Chapter 649 Repentance!

Xu Jie came to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's office. The door was left open with a big gap, but he still reached out and knocked on the door.


After Lu Hong in the office saw Xu Jie standing outside, he stood up and said enthusiastically, "Xiao Xu, come in quickly."

After finishing speaking, he walked out from behind the desk, pointed to the sofa beside the guest, and said, "Sit down quickly, I asked someone to bring back a box of Tieguanyin from other places, you can taste it for me."

Then he went to make tea.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he saw it, he was a little puzzled and flattered at the same time.

He doesn't have much research on tea, and he usually drinks scented tea. He can add a handful of wolfberries at most, how can he taste the good or bad?

Moreover, Tangtang's deputy editor-in-chief made tea for him, which was even higher than his current blood pressure.

But the old saying is good: if you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal.

It seems that deputy editor-in-chief Lu has encountered a problem again.

He sat down on the sofa, looked at the busy deputy editor-in-chief Lu, and already guessed in his heart the intention of the other party calling him here.

What can make deputy editor-in-chief Lu worry about must be something related to the satellite TV channel, and now the satellite TV channel only has those few things.

Others don't know, how can he know?

"Xiao Xu, come and taste how it tastes." Lu Hong came to Xu Jie's side, and directly handed the teacup in his hand to Xu Jie.

He also learned the lesson of giving Lao Zhou a gift last time, and waited for someone to drink it before talking, and if he didn't drink it, he didn't talk.

Xu Jie took the teacup with both hands, put it to his mouth and blew gently, and then took a sip, the taste was light and sweet.

"It's delicious." Xu Jie said.

He didn't know the quality of the tea, but he knew that the tea made by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu was certainly not ordinary tea.

"It's good to drink." Lu Hong said with a smile: "By the way, I heard that you have already taken over the job of revising the art channel? I don't know how it is going, is it going well?"

"It's not going well, it's still in the discussion stage." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

The most work he does every day is to discuss the program with his colleagues.

"It's not an easy thing to revise. Nowadays, there are various programs with rich and colorful content, and it is even more difficult to make new programs, especially new programs that the audience likes. So don't worry, Take everything slowly." Lu Hong comforted, putting on a big brother look.

Xu Jie nodded, and at the same time thought to himself: It really looks like I am doing a program for the Art Channel. When I made "Ordinary Courage" for the Satellite TV channel, why didn't I see you say don't worry and take your time?

People, sure enough, you only get anxious when you encounter things that are related to you, and you don't worry when you encounter things that have nothing to do with you.

"Xiao Xu, do you still remember that you told me a few days ago that you prefer making variety shows and evening parties?" Lu Hong asked.

Xu Jie laughed inwardly when he heard this, the old fox finally couldn't help but want to say it.

"Remember." Xu Jie said.

"In the past few days, I have been thinking that whether it is a program or a party, only those who really like them can make them well, so I have thought about it, and I still want you to be in charge of the New Year's Eve party." Lu Hong once again Bring it up.

There is no alternative.

He has recently contacted a number of directors outside the Beijing Radio and Television System. These people have experience in directing large-scale evening shows, and some of them have even collaborated before.

But when these people heard that they were invited to direct Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party this year, they all chose to decline.

Although there were various reasons for the refusal, he could tell that he didn't dare to lead.

If, like other TV stations, it is just directing an ordinary New Year's Eve music party and inviting some stars to sing, then there is no problem in directing.

But last year Xu Jie directed a different New Year's Eve party, and the reputation was overwhelming. Now these directors dare not accept Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party, for fear that the director will not be as good as last year and be scolded by the audience.

So he invited and invited, but he couldn't invite anyone at all, so he could only pin his hope on the young man in front of him.

"Editor Lu, as you know, I've been busy with the channel revision recently, and this time I don't have one program but many programs, so I don't have time to direct the New Year's Eve party at all." Xu Jie said with a wry smile. Look helpless.

"Just say you agree or not?" Lu Hong asked.

"It depends on what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou wants." Xu Jie didn't say he agreed or disagreed.

Lu Hong felt so bitter, if he could persuade Zhou Zhengliang, he wouldn't have called Xu Jie to the office.

In fact, he can force Xu Jie to be in charge of the New Year's Eve party. After all, the New Year's Eve party is a party for the entire Beijing TV station, which is different from variety shows. When it comes to the interests of the whole station, Lao Zhou also listens to him. Who put him in front of Lao Zhou?
But once he did this, it would be tantamount to breaking face with Lao Zhou. Will Lao Zhou cooperate with his work well in the future?
Even if you don't say it, you will always remember it in your heart.

And if the other party told the director of Wang Wanjun's performance in the cultural program center, then he, the recommender, would not be able to escape the responsibility.

Therefore, there is really no way to turn against Lao Zhou now.

This is what troubles him the most.

On the one hand, he urgently needs Xiao Xu's rescue; on the other hand, Lao Zhou will not let him go.


Seeing Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's tangled look, Xu Jie thought that his chance had come, so he said, "Editor-in-Chief Lu, I remember that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou said when he asked me to take over the revision task of the Literature and Art Channel, don't worry about Satellite TV for now. For the work of the channel, we must concentrate on doing a good job in the work of the art channel.”

Lu Hong was not surprised. With Lao Zhou's character, he could indeed say such a thing.

"I can understand. After all, after Lao Jiang left, the art channel became a mess, and no one could stand up, and your programs are all on the satellite TV channel. If it were me, I would tie you up like Lao Zhou. Literature and Art Channel." Lu Hong said.

"The revision of the Art Channel is not an easy task, and I don't know when it will be completed, let alone when it will be effective." Xu Jie said.

It's one thing to finish a new show, it's another to have an effect.

Just like Wang Wanjun, a lot of new programs have been produced, but none of them can play in the end, and in the end they have to be replaced.

The reason why the satellite TV channel revision was successful at the beginning was because the strength of the entire station was gathered. In addition to the satellite TV program center, the elites of each program center were trying their best to launch good programs to serve the satellite TV channel revision. It is no wonder that it was unsuccessful.

However, the current revision of the art channel is only in charge of a department of the art program center, so naturally it cannot see results as quickly as the revision of the satellite TV channel.

Hearing Xu Jie's words, Lu Hong felt even more bitter, and couldn't help sighing: "It would be great if Lao Jiang was here, he will definitely agree."

In fact, for things like the New Year's Eve party, he can go to Wang Wanjun, the director of the cultural program center, but the problem is that Wang Wanjun's performance in the cultural program center is too bad, and he has completely lost Lao Zhou's trust.

And depending on the situation, Lao Zhou not only interfered with the work of the cultural program center, but also had the momentum to take over the work of the cultural program center. Wang Wanjun has now lost the right to speak, and it is useless for him to go to the other party now.

So at this time, he thought of the cooperation with Lao Jiang, it was really smooth, there was no problem that a box of tea could not solve, if there was, then add another bottle of wine.

As for Lao Zhou, don't take this set.

"Well, Director Jiang is easy to talk to." Xu Jie echoed.

Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie, the other party was right, Lao Jiang was really easy to talk to.

In fact, what he is most worried about now is the future.

Lao Zhou dared to reject him today, and he would definitely dare to reject him again in the future.

Lao Zhou asked Xu Jie to return to the literary channel, so he may have fewer and fewer opportunities to use Xiao Xu in the future.

This is not a good thing for him, nor for the satellite TV channel.

After all, the current ace programs of the satellite TV channel are all produced by Xiao Xu, and they rely too much on Xiao Xu. Once Xiao Xu's participation decreases, the quality of the programs may also decline.

Xu Jie picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, and took the opportunity to glance at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu. He felt that the time was almost here, then put down the cup and said, "Editor-in-Chief Lu, do you still remember that when Director Jiang left, he wanted to take me away?" thing?"

Lu Hong nodded and said, "I know."

At the beginning, he was the one who went out in person to keep the young man in front of him.

"Thinking about it now, it's actually pretty good for me to go to Jingshi Culture, at least I won't embarrass you, Editor-in-Chief Lu," Xu Jie said.

Lu Hong was taken aback when he heard it, and thought about what the other party said, it seemed that it was indeed the case.

If the other party really went to Jingshi Culture, based on the relationship between the TV station and Beijing Television Culture, and the relationship between himself and Lao Jiang, it would not delay the production of variety shows, and someone would direct the New Year's Eve party.

The only influential ones are the two small programs "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk", but except for Xiao Xu, the original cast members are all there, even if there is influence, it is very limited.

At that time, even if the revision of the Literature and Art Channel did not go well, it was impossible for Lao Zhou to call Lao Jiang and Xiao Xu back to save the scene, let alone interfere with his use of Xiao Xu.

Thinking of this, Lu Hong couldn't help sighing.

At the beginning, I thought it was a good move, but now it seems to be a bad move.

Obviously, Wang Wanjun can be exchanged for Xiao Xu's unlimited use rights, but now it depends on Lao Zhou's face. The key is that Wang Wanjun's revision is not good, and it also gives him a handle in Lao Zhou's hands.

"If you were transferred to Jingshi Culture, would you still be willing to go?" Lu Hong asked suddenly.

"Yes, with Director Jiang in charge, I have the confidence to do anything." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "But it may be difficult now, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou will not let him go."

"I'll talk to Lao Jiang about this matter, and we will operate it, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you have to do a good job in the revision of the art channel, otherwise, with Lao Zhou's temper, he will not agree to anything." Lu Hong said.

He decided to get rid of Lao Zhou once and for all, even if it was too late for the New Year's Eve party, anyway, he never wanted to be rejected when he used Xiao Xu.

"Okay, I will finish the show well!" Xu Jie said seriously.

Just waiting for your words!

(End of this chapter)

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