The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 654 Some people are happy and some are sad!

Chapter 654 Some people are happy and some are sad!
on Monday.

When Xu Jie came to the unit, as soon as he entered the door, some employees rushed forward.

"Morning Director Xu, this is my revised program plan, please have a look."

"this is mine!"

"And mine!"

One, two, three.....
Xu Jie couldn't hold his hands anymore, and finally had to hold him in his arms.

In the past weekend, many people in the art program center were not idle. They did not take advantage of Saturdays and Sundays to rest, but modified their program plans according to the opinions given by Deputy Director Xu.

Although it may face elimination after revision, everyone is full of enthusiasm because everyone is infected by Deputy Director Xu's professionalism.

Unlike Director Wang, who only knows how to ask people to write plans, even comments are all empty words in the form without any content.

After hearing Deputy Director Xu's speech and seeing the suggestions written by Deputy Director Xu on the program plan, everyone will have a feeling of enlightenment and benefit a lot.

After listening to Director Wang's speech, I just feel confused, have no clue, and don't know where to start. The most important thing is that Director Wang only criticizes people and never gives detailed suggestions to others.

Because of this, everyone didn't want to disappoint Deputy Director Xu, let alone see Deputy Director Xu being laughed at by Director Wang.

Xu Jie walked towards the office with the program plan in his arms. He wanted to finish watching it as soon as possible, and finalized the program plan today.

Morning, weekly meeting.

Wang Wanjun was the last one to come to the meeting room, and he was a little relieved to see all the staff present.

Nowadays, his sense of presence in the cultural program center can only be reflected during the weekly meeting.

As for the rest of the time, it's just a decoration. There are not as many people looking for him as there are people looking for a water dispenser.

"Last week, the ratings of the programs on our art channel dropped a lot, and this drop is an overall decline. All the programs are declining. Have you gone back and reflected on what is the reason for this situation? Happened?" Wang Wanjun had a stern face as soon as he came up, with a very serious expression and a very stern voice.

He can only vent through weekly meetings now.

The meeting room was quiet. No one spoke to Director Wang's questioning, but thought in his heart:
Why did the ratings drop as a whole? Don't you have any idea in your mind?If it weren't for your constant tossing, would the art channel become what it is now?
Wang Wanjun glanced at the position on the right, and then continued to question: "Are you only thinking about new programs, so you ignore the quality of old programs? Let me tell you, this is not acceptable. You are picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons."

Everyone looked at Director Wang. These words were clearly aimed at Director Xu.

Isn't this farting?

Did everyone think about new programs in the last two weeks?Did the ratings only drop in the last two weeks?

To put it lightly, this is throwing the blame away, but to put it more seriously, this is irresponsibility.

"Deputy Director Xu, what do you think?" Wang Wanjun looked at Xu Jie at this moment.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help laughing in their hearts.

Director Wang felt that he could do it again!
"Director Wang is right." Xu Jie said seriously after hearing this.

Everyone looked at Deputy Director Xu suspiciously.

what's the situation?
Deputy Director Xu not only did not refute Director Wang, why did he agree with what Director Wang said?
Just when everyone was puzzled, Xu Jie continued: "Since the revision of the Art Channel, the ratings of our Art Channel have become worse and worse. Everyone should think carefully about where the problem lies."

After hearing this, the people in the conference room looked at Director Wang in unison.

The problem is here!

After all, it was Director Wang who proposed the channel revision.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Wang Wanjun was so angry.

As for the unity of thought?
"Deputy Director Xu, you are in charge of the revision of the Literature and Art Channel. Two weeks have passed. I wonder how it is doing now? It happens that everyone is here today. Please tell everyone." Wang Wanjun hurriedly changed the subject. , by the way, inquire about the progress of the revision.

"As for the program plan, I have already had a one-on-one discussion in private, so I won't waste everyone's time at the weekly meeting, but there is one thing I do want to say, since it is a channel revision, it has not been changed. It’s better to have a new look for the dropped old show, change the opening and ending of the credits.” Xu Jie said.



said the crowd.

The corner of Wang Wanjun's mouth twitched, did he just get fooled by the other party?
"Director Wang, is there anything else? If not, I will go back to the office. There is still a lot of work to do." Xu Jie said seriously.

Wang Wanjun was very upset, this was a rhythm that even the weekly meeting did not satisfy him!
What, you have a lot of work, don't I?
However, there was nothing he could do about it.

If he doesn't let the other party go, if the channel revision fails in the future, won't the other party put all the responsibility on him?
"Okay, the meeting is over, Deputy Director Xu should hurry back and get busy." Wang Wanjun said with a half-smile.

Xu Jie was not polite to the other party either, he got up and left the conference room.

He has no time to waste here now.

Throughout the day, except for eating and going to the bathroom, Xu Jie didn't leave the office for half a step. He didn't come out of the office until he was about to leave work, holding a bunch of program copywriting.

When the people in the office area saw it, they couldn't help but put down their work.

Those were the program scripts that everyone handed over to Deputy Director Xu in the morning. Now that Deputy Director Xu has brought them out again, it is obvious that this has already come to fruition.

Xu Jie came to the aisle, borrowed the table next to the water dispenser, and put the program copy on it.

"Clap clap clap!"

He clapped his hands, and after seeing everyone watching, he said, "I've finished watching everyone's program plans, and the most intuitive feeling is that you still have something in your stomach, but maybe you're not as lucky as me." That's all."

All the people present laughed, and lamented that Director Xu was modest and at the same time very comfortable in his heart, which was much better than Director Wang scolding people as soon as he came up.

Xu Jie went on to say: "Actually, I really want to see all of you shows, but there is no way. There are too many monks and few meats, and there are only a few places. I can only reluctantly give up and choose a few as representatives."

After speaking, he sighed deeply, showing a look of regret.

Everyone nodded after hearing this, expressed their understanding to Deputy Director Xu, and were also moved by Deputy Director Xu's human touch.

Unlike Director Wang, it seems like everyone owes him money.

"Having said so much, in fact, what I want to tell you is that those who are selected are not necessarily because of how good your program is, and those who are not selected are not necessarily because of how bad your program is. Don’t be proud of those who are not selected, and don’t be disappointed if you lose, because this only represents my personal point of view, not the audience, so next, I will talk about the selected program copywriting..."

Xu Jie picked up a few folders from the table as he spoke.

When everyone saw it, they immediately sat upright, pricked up their ears, and listened carefully.

This has never happened when Director Wang was in charge of the revision work.

Firstly, everyone knew who Director Wang would take care of, and secondly, everyone didn't pay attention when writing, so they didn't have much expectation for the result.

But this time is different.

Deputy Director Xu's conscientious and responsible attitude towards each program made everyone pay great attention when writing program programs, so naturally they had expectations for the results.

Xu Jie looked at the name on the folder and read:
"The Most Beautiful Memory" by Li Cheng."

"Jiang Shuyun's "Time-honored Brand"."

"Flowers, Plants and Grass by Liu Shengnan."

"Legendary Skills by Zhang Tong."

Xu Jie said four in one breath, plus Liu Hua's "Miracle", a total of five programs.

The results are announced.

Those who were selected were very happy, while those who were not selected felt more or less disappointed.

However, no one has any doubts about Deputy Director Xu's decision. After all, everyone is very convinced of his ability and level.

"Starting tomorrow, these five programs can be officially produced. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. As for the remaining plans, leave them with me first. Maybe they will be available later." Xu Jay said.

When the five people who were selected before heard what Deputy Director Xu said later, their hearts were filled with pressure.

Because they know very well that if they can't do a good job of the program, they will be replaced by the program plans of the other party on the table.

Xu Jie took the rest of the program plan back to the office, found a box and put it in it for safekeeping.

The new program was confirmed, and the entire art program center began to get busy again.

The person in charge of the five programs began to form their own program teams to prepare for the next program production.

At this time, popularity and ability become particularly important.

She is very popular, and everyone likes to work with her. After all, the team atmosphere is also one of the key factors for the success of the program.

And with strong ability, he can make suggestions for the show and become a good helper.

So on the second day, in the art program center, there was a battle of grabbing people.

The five program directors came to the unit early, for fear that their favorite person would be snatched away by other program groups.

Xu Jie drove to the TV station, and before entering the gate, he saw Liu Shengnan standing outside the gate of the TV station from a distance, looking around from time to time.

"Sheng Nan, who are you waiting for?" Xu Jie lowered the car window, looked at the other party curiously and asked.

In Beijing in mid-November, the lowest temperature is below zero, and the air is extremely dry, and the north wind is also extremely strong, making it very cold.

Although Liu Shengnan wore a lot of clothes, his face was flushed from the cold.

"Director Xu, I'm not waiting for anyone." Liu Shengnan said after hearing this.

"Who are you waiting for? Then what are you doing standing here?" Xu Jie asked, is it because you want to practice in winter?
"Isn't this a new program? I want to find a few people to join my program group, but I don't have a clear goal, so I stay here and ask whoever comes." Liu Shengnan said.

Xu Jie laughed when he heard it, "Isn't it the same to wait when I go back to the office?"

Liu Shengnan shook his head and said, "Can it be the same? There are so many new program groups, what should I do if I can't grab them?"

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, but what he said made sense.

"I went first, I wish you good luck." Xu Jie said.

"Thank you, Director!" Liu Shengnan waved his hands and continued to look around.

Xu Jie drove into the gate, parked the car and went to the art program center. As soon as he entered the gate, he saw Zhang Tong and Jiang Shuyun surrounded by a male colleague.

"Chen Guang, come to my program group, I invite you to dinner at noon, order whatever you want."

"Eating is nothing, Chen Guang, let me introduce you to a girlfriend."

"I can introduce you too."

"Can you stop learning from me?"


Xu Jie was stunned.

As for fighting so hard?

How about doing a blind date show.

When Zhang Tong and Jiang Shuyun saw the door open, they immediately turned their heads to look over, but after seeing that it was Deputy Director Xu, they immediately looked back.

"Cough, pay attention to the impact!" Xu Jie reminded, and then left.

After all, it's all for work, so he can't say too much.

In fact, he was very happy to see everyone so positive.

Although the program has not yet been produced, this attitude is very worthy of recognition.

Xu Jie walked a few steps, and suddenly noticed that Liu Huaan was sitting steadily on his desk, and was not robbing people like the others, so he walked over and asked curiously: "Why don't you rob someone? You can't rob him." Are they?"

I thought to myself: It really is an art background, not as barbaric as others.

Liu Hua smiled slightly and said, "I was done looking for it last weekend."

Xu Jie was startled.


The other party's program was confirmed last week, unlike the other four programs which were confirmed only yesterday.

So fast!

The battle of robbing people is going on in a hurry.

The Art Center has not been this lively for a long time.

But for this situation, some people are happy and some are worried.

Those who are happy are naturally those who are being scrambled for, but those who are sad are those who are not interested, especially those who have been famous.

Jiang Lan watched the directors of the new program scrambling for members of the program group. At first, she could pretend to be reserved and sit at her desk, waiting for others to invite her to join.

However, as the working hours came, several program groups changed from overt competition to undercover fighting, and gradually there was no movement, and she couldn't help but start to feel anxious.

Her old show has been canceled by Director Wang, and the new show has also been canceled due to poor ratings, that is to say, she has no show to host now.

There is such an unwritten rule in the Art Channel, if the host has no program to host, then he will do the work of a reporter, conduct interviews, write news and so on.

It's not that she hasn't done this kind of work before. She was a reporter when she first came to the Art Program Center, and she gradually got her own program later.

However, now that she is asked to return to the position of reporter, this huge psychological gap made her unable to accept it for a while.

TV hosts are glamorous and beautiful, even if they are hosting a midnight show, they are also hosts, but entertainment news reporters...

"Jiang Lan..." Jia Wei leaned over and asked softly, "Do you have a program team?"

Jiang Lan shook her head.

"Me neither." Jia Wei said after seeing it, and felt a little better, as if he had found a comrade.

Jiang Lan glanced at Jia Wei, thinking: Can I be like you?I am the host!
Jia Wei looked around and continued, "I asked just now. Of the four new programs that were disbanded before, only 11 people have no program group. It seems that we can only report entertainment news in the future."

Having said that, Jia Wei couldn't help but sighed, with depression written all over his face.

A month ago, he was the director of a prime-time program on the Art Channel, but now, a month later, he has become a low-level reporter.

He had to sigh with emotion: Good luck tricks people!
Do not!
It's Director Wang making fun of people!

Before Director Wang came, he directed a show no matter what, but now...

"Eleven people?" Jiang Lan frowned, and the sense of urgency in her heart became stronger.

"Yes, plus you!" Jia Wei said.

Jiang Lan felt that a knife had been stabbed in her heart.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from not far away.

"People from the program team of "Historical Site" went to the small conference room for a meeting."

It was Liu Hua who spoke.

After the other party finished speaking, he took the folder and walked towards the small meeting room.

At the same time, seven people stood up one after another and walked towards the small conference room.

Obviously, these are people from the "Historical Site" program group.

Immediately afterwards, another person stood up, it was Liu Shengnan.

"People from the "Flowers, Flowers, Grass" program team are here for a meeting."

Brush brush!
Many more people stood up.

Others looked at Li Cheng, Jiang Shuyun, and Zhang Tong, waiting for their signal.

After a while, however, the three did not call a meeting.

Obviously, these three program groups haven't recruited enough people yet.

Jiang Lan gritted her teeth. In order not to return to the reporter, she stood up abruptly and walked towards Li Cheng.

"Brother Cheng, how is your program group going?" Jiang Lan asked with a smile.

After hearing this, Li Cheng's eyes were filled with surprise and confusion.

In the past, when Jiang Lan called him, she always called him by name. Why did she suddenly call him brother today?
"It's almost there, but in case there is not enough manpower, we are going to find two more." Li Cheng said.

"Oh? Really? Then what do you think of me?" Jiang Lan asked in a low voice, afraid that the people around would hear.

The dignified TV presenter now has to find a job by himself, isn't that being laughed at?

"Ah?" Li Cheng was stunned, and then said, "I'm sorry, I already have a host. I'm looking for someone who is going out to interview."

"Well, actually, I'm pretty good at being a location host," Jiang Lan said.

"It's not the location host, it's the job of going out for interviews, so I didn't appear on the scene." Li Cheng explained.

"Yes, is it?" Jiang Lan hesitated.

Going out for interviews is actually a very hard job. It is cold in winter and hot in summer, so expensive sunscreens are useless.

She turned to look at the other two program directors.

"The "Old Brand" program team is here for a meeting!" Jiang Shuyun said suddenly.

When Jiang Lan heard it, there was another one missing, so she could only turn her attention to another program group.

Zhang Tong...


The other party is also a member of the program team of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" and is Deputy Director Xu's loyal subordinate. The other party will never take her in.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lan turned back to look at Li Cheng, no matter what, having a program group is better than not having a program group.

"It doesn't matter if you go out for an interview, I've done it before." Jiang Lan said seriously.

Li Qiang looked at Jiang Lan and suddenly laughed: "Sister Lan, stop kidding, you are the host, how dare I use you for interview work?"

The corner of Jiang Lan's mouth twitched, she had already let go of her airs, yet she was still rejected?

Could it be that there is no room for her in this cultural program center?

(End of this chapter)

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