The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 648 No sense of existence

Chapter 648 No sense of existence

Wang Wanjun walked out of the elevator with his head drooping, frustration and confusion written all over his face.

The old leader didn't help him, and didn't even say a word for him. This result was beyond his expectation, and it made him very depressed. He felt that his grandma didn't love his uncle.

Thinking back to the days when I was in the satellite TV program center, what a scene it was, why did I get so miserable after I arrived at the art program center?
Sure enough, the water in the literary circle is too deep!
When he returned to the cultural program center, he saw many people gathered together as soon as he opened the door. These people talked to each other, and they didn't know what they were talking about, but they were talking and laughing, as if they were having a tea party.

what's the situation?
Wang Wanjun frowned tightly.

In the past few months when he came to the cultural program center, although the ratings of the program did not increase, the discipline style in the office has been rectified very well.

But now, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou has just announced that the work of channel revision has been handed over to that person surnamed Xu. These employees have forgotten his office discipline, isn't the speed of change too fast?
He is also the director of the art program center!

Well, it seems that the old leader has the foresight.

The discipline of the Arts Program Center cannot be done without him.

"What are you doing? We get together to chat during working hours. Have we already finished our work?" Wang Wanjun reprimanded loudly.

He was holding back his anger, and was worried that he had nowhere to vent. He didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

I thought: Since you are hitting the muzzle of the gun, don't blame me for firing!

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"Director Wang, we are discussing a new program."


Wang Wanjun was slightly startled when he heard the voice, and then he saw a man stand up from the crowd.

"Director Wang, do you want to discuss with us?" Xu Jie asked Wang Wanjun with a smile.

At the beginning, he just discussed with the "Delicious History" program group about the selection of genres for the new program of the Art Channel.

As a result, while talking, the people around also gathered together, and the scale of the discussion evolved from a few people at the beginning to dozens of people later.

The corner of Wan Jun's mouth twitched involuntarily. He had already been deprived of the job of channel revision by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, but the other party even invited him. Isn't this slapping him in the face again?
"Go ahead, I have other things to do, but since we are discussing a new program, it is best to go to the conference room, where it will affect other people's work." Wang Wanjun said seriously.

"Okay, Director Wang, I was actually just answering questions. I didn't expect more and more people to listen to it. I was negligent. I shouldn't affect those who have already made up their minds. I will pay attention to it in the future." Xu Jie said after hearing this .

Those who didn't attend the lecture in the office area all changed their faces when they heard Deputy Director Xu's words.

They just defected to Director Wang before, and now they are embarrassed to listen to it. But after Deputy Director Xu said so, the confused people became people who had a plan for the new program plan.

It's over, hasn't this become the focus of Deputy Director Xu's observation?

If you can't come up with a good program plan, there will definitely be a lot of food!

These people looked at Director Wang with a bitter face, and thought: Director Wang, Director Wang, what are you already doing, don't you know what to do, why do you want to provoke Deputy Director Xu?

Director Wang is fine, and they are all unlucky.

I am really not afraid of opponents like gods, but leaders like pigs.

And now?

They have to face not only god-like opponents, but also pig-like leaders, and feel that their whole life has become difficult.

Naturally, Wang Wanjun also heard the implication of Xu Jie's words. He didn't expect that instead of embarrassing the other party, he pushed his own people into the pit, and finally he could only leave depressed.

"Everyone, keep working." Xu Jie was about to leave.

"Director Xu, please tell us more." Liu Hua said, with an unfinished expression on his face.

"Yeah, the atmosphere was so good just now, don't just stop." Miao Zhenzhen echoed.

"Director Xu, haven't you finished speaking yet? How can you stop in the middle of the talk?" An employee from another program group said, still holding a pen and a notebook in his hand, the notebook was already filled with words.

In their opinion, listening to Director Xu's analysis has benefited a lot. After all, the ratings of Director Xu's programs are among the best in the country, which can be said to be a brilliant record and rich experience.

On the other hand, Director Wang's analysis... Oh, by the way, Director Wang has never analyzed it for everyone, but only asked everyone to write a plan.

Seeing it, Xu Jie saw that the hospitality was hard to turn down, so he said, "Okay, then let's continue."

Everyone laughed immediately when they heard it, and then listened carefully to Director Xu's continued analysis.

But this time, even those who hadn't listened to it before joined in.

Throughout the day, the Arts Program Center was enveloped in a relaxed atmosphere, changing from the dull atmosphere of the past.

Many people had smiles on their faces, and they were very active in their work. The art program center seemed to have returned to the way it was when Director Jiang was there.


It's that time again that all office workers are looking forward to, getting off work.

However, none of the people in the art program center left. Who asked someone who likes to work overtime to be the director?
When Wang Wanjun came to the public office area, he raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was already past the off-duty time, and he looked at the hard-working employees with a gratified smile on his face.

I thought: Don’t think I can’t control you if I’m not in charge of the channel revision!

There was the sound of the door opening in the corridor, Xu Jie hummed his wife's song, and walked out with light steps.

When he saw the densely packed colleagues in the office area, he was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously: "Isn't it already off work? Why don't you leave? When did our cultural program center have so many jobs?"

The current cultural program center does not have large-scale variety show tasks, nor large-scale evening party tasks. Even the revised program of the cultural channel is still in the stage of deliberation and discussion, so now should be the most leisure time, why everyone is busy. Like the end of the year?
Everyone raised their heads, first looked in the direction of Deputy Director Xu, then looked in the direction of Director Wang, and finally lowered their heads again.

Seeing everyone's eyes, Xu Jie immediately understood what was going on.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie clapped his hands, and the people present immediately looked up.

Xu Jie said at this time: "If you are working on a new program plan, then there is no need to stay here at all, you can go home and write. I don't want to see a group of people who are listless because they worked overtime the first day and the next day, and Work is work, life is life, as long as you don't delay work, you should leave work when you should, look at me, I am anxious to get home from work every day, have I delayed work?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard it.

There was nothing wrong with what he said, and it could even be said that he was slapping Director Wang in the face.

Director Wang works overtime every day, how is the result?A decent show was never made.

On the other hand, deputy director Xu is in a hurry to get off work every day, but all the programs he makes are the number one in ratings.


Qin Yan stood up and began to pack her bags.

Others took a look, since Deputy Director Xu had already spoken, and there was already a role model, so what else to do?

So, the second, the third, the fourth...

In the end, one by one turned into pieces, and everyone carried their bags and went out.

"Director Xu, goodbye!"


When the employees left, they greeted Xu Jie one after another.

And Wang Wanjun on the side was directly treated as a decoration, and the effect was the same as that of the water dispenser on the side, or even inferior to the water dispenser.

After all, the drinking fountain can quench people's thirst, but Wang Wanjun can only make people angry.

Wang Wanjun gritted his teeth angrily as he looked at the office area which was soon empty of people.

He doesn't need to organize the meeting, and the discipline doesn't listen to him. Should he be responsible for hygiene?
"Director Wang, see you tomorrow!" Xu Jie waved at Wang Wanjun, and then walked out of the art program center.

Wang Wanjun gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Jie's back, but he could only smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

several days in a row.

Wang Wanjun is like air in the art program center.

No one reports to him, and he has nothing to announce in meetings.

This almost zero sense of existence made him feel more and more depressed. He knew that the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou would definitely turn to Xu, so after thinking about it, he could only go to the old leader again.


"Come in!"

Wang Wanjun opened the door and walked into the office. Looking at the old leader who was on the phone, he sat obediently in front without making a sound.

When Lu Hong saw that he was coming, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He was even more upset when he was worried about something.

"Old Jiang, just help me this time. I owe you a favor. If you don't come to the New Year's Eve party, no one will come... I can't, I have to be in charge of the Spring Festival party... Xiao Xu is busy with the revision of the art channel, and he doesn't have time... He can't do it anymore, hey, don't hang up, hey, hey?"

Lu Hong looked at the phone and sighed deeply.

He turned around and sat down, looked at Wang Wanjun in front of him, and asked, "What's the matter? Didn't I tell you? I went to the art program center, and I will report to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou if I have anything to do in the future."

Wang Wanjun scratched his head with his hands when he heard it, and after a while, he mustered up his courage and said: "Old leader, look, can you transfer me back to the satellite TV program center?"

"What?" Lu Hong frowned, "Why?"

"No, it's nothing, I just think the satellite TV program center might be more suitable for me." Wang Wanjun said.

"Whether it is suitable or not, arranging you to the art program center is not only a job for you, but also a test for you. Do you go and leave whenever you want? What do you think of the decision of the station leader? " Lu Hong said dissatisfied.

Personnel changes at the level of the director of the program center need to be discussed collectively by the senior management of the station.

He was the one who strongly recommended Wang Wanjun to go to the art program center at the beginning, but now he has to transfer him back to the satellite TV program center without any achievements. Isn't this a slap in the face?
What would other leaders think?
What would the director think?
Improper employment?Still blind?
Wang Wanjun lowered his head, his move is called retreat as advance, the meaning is very clear: either help me, or transfer me back.

He suddenly rang the old leader's phone, so he asked tentatively: "Old leader, is there no one in charge of the New Year's Eve party yet? How do you think I'm here?"

Lu Hong rolled his eyes directly, thinking that this person is really overreaching, in fact, the last "he" on the phone just now was Wang Wanjun.

"You go back first, I'll think about your matter again." Lu Hong said impatiently, almost annoyed by the other party.

"Ah? Oh." Wang Wanjun stood up and could only leave the office.

Lu Hong thought for a while, picked up the phone again, and dialed a number.

"Xiao Xu, are you busy? If you are not busy, come to my place, yes, right now..."


(End of this chapter)

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