Chapter 647 Complain!

Wang Wanjun walked out of the conference room without even returning to his office, and went directly to the satellite TV program center.


He knocked on the door of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's office.

"Come in!"

Hearing voices from inside the office, he opened the door and walked in.

"Huh? Wanjun? What's the matter?" Lu Hong asked suspiciously. The other party is now the director of the cultural program center. Even if he has work to report, he should go to Lao Zhou.

"Old leader, I can't do the work of the art program center!" Wang Wanjun said loudly, showing an aggrieved look at the same time.

All the humiliation received in the conference room just now was shown on this face.

Lu Hong was slightly taken aback, then pointed to the chair opposite, and said to his old subordinate: "Wan Jun, how can you say such irresponsible words? Sit down quickly, and tell me what's the matter?"

Wang Wanjun came to sit down in front of the old leader, and said with a bitter face: "Old leader, I also want to be responsible, but now it's not my turn to be responsible."

The reason why he called the old leader was that he hoped that the other party could remember the old feelings and say a few words for him. After all, among the senior management in the station, the old leader was ranked ahead of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou.

"What's wrong?" Lu Hong asked curiously.

"At the weekly meeting just now, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou announced at the meeting that Xu Jie will be fully responsible for the future revision of the Art Channel." Wang Wanjun said.

Lu Hong nodded, he knew about this matter, Lao Zhou had told him, and Xiao Xu had also told him.

I didn't expect Lao Zhou to move so fast, it seems that he was worried that he would steal people!
and then?
Wang Wanjun saw that the old leader did not respond, so he could only continue to say: "I also said that the art channel has been revised for so long, and there is no improvement. My thinking and method of making programs are wrong."

Lu Hong blinked, he also knew about this matter, Lao Zhou complained to him countless times, sued him about Wang Wanjun, and the two almost quarreled just now.

Then again?

Wang Wanjun was depressed, why didn't the old leader respond?It shouldn't be.

It seems that it can only be said directly.

"Old leader, the main work of the art program center is channel revision. Now deputy editor-in-chief Zhou has handed over this work to Xu Jie, so what should I do?" Wang Wanjun complained.

"So it's about this matter. Since Lao Zhou entrusted Xiao Xu with the task of revision, then you can be in charge of the daily management of the art program center." Lu Hong comforted after hearing this.

At the same time, I thought to myself: Why did Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou say that? Are you confused?If you finish the revision work well, can it still be Xiao Xu's turn?
"However, the current daily work atmosphere of the Art Program Center is very good, so don't worry about it." Wang Wanjun said.

What is day-to-day management work?

Organizing a meeting, managing discipline, approving items, supervising sanitation...

He is the director of the cultural program center, just doing these fringe jobs?

If you let the directors of other program centers know about it, wouldn't you laugh your ass off?

At that time, it will not be embarrassing inside the cultural program center, but it will be embarrassing in the whole station.

Is he still staying in the stage in the future?

Lu Hong looked at Wang Wanjun. He used to think that Wang Wanjun was quite nice. Why did he learn how to brag after arriving at the art program center?
If the day-to-day work is well managed, would the show be so poor?

He said patiently: "Wanjun, you can't say that. Haven't you heard of that advertisement? There is no best, only better. Do you dare to say that the current working atmosphere of the Art Program Center is better than that of other program centers?" ?”

"Uh..." Wang Wanjun opened his mouth and huh for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

With so many departments in the station, he really didn't dare to say that.

After all, it is worse than the satellite TV program center.

And once the old leader took it seriously and went to the art program center for field inspections, wouldn't deputy editor-in-chief Zhou know about his complaint?
"Look, don't you dare to guarantee it? This shows that there is still room for improvement in management. Okay, let's go back." Lu Hong said a little impatiently, and at the same time waved his hand at the other party.

"But old leader, I was recommended by you to go to the art program center. Didn't Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou disrespect you by doing this?" Wang Wanjun couldn't help but said.

After Lu Hong heard it, the expression on his face immediately turned cold.

There is a big problem with what you said.

Responding directly to the superior is the first thing; provoking the relationship between the leaders is the second.

"Wan Jun, I remember that the revision of the Art Channel seems to be brought up by you, right?" Lu Hong asked.

"Yes, it's me!" Wang Wanjun nodded repeatedly.

"But you've been to the art program center for so long, how is the revision going?" Lu Hong asked again.

"Well, it's too sudden to be transferred to the art program center." Wang Wanjun said in a low voice, and he began to feel guilty.

"Suddenly? Four months have passed, is it still sudden? Do you want to give you a few years? Besides, if you are not ready, what revision do you propose?" Lu Hong said coldly.

"Who knew those people were so incompetent that they couldn't even do a show well?" Wang Wanjun chose to throw the blame away.

"Bullshit, when Jiang Hai was here, why was it so good? Once you left, those people's abilities became worse? Is this your problem or their problem?" Lu Hong's voice was stern.

In his opinion, it is completely wrong for the other party to mention the revision as soon as they go to the cultural program center.

When you arrive in an unfamiliar department, the first thing you need to do is to find out the situation of this department. You must understand the daily work, each program, and everyone, and start working after you have mastered everything. The so-called: know yourself and the enemy, and win every battle .

But what about the other party?

One wrong step, one wrong step!

The result is the current situation.

Chicken feathers all over the place.

What annoyed him the most was that the other party not only didn't know how to repent and didn't sum up, but went to him to complain. Is this what a department director should do?

Today's elementary school students don't do this either!
"It just so happens that Xu Jie is handing over the revision work. Look at how he works, study and study, don't think that he is young and is the deputy director, so he looks down on him. Maybe his management ability is not as good as yours, but his level of program production , much, much taller than you, you should really learn from him!"

After Lu Hong finished speaking, he picked up a document from the table and read it, with an attitude that I don't want to talk to you.

He is now worrying about how to get Xiao Xu into the satellite TV program center. How can he care about the art program center?

Moreover, Lao Zhou has now let Xiao Xu take over the revision of the literary channel. He thinks it will be even more difficult to pull Xiao Xu under his command in a short time.

What about the New Year's Eve party?
Who is on?

When Wang Wanjun saw the old leader's attitude, he knew that the old leader was issuing an order to chase away the guests. After all, he had followed the other party for so many years, so he still had some insight.

"Old leader, then I'll go back." Wang Wanjun stood up and walked out with a disappointed expression, his eyes filled with resignation.

Arts program center.

Xu Jie is sitting in the office, discussing with the "Delicious History" program team about the shooting content of next month.

"Crossover Actor" is over, and the 12 episodes of "Ordinary Courage" have also been finished. Without the large-scale variety show, he has nothing to do now, and finally has time to sit with everyone.

In recent months, "Delicious History" was basically completed by Song Huanhuan and the others independently, so the discussion process went very smoothly, and the content for the next month was quickly determined.

Just when Xu Jie got up and was about to go back to the office, Liu Hua stopped him suddenly.

"Director Xu, can I ask you a question?"

Xu Jie sat down when he heard it, looked at the other party with a smile and said, "Aren't you just asking? When did you become so polite?"

Liu Hua smiled embarrassingly, and then asked: "You said the program of the Art Channel, what type or theme is more popular?"


After hearing this, the people in the program team looked at Liu Hua in surprise.

"Sister Hua, do you have an idea for the new program?" Tian Haobo asked curiously.

"I had no idea, so I asked Director Xu." Liu Hua said.

"No, I mean, you want to do a new show?" Tian Haobo asked.

Liu Hua nodded, "I want to give it a try. After all, the production of "Delicious History" is getting smoother now, and it can be completed in half a month. I have been with Director Xu for such a long time, and I also want to see what my ability is." No improvement."

"Well, not bad!" Xu Jie nodded gratifiedly, stretched out a thumbs up to Liu Hua, and praised: "Your idea is very good, don't you have such a saying? A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, but it is easy." After retirement, you should take advantage of your age to fly more, otherwise how will you know how high you can fly?"

He feels that Liu Hua is an art director himself, and he should be able to do a good job in performing arts programs, so he is very supportive of Liu Hua's ideas.

No matter what, you have to try it. If you don’t try it, how will you know if you can do it?

Moreover, this can be regarded as a kind of support for his work.

If no one is writing the program plan, or everyone is dealing with it, what is the difference from when Wang Wanjun was in charge?
Now that he has taken up this job, if possible, he also wants to leave something for the art channel before leaving, otherwise he has been busy working for the satellite channel for the past few years.

Hearing Director Xu's words, Liu Hua felt even more embarrassed, and the rest of the program crew also became concerned.

Although it is very easy for everyone to work with Director Xu now, can it continue like this forever?

Now that the Literature and Art Channel has been revised, and Director Xu is the person in charge, it is a very good opportunity for each of them.

Maybe you can have your own show?
Before, they didn't think about it, and they didn't dare to think about it.

But Director Xu's words just now seemed to inject a dose of stimulant into their bodies.

Such an opportunity can be said to be once in a lifetime.

After this village, maybe there will be no such shop.

Who is not self-motivated?
Who doesn't want to fly into the sky?

"Director Xu, tell me, I want to hear it too." Xiao Wei said.

The others also nodded and looked at Xu Jie expectantly.

"Okay, then I'll talk about it!"


(End of this chapter)

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