Chapter 653


Wang Wanjun walked out of the office carrying his bag.

Since he handed over the work of channel revision to the person surnamed Xu, he no longer has to work overtime at his unit.

Does he like to work overtime?


Who wants to work overtime?
There is no natural overtime freak in this world!
Isn't it for performance in front of the leader?Let the leader know that he is well managed?
But now, the revision job has been snatched away, and even the management job is gone. Although I can leave work on time and have a meal with my little girlfriend, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

He walked through the corridor, and when he passed the public office area, his steps suddenly stopped.

what's the situation?
I saw that the employees in the office area did not leave. Some of them were sitting in their original positions, staring at the computer monitor, and typing on the keyboard with their hands.

In the past, it would have been hard work.

There were also some people gathered together, two or three less, seven or eight more, they were chattering, as if they were discussing something, and each of them looked very serious.

Wang Wanjun was in a daze!

Why did everyone stay here to work instead of leaving after the off-duty time?

Could it be that I misread the time?

Thinking of this, Wang Wanjun hurriedly looked down at the time on his watch, and it was indeed past get off work time.

Is the watch broken?

He looked up at the electronic clock on the wall again, which was the same as the time on the watch.

This, is this the sun coming out from the west?
They all stayed behind to get off work?
Didn't the one surnamed Xu resolutely resist working overtime?

What puzzled him most was that the overtime working status of these people in front of him was obviously different from the working status when he asked to work overtime.

In the past, these people worked overtime, all of them were expressionless and listless, and they all stayed at their workstations. The office area was extremely quiet, just like students studying by themselves at night.

Today, however, everyone is full of energy, very serious, and very devoted.

Is this filming?

Or is there a leader to check?
As the director of the cultural program center, why didn't he receive the notice?

At this time, he saw a person surnamed Xu in the crowd. The other employee left from one employee, walked to the window sill, took out one of the piles of documents on it, and came to another employee. Follow a group of employees, wherever the person surnamed Xu goes, those employees will go.


A series of question marks popped up in Wang Wanjun's head, and the scene of all the overtime workers made him, the only person with a bag ready to leave work, feel very embarrassed.

I thought to myself: These people must have planned to play with me, right?
He carried the bag behind his back, and then came to Jia Wei's side, who was also typing on the computer. He took a closer look, as if he was writing a program plan.

"Xiao Jia!" Wang Wanjun asked in a low voice, "It's off work, why don't you leave?"

Jia Wei was startled by the sudden voice. After seeing Director Wang, he carefully looked in the direction of Deputy Director Xu, and then said in a low voice, "Director Wang, I want to leave too, but I'm sorry."

"Excuse me? Why?" Wang Wanjun said while glancing under the table.

Wearing pants!

"Director Wang, you may not be clear in the office. Many people have submitted program proposals, some have passed the primary selection, and some can be produced directly. So those like me who haven't finished writing the program proposal are hurrying Time to write..." Jia Wei explained.

This feeling is like the classroom test in school. Although it is not yet time to hand in the papers, but seeing some people hand in the papers ahead of time, and even being approved by the teacher, those who have not handed in the papers will naturally be anxious.

"What?" Wang Wanjun asked in disbelief with a look of surprise on his face, "Didn't Deputy Director Xu say that there was no progress in the program plan this morning?"

"Yes, not long after you finished speaking, someone handed in the written program plan." Jia Wei said.

At the same time, I thought to myself: Director Wang, Director Wang, you can leave quickly and don't bother me, okay?I have to make up my homework quickly, no, it's writing a program plan.

Although he was prepared to deal with it casually, even if he did, he had to be organized and thoughtful, right?

"Who is it?" Wang Wanjun asked angrily, isn't this against him?

"Liu Hua!" Jia Wei thought for a while and said.

Liu Hua?

Wang Wanjun frowned immediately when he heard the name.

Liu Hua is a member of the "Delicious History" program team, and also Xu Jie's die-hard fan. The other party was the first to submit the program proposal. Isn't this a clear sign?
In layman's terms, it is childcare.

"Has Liu Hua's program plan been approved?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"It's passed. Deputy Director Xu said that the production can start with a little modification."


Wang Wanjun was stunned.

Is this drama a little overdone?
Even if you want to stimulate other people's enthusiasm for work, you can't do this, right?
If Liu Hua's program plan is not effective after being made into a program, then it has not been approved by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou?
And this nepotism behavior is even more extreme than him.

Back then, if he wanted to do this, he had to hold a meeting first and make a formality.

The other party didn't even take the formality, but directly allowed to do the show. Isn't this talking about it?

"What are those people surrounding Deputy Director Xu doing?" Wang Wanjun pointed to those people following Xu Jie.

"Learning." Jia Wei said.

study?There are still so many people learning from that Xu?
Why didn't anyone want to learn from him?
Wang Wanjun's heart suddenly became unbalanced, and his eyes were filled with jealousy.

He is very envious of the scene where someone follows the other party wherever he goes, which is really enviable.

He has worked in Beijing TV Station for almost 20 years, and he has never received such treatment.

Not in the TV program center, not to mention in the art program center.

I really want to!
Wang Wanjun stood there for a while, staring blankly.

After a while, I saw Xu Jie coming to another employee, pointing at the document and not knowing what he was talking about. At the same time, some people gathered around, all with serious expressions on their faces.

Wang Wanjun came back to his senses.

He finally understood that when these people worked overtime in front of him, they were completely dealing with him, and they didn't work hard. In this state, they are serious about their work.

But there was one more thing he didn't know.

Why are they also working overtime? These people were not serious when he was around, but they became serious again when the surname Xu was around?

Could it be that he, the new director, is so foolish?


A group of things that were sold and counted money for others!
Wang Wanjun couldn't help cursing inwardly.

No, you can't let that kid be so happy.

He stood where he was, and suddenly said loudly: "It's past the off-duty time, why don't you leave?"

At the same time, I thought: When I asked employees to work overtime, you refused to let them. Now you ask employees to work overtime, but I also don’t let them. Who can’t play a good person?
The sudden sound made the office area quiet for an instant. When everyone saw that it was Director Wang, no one spoke and continued with the work just now.

The continuation of writing the program plan, the continuation of the discussion, as if nothing happened.

Wang Wanjun was stunned, embarrassment in capital letters hung on his face.

He is the director of the cultural program center, and he is so ignored by his staff, who can bear it?
It's not that he didn't pay attention to him, it was that he didn't see him.

It's unreasonable, it's too bullying!

He gritted his teeth and said loudly again: "Who told you to stay and work overtime? You didn't have a good rest, so what if it affects the revision work? Get off work quickly, and there will be traffic jams again soon."


Everyone didn't speak, and no one left, as if working overtime could make them happy.

Jia Wei really wanted to get off work, but he looked at Director Wang and other people, forget it, let's finish writing the program plan obediently.

Wang Wanjun was almost dizzy from anger, he couldn't figure it out, he had already said what he said, why hasn't anyone left yet?

Could it be that no one took the lead?

It must be so!

As long as someone breaks the current situation, someone will follow off work.

Just like the trick used by the surname Xu during the day, using one Liu Hua to attract others.

Wang Wanjun knocked on Jia Wei's desk, then winked at him, and said in a low voice, "I'm off work, hurry up."

Jia Wei was stunned. He had been with Director Wang for so long and had taken the lead in overtime work a lot, but this was the first time he had taken the lead in leaving get off work.

"Master, director, my program plan is about to be finished, can I go later?" Jia Wei asked after discussion.

Wang Wanjun immediately drooped his face and said coldly: "Get off work!"

"But..." Jia Wei still wanted to fight for it.

"Are you going?" Wang Wanjun narrowed his eyes.

"Okay, I'll get off work." Jia Wei said gloomily, this was the first time he refused to work overtime.

"Speak louder!" Wang Wanjun said.

Jia Wei made a bitter face when he heard it, didn't this make him a leader?

In the past, Director Wang was in charge of the revision, and it was no problem for him to be the first bird, but Deputy Chief Editor Zhou has taken away Director Wang's power, and handed over the full power of the revision to Deputy Director Xu, and has repeatedly urged everyone to cooperate fully. Birds are not good.

"Although I'm not in charge of the revision work, I'm still the director of the Art Program Center!" Wang Wanjun said in a deep voice, with warnings and threats in his words.

Jia Wei is helpless, who made him just an ordinary employee?

The fate of small employees can only be at the mercy of the leader.

He stood up from the chair, and while tidying up the documents on the table, he raised his voice and said, "It's off work, go home!"

When Wang Wanjun saw it, he wished he could kick him downstairs.

Why do you act a little bit like that?

There is no one who is reluctant to say that he is off work, and there is no smile at all.

Is this off work?
This is going to the execution ground!

As for the employees in the office area, only a few who were close to Jia Wei looked at it, and most of them didn't even look at it.

Jia Wei dawdled for 2 minutes, and finally walked out of the art program center with his bag.

Seeing that no one followed, Wang Wanjun was so angry that he began to wink at Jiang Lan and Chen Jinchang.

You two, keep up!
At this moment, Xu Jie's voice sounded in the office area.

"It's off work, everyone go home quickly, next Monday is the deadline, don't worry."

"It's okay, Director Xu, I'm free when I go home."

"Yes, let's hurry up and finish writing, and you can help us analyze and analyze it, and revise it at home on weekends."


Wang Wanjun was dumbfounded.

Can you drive away?
Are these people crazy?


(End of this chapter)

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