The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 655 What Director Xu Says

Chapter 655 What Director Xu Says
After the major program groups recruited all the staff, they started discussions on program production. The scene was extremely lively, and everyone was very enthusiastic and rushed to express their opinions.

However, this situation also caused a person's dissatisfaction.

Wang Wanjun walked out of the office, came to the public office area with a straight face, and reprimanded the employees who were discussing: "What is the noise, I heard you yelling in the office, are you elementary school students, and I still need to take care of the discipline ?”

"Director Wang, we are discussing the program." Zhang Tong responded after hearing it. With the support of Director Xu, she was not afraid of Director Wang at all.

The current cultural program center, but Director Xu has the final say.

"Can't we go to the meeting room for discussion? This is the public office area, not a place for you to make loud noises." Wang Wanjun spoke very aggressively, as if he had taken a shot.

"We also want to go to the meeting room, and we don't want to disturb or be disturbed by others, but the meeting room is already occupied, or how many more meeting rooms will you find for us?" Zhang Tong asked.

There are three conference rooms in the Art Center, one large conference room and two small conference rooms, and the large conference room can only be used for group meetings, so it is a situation where there are more wolves and less meat.

Wang Wanjun frowned after hearing this, and said loudly: "Can't you wait for others to run out before going in for a meeting? Why are you so anxious, you can't even wait for an hour or two hours?"

Zhang Tong turned around and muttered in a low voice: "Isn't it just to make the new program meet the audience earlier? If the new program before can save the ratings, why should we do this?"

When Wang Wanjun heard this, he stared angrily.

He was in charge of the new show before, so if the other party said that, wouldn't it mean calling him incompetent?
"What did you say? Say it louder!" Wang Wanjun became angry from embarrassment.

That guy surnamed Xu hated him, but now even the other party's subordinates also hated him, which is tolerable or unbearable.

"Director Wang, why are you so angry? I heard your voice in the office. I have chrysanthemum tea over there. How about making some tea?"

At this time, a voice came from behind, and Wang Wanjun's face sank when he heard it. Although he didn't look back, he already knew who it was.

"Deputy Director Xu, I support your channel revision, but can you tell your people to pay attention to discipline? This is a public office area, not a vegetable market. How can it be so noisy?" Wang Wanjun said coldly, frowning Squeeze out a Sichuan character in the middle.

"Director Wang, there is a problem with what you said." Xu Jie said unhurriedly after hearing this: "First, the channel revision is your idea, and I will take over if you haven't changed it well; second, The public office area is an office space, I think as long as it is work-related, there is no problem doing it here, what do you think?"

When Wang Wanjun saw Xu Jie revealing his faults in public, his face flushed with embarrassment, and he wished he could find a table and get under there.

You must know that the channel revision has always been a pain in his heart.

"I never said that there is a problem with working here. What I mean is that you must pay attention to discipline and don't make loud noises that affect other people." Wang Wanjun explained.

"Loud noise? Who is loud? Isn't everyone discussing the production of the program? You think it's loud because there are too many people discussing it, but I think it's a good thing. It shows that everyone is very enthusiastic about the new program." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Leaders do not make decisions for their subordinates, it is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes.

He resolutely does not allow things that destroy everyone's enthusiasm for work to happen.

"It's not that there is no conference room, so why can't we wait a while?" Wang Wanjun asked.

"It's okay to wait for a while, in fact, it's okay to wait for a day, but the problem is that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou can't wait, or Director Wang will persuade Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou to wait?" Xu Jie said.


Some people couldn't help laughing out loud.

Ask Director Wang to persuade Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou?Isn't this the same as going to scold?
"You..." Wang Wanjun glared at him angrily, but he was so angry that he didn't want to say anything.

Are you really looking for deputy editor-in-chief Zhou?

Wang Wanjun knew that deputy editor-in-chief Zhou had opinions on him, so he didn't want to see deputy editor-in-chief Zhou at all. Even to get the ratings form, he had to go in with other department directors to fish in troubled waters.

"Okay, then I wish you a good program as soon as possible, and don't disappoint Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou." Wang Wanjun opened his mouth and said, then turned and walked to the office.

I kept cursing in my heart: The show will never be good!
Xu Jie waited for Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou to leave, then looked at the people in the office area and said, "Don't worry, everyone, keep working."

"Yes, Director!"

Everyone continued to discuss the program as if nothing had happened.

As for Deputy Director Xu attacking Director Wang, isn't this a must-have drama every day?

Xu Jie was very pleased to see everyone getting back into work. When he was about to go back to the office, he saw Qin Yan staring at the phone with frowning eyes.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie walked over and asked.

With the popular broadcast of "Ordinary Courage", the other party's popularity across the country is also increasing, and now should be the time for the other party to be proud.

Qin Yan saw that the person who was asking the question was Xu Jie, so she said, "The directors of the New Year's Eve Gala and the Spring Festival Gala have been announced."


Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, then came behind Qin Yan and looked at the other party's cell phone.

I saw the official Weibo of Beijing Satellite TV announced a news, announcing the list of directors for the New Year's Eve Gala and the Spring Festival Gala.

Did you find someone?
The corners of Xu Jie's mouth turned up, showing a hint of a smile.

Because from this news, he saw the helplessness, depression, and compromise of deputy editor-in-chief Lu.

However, this is also getting closer and closer to his departure from the Arts Program Center.

Only when he has experienced the difficulties can Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu do his best for his departure.

"Just announce it, why are you frowning?" Xu Jie asked Qin Yan.

"I was wondering if these directors would invite me to be the host." Qin Yan said: "Last year I was the one who read the commercials on the sub-stage, and this year I want to appear on the main stage."

"Don't worry, didn't you just announce the director? I believe you will definitely receive the invitation." Xu Jie said.

People's desires are endless, and usually after one wish is realized, the next wish will be made.

This cannot be called greed, it can only be said to be ambitious.

In such an environment, if you don't try to go upstream, you will only be washed down by the current.

When the flood comes, no drop of water is innocent.

He understands Qin Yan.

Why not himself?
"Really?" Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie suspiciously and asked.

Xu Jie thought to himself: I'm just comforting you, I'm not a fortune teller, and I'm not familiar with the director of the show, so how can what I say count?

"I think with your current popularity and your performance on our channel this year, you should be considered. Even if you are not in the Spring Festival Gala, you should be in the New Year's Eve Gala. If not, it can only be said that these two directors have no eyes." Xu Jie said.

Qin Yan immediately rolled her eyes.

Isn't it the same as saying nothing?

"Okay, I'm already very happy to host a star variety show, so I don't need you to comfort me." Qin Yan said with a smile.

Xu Jie nodded and said nothing more.

The troubles of human beings all come from endless desires. As the old saying goes: contentment is always happy, let go of desires, and people will become happy.

Xu Jie returned to the office. Not long after he sat down, there was a knock on the door.


"Come in!"

Xu Jie looked at the door, but found that it was Jiang Lan who pushed the door in.

Two question marks could not help appearing in his eyes, what is this woman doing in his office?Did you go through the wrong door?Director Wang's office is next door.

"Director Xu."

Jiang Lan closed the door carefully, and then came to the desk with an embarrassed and impolite smile on her face.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

Jiang Lan nodded slightly.

Facing the tragic situation of having no program to do, after hesitating for a long time, especially when she saw Qin Yan and Deputy Director Xu talking and laughing, she finally made up her mind to do something.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Xu Jie pointed to the opposite chair, motioning for him to sit down.

Although the other party belongs to Wang Wanjun, he is also his employee, so he still has to do some superficial work.

"Director Xu, it may be because I didn't do a good job in the program before. Everyone has some opinions on me, so when the program directors formed a team, no one came to me. Can you arrange a program group for me? I also want to work with everyone and do my part for the program revision." Jiang Lan said seriously.

Yes, she came here because she wanted to ask Deputy Director Xu for a job, even if it was an interview job.

For the same work content, having a program group is better than not having a program group.


Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, is this going to be a fool?

"The program team was established by the program director. They haven't found you, and I have nothing to do." Xu Jie said lightly.

In fact, he could completely guess Jiang Lan's situation.

When Wang Wanjun came to the art program center back then, the other party rushed there immediately, and charged for Wang Wanjun everywhere, offending many people, who would look for her now?

This is called Feng Shui turns.

"But, but I have already looked for it." Jiang Lan said.

"Maybe they have no shortage of hosts." Xu Jie said.

"They don't want me for interview work either." Jiang Lan said aggrievedly.

"Then you have to find the reason from yourself." Xu Jie spread his hands.

"I..." Jiang Lan was about to cry anxiously, "Director Xu, please help me, I already have no program of my own, if I don't even have a program group, how can I have one in the future?" Face to stay in the art program center?"

After speaking, he bent down and bowed.

She could see now that Wang Wanjun was nothing, and that this art program center had to be decided by Deputy Director Xu.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"Director Xu, I was wrong, please forgive me, because we have all worked for Director Jiang, please give me a chance." Jiang Lan continued to bend her waist, but did not straighten up.

Xu Jie squinted his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him. Is this a return from a lost path?

He thought for a while and said, "Well, go to "Daily Entertainment Broadcasting" to see if there is any job interviewing outside."

Jiang Lan looked happy. Although she was not a host, she was finally an organized person.

"Thank you, Director Xu. I will definitely work hard and start from scratch to live up to your expectations!"


(End of this chapter)

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