Chapter 645 Competition!

Xu Jie walked into the office, put down his bag, and poured water for Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

As a result, when he came to the water dispenser, he realized that the bucket on it had been placed for a long time, at least it was so high when he left last time.

"Deputy editor-in-chief, wait a moment, I'll call someone to change the water." Xu Jie said as he was about to leave.

"Don't be so troublesome, I'm not thirsty, and you don't have to be so polite." Lu Hong waved his hand and said with a smile: "I came to see you today mainly to see you. How is it? Did you enjoy your honeymoon?"

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

Just not enough time.

It would be even better if the honeymoon was replaced with a "honey year".

"Xiao Xu, your new program "Ordinary Courage" is doing very well. It has made a beautiful turnaround for our Beijing TV station. You are a great contributor. From now on, who dares to say that our Beijing TV station's variety show The program is not good." When Lu Hong said this, a smug expression appeared on his face.

Logically speaking, such an expression shouldn't appear on the face of his deputy editor-in-chief, but he really couldn't hold back.

A few days ago, colleagues from various local stations across the country held a meeting in Beijing. The leaders of radio and television gave a speech on the stage, pointing out that variety shows should not only focus on entertainment, but also on social value. Finally, they took "Ordinary Courage" as a positive example, which provoked other colleagues Everyone who is envious and jealous is like suffering from pink eye disease.

He has participated in countless similar meetings and has been praised many times, but it is the first time that he is envied by all his peers like this time.

To be honest, anyone can do news programs.

But not everyone can do variety shows, let alone do them well.

Lu Hong looked at the young man in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Fu Jiang is Fu Jiang, and he will never let him down.

"I didn't expect the audience to like it so much. This is mainly due to editor-in-chief Lu and Mr. Jiang. Without the support of deputy editor-in-chief Lu and Mr. Jiang's check, the show would not have been so successful." Xu Jie said modestly.

It is well known that the show is very good, and the ratings are the best evidence, but he dare not take all the honor of being a great hero on himself.

Although this is true, it is not a good thing for him at present, because the greater the credit, the slimmer the chance of leaving the cultural program center.

That's why he put the credit on Lu Hong and Boss Jiang.

Are these two successful?

Say no work, no work.

Because the two did not participate in the production of the program from the beginning to the end.

But if you say you have gong, you have gong.

Without the support of funds and personnel, the program would not have gone so smoothly.

When Lu Hong heard it, the smile on his face became even brighter. Although he was very happy in his heart, he said: "Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu, I can understand that you were modest when you were the chief planner and chief screenwriter, but this time You are the chief director, why are you being modest? I said you are a great hero, and you are a great hero!"

Capable and sensible, who doesn't like such an employee?
"This is the collective credit!" Xu Jie said hastily.

At the same time, I thought: I am not the kind of person who loves vanity, please stop praising me, okay?
"Successful or not, very good!" Lu Hong nodded, and then asked: "By the way, it will be November soon, and the next focus of work in Taili will be the New Year's Eve party and the Spring Festival party. What do you think of these two parties? Do you have any ideas? Remember last year's New Year's Eve party, you can teach all TV stations a lesson!"

After speaking, he looked expectantly at Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard this, and he dared to appreciate that the other party came today, not only to praise him, but also to do other things.

Isn't this sugar-coated cannonball?

As for the cross-border party and the Spring Festival party, to be honest, he has no idea, and he has no idea at all.

"Editor Lu, I just finished the new program, and I don't have any ideas about other programs for the time being. To tell you the truth, Editor Zhou wants me to take over the revision work of the Art Channel. He asked me to think of a few new programs. I'm worrying about this matter." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he showed a distressed and pitiful face.

"Well, I heard from Lao Zhou about this. The ratings of several new programs launched by Wang Wanjun are not satisfactory. He also hopes that you can return to the art program center after finishing the new variety show to save the ratings of the art channel. .” Lu Hong said.

Xu Jie was taken aback. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou have already discussed that after one is used up, the other will be used.

This is a bit of a bully!
Isn't this using him to death?

Xu Jie thought for a while, then looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and said, "Actually, compared to small programs, I personally prefer variety shows and evening parties."

"Oh?" Lu Hong's eyes lit up.

Seeing Lu Hong's appearance, Xu Jie immediately changed the subject and continued, "But I'm a member of the Art Center, so I have to do my job well first."

When Lu Hong heard it, the original idea suddenly rekindled in his heart.

"Xiao Xu, since you like variety shows and evening parties, why don't you come to our satellite TV program center? With your current grades, it's no longer suitable for you to stay in the art program center. It will only involve your energy and limit your development. "Lu Hong said seriously.

In the past, he invited the other party to join the TV program center more than once, but the other party refused, but this time, he thought it was a good opportunity.

Especially when the art program center was messed up by Wang Wanjun.

He could tell that the other party didn't want to take over the mess left by Wang Wanjun.

Otherwise, with the other party's ability and using his brain a little bit, the Art Channel would not have become what it is now.

Unexpectedly, arranging Wang Wanjun to the art program center would bring unexpected gains.

"No!" Xu Jie shook his head.

"Why?" Lu Hong asked puzzled.

"The Art Channel is in this situation, how can I leave? Besides, everyone works in the same building, and they don't see each other all day long. Those who don't know think I, Xu Jie, is a deserter. No matter how much the Art Channel has No, I have to find a way to save it." Xu Jie said seriously.

He must now get out of the quagmire of the cultural program center and concentrate on dealing with deputy editor-in-chief Lu, otherwise the two deputy editor-in-chiefs would not want him to leave, and he would have no hope of going to Beijing Television Culture.

However, he couldn't tell Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, so this task should be handed over to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu!
Lu Hong stared blankly at the young man in front of him, completely overwhelmed by his courage.

But, if you go to save the art channel, what about the programs on the satellite TV channel?
"I don't know how long it will take to see the results of the revision of the art channel. The New Year's Eve party and Spring Festival party you just mentioned, I guess I can't keep up with it. Let Director Wang take charge!" Xu Jie said.

Lu Hong shook his head when he heard it, like a rattle.

Although Wang Wanjun is his old subordinate, he has heard too many complaints from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou recently, and seeing the current situation of the Art Channel, he no longer dares to entrust such an important job to him.

"Don't use Director Wang? Then who will be in charge?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

Lu Hong lost his mind for a while.

He had asked Lao Jiang earlier, but Lao Jiang was unwilling to take the job. The explanation he gave was: he had just taken over Beijing TV Culture, and he had too much work to spare.

In fact, as the director of the satellite TV program center himself, he couldn't be more suitable to be the chief director.

But the problem is that last year's New Year's Eve party was too successful. This year, many people are probably waiting to see it. If he held a New Year's Eve concert in the form of previous years, he would definitely receive countless negative reviews, but if he followed Xiao Xu's way So, if the effect is not as good as last year, won't it be compared to Xiao Xu?
Where does this put his face?
That's why he came to ask Xiao Xu if he had any ideas about the party.

Now it seems that I still have to find Lao Zhou!

"I, think of a way, you should be busy." Lu Hong said to Xu Jie, and then walked out of the office.

Xu Jie looked at Lu Hong's back. If there were no accidents, he should be able to go to Jingshi Culture before the end of the year.

While walking, Lu Hong thought about how to persuade Lao Zhou.

He went back to his office first, took a box of good tea, and then went to find Zhou Zhengliang.


"Come in!"

Lu Hong pushed the door open and entered.

"Old Lu? Sit down!" Seeing that it was Lu Hong, Zhou Zhengliang immediately stood up from his seat to greet him.

"My friend gave me a box of good tea, bring it for you to taste!" Lu Hong said with a smile, and then put the tea on the table.

"Really?" Zhou Zhengliang held the tea box and measured it carefully, nodded and said, "Well, your old Lu's tea is definitely not bad, so I'll try it."

After speaking, he went to get the thermos cup and poured out the original tea in it.

"Old Lu, to be honest, you should have brought me tea a long time ago, do you know why?" Zhou Zhengliang asked.

"Why?" Lu Hong listened.

"Xiao Xu has only served your satellite TV channel in the past year, and has delayed the work of the art channel. Now your satellite TV channel is booming, but our art channel is deserted. Do you think you should give me a box?" Tea?" Zhou Zhengliang said with a smile.

"Well, it should be, you are right!" Lu Hong echoed.

"By the way, I'm afraid you're not just bringing me some tea when you come today? Is there something wrong? We've been together for so many years, so don't be polite to me!" Zhou Zhengliang said while opening the tin box, You can smell a fragrance when you wear the packaging.

"Hehe, I want to tell you about Xiao Xu." Lu Hong said with a smile.

"Oh?" Zhou Zhengliang stopped his movements, put the tea bag he had just taken out back into the iron box, and asked with a frown, "What's wrong with Xiao Xu?"

"You drink first, let's talk while drinking." Lu Hong said.

"Speak first, and then drink!" Zhou Zhengliang vigilantly closed the tin box.

"Hey, that's it. Isn't it almost the end of the year? Like the New Year's Eve party and the Spring Festival party, we have to start preparing. You know that director Xiao Xu's New Year's Eve party last year was very effective, so I think this year will also Let him take charge, what do you think?" Lu Hong looked at Zhou Zhengliang cautiously, fearing that the other party would disagree.

"Okay, no problem, the New Year's Eve party and the Spring Festival party are big events in Taiwan, I fully support it!" Zhou Zhengliang nodded

Lu Hong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it, and then said: "But if Xiao Xu is busy with the party, he won't have extra time to work on the revision of the art channel."

Zhou Zhengliang looked at Lu Hong and returned the tea directly to Lu Hong.

"Old Lu, old Lu, aren't you too naive? After we agreed to complete the new variety show, Xiao Xu will return to our art channel. Why are you going back on your word?" Zhou Zhengliang said dissatisfied.

Fortunately, the tea was not drunk!
"It's not contradictory. You just said that the party is a big event, right? In fact, it's a waste of talent to let Xiao Xu do something like the revision of the Art Channel. Let Wang Wanjun try again." Lu Hong said.

"Old Lu, I can see what you're up to. Want to trade Wang Wanjun for Xiao Xu? There's no way out, get out!" Zhou Zhengliang said and pushed Lu Hong out of the door.

"Old Zhou, let's discuss it again, you have to put the overall situation first!"

"Don't tell me this, it's useless!"


(End of this chapter)

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