The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 651 What are you doing?

Chapter 651 What are you doing?
"Thank you, you are my wife!" After Xu Jie finished speaking, he couldn't help stretching out his hand and pinched Su Yun's pretty face. It's all here, I thought you were going to sell me!"

Su Yun obediently let the man pinch her face, she didn't resist, and even smiled, being pinched by the man with a smile.

On the one hand, pinching does not hurt.

This is just a small interaction between husband and wife to increase feelings, not domestic violence.

On the other hand, what the man said just now moved her very much.

As long as it is helpful to your career, I will support with both hands and feet...

Being able to say this kind of words is not only support, but also a kind of tolerance, a kind of love, and it also shows that the other party's feelings for her are the same before and after marriage, and have never changed.

She has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and she has heard many things about female stars getting married, and her husband's appearance before and after marriage.

The fact that a man can consistently support her career further proves that he did not marry the wrong person.

"No, I have to tell my mother to make her happy too!" Xu Jie picked up the mobile phone on the table, found his mother's number and played it.

He knew that the reason why Su Yun was worried was because she was worried about his parents.

Since ancient times, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a big problem.

Of course, there are many such things in the entertainment industry.

So he wants to prove with practical actions that his parents will definitely support the Spring Festival Gala and completely dispel the other party's concerns.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The call was connected quickly.

"Mom, let me tell you a good thing!" Xu Jie said, but after he finished speaking, he heard a strange voice coming from the microphone.

"Sixty thousand!"


The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched. It seemed that the call was not made at the right time. Mom was probably playing mahjong.

"Good thing? Does Xiaoyun have it?" Wang Guizhi asked excitedly.

"You are talking about happy events, but I am talking about good events." Xu Jie said.

When you are not married, you urge to get married, and when you get married, you are anxious to have grandchildren. It seems that mothers are like this. I remember that my aunt was like this.

Sure enough, the same world, the same mother.

"Oh, what good is that? Thirty thousand." Wang Guizhi said.

"Your daughter-in-law has received an invitation from the director team of the China TV Spring Festival Gala, that is to say, Su Yun is going to the Spring Festival Gala this year." Xu Jie said loudly, afraid that his mother's attention would be on mahjong and she might not be able to hear him clearly. if.

"Really?" Wang Guizhi asked.

Xu Jie could hear the joy in his mother's voice, so while turning on the hands-free, he said, "Of course it's true, can I still lie to you about this?"

After speaking, he stretched out the mobile phone to Su Yun, motioning for the other party to listen.

After Su Yun saw it, she immediately leaned forward, stared at the phone intently, and listened carefully.

"Okay, this is a good thing. Hey, did you all hear? My daughter-in-law is going to the Spring Festival Gala. Don't forget to watch it at home during the Chinese New Year this year."

Wang Guizhi's words came from the microphone, but these words were obviously not addressed to them, but to the poker players. More precisely, they should be showing off to the poker players.

And the poker friends also responded in a very face-saving manner.

"Got it, got it, I'm glad you are."

"Isn't your daughter-in-law Su Yun? I remember she went to the Spring Festival Gala before."

"How can it be the same? It used to be the past, and now she is my daughter-in-law."

"I know, I will definitely watch it!"


"Son, Xiaoyun is going to the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve. You can't let her go alone. You have to follow her and take care of her. Don't be in a hurry to come back after the performance. It's dark and the road is far away. Take a good rest at home. The first day of junior high school It's not too late to come back." Wang Guizhi instructed, with concern in his voice.

"Mom, I got it." Xu Jie said after hearing this, "Okay, I won't bother you playing mahjong."


Xu Jie turned off the phone, smiled and said to Su Yun: "How, am I right? My mother, can I not understand?"

After hearing this, Su Yun came to sit beside Xu Jie, put her arms around the man's arms, rested her head on the man's shoulders, and said happily, "Thank you, thank you mom."

"We're all a family, why are you being polite? But you can't go to the Spring Festival Gala and go to the Spring Festival Gala, and you can't starve to death for the Spring Festival Gala." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Well, I listen to you."

After dinner.

The two returned to the room and sat on the bed.

Usually at this time, Xu Jie would read books, and Su Yun would read scripts, but today, Xu Jie held a laptop on his lap, browsing news and videos on the Internet, looking for program inspiration.

He had no idea what kind of program plan his colleagues at the Art Program Center would write. To be on the safe side, he planned to think up a program by himself in case of emergency.

Although the two are doing their own things, they will also chat from time to time, and they will not disturb each other. The picture is very harmonious.

"Didn't you just finish your program? The TV station hasn't finished broadcasting it yet, why are you making a new program?" Su Yun asked while looking at the script in her hand.

"This time it's not a variety show. Isn't our art program center going to revise the channel? We're going to launch some new programs, so I'll see if there are any good themes that can be used." Xu Jie said.

"Isn't your new director responsible for the channel revision?" Su Yun asked.

"Now I will take over." Xu Jie said.

"Ah? Didn't you say that you don't want to take over this mess?" Su Yun asked curiously. She heard Xu Jie mention it when she was on her honeymoon.

"One moment, another moment, now not only have to take over, but also do a good job of the show." Xu Jie said while watching the news.

"Why?" Su Yun looked at the man beside her.

"Because I can only leave the Arts Program Center if the program is done well and the revision is completed!" Xu Jie said naturally, and did not intend to hide it from Su Yun.

He is at work during the day and cannot let outsiders know, but this is home and Su Yun is his wife.

And he went to Jingshi Culture, also for the other party.

So it’s okay to talk to the other party.

"Ah? Are you leaving the art program center? Where are you going? Satellite TV program center?" Su Yun was startled, she had never heard it mentioned before.

"JingTV Culture." Xu Jie said.

"JingTV Culture? Why do you want to go there?" Su Yun asked in surpriseChapter 649

She thought that the other party wanted to transfer to the satellite TV program center. After all, that was the core department of Beijing TV Station, and there was no problem at all with the other party's ability, but she never thought that the other party would actually want to be transferred to a station other than the TV station.

"I have just been promoted to the deputy director of the Art Program Center. I can't be promoted in a short period of time, so I plan to develop outside. First, Jingshi Culture is also part of the Beijing Radio and Television System. Second, it will be more free to work there, and There is also a chance to get involved in the film and television industry." Xu Jie explained.

"Film and TV circle?" Su Yun was stunned, then turned around and asked, "Did you go because of me?"

"Well, after all, you have become popular now, and you don't lack exposure. I'm still staying in the art program center, and I don't seem to be able to help you. If you go to Jingshi Culture, it will be different. Variety shows, evening parties, large-scale events, Movies and TV dramas, these are all available, and the general manager of Jingshi Culture is my old leader Jiang Hai, and I will definitely be able to speak after I go there." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Su Yun looked at the man in a daze. She didn't expect him to do so much in silence. Even his future plans revolved around her.

Thinking of this, she suddenly stretched out her hand, threw the computer aside, turned over and sat where the laptop was just now.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun in confusion.


Su Yun nodded, and then came up with a trick of hungry tiger rushing to eat, answering the other party with practical actions.


(End of this chapter)

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