The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 652 The first confirmed chapter

Chapter 652 The First Confirmed Program
A week passed quickly, and the deadline for submitting new program proposals was getting closer, but the atmosphere in the office area was still very relaxed, and everyone seemed to be in no hurry, without any sense of urgency.

Wang Wanjun was very satisfied with such a working atmosphere, and wished to buy some beer, drinks, mineral water, and rice pudding with peanuts and melon seeds out of his own pocket, so that no one would prepare the program plan.

Regarding these employees, he thinks he knows a lot about them. All of them only want to work overtime, and their work efficiency is extremely poor, so he doesn't believe that these people can come up with any good program plans.

In his opinion, Xu's behavior of starting classes is nothing more than playing the piano against the cows. Not only that, but also provides employees with opportunities to fish.

He wished that time would pass faster now, because as long as this week is over, there will be good shows to watch.

He wanted to let deputy editor-in-chief Zhou know that the failure of the art channel's revision was not his problem, but that the entire art program center was really rotten.

In a blink of an eye, more than half of the second week has passed.

Wang Wanjun finally couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, gave up the way of getting along with him that he avoided before, and chose to take the initiative to make trouble for that Xu.

For this reason, he deliberately came to the unit 20 minutes earlier than usual, and stood in the public office area. On the surface, he was maintaining office discipline, but in fact he was waiting for the person surnamed Xu.

When everyone saw Director Wang who was obviously different from the previous few days, they immediately thought of the past.

No need to ask, Director Wang must feel that he can do it again!
Everyone is used to this.

Whenever Director Wang's little heart, which has been stabbed countless times by Deputy Director Xu, starts to move again, it's like this
I don't know what knife Director Wang is going to hand this time.

Although I have never won before, everyone admires this kind of spirit of kicking the nose and putting the face on the face.

The door of the Art Program Center was pushed open at this moment, and Deputy Director Xu walked in from the outside.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on Deputy Director Xu, and some people kept blinking to send signals.


Xu Jie greeted everyone with a smile.

He knows that his days at the Art Center are dwindling, so he especially cherishes the days of working with everyone.

Of course, he also wanted to leave a good impression on everyone before he left, maybe he would come back one day in the future?
Xu Jie was about to go back to the office when he saw Wang Wanjun after a few steps. He was standing by the water dispenser in the aisle, looking like a water dispenser administrator, but the hidden smile on his brow betrayed him.

Something happened!
Wang Wanjun has kept a straight face for the past few days, and it has never been effective. What happened today?

Did Wang Wanjun know that he was leaving?
But currently only four people know about this matter, he, Su Yun, Boss Jiang and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

He didn't say it, and Su Yun certainly wouldn't say it, Boss Jiang and Wang Wanjun have nothing to do with each other, it seems that only Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu is left.

Is it really deputy editor-in-chief Lu?

Speaking of which, Wang Wanjun is also an old subordinate of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

"Good morning, Director Wang." Xu Jie walked up to Wang Wanjun and stopped, wanting to know what kind of medicine the other party was selling in his gourd.

"Morning, Deputy Director Xu seems to be in a good mood. Is there any progress in the revision work?" Wang Wanjun asked with a smile.

"That's not true, it's just that everyone is very happy to see it." Xu Jie said after hearing it, after all, he won't be able to watch it in a while.

Let alone looking at other colleagues, even looking at Wang Wanjun, he is in a good mood.

"Deputy Director Xu, as the director, I think it is necessary to remind you that today is Thursday, and next Monday is the deadline for program proposals. If there is no qualified proposal, what should you do?" Wang Wanjun said with a look Worried, worried look.

Xu Jie was startled, it turned out that this was the matter, and he thought the other party knew that he was going to leave.

Just such a small matter, as for gloating?

The surrounding employees also understood at this time, it turned out that Director Wang was happy for this matter.

I didn't do it well, so I was happy when I saw that others didn't make any progress. This kind of approach really sounded like Director Wang.

However, while everyone despised Director Wang in their hearts, they also felt very guilty. After all, they failed to complete the tasks assigned by Deputy Director Xu, and even made things difficult for Deputy Director Xu.

In fact, not completing the task is nothing, but it is not good for Deputy Director Xu to lose face in front of Director Wang.

After all, Deputy Director Xu has always been very protective of them.

"It's okay, two weeks is not enough, then give them another two weeks, as the old saying goes: slow work pays off. After all, I have already waited for four months, so what's the point of waiting for another two weeks?" Xu Jiehao Said indifferently.

The implication: you have no results for four months, and you still expect me to produce results in two weeks?

The corner of Wang Wanjun's mouth twitched, and he immediately felt upset.

Four months, isn't this the time when he announced the revision of the art channel after he came to the art program center?

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wanjun and said: "Director Wang, it can be seen that you are very concerned about the channel revision. If you have any ideas about new programs, you can tell me. Don't chat, I still have work."

After speaking, he walked to the office.

Wang Wanjun gritted his teeth with a livid face.

Tell you?
I should be the director of a department, and I have to report to you, the deputy director, if I have an idea?

Go dream!

Xu Jie returned to the office, not long after, there was a knock on the door outside.


"Please come in!"

The door opened and it was Liu Hua.

"Director Xu, my program plan is finished, please have a look." Liu Hua walked to the desk and put the document in his hand on the table.


Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face.

This is the first program proposal he has received!
"Okay, you go back first, I'll call you after I finish reading." Xu Jie immediately picked up the plan.

"Yes!" Liu Hua turned and left the office without interrupting.

Xu Jie looked at the plan in his hand, and carefully read it line by line.

For the program that Liu Hua is going to do, he knows some content, because in the past week and a half, the other party asked him a lot of questions, and the two discussed some details together, but it was all verbal at the time. above, it has not been put into writing.

Liu Hua's program is tentatively titled "Historical Sites". Each episode will show an antique, and invite collectors or cultural relic researchers to tell the story behind the antique.

Through these stories, learn about the civilization and history behind it,
In fact, there are many programs related to antiques across the country, and there are various types, such as identification, explanation, smashing with a hammer, falling to the ground, and so on.

The focus of Liu Hua's program is on the selection of antiques.

Choose some antiques with stories, especially those that are touching, touching, and tearful.

It's about antiques, but it's about stories.

As we all know, Beijing is the cultural center of China, and the antique market here is also the largest in the country, so people are more enthusiastic about antiques.

The viewing group of the Literature and Art Channel is the capital area, so Xu Jie thinks it is feasible to broadcast such programs on the Literature and Art Channel.

Xu Jie looked at it for a while, then couldn't help picking up a pen, and directly wrote his opinion on it. When he felt that it was almost the same, he got up and left the office.

To the public office area.

Xu Jie came to Liu Hua's side and returned the plan to Liu Hua.

"I have already read the program plan, and there are some my opinions on it. You can modify it according to those directions, and then it can be produced." Xu Jie said.

"Ah?" Liu Hua trembled all over, and asked stammeringly, "Make, make?"

"Well, even if your program is confirmed, congratulations, you have become the first confirmed program." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Liu Hua sat in his original position in a daze, his face full of disbelief.

After hearing this, the people around rushed to congratulate Liu Hua.

"Liu Hua, congratulations!"

"Sister Hua, that's great, you finally have your own show."

"Is there a shortage of people in the program group? Count me in!"


Soon, the news that Liu Hua's program plan passed the test spread throughout the office area.

While some people were envious, they also began to feel anxious. After all, the number of places in the show is limited, and one more passer is equal to one less place.

However, this way of submitting in advance made many people feel very good. They don't have to say it in front of everyone, and they don't have to wait for everyone's opinions. Compared with Director Wang who likes to pick three suspicions in public, this is simply all people who want to save face the gospel.

Sure enough, Deputy Director Xu is still humane.

Xu Jie returned to the office. Just as he sat down, there was another knock on the door.

"Come in!"

A reporter from another program group walked in from the outside.

"Li Cheng? What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the person and asked.

"Director Xu, this is my program plan." Li Cheng put the folder on the desktop.

"Well, okay, I'll give you an answer before I get off work." Xu Jie said, besides being responsible for the channel revision, he has nothing else to do, so he has enough time to watch the program plan.

"Excuse me, Director Xu." Li Cheng walked out quickly after speaking.

Xu Jie looked at it for a while, then the knock on the door rang again.

"Come in!"

"Director Xu, the program plan is ready..."

"Well, put it here."


More and more people knocked on the door, and more and more program plans were placed on the desk, which quickly piled up into a hill.

There are more than 100 people in the art program center, and more than 20 people have submitted their plans.

For Xu Jie, this figure is quite impressive.

Of course, quantity is only one aspect, the most important thing is quality.

As the person in charge of the revision, he needs to check the quality of the program plan.

After all, he was the first person responsible for the poor ratings after the broadcast.

The most important thing is that it is related to his ability to leave the Arts Program Center smoothly.

Therefore, not only must you be serious, but you must also not have any personal feelings in it.

Treat everyone equally, and you can't relax the invitation just because you have a close relationship with someone. This is irresponsible to the art channel, and it is also irresponsible to him.

In that case, what is the difference between him and Wang Wanjun?

(End of this chapter)

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