The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 646 Ushering in a New Era

Chapter 646 Ushering in a New Era

After Zhou Zhengliang drove Lao Lu away, the first thing he did was to go to the art program center.

He wanted to go to Xu Jie, keep him steady, and at the same time quickly assign tasks to let him devote himself to work, so as to prevent him from being caught by Lao Lu as a volunteer again.

He now fully understands that Lao Lu arranged Wang Wanjun to the art program center just to mess up the place, make Xiao Xu feel disgusted here, and then take the opportunity to take Xiao Xu away from the art program center.

Such a poisonous plan!
You must not let Lao Lu succeed!
Zhou Zhengliang hurried to the art program center, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw the employees get up and leave one after another.

Today is Monday, and this time should be for the weekly meeting.

"Is your Deputy Director Xu in the office?" Zhou Zhengliang asked an employee closest to the door.

"In the office." Tian Haobo replied.

Zhou Zhengliang immediately walked to the deputy director's office.

Everyone in the office area was stunned.

As soon as deputy editor-in-chief Lu left, deputy editor-in-chief Zhou came?

Deputy Director Xu's face is gone!
In addition to the director of the station, Deputy Director Xu is probably the only one who can let the two deputy editor-in-chiefs come to the door in turn.

Everyone came to the conference room while discussing, thinking that if they could be like Deputy Director Xu, they would be enough to brag for a lifetime.

When Wang Wanjun came to the conference room, when he found that the seat on the right was vacant, his expression immediately became serious, and he asked in a deep voice, "Where is Deputy Director Xu? Why didn't you come?"

Even if the other party's new show is very popular, you can't help but come to the weekly meeting, right?
Sure enough, he came back early this time, and he didn't have any good intentions.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou is looking for him," Qin Yan said flatly.

"Go to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou?" Wang Wanjun frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou came to see him," Qin Yan said.

Wang Wanjun was stunned, with a hint of jealousy in his eyes. He has been in the art program center for so long, but deputy editor-in-chief Zhou has never come to the art program center to look for him.

In the mind of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, it was clear at a glance which one was higher and which was lower.

At this time, in the deputy director's office, Zhou Zhengliang finally got to the point after asking about his health for a while.

"Xiao Xu, I believe you have seen the current situation of the art channel. The overall ratings have dropped by a quarter compared with the same period last year. If this continues, your department's program funding will also be reduced next year. Now we can save the art channel. It's only you." Zhou Zhengliang said earnestly.

At the same time, put a hand on the shoulder of the young man in front of him, which can not only show closeness, but also show respect.

"Editor Zhou, you think highly of me, how can I have such a great ability?" Xu Jie said after hearing this, thinking: the one who should come is still here.

However, everything in front of him was within his expectations. Deputy editor-in-chief Lu must have gone to find deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, and that's why deputy editor-in-chief Zhou came to him.

Let's fight, let's fight!
The harder the fight, the easier it is to implement his plan.

"Yeah, others don't have that great ability, but you Xiao Xu definitely has it, because your variety show, even the TV channel's ratings are higher than the same period, I believe that after you have you, the art channel will be even easier!" Zhou Zheng said with a bright smile.

What he said just now is just one aspect of praise, on the other hand, he wants to remind the other party: You are a person in the center of cultural and artistic programs, and you can't spend all your energy on satellite TV channels, but also think about cultural and artistic channels.

"Editor Zhou, if I'm asked to make a show, it's absolutely fine, but the production of the show doesn't happen overnight, I need time, maybe a month, maybe two months, maybe longer." Xu Jie said.

"Time is not a problem. In fact, I also know that it is easy to destroy a channel, but it is very difficult to save a channel. Otherwise, can I entrust you with this difficult task?" Zhou Zhengliang said seriously.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try." Xu Jie agreed without hesitation, "But Director Wang..."

What he meant was very simple. Wang Wanjun was the director, and he was the deputy director. Moreover, Wang Wanjun was always in charge of the revision. If he suddenly took over, Wang Wanjun would definitely not be happy. If the other party secretly blocked him in every possible way, he, the deputy director, would have nothing to do.

"I understand." Zhou Zhengliang said.

He is someone who has been there, how could he not understand the meaning?

Zhou Zhengliang pointed to the outside, and said, "They are holding a weekly meeting, come with me!"

After speaking, he walked outside.

Xu Jie followed Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and soon came to the meeting room.

For Zhou Zhengliang's sudden appearance, everyone present was surprised, especially Wang Wanjun, who was even more heartbroken.

There is no way, I have been scared by training these days.

"Editor-in-Chief Zhou..." Wang Wanjun quickly stood up, thinking about the purpose of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou and Xu Jie coming to the meeting room together.

"What about the weekly meeting? I didn't bother you, did I?" Zhou Zhengliang said with a smile as he walked to the front.

"No, no." Wang Wanjun quickly shook his head, and gave up his seat, thinking: The entire art program center belongs to you, why bother?

"Go ahead, I'll talk about my business after you finish the meeting." Zhou Zhengliang said flatly.

"Editor Zhou, you're so busy, so you should talk first." Wang Wanjun said, he didn't dare to take Deputy Editor Zhou's polite words for granted.

"Since Director Wang said so, let me talk about my business first." Zhou Zhengliang sat down and took Wang Wanjun's seat.

He looked at the people in the conference room and said: "Actually, what I want to say is also your business. I believe you are more aware of the current situation of the Art Channel than I am. If this continues, the audience accumulated by the Art Channel over the years I'm afraid they will all leave us!"

After everyone heard it, they were all stunned, and then they all looked at Director Wang who was standing behind Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou.

What Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou said, is heartbreaking!

Isn't it obvious that Director Wang ruined the art channel?

If it's in private, in the office, one-on-one, there's no problem.

But this is a conference room, and everyone in the art program center is here. Deputy editor-in-chief Zhou said in front of everyone, isn't this a slap in the face?

Wang Wanjun's face turned red instantly, as if he had been beaten.

Especially when I saw the employees looking at me, I wished I could get under the table.

It doesn't matter if the people below say he can't do it, after all, they have to listen to him, and he has a hundred ways to shut up the people below.

But now, even the people above are talking about him, and it's still in front of the people below. Who will obey him in this cultural program center in the future?How can the work continue?

Wang Wanjun felt that he was humiliated in public!
Zhou Zhengliang didn't take it seriously, and continued: "The literature and art channel has been revised for so long, not only has it not improved, but it is worse than before. What does this mean? It means that the previous thinking and method were wrong, so starting today, Deputy Director Xu will be fully responsible for the revision work..."

Everyone was startled, it turned out that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou came today to announce this matter.

Everyone present turned their attention to Deputy Director Xu.

The focus of the Art Program Center is to be in charge of the programs of the Art Channel.

Now that deputy editor-in-chief Zhou is handing over the work of channel revision to deputy director Xu, isn't that the same as handing over the life and death power of each program of the art channel to deputy director Xu?

In this way, wouldn't Director Wang want to stand aside?

Although there is a particularly important job of the Art Program Center, that is to provide excellent art programs for satellite TV channels.

However, all the current excellent cultural programs on the satellite TV channel, including large-scale variety shows, are all directed by Deputy Director Xu.

In other words, Director Wang can't even intervene in this work now.

This is not standing aside, this is reduced to a display!

Well, it's changed!
Zhou Zhengliang continued, with a serious expression, "Everyone must actively cooperate with Deputy Director Xu's work and come up with programs that the audience likes. They must not respond negatively, let alone do one thing overtly and secretly. If anyone destroys the revision of the Art Channel Don't blame me for being rude, have you heard clearly?"

Everyone was shocked and said loudly: "Listen clearly!"

Zhou Zhengliang nodded, then stood up, looked at Wang Wanjun and said, "Okay, I've finished what I want to say, you guys continue."

Said and walked out of the meeting room.

The corner of Wang Wanjun's mouth twitched, continue?

This is still going on! !
The purpose of the weekly meeting is to summarize the work of last week and make a work plan for this week, but now, the focus of the department's work is channel revision, and the channel revision is in charge of the channel revision. In other words, this week's work, even For a long time in the future, it has nothing to do with him.

Here, he has become the redundant person!

He took a deep breath, and then said with a livid face: "Since the revision work is assigned to Deputy Director Xu, then Deputy Director Xu will speak next."

At this moment, everyone in the conference room looked at Deputy Director Xu. Some were happy, some were excited, some were looking forward to it, and some were depressed.

Xu Jie met everyone's eyes, and he was not as serious as Wang Wanjun was in the meeting, but said with a smile: "The essence of the channel revision is actually to launch some new programs that the audience likes, and these new programs are still up to you to think about." .”


Everyone was full of doubts. Didn't they say the same thing as Director Wang?

Xu Jie didn't care about everyone's gazes, and continued: "When everyone was thinking about the new program before, they all used the original program group as the unit. I think this will limit everyone's thinking, so from now on, I ask each of you to To hand over a program plan, whether it is a reporter taking pictures, or a director and host, as long as the program is excellent, whoever is in charge of the program!"


Hearing this, many people's eyes lit up.

Under normal circumstances, it usually takes many years to become a program leader from an ordinary reporter, and there may not even be a chance.

However, what Deputy Director Xu said just now undoubtedly gave everyone an equal opportunity.

No matter what kind of work you did before, and no matter how many years you have been in the Arts Program Center, now everyone is on the same starting line.

"I'll give you half a month. Of course, whoever finishes writing the program first and has confidence in the program can give it to me in advance. However, the number of program places is limited, so first come, first served. Please hurry up, okay. The meeting is over!" Xu Jie stood up and walked out of the meeting room.

He wanted to use this way to tell everyone here that if he wanted to make a big splash and become famous in one fell swoop, now is the best chance!

Everyone looked at Deputy Director Xu's back, and everyone knew that the Arts Program Center would usher in a new era starting today.


(End of this chapter)

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