The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 642 Director Xu Niu Criticized!

Chapter 642 Director Xu Niu Criticized!
Chapter 640

The first episode of "Ordinary Courage" is currently being broadcast.

Although the show is not over yet, there have been many comments about the show on the Internet.

"The new variety show that Beijing Satellite TV is broadcasting is so interesting, everyone, go watch it."

"Lao Xu's new program really did not disappoint Ren, I highly recommend it."

"A subject that seems ordinary, but director Xu has novelty everywhere, especially the performance of several stars in the future. People are looking forward to it. It's my thing!"

"There's a new variety show to follow!"

"The show has something to watch and some laughs. The only fly in the ointment is that there is no Su Yun. I really want to see Lao Xu and Su Yun get back together again!"


More and more people comment, and more and more people watch it.

The more people you recommend, the more people you follow.

The more people who pay attention, the more people comment.

With such a cycle, the word-of-mouth of the program exploded, and the ratings were astonishingly high.

"It broke 3, and the ratings broke 3!"

"It's still rising!"

The director yelled excitedly, even if deputy editor-in-chief Lu told him to be quiet, he couldn't stop him.

No way, too excited.

The ratings of "Ordinary Courage" broke 2 and 3 at a speed beyond everyone's imagination, even faster than the variety show "Crossover Actors" broadcast in the first half of the year.

You must know that this is just a new program, and today is only the first episode. If it continues with this momentum, its ratings may surpass "Crossover Actors".

This is horrible!

Is the premiere of the first season of "Crossover Actor" popular?

Very hot!

But compared with the premiere of "Ordinary Courage", the difference is not a star.

Did the ratings of the first episode of the first season of "Crossover Actor" break 2?


However, the first issue of "Ordinary Courage" has steadily broken through 2, although it is not over yet.

Lu Hong's tense face was flushed with excitement, as if he had drunk wine, and his complexion was so rosy.

Before that, he was always very worried. Even if the ratings were high at the beginning, he didn't dare to be happy, because for a brand new variety show, the ratings and reputation of the first broadcast are very important, and it will directly affect the The future direction of the entire program.

If the effect of the first broadcast is good, then the ratings of the whole season will basically not be too bad; Like Season [-], the cast was changed midway through the broadcast.

However, the entire season of "Ordinary Courage" has already been produced, and it is impossible to change people or reshoot midway.

But now, the 90-minute program has been broadcast for 80 minutes. Judging from the current broadcast situation, the ratings curve has been rising. The effect of the program is not generally good, and he can finally stop worrying.

10 minutes passed quickly.

In the TV screen, Qin Yan stood in the corridor of the hotel and whispered to the camera: "It's 2 o'clock in the morning, and the six celebrities have already fallen asleep. Let us look forward to their performance the next day... "

After the words fell, Qin Yan walked out of the camera.

The first issue of "Ordinary Courage" is over.

3.432, which is the ratings shown in the last viewing curve graph.

The director immediately immersed himself in the calculations, and finally got the average ratings of the program. Although this figure is not necessarily accurate, it can be used as a reference. After all, the difference between Sofry's ratings tomorrow will not be too big.

"Editor Lu, the lowest rating is 1.875, the highest rating is 3.513, and the average rating is 2.788!"

Hearing the director's voice, everyone in the room turned their heads to look at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, their excited expressions seemed to say: It was too early to be happy when the show was first broadcast, now that the show is over, can you be happy?
"Good! Good! Good!"

Lu Hong said hello three times in a row, loudly and heavily.

He is the leader of the station, he needs to pay attention to his image, he can't dance like an employee, but he says important things three times, so these three good words can fully represent his excitement at this moment.


Cheers erupted in the studio.

Big win for the premiere!

The ratings of the program exceeded everyone's imagination!
"Director Xu is Director Xu, awesome!"

"That's right. Variety shows are not movies. Audiences go for the stars. There are very few who can watch shows for the director. Director Xu is definitely one of the best!"

Everyone praised Da Jia generously.

Although director Xu is a member of the cultural program center, none of the people present are unconvinced. As far as the ratings of today's program are concerned, there is no second person in the entire Beijing TV station that can do it.

"Crossover Actor"?
Isn't that Director Xu's program?
"Editor Lu, it seems that this year's title of the most influential provincial satellite TV must belong to us!" A director said happily.

After the others heard it, they laughed even more happily.

As a person in the satellite TV program center, if the satellite TV channel can win this honor, then the investment of advertisers in the satellite TV channel will also increase, and everyone's benefits and wages will also increase.

Whether the show's ratings are high or not is all fake, and the more salary you get, the most real thing.

Lu Hong was always cautious, but this time he nodded.

Variety shows have always been the weak point of Beijing Satellite TV. Today, with the increasing influence of variety shows, if there are no good variety shows, the influence of the channel will become smaller and smaller.

This year however is different.

In the first half of the year, there was the second season of "Crossover Actor", and in the second half of the year, "Ordinary Courage". This title was bestowed on him, it is simply unreasonable.

"Quickly, read the comments about the program on the Internet, and then send out the prepared draft!" Lu Hong said.

After listening, everyone sat down immediately and began to collect feedback on the program.

For a program, the ratings are only one aspect, and it also needs to have a good reputation, especially for a new program.

With a good reputation, more viewers will watch.

Regarding ratings, there is no best, only better, and the higher the better.

"Editor Lu, most people think the show is wonderful and will continue to follow it," said the director.

Lu Hong frowned when he heard this. Although he knew that a new program could not satisfy the tastes of all audiences, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he heard "most people".

"What did the minority say?" Lu Hong asked.

The director said while looking at the computer screen: "Some people said: It's too boring to find a few celebrities to experience the work of ordinary people, and I don't know what to see; Is it really hard for celebrities to suffer? Some people say: This is taking ordinary people's work for entertainment..."

"Hmph!" Lu Hong snorted coldly.

The editor-director looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, and immediately stopped reading the negative comments.

"Editor Lu, don't be angry. The Internet is full of such scumbags, with shit in their hearts, and everything they watch looks like shit. There is no program in this world that they think is good." The director persuaded from the side.

"Yes, in fact, all programs will have similar comments, as long as most people like it."

"Yeah, some people think it is a poisonous point, but in the eyes of some people it is a highlight."

"The ratings are actually the truest reflection of whether the audience likes it. If everyone doesn't like it, the ratings won't be so high."

Lu Hong's complexion improved slightly.

Of course he knew what the employees said.

Working in TV station for more than 20 years, what things have you not encountered?

It's just that he's been looking forward to this show for too long, and now that it's finally aired, he will inevitably feel upset when he hears some negative comments.


"Send the announcement." Lu Hong said to the staff, then took out his mobile phone and walked out of the studio.

He wants to tell everyone who cares about the show about tonight's premiere.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this moment, the director's mobile phone rang suddenly. He picked up the mobile phone and looked at it, then connected the call.

"Qin Yan, what's the matter?" the director asked with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, don't ask questions knowingly, okay? Tell me the ratings of the show?" Qin Yan asked anxiously. She watched the entire show patiently, just waiting for this moment.

In fact, even if she doesn't ask tonight, it will be announced tomorrow, and it will be released by an authoritative organization, so the ratings will be more accurate.

However, she couldn't wait that long.

"You mean the ratings of "Ordinary Courage"?" the director asked.

"If you don't say anything, I will kill you." Qin Yan threatened.

"Haha!" The director laughed twice. He believed that with the other party's temper, he would definitely be able to do such a thing, so he said, "The average rating is 2.788, congratulations!"

This congratulation is not only congratulations to the variety show hosted by the other party, but also congratulations to the other party for successfully entering the ranks of well-known hosts of Beijing TV Station.

Variety shows are popular, not only the stars will follow the fire, but also the hosts who appear on the scene will follow the fire.

In fact, many of today's outstanding hosts became famous all over the country by hosting variety shows, and eventually became the first brother and sister of various TV stations.

The most important thing that a TV station lacks is handsome male and beautiful female hosts, and to stand out from the crowd of hosts, in addition to one's own ability, opportunity is also very important.

In his opinion, Qin Yan's chance is to get on the boat of Xu Jie.

Otherwise, the satellite TV program center is full of talents, how could it be the turn of the other party, the art program center?

Director Xu, it's so fierce!
"What? Brother Zhang, what you said is true? Are you kidding me?" Qin Yan asked in surprise, with disbelief written all over her face.

For her, passing 2 is already very good. As for running to 3, she never dared to think so.

"Don't worry, it's true." The director said.

"Thank you Brother Zhang!"


Qin Yan hung up the phone, jumped up from the sofa and cheered.


"Yeah yeah!"

After coming to Beijing TV Station for so many years, I finally made it to this moment!


(End of this chapter)

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