Chapter 657

Xu Jie did not go back to his office, but stayed in the public office area, staring at the TV on the wall, which was broadcasting programs from the Art Channel.

The channel revision this time is not as simple as adding a few more programs. In order to match the revision, even those programs that have been retained have also been changed.

Although the content is still the same as before, the beginning and end of the film are all new, and the warm and bright colors are mainly used, adding a sense of fashion and modernity, and visually giving people a new look.

After all, some of these programs exist for four or five years, and some even exist for more than ten years. Today, with the rapid development of the media and the continuous improvement of the audience's aesthetic level, repackaging is a big trend.

Just like a house, can the decoration style that was popular ten years ago be different from the decoration style that is popular now? .

And after living for a long time, it will inevitably feel old and dilapidated, but as long as you decorate it a little, even if it is scratched, you will feel that the inside of the house is much brighter, but the house is still the same as before.

Xu Jie is sitting in front of the TV. His job today is to watch the programs of the Art Channel all day long, looking for any deficiencies and areas that need improvement.

At this time, Liu Shengnan's program "Flowers, Flowers, Grass" was broadcast on TV.

The main content of this new program is to teach the audience how to grow flowers and grass, and at the same time, it is accompanied by beautiful verses, which not only increases knowledge, but also cultivates sentiment.

And the audience it faces is the elderly who have retired at home.

Because at this time in the morning, young people have already gone to work, and only the elderly stay at home, and the only ones who accompany the elderly are these flowers and plants.

Apart from Xu Jie, the people staring at the TV screen were also members of the "Flowers, Flowers, Grass" program group. Although they had other work to do, everyone was very concerned about the premiere of the new program.

Although Deputy Director Xu told them not to care about the ratings, can they really not care at all?

You know, the ratings are the fate of a program, if the ratings are not good, the program is not far from death.

Although Xu Jie has already watched the entire film, he still watched it carefully from beginning to end.

But after continuing to look at it for a while, he always felt that something was missing.

In fact, this feeling is not only after watching the program "Flowers, Flowers and Grass", but after watching the program of the Art Channel all morning.

What's missing?

"It's finally over, and I don't know how the ratings are." Liu Shengnan didn't relax because the first broadcast was over.

From her point of view, it's just that she finished answering the test paper and handed it in. She won't know until tomorrow how many points she can get.

"Go online to see if there are any comments." A member of the program team said.

Hearing this person's words, others searched the Internet for relevant comments about the show.

after awhile.

"Have you found it? Why didn't I find it?"

"I do not have either."

"Even under the Weibo on the official Weibo to promote the program, there are very few comments."

"I'm really anxious. Even if it's not good, there should be a bad review. Now there is no comment. Don't you all watch TV?"

"Are many people still unaware of our program?"

At this time, the people in the "Flowers, Flowers, Grass" program group were anxious and frustrated.

"The ratings of the Literature and Art Channel in the morning are already low, and this program is aimed at the elderly, so it's normal to see no comments on the Internet." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

But what everyone said just now reminded him of one thing.

For this revision, everyone concentrated their energies on producing the program and never paid attention to publicity.

Now is no longer the era when the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys.

No matter how good the wine is, it has to be advertised and advertised.

Xu Jie finally understood why he felt something was missing just now.

Less publicity!
He suddenly stood up and shouted to the entire office area: "Five new programs, make promotional videos immediately, one 5-second one, one 15-second one, give it to me before I get off work today."

After everyone heard it, they immediately understood what Director Xu meant, and immediately started to follow suit.

However, in Xu Jie's view, this is not enough.

The promotional video of the new program is to promote the new program. If the audience is informed of the revision of the entire art channel, this is the most important thing.

Knowing the revision will generate expectations for the new program, arouse the curiosity of the audience, and bring back those lost audiences.

"The revised promotional video of the Literature and Art Channel..." Xu Jie sat down, pinching his chin with his hands, and fell into deep thought.


Suddenly a voice rang in his ear, startling Xu Jie.

When he looked up and turned his head, he found that the person who frightened him was Qin Yan.

The other party was flushed, radiant, and even a little embarrassed, as if he had won a big prize.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"I have some good news for you. I just went to the satellite TV program center. The director of our station's Spring Festival Gala this year has officially invited me to be the host. I'm not a commercial reader!" Qin Yan said excitedly, with a smile on her face.

"Really?" Xu Jie's eyes lit up, and he was happy for the other party.

The other party has always hoped to become the host of the Beijing Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala, and now his wish has come true.

"Of course!" Qin Yan said and posed a pose, "This year's Chinese New Year, you will be able to see me in a gorgeous dress on TV. How about it? Are you looking forward to it?"

Xu Jie thought to himself: what to look forward to wearing clothes!

Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan in front of him for a while, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, stood up and said, "The hosts of all the programs will have a meeting in the small conference room." Then he looked at Qin Yan, "And you!"

Then walk in the direction of the small meeting room.


Qin Yan was puzzled. He was talking about the host of the Spring Festival Gala. Why is there a meeting suddenly?
"Sister Yan, what meeting does Director Xu want to hold?" Li Xueqing, the current host of "Daily Entertainment Broadcasting", came to Qin Yan's side and asked.

Everyone has seen that Deputy Director Xu announced the opening of the meeting after chatting with Qin Yan.

"I don't know either." Qin Yan shook her head blankly.

The hosts came to the conference room in doubt, there were 3 male hosts and 6 female hosts.

Everyone sat down on both sides of the conference table and looked at Deputy Director Xu.

"Everyone is here, I want to say one thing." Xu Jie looked at the nine hosts present and said: "In order to let more people know about the revision of the Literature and Art Channel, and to let more people look forward to the revision of the Literature and Art Channel program, I am going to shoot some promotional videos, and the protagonists are you."


Everyone was taken aback after hearing this.

Director Wang also made promotional videos before, but they were all about new programs, and he never made a promotional video for the revision of the Art Channel.

But if you think about it carefully, there is a very obvious difference between Deputy Director Xu's revision work and Director Wang's revision work.

Director Wang's revision only launched a few new programs, while Deputy Director Xu's revision included not only new programs, but also some changes to the old programs, which involved a wider range.

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed necessary to make a revised promotional film.

"Shall I shoot too?" Qin Yan asked.

Although she is a member of the art program center, the programs she hosts are all broadcast on the satellite TV channel, and there is no program of hers on the art channel for the time being.

If she appears in the promotional video of the Art Channel, but she is not included in the program of the Art Channel, is this considered false propaganda?

"Shoot!" Xu Jie said.

The Cultural Program Center is such a famous host, and he is planning to arrange the other party in the C position.

"What's the content of the promotional video?" Li Xueqing asked curiously.

"It's very simple. Wear some beautiful clothes and stand in front of the camera to introduce the content of the channel revision." Xu Jie looked at the time, and it was almost time for lunch break, so he said, "Let's start now."

Everyone was stunned, this Deputy Director Xu really did what he said!
Xu Jie left the conference room, called a few people in the office area, and then came to one of the studios.

He went into the clothing room and chose suitable clothes for several hosts. Fortunately, the male hosts said that it was more difficult to choose clothes for the female hosts.

The first point is to be beautiful, and the second is to be attractive, so that the audience can stop when they see the promotional film and watch the film.

After Xu Jie picked out the clothes, he asked the host to change them.

The male host has only one suit, while the female host has two suits, one is a dress and the other is a cheongsam.

When all the hosts changed into their clothes, the studio seemed to become a party scene, with handsome men and beautiful women, making people dazzled.

Xu Jie nodded involuntarily.

It's this feeling.

He gave the written lines to the host, because each supporter only had four sentences, so it didn't take long to prepare, and he quickly memorized them.

"Get ready, start!"

Following Xu Jie's order, the camera focused on the host.

First there is a separate shot for each host, then a set of shots for the male host, a set of shots for the female host, and finally a set of shots for all the hosts.

Soon, the hostess's dress part was finished, and the next part was the second set of cheongsam.

When the 6 hostesses made their collective appearance in cheongsams, there was another atmosphere in the studio, as if they had come to Yehuhai.

Xu Jie stood behind the camera and looked at the hostess in the camera. She was beautiful, but not amazing enough.

The reason why he asked these hostesses to change into beautiful clothes was because everyone was an old host of the Art Channel, and he wanted to give the audience a fresh feeling in this way.

That's right, he's going to use beauties to attract viewers.

As a hostess, there is nothing to say about the hardware, but how can it be amazing?
"Director, what's the matter?" Li Xueqing asked.

The other hostesses didn't understand either.

Why did it stop when I was shooting?

"Wait a minute, there's something wrong with your looks!" Xu Jie said.

"Is there a problem with the styling?" The six female hosts looked down at the short-sleeved knee-length cheongsam on their bodies. What's the problem?Is the front too small, or the back too flat?
Xu Jie kept looking back and forth at the six hostesses. If it wasn't for the frowning, people would definitely mistake them for old men!
Got it!

Xu Jie came in front of Qin Yan, and stretched out his hand to lift the other party's skirt.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Qin Yan covered her skirt with both hands. If she didn't understand Xu Jie's character, she would have almost used female self-defense.

Xu Jie grabbed the hem of the skirt and rolled it inward bit by bit, raising the hem of the skirt that reached his knees up three inches.

Well, it feels like it's there right now.

Xu Jie pointed to the other hostesses and said, "You guys also rolled up your skirts to this extent."


Everyone was stunned.

"This, isn't this scale a little big?" Qin Yan asked.

Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan and said seriously: "This is called winning the flag, can you stop being so dirty?"


Everyone was speechless.

Who is dirty?

(End of this chapter)

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