everyone to turn on the TV on time or switch to Beijing Satellite TV.

Everyone dared not speak immediately after hearing it, and the director also sat down, thinking: You are not happy, why are you trembling?
(End of this chapter)

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