The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 644 Is it so difficult to make chapters?

Chapter 644 Is it that difficult to make a show?
Since the broadcast of "Ordinary Courage", Xu Jie's cell phone has been ringing non-stop.

Some colleagues in the station called, and some entertainment stars called. Apart from congratulating and thanking them, what they mentioned the most was asking if they planned to make a new variety show.

He also said that if there is a new variety show, you must find them as soon as possible. It doesn't matter if it is hard or tiring, and the labor fee is also negotiable, as long as you reserve a spot.

Xu Jie is on his honeymoon, not on business, so he will be perfunctory about work-related issues. He doesn't want to turn his honeymoon into a business trip.

Time flies so fast when you are with your loved one.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the month.

From Xu Jie's point of view, the wedding seems to have just finished, and he and Su Yun are about to return to the capital.

Probably during this period of time, the two of them lived like gods and couples.

After all, one day in the sky, one year on earth.

Xu Jie and Su Yun rushed back to the capital on the 27th, which happened to be Friday, and they had a good rest at home for a day. The next day, they went to the family building of the Nongda University, and then went to Nangou Village. With the arrival of a new week, the honeymoon officially came to an end, and the two returned to work.

on Monday.

Xu Jie came to the unit.

As soon as he showed up, the colleagues in the stage greeted him warmly.

"Director Xu, you're back!"

"Teacher Xu, happy wedding!"

"Director Xu, seeing your happy face, the honeymoon must have been very sweet."

"Director Xu, congratulations to the new show for winning the No. [-] rating again!"


Xu Jie responded one by one with a smile, thanking everyone for their concern.

When he came to the art program center and saw familiar faces in the public office area, he immediately raised his hand to say hello: "Good morning everyone!"

"Director Xu?!"

"Morning Director!"

"When did you get back? We thought you'd be coming to work next week."

The employees greeted Xu Jie one after another, some were surprised, some were surprised.

Obviously, no one thought that Deputy Director Xu would suddenly appear here.

"There are only 20 days of leave in total. If I come back to work next week, it will be more than 20 days." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

He also wanted to take all 20 days off, but there were too many calls from Su Yun urging her to go back. Some invited Su Yun to be a spokesperson, some invited Su Yun to attend events, and some invited Su Yun to make movies.

There is no way, the movie "Mulan" is too popular, even Su Yun, who is an absolute heroine, has followed suit, and the popularity has remained high.

Even the old songs that were released before were dug up by fans and re-entered the music charts.

What's more, the movie "Mulan" was released yesterday one month after its release, and the final total box office exceeded 10 billion, reaching an astonishing 13.6 billion. It was also called the most successful and classic Mulan in history by movie fans.

With this in mind, who wouldn't want to be happy?Who doesn't want to rub the heat?
In fact, Su Yun didn't want to ignore those phone calls. He felt that the current situation was hard-won, and he must follow the trend and ride on the trend. That's why he canceled some trips and returned to the capital a few days earlier.

"Director Xu, where did you go on your honeymoon, tell us?" Miao Zhenzhen asked curiously.

Hearing Miao Zhenzhen's words, the others immediately followed suit.

"Yes, I heard that you and Sister Yun are traveling by car. You must have encountered many interesting things on the road, right?"

"Did you take a lot of photos? Show us quickly."

"Director Xu, don't be so stingy!"

Several curious female employees surrounded it directly, ready to grab it.

If it was normal, they wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous if they borrowed their courage, but today's deputy director Xu is different, so they also became bolder.

"Deputy Director Xu?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Xu Jie saw the colleague in front of him hurried away and returned to his work station, and immediately knew who it was.

Besides Wang Wanjun, who else?

"Morning Director Wang!" Xu Jie turned around to greet Wang Wanjun.

I haven't seen him for a month, and the hair on the other party's head is obviously much less, the wrinkles on the forehead have also become deeper, and his complexion is not very good.

I don't know if it's because he's back.

"Morning, morning!" Wang Wanjun pretended to respond, while calculating in his mind, it seemed that it was less than 20 days, so he asked: "Deputy Director Xu came back so early, is it because of work?"

"Well, come back and have a look. It took too long to leave, so I'm a little worried!" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Wang Wanjun frowned slightly.

In his opinion, the other party clearly came back early to snatch a job!

"Deputy Director Xu really loves his work, and his attitude of giving up his honeymoon and returning to work is really a role model for us." Speaking of this, Wang Wanjun said loudly to the employees in the office area: "Have you all seen it? We will learn more from Deputy Director Xu in the future!"

When everyone heard it, they immediately lowered their heads, thinking: What else can you do besides making people work overtime?snort!
Of course, thinking about it, they neither dared to be angry, nor dared to speak.

Who told the other party to be the director of the Arts Program Center?
The first-level official crushes people to death!
Not to mention more than one level.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun, what's the matter with this man?

He went to work on the first day back from his honeymoon, and the other party was acting weird with him. Could it be that during this period of time that he made a good show, his whole body was floating?

"Director Wang, please don't let everyone learn from me. I'm not in the mood for work at all. I just want to get home from work quickly." Xu Jie made a lazy look, and then seemed to suddenly remember He looked at Wang Wanjun and asked, "By the way, Director Wang, how is the production of the new program of the Art Channel going?"

When Wang Wanjun heard this, the expression on his face became even uglier, and he hesitated and said: "Well, it's okay, it's okay."

Let's go.

He really didn't want to talk about it.

"Really? Then I don't have to take over?" Xu Jie asked happily. He really didn't want to take over this mess. This was also the first problem he had to face after returning to work.

How can we not accept this mess?


Wang Wanjun opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, embarrassment in capital letters was printed on his face.

When he said "it's okay", he meant that it was better than the previous four programs, but it was not much better, and the ratings just broke 1.

Playing Po 1 on the literary channel and broadcasting Po 1 on the satellite TV channel are completely different things.

Breaking 1 on the satellite TV channel is considered a pretty good program, but breaking 1 on the art channel is a small piece of garbage.

A few days ago, he was called to the office by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, who severely criticized him and asked him why the programs and ratings of the Art Channel hadn't improved after giving him an extra month.

Because of this matter, he can't eat well, sleep well, his hair is falling out, and he is getting closer and closer to the Mediterranean Sea.

"Director Wang?" Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun, the expression on his face also froze.

Although he doesn't have any superpowers, he still has a little bit of sense of words and emotions.

Judging from Wang Wanjun's expression, the new program produced by the other party may be over again.


Why is this person so stupid?
Is it that difficult to do a show?
"Xu, Deputy Director Xu, you should go to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou." Wang Wanjun said, and then left the office area as if fleeing.

It's not that he is cowardly, it's that the other party is too imposing. "Ordinary Courage" is currently on the air, and the other party has become a popular fried chicken in the station. Competing with the other party at this time is obviously hitting the stone with an egg.

Or stay out of the way!
Seeing Wang Wanjun's fleeing back, Xu Jie couldn't help but sighed deeply.

I'm so happy!

However, the surrounding employees breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

"Director Xu, what do you think about the new program of the Art Channel?"

"Yeah, we're all looking forward to doing it with you!"

Everyone said.

After doing this with Director Wang, I worked overtime and stayed up all night. What was the result?
I did it for four months with no results.

On the other hand, Deputy Director Xu, after the new variety show aired, not only the ratings were hot, but it was even on the top searches.

Moreover, while producing new variety shows, they also took time to become the chief screenwriter of "Crossover Actors", and the other programs in their hands were not left behind.

Who is strong or weak is clear at a glance.

Now let alone the people from the Arts Program Center, even the people from the Satellite TV Program Center want to do variety shows with Deputy Director Xu.

In addition to having a brighter future resume, the benefit salary is also more.

They all came out to work, who would have trouble with money?

Faced with everyone's support, Xu Jie couldn't feel happy at all.

Firstly, he has no superpowers, so he can't handle so much work; secondly, he is not a firefighter, and the art channel frequently changes programs, resulting in the loss of some viewers, and the ratings of the entire channel are declining. of.

Just when Xu Jie was about to return to the office, he suddenly saw deputy editor-in-chief Lu walking in from outside.

"Xiao Xu!"

As Lu Hong walked, he waved at Xu Jie, smiling like a chrysanthemum in full bloom, so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

In fact, it's not just today, since "Ordinary Courage" was broadcast, he, who has always been serious, often has a smile on his face, just like a second spring.

Even the people in the satellite TV program center said that the deputy editor-in-chief Lu has become kinder recently.

"Morning, Editor-in-Chief Lu!"

Xu Jie hurriedly said hello.

"Haha, morning, morning! I heard that you came back to work. I'll come to see you. Let's go to your office to chat!" Lu Hong said with a smile, then put his arm on Xu Jie's shoulder and walked towards the other party's office.

After waiting for so long, he finally waited for the hero to come back. Of course he wanted to have a good chat with him.

The people in the public office area were all shocked when they saw this scene.

As soon as deputy director Xu came back to work, deputy editor-in-chief Lu came to visit?

There is no one left on this card!

Miao Zhenzhen was the first to come back to her senses, looked at the people around her proudly and said, "Have you seen it all? Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu came over to chat with Deputy Director Xu in person. With the help of our station director, it is absolutely impossible to take pictures of the first one." Two days later, Deputy Director Xu, you're awesome!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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