Chapter 643 Good News!


When people were still watching the variety show "Ordinary Courage" online, Beijing Satellite TV announced a happy news on its official Weibo.

The contents of the newsletter are:
The first episode of "Ordinary Courage" won the ratings.

Ratings: 2.789.

It occupies the first place in multi-network of all channels in the same period.

This episode received 52 hot searches.

Ranked No. 23 in the same city search in 1 cities.

The topic of "Ordinary Courage" has 1.9 million discussions.


The publication of the happy news made the program "Ordinary Courage", which was already on the hot search list, more popular again.

Countless netizens ran to the bottom of this official Weibo to leave messages.


"I contribute a little bit of the ratings."

"Ordinary Courage, come on, old Xu, come on!"

"I like watching celebrities being beaten by society."

"Made by Lao Xu, it must be a high-quality product!"

"Looking forward to the second episode."

"The official Weibo sent out the good news, Lao Xu is really full of attention!"

In a short period of time, Weibo received thousands of comments and tens of thousands of likes.

Even many mainstream media have discussed the topic of "Ordinary Courage" and commented on the program.

"Beijing Daily: "Ordinary Courage" focuses on the work of ordinary people, and tells the lives of ordinary people under the appearance of a variety show!"

"North Daily: The program "Ordinary Courage" tells us that ordinary work is not ordinary."

"Entertainment Daily: More tolerant, less mean..."

"Society Weekly: Everyone is working hard for a better life, everyone deserves to be respected..."


On this day, all the people of Beijing Satellite TV were very happy. After the second season of "Crossover Actor" in the first half of the year, they were proud again in the second half of the year.

Who said that Beijing Satellite TV's variety shows are not good?
Stand up and eat this sentence back!
At the same time, the heads of other satellite TV channels were full of sadness.

In the first half of the year, Beijing Satellite TV won the first place in the ratings of variety shows. I didn't expect to launch another popular show in the second half of the year. Isn't this not giving everyone a way to survive?

Can we still have a good time playing together?

In fact, many people have heard that Beijing Satellite TV held back a big move, and after holding it for half a year, it planned to broadcast it in the second half of the year, but everyone didn't pay attention at the time.

As for variety shows, the effect can only be seen when they are aired. It is useless to praise yourself.

There is an old saying: How can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river?
I have done a lot of programs, and I often encounter this kind of thing... A program that was prepared for a long time and had high expectations, but after it was broadcast, the ratings were dismal, and in the end it could only end hastily.

However, seeing the happy news published by Beijing Satellite TV, everyone is depressed.

They are all holding back big moves, the big moves I held back are duds, and the big moves held back by others, how can they be so lethal?
It's really human, it's maddening!
In previous years' variety shows, everyone took turns to sit on the stage, and I will appear on stage after you sing, but this year, Beijing Satellite TV may have to sit on the stage all the time!

From the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

In addition to the ridiculously high ratings, there is another thing that has attracted the attention of the heads of various satellite TV channels.

That is the chief director!
Under normal circumstances, there will be at least two names in the column of chief director.

If it is a program produced by a TV station alone, the chief director will generally write the person who directed the program and the director of the satellite TV cultural program center.

If it is a program co-operated by the TV station and other companies, the chief director column usually includes all the heads of several units.

But "Ordinary Courage" has only one person's name this time.

Xu Jie!

For this name, as a colleague, I am very familiar with it.

The chief director of "Delicious History", the chief planner and chief screenwriter of "Crossover Actor", and even filmed the gourmet show "The Temptation of Going Home" for China TV.

But why only his name?

Why didn't Lu Hong of Beijing Satellite TV add his name as the person in charge of the channel?
The so-called: Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way.

On the surface, the chief director only has Xu Jie's name, and even many people would not notice this, but as experts, they know the difference between one name and multiple names.

This means that Xu Jie has an absolutely higher status than everyone else in this program, and it also means that Beijing Satellite TV has given him absolute freedom, absolute support, and absolute power!

Chief director Xu Jie!
From this moment on, the heads of various satellite TV channels really valued this person!
In addition to the above-mentioned people, there are some people who pay special attention to the variety show "Ordinary Courage", that is, the six stars who participated in the show.

As the protagonists, the ratings of variety shows not only affect their exposure and attention, but also affect their commercial value.

Only when the show becomes popular can they follow the trend.

A studio in Hengdian.

"Mei Chang, watch it!" Wang Zihao handed the phone to Su Meichang who was beside him. This is the second collaboration between the two after filming "Ordinary Courage", a modern love drama.

Su Meichang, who was fiddling with the mobile phone, glanced at it, then continued to fiddle with the mobile phone, and said, "Is it the good ratings report? I have already read it."

"Why do you think the show's ratings are so high? I really don't understand." Wang Zihao said while shaking his head, his face was full of confusion.

"If you can figure it out, you are the chief director." Su Meichang said with a smile.

The popularity of "Ordinary Courage" was actually beyond her expectations. However, after she saw the news, she was not as deep as Wang Zihao thought. Her idea was very simple. If the show became popular, she would also be popular. .

"It seems that the hardships we endured were not for nothing. Director Xu is really extraordinary." Wang Zihao said.

In fact, the pain of filming the show is secondary, the main thing is the cruelty of Director Xu, which he still remembers.

"Hee hee, didn't you all call him a devil behind your back? Why are you praising him again now?" Su Meichang asked.

"Because it smells so good!" Wang Zihao said, with a look of anticipation on his face: "I don't know if there will be a chance to cooperate with Director Xu in the future!"

Suffering is bitter, tired is tired, hungry is hungry, sleepy is sleepy, but if it can be exchanged for exposure and fame, everything is worth it.

Su Meichang smiled, but did not speak.

Wang Zihao turned his head to look at Su Meichang, and asked curiously, "What are you typing on the phone screen? Are you playing a game? What game?"

Filming is a very hard and boring thing, so in the interval between filming, everyone will play some games to relax.

"Didn't play the game!" Su Meichang said.

"Could it be to send a text message to her boyfriend?" Wang Zihao asked in a low voice, with surprise on his face, because he had never heard of Su Meichang having a boyfriend.

"Don't talk nonsense, if Sister Yun hears this, won't you tear me apart?" Su Meichang gave Wang Zihao a look.

"Sister Yun? Which Sister Yun?" Wang Zihao asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's Su Yun." Su Meichang said.

"Ah? You, are you texting Director Xu?" Wang Zihao asked in surprise.

"Well, the good news is out. Of course I want to send a text message to Director Xu to thank Director Xu." Su Meichang said naturally, and at the same time, continued to tap on the phone screen.

Wang Zihao's eyes widened. He was just talking about whether he would have the opportunity to cooperate with Director Xu in the future, but the other party had already started to take the initiative to look for opportunities to cooperate with Director Xu.

No, I must not fall behind!
Thinking of this, Wang Zihao turned to the other side, found Director Xu's number, and sent a message.

"Hello Director Xu, I'm Wang Zihao..."


(End of this chapter)

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