Chapter 656
Days go by.

The work of the Art Program Center was intense and busy, and even without knowing when, many people began to stay in the unit to work overtime after get off work.

However, no one complained about this. Everyone was full of motivation like a mechanical robot that had just been wound up.

In the past, I had to work overtime because I was forced to do it by Director Wang, and I showed him to Director Wang, so I didn't work hard.

But working overtime now is completely a spontaneous behavior for the sake of making a good program. No one wants to hold back the program crew, everyone wants to do a good job of the program, and no one wants to disappoint Deputy Director Xu.

There is another thing that makes everyone very happy, that is, Director Wang has become quieter, he no longer cares about discipline, and no longer seeks troubles for nothing, and the atmosphere of the entire art program center has become more harmonious.

When I am in a good mood, I will be extra focused and hardworking when I work, and my efficiency will increase exponentially.

Of course, Wang Wanjun did not admit defeat.

He knew very well that at this time Xu Jie had Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou's Shang Fang sword in his hand, no matter what he said or did, the other party would not care, and he would still get frustrated.

He chose to endure the calm for a while, and learned from Goujian, the king of Yue, and began to try his best.

He is waiting, waiting for an opportunity.

What is this opportunity?
It's the day the new show starts airing.

Judging from the current situation of the Art Channel, he does not believe that the other party's new program can save the current dismal ratings.

In his view, the overall decline in ratings is not a problem with the program at all, but a problem with the channel.

If there are fewer people watching the art channel, the overall ratings will drop, and there will not be many people watching new programs.

Therefore, when the ratings came out, it was the day for his counterattack.

At that time, without the support of deputy editor-in-chief Zhou, it will be seen how long the other party can be arrogant.

No matter how arrogant he is, isn't he still a deputy?


November left unknowingly, and December came quietly with a light snow.

Monday the 4th.

It is also the first week of December.

Xu Jie came to the unit while patting the snowflakes on his body. As soon as he opened the door of the art program center, he felt that the atmosphere in the office area was different from the past.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

During these days, the atmosphere in the office finally returned to the way it was when Boss Jiang was there. Why did it suddenly become quiet again today?
The key is that everyone is there.

"Director Xu, we are a little nervous!" Jiang Shuyun's face was tense, as if she had been frozen.

"Why are you nervous?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

It's just going to work, not on the battlefield, so what's there to be nervous about?
Is the TV station going to lay off staff?
Never heard of it!
"Director Xu, have you forgotten? Today is the first day of the revision, and the new program will be broadcast on the Art Channel!" Zhang Tong on the other side reminded.

After half a month of preparation and another half month of production, the new program will finally be broadcast.

At this time, they had completely lost the confidence they had when making the show, and all of them showed guilty and worried expressions.

Especially after thinking that the few programs that Director Wang launched before all ended in failure, everyone's heart was cast a shadow.

Anxiety, uneasiness, and doubt all rushed into my heart at once.

What if your self-produced shows are as poorly received as those that came out before you?
The hard work was nothing, everyone was most worried about embarrassing Deputy Director Xu and failing Deputy Director Xu's expectations.

Of course, the most important point is to give Director Wang a chance to fight back against Deputy Director Xu.

Everyone knew very well that if the ratings of the new program were unfavorable, Director Wang would definitely not let Deputy Director Xu go.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

When Xu Jie heard Zhang Tong's words, instead of being nervous, he laughed instead.

"I know it will be aired today, isn't it great? Everyone has worked so hard for so long, and the show that they produced can finally be shown in front of the audience. This should be something to be happy about." Xu Jie's face Full of excitement and joy.

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone is nervous about whether the program is popular or not, and worried about the ratings. Why does Deputy Director Xu seem not to care about these two things at all?

Instead, it gives people a feeling that the final exam is over and the winter vacation can finally be taken.

But the problem is that the exam has just started now, and if you pass the exam, you can have a good year. If you don't pass the exam, you may not have a good year.

Deputy Director Xu's brain circuit is indeed different from that of normal people.

"Director Xu, don't you worry about ratings at all?" Liu Shengnan couldn't help asking.

Her show "Flowers, Flowers, Grass" was broadcast at 10 o'clock this morning, and it was also the first one to be broadcast among all the new programs.

The closer it was to the broadcast time, the more nervous she felt.

I even woke up before 6 o'clock this morning, and I have been worrying about what to do if the show is not good.

"What's there to worry about?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Shengnan and asked.

"If the ratings of the program are poor, then the channel revision will fail again. Not only will this month's hard work be in vain, but you will also be scolded by the deputy editor-in-chief Zhou." Liu Shengnan said.

"That's it?" Xu Jie smiled indifferently, and then said, "Didn't you just say that? The revision failed again, so this is not the first time, so why worry?"

Everyone was speechless.

Is this taking Director Wang's programs as a backstage?
Deputy Director Xu really can think about it.

"As for the hard work you put in, do you think you have learned anything during this month?" Xu Jie asked.

"Of course there are, and there are many more." Liu Shengnan said.

"That's right, with this experience, I think it will be easier to do shows in the future." Jiang Shuyun said.

"This is the first time for me to be the person in charge of a program. From the formation of the team at the beginning to the later production of the program, everyone in the program team is my teacher, and I have learned a lot from them." Li Cheng said with emotion.

"I used to want to be a host, but this time when I actually sat in front of the camera and interviewed the guests, I found that the host is really not that easy to be, even if it is a recording."

"I feel that I still have a lot to learn, and I also feel that I still have a lot of room for improvement."


Everyone expressed their feelings over the past month.

"Look, isn't this all rewarding? It means that in the past month, you have not wasted, and that's enough!" Xu Jie looked at everyone and said: "The ratings are good or bad for a while, and you What you get out of it lasts a lifetime, so you should be happy that you are better than you were a month ago."

The office area fell silent again.

No one thought that Deputy Director Xu would say such a thing.

It turns out that looking at the problem from another angle, the problem is no longer a problem.

For a moment, everyone was shocked by Deputy Director Xu's words, and even more moved.

If Director Wang only cares about the program ratings, then Deputy Director Xu cares about each of them.

Director Wang only reprimands them, but Deputy Director Xu is helping them grow.

This growth is not only the experience of making programs, but also the mentality.

"There is an old saying: Failure is the mother of success. How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? With this experience, I think you will do better and better shows in the future." Xu Jie continued to encourage.


There was a sudden clapping sound in the silent office area.

Everyone came back to their senses, the second, the third, more and more people raised their hands and applauded vigorously!

"Clap clap clap!"

wow wow wow...

At this time, everyone's faces were replaced by excitement and joy instead of the previous worry and anxiety.

The words of Deputy Director Xu are really inspiring!

Jia Wei and Chen Jinchang looked at all this with envy. It would be great if Director Wang could have such a heart.

During this time, although Director Wang was very calm on the surface, he actually asked the two of them about the progress of the new program in private, and after hearing that everyone was working hard, he often cursed and said a lot of nasty things in anger.

I even hinted to them more than once that when they have nothing to do, they will go to other program groups to make trouble and add to the trouble, and don't let the new program be completed so easily.

But how dare they do that?

Originally Director Wang was the weaker side, and the Art Program Center, under the leadership of Deputy Director Xu, is working together to work together for the revision. They dare not and are embarrassed to make trouble at this time.

After Director Wang learned that they had done nothing, he directly scolded the trash in front of them.

Compared with Deputy Director Xu at this time, they finally understood why Jiang Lan reported to Director Wang less and less frequently.

Jiang Lan clapped her hands vigorously, her face turned red with excitement, and her eyes kept shining.

Sure enough, it was the right choice to admit my mistake to Deputy Director Xu.

There is an old saying: If you get the right way, you will get more help, but if you lose your way, you will get little help.

Looking at the current scene, you can know who is the real soul of the art program center.

Even if the ratings of the new program are not good, even if this revision fails again, Deputy Director Xu is still the director in everyone's hearts, and no one can shake the position of Deputy Director Xu in everyone's hearts.

As for Wang Wanjun...

If you want grades but no grades, if you want ability but no ability, if you want people's hearts but no hearts, how can you compare with Deputy Director Xu?

The point is, Deputy Director Xu is even more handsome than Director Wang!

Sure enough, he was the man chosen by the big star Su Yun, and the eyes of the national goddess could not be wrong.

Why did I go blind at the beginning and go to Wang Wanjun?

If time goes back and another chance is given, he will definitely follow Deputy Director Xu closely like Qin Yan, and maybe he will also become the host of a variety show.

"Director Xu, what about you? If the ratings are not good, what should you do if Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou criticizes you?" Liu Hua asked suddenly.

According to what Deputy Director Xu said, everyone has gained something, but Deputy Director Xu himself seems to have gained nothing.

"Criticize as long as you criticize. It's not that I have never been criticized. I won't lose a piece of meat if I say a few words. Also, don't forget, I have other identities." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

After everyone heard it, they thought it was right!

Deputy Director Xu still has a lot of variety shows in his hands, and he is the director of many variety shows. Just because of this, Deputy Chief Editor Zhou will not do anything to Deputy Director Xu.

Thinking of this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Director Xu, if Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou criticizes you, you can put the blame on us," Liu Hua said.

"Yes, let Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou criticize us."


Xu Jie looked at everyone with a smile, who said he didn't gain anything?
(End of this chapter)

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